Calling all Watermelon's


It's my birthday today...... I am 40!!!!!! How has this happened??! :-(

Happy birthday! It's a big one too so you'd better celebrate (or as best as you can with a baby in your belly)!

I feel so bad today ladies. DH was supposed to wake at 6:30 this AM for work but I messed up the alarm:dohh: It's only happened about 3 or 4 times in the past 2 1/2 years but he was angry and I know why. He asked me if I had set the alarm and I told him yes. So this morning he was 45 minutes late for work and hopefully he doesn't get in trouble or the other guys aren't mad at him. It's really all my fault. :nope:
On the brighter side baby is gentle, yet active this morning and I think she kicked a lot in the night unless I dreamt that. I've been having a lot of weird dreams afterall. Oh also my mother and grandmother bought me my stroller, carseat, and highchair and have had it delivered to the house this morning. So that's good.

I just hope DH isn't in trouble or mad:dohh: I feel like such an idiot...

Hope everyone is having a good day so far!
So i feel awful today! I had to call in to work for an awful headache (granted ive had it since yesterday and nothing has helped). I think one of the nieces or nephews gave me something, because im nauseated, achey all over, stuffy, exhausted, and have this atrocious headache. Baby girl doesnt seem to mind- she is kicking away! I feel awful because i know me calling in probably put us short staffed and will make everyone else have a harder day. I have not once called in -even on my sickest days during this pregnancy. Im sure that nobody else thinks this way- they call in when they need to with no thoughts as to who will have to pick up the slack. Sorry, im not trying to rant- i just feel bad from being sick and not going to work! (and this reaction is why i never ever call in)
Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies! I had a lovely day.

Baby almost feels like he's about to fall out for the last couple of days. Really heavy on my cervix and bum!! Almost like I can feel his head down there!!! Has anyone else started to feeling this?

It's my birthday today...... I am 40!!!!!! How has this happened??! :-(

Happy birthday! It's a big one too so you'd better celebrate (or as best as you can with a baby in your belly)!

I feel so bad today ladies. DH was supposed to wake at 6:30 this AM for work but I messed up the alarm:dohh: It's only happened about 3 or 4 times in the past 2 1/2 years but he was angry and I know why. He asked me if I had set the alarm and I told him yes. So this morning he was 45 minutes late for work and hopefully he doesn't get in trouble or the other guys aren't mad at him. It's really all my fault. :nope:
On the brighter side baby is gentle, yet active this morning and I think she kicked a lot in the night unless I dreamt that. I've been having a lot of weird dreams afterall. Oh also my mother and grandmother bought me my stroller, carseat, and highchair and have had it delivered to the house this morning. So that's good.

I just hope DH isn't in trouble or mad:dohh: I feel like such an idiot...

Hope everyone is having a good day so far!

Happy birthday toothfairy!

imsotired: my husband actually got me fired from a job once because I set my alarm on my phone and he took my phone into the bathroom in the middle of the night to use it as a flashlight, left it in there (somehow he didn't need to use it to see his way back to bed, only to the bathroom). It was going off all morning in my bathroom but I couldn't hear it! I had already been late a few times so after that incident they fired me! I was sooooo mad at him and he felt really bad. So at least feel better that he didn't get fired because of it. lol
Happy belated birthday hun!

Did your husband getting into trouble then??

I spent the entire weekend redecorating the living room. Its only small, thought we would have it done in a wrong we were! Got the all of it down apart from the last row in about 3 hours. Then the last row only needed to be about 2 inches wide...but it also had the door frame. We were aiming to get away with not having beading around the edging aswell.

Well...... we ended up at the diy store 4 times this weekend.
1. Needed the underlay and a few toold
2. Needed to get a jigsaw as the handheld saw wasnt doing the job
3. Needed a sander
4. OH cut the wrong end of the door strip...... needed a new door strip and got some felt protectors for the chair while I was there.

Nightmare. Obviously I have been down on my hands and knees alot. OH did the majority of the work but did need help aswell. While he was doing the living room I was attacking the bedroom and sorting out all my pre-pregnancy clothes into a bag ready for when I can fit into them again, doing all the washing etc. You know when you try to make some thing tidy and actually make it worse? That was me.....

On the plus side my sister reached her first weight related goal and was allowed out of the unit for 1 hour so came to our house. So proud of her.... she hasnt been outside the unit in 5 weeks! I would be stir crazy by now!!

