Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Bonnie so sorry about your DB and fertile time. That's how mine was in February smh @ him. I know we are not doing it enough around fertile time some times it only get 1 day in the peak time. Time to step it up for April. I hope you get at least one chance.

Kat - so happy for you hope you get your sticky bean

Skweek - glad all is well with you too.

AFM- AF got me yesterday time to start again. I know we have to step up the amount of sex at my fertile time DB got a lot going on he can be a pain at times but I feel he makes more of an effort now. We have to step it up. I am sad but I know what we have to do. My cycles are back to 28 days which means 0 should be next week. At least was a short cycle. This is really tough going.
Oh Kat that is wonderful news! I pray it all continues upwards from here!

Squeek-I am glad for the update on medic! I wondered what happened

AFM-I'd be fine if I could remove my right foot!
Everyone else is home resting while I'm at work and now DB is cranky and throwing the brakes on bd with kids around. I gave ideas of how and when that he was "less than thrilled" with. I give up. I proposed the softcup idea out of desperation. No response as of yet. On cd 12 now and have had fertile cm for 3 days. Today I have felt generally crampy with a feeling of fullness and bloat so ov is definitely gearing up. Was going to OPK tonight-now I wonder if I should bother. The plans was to bd on days 12-15. 15 when the kids are gone will be you late. I want to cry :cry: I don't want to just let a cycle go by without even trying. I'm so pissed that he doesn't seem to care!
Oh Bonnie,
I missed this update till Lotus Womb referenced it. I am soooo sorry DB is being like this. He wasn't cool with doing it in the bathroom for 2 minutes and leaving you on a blanket there? I hope you get to BD during this fertile time. Please keep us updated.

Bonnie so sorry about your DB and fertile time. That's how mine was in February smh @ him. I know we are not doing it enough around fertile time some times it only get 1 day in the peak time. Time to step it up for April. I hope you get at least one chance.

Kat - so happy for you hope you get your sticky bean

Skweek - glad all is well with you too.

AFM- AF got me yesterday time to start again. I know we have to step up the amount of sex at my fertile time DB got a lot going on he can be a pain at times but I feel he makes more of an effort now. We have to step it up. I am sad but I know what we have to do. My cycles are back to 28 days which means 0 should be next week. At least was a short cycle. This is really tough going.

Good news on your cycles being back to normal. Definitely try to BD as much as possible around fertile time. So sorry DB is in such pain. We BDed daily during the entire week of fertile time so to not miss the egg. I heard every other day is adequate. I'm sure you all know this, but remember no lube that isnt sperm friendly or spit.
Nothing last night. I was even ready to spring for a hotel or had a couple of parking places picked out. He was so grumpy the subject never even came up.
I know this is our problem too LW. Not enough bd at the right time. I really thought that with him not having the stress of work anymore things would be better but they are not. And my fetile time ALWAYS lands when we have the kids. Will see what happens tonight. I had a pos OPK last night. I usually have one starting on cd11 and they usually last a few days. Forgot in cd11 to check after the walk so it could have started then. Maybe not though. Last night was not a super strong pos. :shrug:
Wishing you all the best for today Bonnie :dust:.

Kat thankyou so much for your support also. I hope to do everyday or at least every other at least this cycle :hugs:
Thanks LW. I hope you can get more time in this cycle too. For now kick back and relax a bit!
Why is DB being so grumpy? I mean parents have sex with kids in the house all the time. I'm sorry that him not working hasn't made things better. Is there something else going on with DB other than the kids being there (I only ask since he refused the hotel and car sex)? Is he feeling bad about not working or something along this line? I have my M.A. in Psychology, so excuse me searching deeper.

DH will do it on command, so I don't know what that would be like, but I know I would be PISSED! Especially when you are TTC. I pray that you get to BD some time today. I mean a quickie only takes a couple of minutes. Maybe sneak a pillow under your hips and lay there for 30 min or so. I didnt do that, but some people sware by it. It couldn't hurt.

I hope you can stick to the every other BD schedule at least during your fertile time. What is ailing DB? What is the pain situation? He sounds willing at least. Of course I am here to support you. I'm sorry you are frustrated.

I sware putting on a little nightie or something sexy may help. When I just want to get it over with, lol, I will do this and it makes DH feel special... like he's not just a sperm machine. Baby dust to you all =).
I wish I knew. I had emailed with the hotel/car idea before I left work. I don't know if he even saw it and honestly I knew there was no point in even bringing it up. As far as work I don't think it's an issue. Finances are fine-doesn't plan to start looking until fall. I'm hoping he is in a better mood this evening. he is also a mega planner-all the way down to when we have sex.

I almost feel like karma is biting me back in the butt. I spent so many years in the opposite situation. Avoiding sex with my x and never really wanting it. Now I want it and he doesn't. 2x now we have gone 3 weeks without for no real reason except af.

Just frustrated. Thanks for listening.
Hiya NN's!! Happy Easter to all Nun's!!

The nauseous feelings have gone again - YAY. Still just constantly tired!!! Good to hear you already have your first scan booked in! FXed all goes well in the next 2 weeks!
Keep us posted please.

So sorry to hear DB is being like that! I know it doesnt help with your feelings re TTCing!
FXed you get some BDing packed in today! I too, dont know what it is like, as DF was always willing to move! (Even more so when I dressed up) Still not sure though as to which basque did the trick! :haha: :blush: :haha:

Really good that your cycle has settled down again. I always prefered the shorter cycles - less time waiting around for things to happen and make them happen.
I so know what you mean by tough going! Some people take falling preggers forgranted and don't realise just what hard work it can be! Hang in there hun. You will get your sticky little bean!

