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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Abby - don't make me put you over my knee and get the crucifix out....don't stress yourself out....try not to test until as late as poss. Or you could just ignore me...most people do. :rofl:

Kat - 2WW buddies, or WW2 as my mate calls it. :haha:

:rofl: get the crucifix out!!!:rofl:
So now nuns, where do we get a really cheap supply of HPT's?? I feel a major POAS addiction coming on :haha:

Wow...time for me to catch up!

Bonnie-30, DB Mark 44 together almost a year-met on Match.com :haha:
I have a daughter Sienna 17, son Patrick 19 and he has a daughter Payton 12 weeks
yup I'm a grandma

his kids are Jacob 14, Meghan 10 and Emma (or stitch/626 from Lilo & Stitch movie) 8

i think school and ttc was biting off more than i can chew-i had no idea i would be so consumed by it. it was never a thought 20 years ago

Had a rough couple of days. my dd had a fight (row i think you brits call it-lol) with db and she moved out today to go to her dads. im so upset she is gone. So today she packed and moved :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Wow what a family you have there!! but as I say - always room for one more!!!
Tell me about it - school, TTC, family!! always something going on. And who said life/TTC was easy?? I never realised that most of my thoughts would be TTC related - will this help? Is this cutting my chances??
:hugs: I agree - 17 = very difficult years - I too was extremely emotional at that age - always fighting for family!!

Hey girls im a v-day o'er too :flower: yay!

Just wondering if any of you are getting cramps 4dpo?

Ive been getting them on and off today down low at the front and a little to the left, also aching tops of my legs. Not terribly painful but enough to be uncomfortable, esp if I carry DD around (shes 2)

My friend who is 5wk 6 days now is still getting ovarian pains. Turns out it is very common as once the egg has left the ovary a cycst is formed and that is what is hurting - perfectly normal.

Hey Ladies,
I don't feel like a Official naughty Nun because I am out :cry::nope: this month, but I know I will get there lol.

Well of course you are a naughty nun - will get that link up for you again so you can add her to your sig if you would like.

I woke up this morning with a sick feeling and sniffy nose

Hope it's a good sign :)

Also got backache and low under belly weird feeling

Probably just flu coming knowing me lol

Will still keep humping the hubby :):)

OOHHH those signs sound good to me!!
FXed we get loads of loved up BFP's!!
:rofl: get the crucifix out!!!:rofl:
So now nuns, where do we get a really cheap supply of HPT's?? I feel a major POAS addiction coming on :haha:

I use ClearBlue Fertility Sticks but I think you can get cheap ones off Ebay, what about amazon as well?

Well, I was reading Fertility Friend and some good facts on there for those of us who think we may have missed the window.

With the corrected data, the most probable days for intercourse to result in pregnancy have been found to be one or two days before ovulation.

They show that intercourse on the few days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself are the days most likely to result in conception.
I'm so devastated :cry: Looks like I won't get a 2ww after all this month according to my chart. My body must be heading back to being annov. like it always used to be :cry: With all the horrible O pain and that amazing EWCM I had this cy...it all meant nothing :cry: Second cycle of clomid was a complete bust, now what to do? I want to lay in bed all day and cry :cry:
Hi ladies,
Just back from having my hair done!! I'm looking gorgeous again!!!:happydance:

Heavenly - I actually ordered about 20 HPT's off ebay for about £3!! Cheap and cheerful!!

MommyH - you arent out yet hun!!! It could be that your body is just gearing up to OV now.
Hang in there hun. I know this is really difficult to take at the mo - it will all be fine in the end. :hugs:
Second cycle of clomid was a complete bust, now what to do? I want to lay in bed all day and cry :cry:

:hugs: It may not be over this cycle!!

Hi ladies,
Just back from having my hair done!! I'm looking gorgeous again!!!:happydance:

Me too! :coolio: Hideous weather though, typical!

Watching the Whitney funeral at the mo, not because I am morbid but because it's in a gospel church and they have the most amazing singers, really lifts your spirits, which I know sounds weird, but it does. I am not religious but if there was a gospel church near me, I would go!!
So more fighting with db today-pretty tame but i am highly emotional normally so i was a basket case:cry::cry::cry:

I see points on both sides...he thinks i enable her. I think I'm a mom.

We had our couples massage today that i booked for his valentines gift. I had requested a pregnancy massage but when she told me that one of the areas skipped was low back i said give me a regular one-i need it after all the lifting yesterday.....I already think my chances are low so....oh well
i will i could say it was relaxing but no not really.

after i did notice some mild cramping. no spotting like IB though. TMI-very creamy and wet today. boobs are beginning to ache a bit-not tender to touch though.

i had worse cramping last month and ib so im not holding out for anything yet.

oh yeah-stupid-poas this am-duh bfn:dohh::dohh:

i use www.early-pregnancy-tests.com
cheap cheap cheap
i dont know about international shipping but they do US & canada for sure.
they have the sensitive 10mcg tests too

well-off to do homework
hope all is well ladies
Hey girls im a v-day o'er too :flower: yay!

Just wondering if any of you are getting cramps 4dpo?

Ive been getting them on and off today down low at the front and a little to the left, also aching tops of my legs. Not terribly painful but enough to be uncomfortable, esp if I carry DD around (shes 2)

My friend who is 5wk 6 days now is still getting ovarian pains. Turns out it is very common as once the egg has left the ovary a cycst is formed and that is what is hurting - perfectly normal.

