Calling all Watermelon's

After having contractions all day Saturday I finally went to l&d at 9pm. I was still only 1cm dilated but they kept me because my contractions were so strong. By 7 am I had completely dilated. The doctor broke my waters at about 5 i think. honestly, looking back on it is a little foggy. Anyway, Caitlyn Isabel was born after only 34 minutes of pushing at 8:04 on Sunday morning. 7lb 7oz. 19in. She is beautiful and perfect.:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

However, like you ladies I'm having issues with breastfeeding. She isn't peeing as much as I think she should and is jaundice. I just don't think I'm producing enough and my milk hasn't even come in, it's still colostrum. She also gets frustrated and shakes her head trying to latch sometimes. My nipples are sore and I've found using a sheild to be easier but at the same time I feel as though I'm failing her because she isn't as healthy as she could be. I'm not sleeping at night barely at all and I'm crying constantly.

Will post pics and birth story eventually...just so busy!

Congrats to all of those who've also had their babies!
Yay! Congrats Imsotired! I bet she's beautiful. Don't feel like a failure, I sure did but I figured out it wasn't my fault. It's just tough to breastfeed and I still can't get lo to latch on my left breast but he's doing just fine despite that. Good luck, we are all in the same boat! :)
I posted my birth story and pictures on the birth announcement thread under Miss Marianne is here.
Hey Kelly!! You'd think wouldn't you!!!!! I've had 4 sweeps and making incredibly slow progress to be 1-2cm soft and 50% effaced. Had bloody show 1 week ago. Losing little bits every day since. Keep having a few hours of tightenings that just stop! I'm booked for inductions on Tuesday although midwife said today she didnt think I'd get that far. To be honest I am past hoping for anything else now!

How are you bearing up? It's torture isn't it??
Oh bless you! Must be so frustrating for you - I'm frustrated at only 4 days overdue!!!! I have a sweep tues and if all else fails ill be induced on sat 22nd. I have my fingers crossed you won't wait that long but good luck for Tuesday :) xxxxx
ooooh she's beautiful ImSoTired! We had the same due dates and our babies were born within 24 hours of each other! I know what you mean about feeling you're failing. Just as I was about to be discharged the pediatrician did a check and found that she had low blood sugar. I had to be moved up to another ward and had to top up her breast-feeds with formula milk. Some of the midwifes were so harsh and uncaring and we got so much conflicting advice everytime the shift changed. I couldn't wait to be discharged. Now we're back home and things are still rocky but I know its a steep learning curve.

Persevere ladies... it's hard, my nipples are sore and cracked, my hips are still displaced and sometimes I can hardly move, last night I got no sleep whatsoever, the endless baby visits and inconsiderate people who just turn up, or those that turn up late, those that dont wash their hands and have to be reminded and all the little things that seem to bring me to the edge right now... they all fade into the background when I look at my little girl.

We can handle this xxx
SOOOO frustrated!!! Im desperate for something to happen soon, even if its to stop the boredom! I dont know what to do with myself all day and Im so impatient now to meet my boy!

The only plus is that my husband is back at the fire station in london until tomorrow and gets the coach up and back, so by not going in to labour I havent made it difficult for him to get home if he decides to come in the middle of the night. He is back tomorrow, so Im hoping something will happen then!

What ive tried; pineapple, a walk (albeit not very long...far too difficult!) and my dad made a fairly spicy curry last night. I know two midwives and as well as my own midwife they have both told me - 'what gets baby in, gets baby out' - to try sex because of prostaglandins in the sperm which has the same effect as the doctors/midwife doing it artificially to induce labour. Might give it a go tomorrow although its the last thing that I feel like doing!!!

I keep having false starts which keep tricking me! started lats saturday, intermittent back ache and mild period like cramping. Its been like that all week, never very intense, always bearable and never with any real regularity. The last couple of days has brought on more difficulty walking - feeling a sharp pressure in my lady bits which isnt relieved whatever position im in and also makes it uncomfortable when I need a wee!! also feeling that bum pressure which im assuming means hes moving more into position.

ladies who have had their babies now - sound familiar? Everyone is different I know but Id love to know that this all is a sure sign that im about to go into labour!!
Joseph Oscar bell born today 15/12/12 at 2.21am weighing 7lb 10oz! Emergency section but we both ok. He is he cutest thing ever will upate fully with photos soon xxxx
Congrats ImsoTired, Hopeful and Toothfairy! Sooo pleased for you ladies!!!

Fingers crossed that you are next Kelly.

And yes, bf is soon hard. Hang in there!
Here's a few more pics of our lo.
What a cutie Kelly! I'm just home from hospital. Couldn't get enough signal to post from there. Will update with photos when this little man decides I can move without him screaming and I get the laptop out.

Kellycontrary any news with you?
Wish I could keep up with you all! Baby keeps me very busy!

Kellyc sounds very promising! The night before my contractions began Dh and I dtd. I don't know if that's what started things up but it mkay have been! Good luck!

KellyM your son is beautiful!

oh and congrats tooth!
Hi ladies, after a long and (slightly traumatic!!) labour where I ended up with an emergency section, Connor Sean Stroker arrived at 10:38 this morning weight 8lb 10 and as cure as a button! Totally shattered, started early labour at 2am yesterday morning enough that I couldn't sleep through it! so not slept as yet! Will post pics and birth story soon :) xxx
Yay!!!!! Well done Kelly! Sounds like a similar time that I had! Yet to post photos and do story as can't get a second to go on laptop!!!

Well done xxxxxx
Woohoo Kelly! Sorry I haven't been keeping in touch. We have so many hospital visits its a bit crazy.

Im finding breastfeeding really hard. Had to resort to formula last night to give my poor nipples a rest. Ethan has a swallow latch so its very painful!
Hi ladies will see if this works! Posting from iPhone as can't get time to go on laptop!! Hopefully photos will attach!

Brief birth story. Baby's head was actually sideways all along and wedged behind pelvic bone. This wasn't discovered til the emergency section. He has a little cut behind eat where they took blood through cervix when he was in distress, obviously this should have been on top of head so you can tell how far off he was!

As I posted, waters broke at 10.30am Friday with mecronium. Straight to L&D where monitor showed distress heartbeat. Consultant Decided to induce aggressively with drip to get him out ASAP. Full blown labour from 2pm. All day baby setting off alarms, consultant said we'll reassess in couple hours etc. midnight had epidural, only 2-3cm and this is when they did blood test of his head. Consultant struggled to find bony landmarks through cervix of head so did portable scan to check position and even now could not tell something was wrong. By 1.50am heart was causing enough concern to be whisked to theatre for emergency section. Even though had had epidural I could feel as started section so had to have a GA. Joseph Oscar was born 2.21am. Apgar 7 so just needed bit of waking up. I lost a lot of blood but otherwise both totally fine!

Wound is sore, boobs are sore but he is worth every second and a small price to pay!

Was told all those contractions I got was probably labour starting for real but nowhere for him to go! Just kept jamming his head into the bone hence the distress and mecronium in water!

Phew! Hope this posts after all this! Will only let me post one photo at a time so more to follow xx


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