Oh and I so agree with Kat on the dressing up thing!! I think our OH's start to feel a bit used, esp when we have been TTCing as long as some of us have. So just making it a bit special and different for them makes it all so worth while. For me just seeing that naughty boy look in DF's face every time I doned a basque was sooo worth it. Just to figure out which basque did the trick - cause thats the one I will keep for when we start TTCing #2!!! :haha:
I am so happy to hear that your yucky MS has improved. Now you can start fully enjoying this pregnancy.

I really wonder if something is going on within him. My inner- counselor is coming out, but it sounds like something is off. I know men have varying sex drives, but going 3 weeks repeatedly sounds like a long time for a couple that has been together for a bit over a yr. Does he usually have a lower sex drive? Is there new stress in his life? Has TTC been super stressful? I know DD moved out, so you were hoping that would relieve some stress.

I hate to be so blunt... but are you absolutely sure that he wants to conceive? Sounds suspicious that he is always somewhat unwilling around your peak time. This is not to stir up trouble. This is to explore if unconsciously he is hesitant about another child for some reason and maybe he doesn't even know. The unconscious is a powerful and crazy thing.

From my experience counseling, sex can be indicative of something else going on. I don't know what that something else might be, but usually if the sex drastically changes, something may be going on emotionally. We have gone through dry spells after deep loss:cry:.

I'm only trying to be helpful and it is all coming from a good place. I hope I am not stepping out of line. Please feel free to share and vent as much as you need.
Thanks Ladies,

Kat well in Feb DB had a problem with his knee, he grew up in a warm climate and moved to the U.k 2011 so this isssue seems to be worse in the cold months he has been advised not to kneal or put too much pressure on it. Yes we are just more creative in the bedroom in Feb it was too painful. It is stopping him doing other activities he loves too like traning thats getting him getting him down. Everytime he tries a little something on the knee he makes it worse. So now he just gonna let it rest.
Last cycle all was well but he got Flu aound my fertile time. I made soup and looked after him. I just left it up to him and we managed to go once. He really made the effort bless him.
I am hoping this cycle we can really go for it and nothing crops up at that time.

Bonnie - :hugs:
Kat. Advice is welcome. I have worked in the mental health field too.

It just wasnt meant to be this time I guess
Temp rose this am so I ov yesterday.
On to may I suppose

May need a few days to process
Don't forget that spooning position is considered good for conception and won't put pressure on his knee.

Hey ladies, Hope everyone is well. WHERE IS HEAVENLY?? MIA??? Hope nothing to serious on her side! Been thinking of her loads lately!

Take all the time you need hun. I realise you have been through a lot recently! Maybe some time away - even just a weekend- with OH will bee good for both of you!
Hang in there. Your light be there soon!!

LW - Where is your OH from? You mentioned a warmer climate.
Hope the Doc's can do something for his knee.

Kat - how are you feeling?

AFM - feeling more ladylike again - had my hair done yesterday again!
Got really cross with my mom yesterday morning. I wanted to tell my hairdresser, but literally had to push my mother away and stop her from wanting to tell Jo!! I couldnt believe it. I am so sure she actually told Jo while I was fishing the scan pic out of my handbag! I just cant believe my mother! She just cant control herself at times!
It's my news after all and she cant even respect my wishes to want to tell people! I just sometimes wish she wasn't so emotional!!

Other than that - I'm starting to feel a bit more human and not as lifeless as I was at the beginning of the week! I still have my moments when I just want to sleep but not nearly as bad!!
Hey Ladies,

I hope our other NN come back soon. I guess you just need sometime at times from this ttc world.

Skweek - My DB from Miami so last winter was really tough on him. Also tough on me lol. I dislie the cold deeply.

At the moment just taking things a day at a time and being relaxed
Hi Skweek,
Good to hear that you are feeling good again and more like yourself. Your naughty mom!

Yikes, Miami to London would be hard on anyone's body. What a wonderful move though. I have often dreamed of living abroad. DH and I travel often, but it isn't quite the same.

Nothing new to report at all. Go in tomorrow for 2nd progesterone shot and to get my blood levels checked. I will update with my numbers on Tuesday. I really pray that this is our sticky bean.
Kat-looking forward to your update

Well....I had a pleasant suprise yesterday when I got home. DB and I still had not talked about the missed month yet he had been trying to calculate the days for next month on his own and is going to tell the x we are going on vaca and can't take the kids for a weekend! This way we have the weekend before and after ov to have plent of relaxed fun snu-snu and catch this egg. :happydance:

He does want this. So I guess he really is just him being extremely overprotective with the kids around and I know by the end of the week when it was go time he was drained. He did so much with the kids that week. Go go go almost every day and it drives him crazy that they sit home and do nothing when they are at the x's. :growlmad:
Hey Hon,
That is great news!!! The good news is that he obviously cares very much about being a good dad the way he treats his children. I love that he came up with a plan for both of you.

I am dying for my test results. I am waiting for a call back from the nurse and will update when I get them.
I am happy to report, after almost having a nervous break down this morning waiting for my results, that my HCG has risen from 47 last Wed to 597 yesterday morning. This is a doubling time of 32.72 hours. Normal under 1200 is 31-72, so I am doubling quick!!! This is my highest recorded HCG, since it was never monitored before except for when I was actually MCing.

This morning I was practically in tears since I don't "feel as pregant" as I would like. I know it is crazy early, but the 1st time my boobs were killing me already. Maybe my boobs already stretched out from the last 2 pregnancies and won't hurt as much this early. Anyways, I feel so much relief. I know it is no guarantee, but it is something. I believe this will be my last HCG test unless I beg my Dr again on Monday. I might just start begging for a super early scan.
Oh Kat that is wonderful news!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

You never said-can't you continue progesterone injections on your own while away? If doc feels you need it of course? Otherwise there are suppositories and creams as an alternative.

Oh I am so happy for you!

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