Calling all Watermelon's

I have itchy belly and boobs. Even though I use the Palmer's stretch mark cream/lotion, I still have them. Oh well, thinking of them as my tiger stripes!

And I have actually decided to give OH his way and name baby after him but I'm not telling him. I keep having him think that we'll use the name that I like'd originally and they can have the same middle name :haha: I just don't it getting out and I KNOW he will tell his mom the moment I tell him I gave in, so I wont. But other than "is baby due yet" the most common question I get is "have you thought of any names?"

Ughh, I want to just scream - go away! I'll tell when I'm ready. Which is after baby is born.
I have itchy belly and boobs. Even though I use the Palmer's stretch mark cream/lotion, I still have them. Oh well, thinking of them as my tiger stripes!

And I have actually decided to give OH his way and name baby after him but I'm not telling him. I keep having him think that we'll use the name that I like'd originally and they can have the same middle name :haha: I just don't it getting out and I KNOW he will tell his mom the moment I tell him I gave in, so I wont. But other than "is baby due yet" the most common question I get is "have you thought of any names?"

Ughh, I want to just scream - go away! I'll tell when I'm ready. Which is after baby is born.

Same! Besides asking when baby is due everyone wants to know her name! Why? So they can critisize it surely. They will find out when baby is born as far as I am concerned!:wacko:
Same here! People keep asking and I just tell them we're going to figure that out next month. I have a name I liked and I told my sister and she keeps telling people!! DH is starting not to like the name anymore because he feels like too many people know. I guess I can tell you guys :)

I like Lila (pronounced Leela) and he likes Aliana. We're between the two but are still looking at other names as well.

After 2 days of almost no movement, DH saw my stomach jump around for the first time today! It freaked him out and he's now calling her alien baby lol.
People asking names really annoys me because 9 times out of 10 they have nothing nice to say in response! Iv just started saying were not picking until he or she is born but actually we have chosen Isla Elizabeth or Archie David.
So far we havent had any negative responses to the name we have picked out: Ethan. Its not too common, no one in my family has it and it cant bve shortened. It also means strong which our little man certainly is with all the stress I have been under....and himself to get better :)

I packed my hospital bag last night and the baby changing bag. Washed some clothes and the blanket. Making it feel so much more real! OH can now calm down and stop stressing incase i go into labour early lol. The countdown is really beginning.... 2 more weeks working full time hours :happy dance:
Aww I love Ethan, was one I my first choices but OH wasn't having it.

Nicki you are so organised! I haven't even bought anything for mine or baby's hospital bag yet, need to get a list written and get sorted I think. I still have 7weeks of full time hours at work :( I have 9days holiday left to take though so think I will put them in so I get a day off each week.
I had a lot of freebies lol so that made up most of my bag; have you seen the size of maternity pads yet???? I think I WILL be the one wearing nappies!!!

What are people doing about clothing baby? Seems silly but this LO is my first. I have a really thick fluffy snowsuit. Do i put normal clothes on underneath it or would just a vest be suitable? Or a rompersuit and the snowsuit? vest, rompersuit and snowsuit??? He will only be going from our car to the house which isnt far but Ill need to know for other occasions when i leave the house.

Ethan is a fab name-when we picked it for our DS it was quite popular which we didnt realise at the time.
We are going with Hayden Harrison or Kacie Jade this time.
We are telling very few people though as last time I had someone very rude telling me she didnt like 'ethan' and we couldnt use it. We told oh's mum and sis this time and got his sister going oh thats on my list-she doesnt even have a partner so I think we kind of over rule there. We had Kacie since before DS was born(didnt know the sex until he arrivied) so we have had that name for over 2 years.
We are pretty sure of the name but won't tell anyone until she is born. I don't want everyone over using it and talking to my belly using her name because that is a little weird to me. Also I'd prefer no critisism so we are keeping it to ourselves. I can certainly tell you ladies as you won't tell anyone I know or critisize...We have chosen Caitlin Isabel. Isabel was my great grandmother's name and I have always love the name Caitlin and it can be shortened to Caity or Cait. We haven't decided on the spelling yet of Caitlin or Caitlyn. So far we love it but I'm still waiting for it to sink in.

Nicki- I'd say The onesie, or vest as you ladies say, an outfit and a bunting/coat is how I'd do it. You may only be going a short distance but baby is brand new and depending on how cold it is I wouldn't take any chances. It'll probably be pretty cold here when my baby arrives. It's only 40 degrees this AM! She will also have a blanket over her lap and a hat. The first few months I'm going to try and keep her home as much as possible until the weather breaks anyway.

