Calling all Watermelon's

Oh my god, your story so similar to mine!! Will post when back at home xx ps gorgeous pictures :)
wow tooth and kellyc sorry to hear you both had such tramatic birth stories but I'm sure you're glad to have had healthy babies. Beautiful pics tooth!

Caitlyn keeps me super busy! I've been feeling a lot better emotionally though and much more positive about being a mommy. I still worry and get very little sleep but we're working on all of that. DH is a huge help and I dread him returning to work! Breastfeeding is really hard but I think we have the hang of it. The baby seems to eat more frequently when I exclusively bf so I'm not sure she gets enough. I have begun to supplement with occasional formula bottles and pumping breastmilk. It also helps when I don't have to sit around and wait to feed her every hour or every other hour. Got to go get her changed.

Hope you're all well
Imsotired: bf babies eat more often not because they aren't getting enough but because bm just doesn't stick with them as long as formula. Formula takes longer for the baby to digest so that's why they feed less often when fed that vs bm. My lo eats every two hours and it's exhausting! He still thinks 3 am is awake time and last night he was up from 2 am to 5:30 am, so needless to say I'm super tired too.
Congratulations ladies on your Little ones!!!!! Imsotired & Toothfairy - BEAUTIFUL children!!! KellyC - congrats!! Can't wait to see pics!!

I've been stressed and a little overwhelmed but things are getting better. Eliana lost too much weight so we've been back and forth with the drs. I wasn't producing enough milk at first and would cry because she was hungry and it broke my heart but I think it's getting better! She's finally gained some of the weight back and is only 4 oz from her birthweight! We're hoping to get her there by next week. Breastfeeding has been a challenge. She's finally latching on but wasn't doing it properly so my nips had blisters,cracking and bleeding ugh. I've been focusing on getting her to latch properly and my nipples are finally healing. I've been taking hot baths at night, followed by soaking my nips in saline, then covering them in a little breastmilk and letting them airdry, then covering them in lansinoh. Within a day of doing this, they started healing! I wipe them off with a warm washcloth before feeding her. I also found out that my insurance covers having a lactation consultant come to our house and let us know what we're doing wrong so I think I'm going to take advantage of that. I got 3 hrs straight of sleep last night which was a first... she's usually up every hr or so for food. It's all worth it though... can't believe I'm a mommy :)

Hope you all are doing well! post more baby pics!! :flower:
ok - so im posting this over on announcements but here is Connor Sean Strokers birth story :) apologies this is long and perhaps might scare people waiting but I know that this was an extreme and not ideal situation that doesnt occur that often anyway!!

Woke up around 2am on Monday 17th with some stronger than before period like pains and back ache. Ignored them for about an hour as ive had it before - but this time, it stopped me from returning to sleep. Eventually got up at 5am and as I stood up had a bit of a slow leak - but didnt really think too much of it!

by about 7ish, Id had a bit of a show and leaked some more and pains hadnt gone (but hadnt been timing them) so was pretty sure I was in early labour at this stage! decided to have a shower whilst I could and change and sat down to try and relax and watch some tv. must've dozed off as I woke up soaked - yelled at husband - I literally couldnt stop myself going and new that my waters had properly broken!

About half an hour after that, had to put on the tens machine as they had started to break the bearable pain threshold (to this day dont know if it worked or not as was too frightened to take it off!)

Held out using the tens machine until around 11am and couldnt take it anymore. we called up and they asked me to come in an hours time - purely because my waters had broken. I think if not, they would have asked me to hold off - I felt like the pain was pretty bad, but Ig uess they knew it was too early!

Got to the hospital at 12 and was suffering at this point and trying to contain myself! I was only 1-2cm dilated so they asked me to go home and come back at 6.30 to be induced (again because my waters had already been broken and they didnt want to leave it too long) they gave me something for the pain(cant remember what that was?) so was sent home. stronger contractions until I felt I couldnt bear it and was back at the hospital at 6pm again!
checked - only 3cm!!! but they wanted to keep me in anyway to monitor me. Given more of the same drug and left for a couple of hours. They did run me a bath but I couldnt bear the thought of floating - felt like I needed to be grounded somehow!

Checked again at 8.30 - they finally decided taht I was somewhere between 5-6cm but I was 'stretchy' and that was a good sign. Id always planned to try and walk around as much as possible during the early stages but had felt unable to. the midwife really wanted me to progress quicker so asked me to walk the wards which I did with the alternate help of my mum and husband! it did help between contractions but was bloody hard work stood up contracting!!!! given gas and air at some point between 8.30 and next check at 11.30 which helped but then didnt after a while....

Checked again at 11.30 and I hadnt progressed at all so at this point I was offered pethadine. Id orignally said I didnt want it but wanted the option of an epidural but unfortuantely Id have to be moved to a different ward for an epidural so I accepted the pethadine! coped on this for another couple of hours and was checked again at around 1.30 and still hadnt progressed...

infact, when checked he had got his head into an awkward position and they were concerned he was distressed. if anything my cervix had 'swollen' and actually my dilation had probably regressed a bit!
they decided to move me to the other ward to be checked by a doctor. It all gets a bit blurry then - was put into stirrups but the pethadine had worn off and they had only just given me a new dose so I was coping on just gas and air - and struggling! feet in stirrups was terrifying as there were several docs and midwives int eh room all wondering what to do, they then turned the stirrups so that I rested on my left hand side which was unbelievably painful. they hoped the contractions this side would move him - sadly not!

so they decided to do a procedure to draw blood from his head to find out how 'acidic' he is. apparently this tells them whether the baby is too distressed to take the hormone to progress the labour quicker. his heart rate kept dropping rapidly during each contraction and they werent willing to continue at the little rate i was progressing. I could feel them empty my bladder etc and enter whatever it was to draw blood but it was alla bit blurry!! was sucking on gas and air like no bodies business!

