**Calling all Northern Ireland Pregnant and due 2012 ladies **8 girls born 15 boys**

Hello ladies, I'm from Belfast, due on 18th September. This will be my 1st baby all being well, although I had a miscarriage in August last year.

I haven't read through all the other posts so apologies if this has been asked before! I have an appointment at the Mater Hospital on 29th February, can any of you ladies who have been here before shed any light on what actually will happen? Will they give me a scan - I'll be 11 weeks and 2 days by that stage.

It's only my husband and I who know about the pregnancy, and as much as I love it being our little secret for now, it means I can't ask friends/family so I'm depending on you ladies for now!


Laura x
Hi again Laura :) And congratulations! I have no experience of the Mater, but I'd say it would be the norm (Ulster and Royal anyway I know for definite) to get a scan at that appointment... It'll be a long time taking a medical history, taking bloods, testing urine sample, and a scan. They'll probably also book you in for your 20 week anomoly scan.
Had my first hosp apt today and so relieved to say so far so good! The scan image was pretty wick and the picture we were given but I saw bubs moving about and the heartbeat which is all that matters!!
Yay thank you, you have just made my night! I was so hoping they would do a scan then! The letter said it would probably take around 2 hours but didn't say anything about a full bladder so I wasn't sure. I'll drink lots of water just in case! Just want to see baby and see everything is ok, I'll be a nervous wreck until then, but experiencing symptoms so that's good as I had none with the last pregnancy. I'm sure I'll be asking lots more questions, so good to see this forum so active.

Thanks again :thumbup:

Laura x
Fab pictures Sharon - little boy, yeah!!

Welcome Laura, yeah u'll find we are quite a chatty bunch on here, ask away all the ladies are fab!!! :flower:
Yeah, they never told me I would get a scan on the letter for my first appointment and I was only told to have a full bladder for the 20 week scan. That was Lagan Valley, am assuming all the smaller hospitals do the same, and as the girls said all the big ones too.

Congrats :) when are you thinking of 'coming out' to your friends/family? x
Emy love your new avatar, so cool!!!
Just had a peek at the front page there, so to keep the pattern going I need to have a girl, but if it's a boy that wrecks the whole thing - just have to wait & see!!! :shrug:
Thanks so much ladies, eeeek so excited now!

I am planning on 'coming out' to close friends and family after I get my first scan, and then maybe wait another week or so to tell work and the rest! I'll probably feel different once I know everything is ok, and do it all in one day - probably via facebook lol. My husband is so excited and can't wait to tell the world! We told close friends and family the last time really early and it was just awful telling them when we lost it, so didn't want a repeat of that, but fingers crossed everything's looking good so far.

Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome, looking forward to getting to know you all.

Laura xx
I didn't tell anyone at work until I was 12 weeks. Was so anticlimatic because they were so excited for my coworker who'd annouced she was pregnant a few weeks before after IVF. I just came into work and whoever was on with me basically got a message "btw I'm pregnant". They didn't even believe me, I was so casual about it :p.

Am sure everything will be fine, have you considered getting a doppler this time round? A lot of the girls pregnant after loss really enjoy having the comfort of being able to check the HB.

You're very welcome here and I'm jealous that I didn't concieve in time to join you in September due dates :)

Thanks Majella! That's the 'keep forever' nappy that'll go in my baby box. *sniff*!
I work with mostly men, so not expecting them to be too excited about it anyway! There is one girl I work with, and I'm sure she probably has some idea as my face is a wierd colour of green/grey every morning for around an hour lol!

I did consider a doppler, but was worried in case I didn't use it properly and would freak myself out more. I am trying to relax but it's hard, i'm hoping after the scan I will start enjoying the pregnancy a bit more, and I think I might get one then.

Thanks again :)
Hi Laura :flower:


I'm with the mater at my 12 wk app they took my height ,weight ,bloods ,urine ,blood pressure ,then I got a scan ,had to give all my medical info so they could make up the green file ,I also got my bounty pack with lots of info & vouchers in it & my date for 20 app xXx
Welcome Laura! Congrats!

Had my health visitor visit this morning. Thought she was never gonna arrive lol, its a hate of mine when people don't arrive when they say. So she just basically went over our details, our health, where we are registered with doctor, how we want to feed baby. I've ended up with a few leaflets and magazines now. But all in all it went well, and she was lovely.
The worst thing is when they give you an arrival window of like 8-12 and arrive at like 11.55. Always makes me want to scream.

Am annoyed I never had a HV visit me before he arrived...would've made me feel a lot less nervous about the whole thing.

2 weeks till term Wyntir...can you believe it?
I never saw a HV til after I had poppy!

welcome and congrats laura!
time is flying by so so fast Emy.

I do love your avatar
Izzy, glad your scan showed everything was spot on, shame it wasn't much good to watch though :(
Laura, I have a doppler - used it first time in this pregnancy last night (12 weeks) as i wanted to wait until after I'd had a scan before I tried it - took quite a while but got a lovely strong heartbeat! I think so long as you take it with a pinch of salt, that in the early days it won't always be easy to find HB, then you'll be OK :)
Majella, maybe someone will queue jump an dhave a girl instead, and you'll be back to boy?!
Wyntir, our HV never came til after the girls were born either, I think that's good that they introduce themselves if nothing else! And you should probably get used to the having to wait around bit - it doesn't get any better!
hopefully it's not me queue-jumping! :wacko:

im so not up for that :haha:

i have a doppler, took me a few goes to find the heartbeat first time, and that was around 22 weeks!
I don't mind if someone wants to queue jump, I'll be fine with that. Maybe not you nuke tho, that's a big long jump! :hugs:

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