Yay I'm 29 weeks finally! Could be meeting baby in as little as 8 weeks?! I can't wait. I'm so anxious for the baby shower to see whether or not we get everything we need. The shower is what is truly holding me back from being really ready for her arrival. I feel like going out and buying everything but our bank accts are a bit low so I'll be waiting at least 2 weeks to buy anything else. I have my lists all made up though!:thumbup:

Baby was really active yesterday and this AM and it's making me really uncomfortable. She keeps jabbing her feet into my ribs and making them sore and it's hard to find a position that doesn't bug me. Also I had quite a few BH contractions yesterday and they are just sooo strange. The pressure is so crazy I could only imagine what it's really going to be like when I go into labor!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Those are all lovely names! Really, I like the names you ladies have chosen. I was uncomfortable with sharing our name with people too but everyone kept asking and I got tired of saying we are keeping it a secret because people would then act all offended that I wouldn't tell them. So we have chosen Carter Thomas (Thomas being a family name) for our son. It's something we could both agree on but I honestly had other choices I liked better. :p

I'm not ready at all for this baby! You ladies are so ahead of me. I have acquired most of the baby items but they are all packed away right now until our move in a week. I'm not even thinking about my hospital bag yet. I figured, nursery first, then hospital bag. Packing my bag seems to make it extremely real for me....scary! We signed up for our birthing class though, so we'll have that next month. That's going to make things seem real for sure! lol :)
Ladies your names are lovely!!! I have been keeping our quiet too. Made the mistake in the early weeks of telling people and got sick of the "faces" so now say we are not sure.
We have got it down to 2 now....Finley or Billy(well William) I like Louis but hubby likes the other 2. Will probably end up with Finley I think????

I am very much not organised! Have bought most stuff but the important things like cot and pram and car seat aren't being delivered until early November. The rest of the stuff I have bought it just in a huge pile in carrier bags in my step daughters room. Baby will not get a room until he is a few months. We have a bit of a dilema to face 18 year old step daughter has the biggest bedroom in the house and only comes to stay once or twice a month now and may be going to uni next year. We have to at some point tell her she is loosing her room and may have to share with my 16 year old daughter!!!!! Ouch!!! So we are avoiding it all for now!

I am really stressed about blankets and coats and snowsuits etc!!!! Its one of my big worries???!!!!!!!!
Without exception, I love all your baby names! Just gorgeous and ignore everyone else that says differently - remember you like them for a reason :)
We have chosen Conor Sean. My husband is irish and Sean is his dads name. We also loved brody, but we fell foul to both sets of parents turning their noses up when we said it. Eventually it put us off a bit - but its still our second choice, you never know!!

If we were going to have a girl, we had several girls names picked out; Darcy, Imogen, Sophie, Indy. Im glad we are having a boy, as we werent 100% on any of them really!

As for prep, we have a buggy now (oyster from mothercare) a moses basket (bought with vouchers as a thank you present for a project at work) and various bits and pieces of essentials like sleepsuits etc. Been buying nappies when they are on offer!!!

Toothfairy - i was also keen to get snowsuits!!! MY mum has just bought one from boots (surprise!!) its gorgeous and really soft and thick and it was reduced from £20 to £8. Its blue, but I think they do cream and pink. I was really keen on getting a little bear snowsuit with ears, yet to see one though! x
my mum also works in boots - a couple of weeks ago they were getting rid of stock to make room for xmas stuff so she got a few bargains such as a jungle gym that was £55 down to £12 (with her discount also) and a vibrating chair (also jungle gym make) that was reduced to £26. Fingers crossed she can get more!
Kelly..... snap about the bear snowsuit! I looked in all the shops but eventually got this from ebay. I bought the 0-3 but it seems quite big. Cute though!!!!!
That bear one is so cute. I want to buy a new one but shouldn't really as we already have 2 from last time. The majority of our stuff is hand me downs from when we were expecting our first, it was so helpful at the time as we were worried about money etc but I keep seeing so much cute stuff that I want to buy now. I think part of it is because it's stuff that I didn't personally pick.
That bear suit is gorgeous! might have to get that!

I have a question - today Im getting some (mild) period-like cramps/tummy ache and Ive been to the loo a couple of times for a number 2 already (sorry!! TMI!!) which isnt like me. Baby is moving around a lot today. Just feeling slightly 'off'. Very gassy. Uncomfy when standing up, but I guess thats nothing new!