Next thing I know I was being asked to sign a consent form to do an emergency c section. I think I wouldve signed anything then just to get it over with and make sure he was ok!

c section - spinal block didnt work - ended up having a GA which wasnt ideal but he was born at 10.38 and I was woken to meet him at around midday. He weighed 8lb 10 and is just perfect!!! They wanted to keep us in longer for observation - mainly because my waters ruptured a full 24 hrs before he was born and because thy thought I had a chest infection because my heart rate kept dropping and they thought my breathing was shallow on one side after being checked. but after obs for a day, they said I was fine to go home!!

Finding it hard not being as mobile as Id like with the stitches but luckily I have a wonderful husband who has really helped out - gets him for me when I need to breast feed and does all the nappy changes!! cant wait til I feel better to be able to get more involved and im feeling better each day. :)

sorry, pics arent great! and of course I dont think they do him justice. second pic is of me my husband and connor just after id come round from the GA - wasnt with it at all!!!


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Oh my god Kelly!! Your birth story is almost identical to mine!! I know exactly what you went through and how you feel. He is here safe and sound now and what a cutie!!!

Take care of yourself and keep sharing the photos girls xxxxx
Here is a new picture. We had a christmas get together last night and she looked like a doll. Her two week checkup went great. She weighs 6pounds 12now.


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Kellyc so sorry you had such a traumatic birth but so happy you and baby are well. Very cute pics everyone!

Hope you all had a good holiday!

Caitlyn and I are doing well. We are getting the hang or breastfeeding but I am supplementing with formula as she gets very hungry with just the breast milk and I want her to keep gaining weight. I just hope I can continue breastfeeding for a few months as she obviously loves the bottle because it's less work. I'm pumping also so that helps. I still get emotional occasionally but I'm doing much better and adjusting to motherhood. I'm still not getting too much sleep but it is getting better. Caitlyn still tends to mix up her days and nights but she is sleeping a lot and eating a lot as well so I'm guessing it might be a growth spurt? I still just hope I'm doing things right and trying to keep up with everything.

I hope you are all well!
wow sorry your birth was so traumatic! I was lucky and had a fairly easy one... here's my birth story:

Hope you all are doing well. DH returned to work today and our baby is having gas issues so shes extremely fussy but this morning she smiled at me for the first time (a real smile and not gas related). I had my cell phone near me and got it on video. Her xmas gift to meeee
Kelly they are gorgeous! love your profile pic :) my friend had some waterbaby ones with her first child,milo, and they are just amazing. Im going to get connor to do those in a a couple ofmonths time! x
hope all you ladies and babies are well x
Sigh I just saw your video! It brought tears to my eyes! So gorgeous! Can't wait for my boy to smile back at me! What age was she?
Sigh I just saw your video! It brought tears to my eyes! So gorgeous! Can't wait for my boy to smile back at me! What age was she?

Thank you! She did this on Thursday, when she was 20 days old. I wasn't expecting smiles for atleast another month so it was a pleasant surprise after an almost sleepless night. :)
Sigh I just saw your video! It brought tears to my eyes! So gorgeous! Can't wait for my boy to smile back at me! What age was she?

Thank you! She did this on Thursday, when she was 20 days old. I wasn't expecting smiles for atleast another month so it was a pleasant surprise after an almost sleepless night. :)

My lo did this the other day too, first smile after the worst night with no sleep what so ever. Made it all worth it! :)
Happy I'm not the only one losing out on sleep still. Caitlyn has decided that she needs to be most awake and alert between 11pm and 3am:wacko: However last night she surprised me and when she finally went to sleep at 3am she slept until 830am and she went right back after eating! I am worried that she slept too long and haden't eaten in all of that time but she wasn't screaming to eat or anything just a regular cry and she was still quite drowsy even while eating. Should I worry or just let her sleep and eat as she wants? I'm not exactly sure. I really loved the 5 hours of sleep and would like more but not if she's going to be hungry. Also, I wouldn't mind if she went to bed a bit earlier and wokeup at 530 or 6 instead of 830. I just don't know what I'm doing.....!!! Sorry I'm rambling I'm just so confused since the baby came along.

Sigh your baby is beautiful and what a nice smile! Caitlyn does a lot of smiling in her sleep but I've seen her smile while she's awake though I'm not entirely sure she was smiling AT me?! I can't wait until she hits more milestones.

Hope you're all well and doing better than me.
I'm wondering if i should be waking my bubba in the night? He has a feed around 11pm and doesnt wake me until about 4am sometimes he just stirs rather than waking for a feed then doesnt wake to feed until around 7am.
My dr said to not let him go more than four hours with out eating and to wake him if he sleeps longer than that. But, that was when he was first born, so not sure what the rule is for one month old. I would LOVE if my lo slept for five hours but anything more than that and I'd be worried and probably wake him for a feed, plus my boobs would be exploding by then. :)

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