So today my hip is really hurting. Im 31 weeks!! SINGLE FIGURES :Happydance: and have a mw appointment at 11am. Going to have to drive the 5 mins it would take me to normally walk it because im in so much pain :S

so you can tell my weekend was eventful.......... anyone else?
Update from the midwife:
1. low blood pressure
2. border line iron levels so i have to take some tablets
3. My hip is probably sciatica :doh:
4. baby is breech at the moment :( May end up with a c-section after all. They would highly recommend it for my first. My OH is sooooo squemish. I dont think he will be able to cope if i have to have it! Though I dont think ill be able to either if im honest....wonder if you can still be knocked out for it! anyway getting slightly ahead of myself. He has a few more weeks in which he could turn before he gets too big that movement is restricted.
5. dont eat coco pops before doing a urine sample- does not make the mw happy as sugar reads high. :doh:
Sooo I'm home early today. Was almost in tears with how frustrated I feel. Midwife thinks I have SPD and I have to go to a physio appointment wednesday morning. I've been in pain probably the last 4 weeks and it's progessively getting worse. Last night I couldnt sleep at all. My hips ached no matter what side I tried. Turing over in bed is becoming almost impossible as anytime i try to move my legs it feels like they're being wrenched apart and the pain is ridiculous. My OH practically has to lift me out of bed, help me into the car, help me out the car etc... Walking is starting to become more and more painful too and I cant take steps like I used to - i literally have to do one at a time and hold on to the rail to minimise the pain.

I really don't look or feel that big so this morning even when OH said he thought I should stay home, I went into work. To other people I worry that they think I'm hamming this pregnancy for all it's worth and so that's why I didn't want to take the time off. But the journey in had me in agony and I sat at my desk close to tears with the frustration of it all. i'm seriously considering bringing my maternity leave forward

Sorry for my rant ladies but I had to let it all out :cry:
Nicki no I don't think he got in any trouble. It was saturday so the place he was working was closed off to patients so it was just the guys he was working with that had to wait on him as he had all of the materials. He wouldn't get fired for it but he has gotten yelled at from time to time. He didn't this time though. It was ok he was just quite late.

Kelly that is awful that you got fired for being late that time. I'm so thankful that DH didn't get fired because of me. We would be in deep trouble too as I am currently unemployed.

NIcki sorry to hear you may need a c section but I think baby still has time to move so don't get too upset. Besides, whatever way baby makes it here will be fine as long as he is safe and healthy. You'll have plently of drugs and won't feel it and your OH doesn't have to look if he doesn't want to. I know that I'd prefer not to have a c section but if it's necessary I'll be fine with it. What else can you do?:shrug:

I've had a long weekend. I have been really tired but sleeping fairly well waking only once or twice breifly. Very strange dreams though. Baby has her active moments and her quiet moments. As long as she's moving some I'm pretty happy with it. My shower and my next ultrasound is in 2 weeks. There are a lot of things bought off of my registry and it's great. I can't believe it, but my family and friends have actually bought all of the expensive items, the ones I didn't think they'd buy at all, first! It's so exciting as I knoe our families are very excited about our little girl. I can't wait until she's here!
Babyforme happy belated birthday. I'm sorry you are in so much pain and you're having such a hard time. I hope that you can get some relief. Only 7-12 weeks to go, so hang in there!:hugs:
Babyforme happy belated birthday. I'm sorry you are in so much pain and you're having such a hard time. I hope that you can get some relief. Only 7-12 weeks to go, so hang in there!:hugs:

Thanks hun, I know it's not long to go but not sure how I'm gonna cope with 7 - 12 more weeks of increasing pain! I'm hoping today was just my emotional day and that I'll wake up tomorrow more equipped mentally to deal with it.
I'm actually starting to wonder now how I'm gonna cope being in labour:dohh:

Your baby shower and ultrasound in 2 weeks sounds like something to really look forward to! I wish I had another ultrasound appointment coming up! I find myself wondering more and more what he/she looks like. I'm also almost 99% convinced that I'm having a boy!
Babyfor me-Honestly I'm looking forward more so to those events being OVER. My shower is going to be very stressful as 1/3 of the people coming are complete strangers to me and I hate attention especially being hugely pregnant.Not exactly the best time to meet new people for me. Also my ultrasound is a growth scan because I had a slightly elevated AFP at my blood screening which may indicate baby may not grow well past a certain point. So not really looking forward to either but hoping they both go well. I am sort of looking forward to my childbirth class though which is on Sat! Interested to see what they say and get that under my belt so I feel more prepared for birth.