Any ideas?? Or have I just eaten something dodgy?! (I did have jackets with beans last night haha!)
Kellycontrary: I have started to feel really "off" again since three or four days ago. Yesterday, I felt sick all day and threw up. Morning sickness never really left my side though. I only have had brief breaks from the puking, three weeks of a break maximum. But, I am starting to feel more like I did in the first tri again. Really tired, nauseous, weak, dizzzy. I have heard third tri feels like first tri plus the discomforts of the big belly and such. I hope this doesn't last for the next three months! Hope you feel better! :)
There are little bear suits all over the US! The one I think we are getting it like a heavy fleece and it's very fuzzy and pink. I'm trying to find a bunting instead as I know it's hard to dress a newborn in a snowsuit with seperate legs but I can't find any I particualrly like. I need to keep telling myself it's only for 3 or 4 months and then spring will come and she'll need a light jacket or sweater instead. I'm just so picky when it comes to this kind of stuff!

Kellyc perhaps you have an illness or something. I just got over a terrible stomach virus which gave me awful cramping that reminded me of AF cramps. I am also very uncomfortable lately but the cramping has gone since I got rid of the virus or whatever it was. I think you'll be ok but definately keep an eye on that cramping and mention it to your doctor if it lasts for more than a few days.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
Kelly- I think its propably to do with the fact baby is active and taking or more space. I go to the loo maybe 3 times a week and recently i have started to become regular (ie a normal person) because baby is always active and he is 40cm now! :)

Toothfairy: We also have the big stuff being delivered at the beginning of November. I have my pram etc with mothercares baby plan and to be honest why pay it off early when I can gain interest sitting in my bank and also if i pay it off ill miss out on the price matching! lol. Also, I would hope that you and your OH have the biggest room in the house if your stepdaughter isnt there much- espeically when you have a newborn on the way who will be sleeping with you! haha. Im sure she will be fine with sharing- its logical if she doesnt stay often.

Well Im off to have a date with my OH; dinner and then watching Michael McIntyre for the evening. Cant wait- ordered tickets 15 months ago I think it was. Good job I didnt get pregnant any earlier. Has anyone else thought about life after pregnancy (with their first LOs)? I saw another comedian we like that was playing in March time and I couldnt do it- buy the tickets- just incase I dont want to leave LO yet. Sounds so silly doesnt it?? He will be 4 months old!:dohh:
Nicki that's great I hope you have a good date night with your OH.

Sorry to have a little rant here but I am just so nervous and angry about this stupid baby shower. I wanted it to be something small and relaxing, very positive and happy. Turns out I don't even know half the people who are coming. I may have met them at some point but I do not know them and would never have invited them if it weren't for MIL insisting. I understand that DH has some family that I'm still, after 10 years together, I'm not familiar with, but if in that 10 years I haven't spoken to them and neither has DH, then why do I still have to invite them??? I invited 21 people that I know well and who are very close friends and family (that's my side of the invite list). Yet somehow we got a guest list of near 60!? 19 people on that list I have never spoken to longer than a 'hi, nice to meet you'! I'm very shy and VERY self conscious especially now that I'm the size of a house so this is going to be a very stressful day for me and I'm not happy at all. Plus where we are having it is not big enough to accomidate all of these people even though MIL keeps insisting it is. It would be perhaps if we weren't getting it catered and needed places for people to sit and eat! I'm nearly in tears right now thinking about the whole thing. I have always had major anxiety issues but MIL is more worried about herself and her stress level than me and mine. So anyone who wants to come she just says 'sure, why not'! I just wanted a happy little get together to get some much need things for the baby and now I'm just so unhappy how everything is turning out. :cry:

Sorry for the rant I'm just so upset and angry...
imsotired- :hugs: hang in there. I know it sucks but you don't want to look back and regret being sad. It's time to celebrate you and your baby girl!! :happydance:

I have a rant as well. We called my inlaws today and they said they probably aren't coming to our baby shower because my MIL's foot hurts. They live 2 hrs away and I think it's a weak excuse. I think it has more to do with the fact that we didn't come to their house in August for their 41st wedding anniversary and they're upset. After the last time we went there (see rant in this thread:, I didn't want to end up sleeping in a hot attic and we didn't think it was a big deal. Apparently my FIL told my DH's brothers that there will be no more holidays at their house since we seem to think there's "no room". I really feel like everyone around me has become a hormonal mess... isn't it supposed to be me? DH feels the same way. ugh.

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