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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

I am not safe yet Bonnie but I will be very positive!

Bonnie you are sooo next it will happen!!
Bonnie - I feel it in my african bones - your BFP is not far off hun!
It's funny.

Last night I walked in the house-front door-not near kitchen-and was hit with the smell of sour milk.
.....the milk in the fridge was bad-seriously.

Feel like I'm on the verge of a yeast infection......

the yeast infection is a good sign too Bonnie!
my african bones might just be right! teehee
Well the yeast infection got me. That was very weird for me. On a another thread I heard that opk and hpt's being close together or touching can effect the test? She said to look at pee on a stick.com been looking but nothing yet!! I have not gone through it all though. Have you guys heard of this??

I have done this before and they are normally white as a sheet. But I will be mindful only go pg test from now on!!
The hormones are similar (LH & HCG)
An OPK can detect both-it cannot differentiate the two.
A HPT can only detect HCG
Skweek right now I am just wating for bleeding to stop hopefully and testing each day with cheap pg test. I prob won't use opk's any more I was just curious and have loads lol!!

When Bleeding stops I will use first responce if still not sure I can get a digital. I always felt it would take me a while to get a darker positive result I guess thats part of why I am not an early tester. Still miscarriage risk but my boobs have stated to hurt a little on and off. So I will just keep you guys posted!!
A positive is a positive!!! You might be having implantation bleeding. Keep us posted. =)

Get that clove of garlic, pierce with knife and stick up your privates... just saying.

Hi Skweek Hon,
I'm the only one that didnt have her sig. taken off yet.
Lucky you Kat. I had a message attached to mine saying that my sig was too big and had to conform to the regulations. So I just too off one of the bits and havent heard from them since so hopefully they are happy with it now
Oh Kat. I don't know if I can do the garlic in my whoo haa. Lol

Day 20 progesterone today 15.10
I know its a bit early but your chart is looking promising Bonnie
FXed everything works towards a :bfp:
If that is too wierd. You can try plain yogurt tampons. this works, but not as good. Then again if the creams work for you, go ahead. sorry you have a yeastie. i HATE those!
I'm going to give it a day or so. Might just not have rinsed well enough in the shower and got irritated. I hope. It's not horrible yet. Just a annoyance at this point.
Bonnie Sorry about your yeast infection. That was me last week. The garlic worked a treat maybe try I small bulb. Go for the over the counter pro biotic or yogurt.

Well tested again today and more of the same with the very faint lines! I am not confident so will just keep testing each day. Good news that light bleed is just spotting now when I wipe from last night so we will have to wait and see ladies :shrug:
FXed for both Bonnie and LW!

Having a really lazy Saturday!! Just sitting watching the Olympics on tellie. Really should get up and get the ironing, that I have been meaning to do for the last 4 days, done!!
Any offers to do my ironing for me? heehee
Ugh I don't iron unless I have too!

Feel better today. A little less irritation

I have yogurt in a smoothie almost every day

On a bus now for 3 hrs to go to a casino with DB. I am going to try the bingo hall. Should be fun!

Glad the line is still there LW! Fx'd!
Hi Ladies,
FXed LW.
I think she means yogurt in your privates. I sware the garlic works
You are allowed to rest and take it easy.

Busy, busy day. Woke up and went to Malibu. DH surfed while I "jogged" on the beach at a snails pace. Then we ate at a beach side seafood restaurant and bulk shopped at Costco. Now it is Olympics while we unpack.
Oh the yogurt tampon thing. Again idk.
It seems to have gone away for now. I think it way have just been leftover soap. I have been rushing too much in the showers at the gym before work. :haha:

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