Perhaps at your appt they will be able to do something that will ease your pain a bit so the next few weeks will be better and you'l be able to cope.
Babyforme..... belated happy birthday! Bet you're not as old as me though!!

You also share my SPD pain. My midwife referred me to physio 6 week (yes 6 weeks!!!) ago and am still waiting for an appointment. I have exactly same as you, walking turning in bed and getting out of car is agony. I get loud scary clicks in the joint too. Baby feels like he is so low down in pelvis too over last few days almost like he is going to fall out.

I have just had a huge argument with my 16 year old daughter which has resulted in her storming out to go to her dads. I noticed as I was getting upset I started having really strong braxton hicks..... I had to really calm myself down, it was scary. Does anyone else get them when they get upset?
Happy belated bday Babyforme and toothfairy! Hope you both had a great bday!

So sorry you ladies are in pain. I get it too, but not constantly... usually at night when I have to get up to pee (I'm upto 5 times a night now). I've found that arching my back, holding my stomach and walking with my legs apart like i'm sitting on a horse helps a little but my lower back/hips have that sharp pain and I feel like my groin area is 1 giant bruise. Hope you ladies feel better!

So my inlaws decided that they are coming to our shower, but still haven't told us (they told my parents) and apparently are staying over so we're scrambling to get our guest room in order since we moved it to another room to make room for the baby. I get tired so easily now... I'm nervous that I won't be able to move in another few weeks!!!

Hope you all are doing well!
Happy belated birthday babyforme83

Wow, sounds like we are all in some sort of pain, one way or the other. I knew pregnancy was taxing on the body but I'd never imagine I'd be falling apart with 2 months left to go!

By the way, it also feels like someone kicked me in my vag!
Babyforme..... belated happy birthday! Bet you're not as old as me though!!

You also share my SPD pain. My midwife referred me to physio 6 week (yes 6 weeks!!!) ago and am still waiting for an appointment. I have exactly same as you, walking turning in bed and getting out of car is agony. I get loud scary clicks in the joint too. Baby feels like he is so low down in pelvis too over last few days almost like he is going to fall out.

I have just had a huge argument with my 16 year old daughter which has resulted in her storming out to go to her dads. I noticed as I was getting upset I started having really strong braxton hicks..... I had to really calm myself down, it was scary. Does anyone else get them when they get upset?

No such thing as old! I would say we're only as old as we feel but nowadays that would make me about 70!!!

I'm sorry you're going through so much pain too. My midwife referred me and 2 weeks later when I still hadn't heard anything and in a moment of desperation I called every number I could including triage. I ended up speaking to a Customer Service Facilitator in the Maternity department and she actually went round and spoke to the physio lady and got me an appointment straight away. It might be worth chasing it up...
As for the Braxton Hicks, I still haven't experienced any yet. I really hope you get an appointment soon and get some relief:hugs:

To add to my increasing discomfort I've just had my blood test results back and I have iron deficiency anemia so I have to go pick up iron supplements from my gp and sorry for the tmi but i'm now also suffering from haemorrhoids:blush: Definitely feel like I'm falling apart...

Imsotired; in that case I hope you survive the upcoming events!!:flower:

Thanks for all the bday wishes ladies and hope you are all doing well:flower:
Hope you had a good birthday Babyforme!

Good luck at your scan Imsotired. And hope all of you ladies get to feeling better. SPD sounds like a nightmare. I'm uncomfortable as it is and I don't have that so I can't even imagine.

Well, we are all moved into our new place and almost done unpacking. It's been exhausting but we have more room and now the baby has his own room! I haven't even begun to set up the nursery yet but I think we want to paint first. Can't wait to get it all done. And we start our lamaze class this week too! I'm excited for that but nervous too. :)
Does anyone else get rib/back pain? I think its trapped air/wind and it really hurts at times-I woke up at 2am with it this morning :(
Does anyone else get rib/back pain? I think its trapped air/wind and it really hurts at times-I woke up at 2am with it this morning :(

I get this burning pain on left ribs towards my back a few times a week. I think it's more from slouching or sleeping on my side because It eventually goes away if I lay on my back or fix my posture... not sure if that's what you're feeling.

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