Oh wow I never knew that thanks! :winkwink:
Hey girls im a v-day o'er too :flower: yay!

Just wondering if any of you are getting cramps 4dpo?

Ive been getting them on and off today down low at the front and a little to the left, also aching tops of my legs. Not terribly painful but enough to be uncomfortable, esp if I carry DD around (shes 2)

No cramps for me, but I sware I FEEL pregnant. I read on the internet today that some people do get sign as early as 3DPO, so you might be having uterine stretching cramps or implantation cramps. Most people say it takes about a week, but I found people saying their DR. said it can be as quick as 3 days.

Bonnie, So sorry about your DD and you DB not getting along. That SUCKS and sounds majorly stressful. I hope it all works out and that you don't have to move.

Heavenly, it really is a 2WW going both ways. I intend that it is our last 2WW before our BFPs!!!

3dpo sounds so early to symptom spot - I feel like a crazy person! I'm so trying not to but the symptoms they call to me!:haha:

The plan is if I don't get a temp drop like last cycle I'll test on 11dpo (Saturday)- 6 days to go! So nervous, I hate BFNs! As we all do!
Not to be a poas pusher, ebay has tests super cheap, around £8 for 50 and with the one I use, you can have 50 tests but you decide how many opk or/and hpt. They supply to the nhs so they are good IMO. Not had any problems so far at least. Anyone wants the link just let me know.

Bonnie sorry to hear about the extra stress Hun, wishing you lots of luck that it all gets resolved soon. TTC is stressful enough :hugs:

MommyH it's never over till the :witch: shows her ugly face

You ladies are all so strong it's inspirational :hugs: Throwing more sticky :dust: to us all.

Afm, nothing much has happened, no symptoms (bit early really). Took the furbabies for a walk over the dales, was a bit cold but the sunshine managed to peek out. Counting the days down to testing now!
Must remember to make pancakes Tuesday :haha:
Aww I love taking my fur baby for a walk :) we had a 15 month old boxer called lolly :)

We alo have a cat called Meetio, Guinea pig sprinkle and Chilean rose terantula sparkles xx
we have a one year old (on 3/3-i delivered her!) chihuahua
Her name is Scoot

Mark feels so manly walking with her-this little dog with a pink collar and pink jacket with a pink fur rimmed hoodie! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha:

sorry-i dont know why pics are sideways:shrug::shrug::shrug:


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:rofl: they are cute.

I have a bullmastiff, she is only 1 year old so has buckets of energy all day. She is helping to keep me busy :haha:
Aww I love taking my fur baby for a walk :) we had a 15 month old boxer called lolly :)

We alo have a cat called Meetio, Guinea pig sprinkle and Chilean rose terantula sparkles xx

Morning ladies.

I really miss my fur babies!! I had a persian cross cat - called her skweek (hence my name). As kittens persians can't meow - they squeak.

My mom got another puppy when skweek was just 6 weeks old so Skweek and Peppy grew up together! They were the sweetest pair. Seeing the 2 of them playing together was such a laugh!!
I really miss them now! Yes I know I am sad!! :blush::haha::blush:
we have a one year old (on 3/3-i delivered her!) chihuahua
Her name is Scoot

Mark feels so manly walking with her-this little dog with a pink collar and pink jacket with a pink fur rimmed hoodie! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha:

sorry-i dont know why pics are sideways:shrug::shrug::shrug:

She is the cutest thing ever. :rofl:

Aww I love taking my fur baby for a walk :) we had a 15 month old boxer called lolly :)

We alo have a cat called Meetio, Guinea pig sprinkle and Chilean rose terantula sparkles xx

Morning ladies.

I really miss my fur babies!! I had a persian cross cat - called her skweek (hence my name). As kittens persians can't meow - they squeak.

My mom got another puppy when skweek was just 6 weeks old so Skweek and Peppy grew up together! They were the sweetest pair. Seeing the 2 of them playing together was such a laugh!!
I really miss them now! Yes I know I am sad!! :blush::haha::blush:

You're not sad, you silly moo, they are our babies! :hugs: I have a silver short haired tabby called Summer, she has Champions in her family. :coffee: I got her at 3 months and she is 9 now, she never goes out, which I like as I don't have to worry about her. if you have seen the Whiskas advert, that is the breed of cat but she is much more gorgeous! :blush:
Few pics :)



Lolly as a pup with Mille

Meetio in his bow tie on our wedding day


what cuties!
I do miss my kitties...

Oh and i caved-curious because of temp spike-used a dollar store :bfn: of course :rofl::rofl::rofl: what did i really expect???](*,)](*,)](*,)
I just ordered 10 pg tests from amazon for 2.58

I just know I will be poas when they arrive lol
Hi girls, are there any of you with symptoms out here for 6dpo? Still so early huh!:winkwink:

My back and tops of my legs are aching, bit like af pains but not as severe (I get pretty intense af pains), craving heat pads!:haha: Last night when was wiping the bench my eyes really funny and dizzy too (prob tired) and I slept in til 10am and had a nap in the afternoon!:sleep:
what cuties!
I do miss my kitties...

Oh and i caved-curious because of temp spike-used a dollar store :bfn: of course :rofl::rofl::rofl: what did i really expect???](*,)](*,)](*,)

Wow Bonnie that is a HUGE temp spike! FX for you :flower:

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