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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Hi ladies,

I had a good read of poas.com and apparently if a opk is near a wet hpt it can effect the result my first test were done at work so I did put both test in the packet. However the others were kept seperate. Bfn today. Not going to do a fr because measure 25m the cheap ones are 20m.
So I am now just minor spots when I wipe on a tissue and only symtom would be mild cramps on and off.
Ok so my temp dropped to 36.3 36.4 from first day of bleeding so still above the cover line which is 36.25 today it jumped up to 36.57??
I know I should not really use opk's but they have been positive since last wednesday. I will keep doing them as if I am cd5 I would be due to start doing them from cd8 as last month my ov was cd13.
So I am just going to the dr to ask for a quantitive blood test and he may send me for an early scan. Just for peace of mind. Feeling low todays girls. Thanks for the support x
:hugs: LW! Hang in there - FXed the doc sends you for bloods and that brings BFP!

Bonnie - good that theres no infection.

Kat - seafood hhhmmm a few king prawns and scallops would do nicely now!

AFM - I've spent most of today hooked on Mr Gray!! just about to start chapter 18 of book 2! Also been watching the olympics with one eye. Been a few good bits today!
Might join my parents for dinner tonight as DF has gone to his parentals for dinner tonight.

Dont know if I wrote on here last night - we have decided on LO's name - Danika Carys, or at least that is what we have settled on for now. It might still change :shrug:
Will have to wait and see. Still loads of time before she is due.
FXed Hon.

Love the name. Glad no yeast infection.

Hi hon.

Beach day and ran around LA getting stuff for our home.
Morning everyone xx sorry not been on for ages, we are in holland on holiday visiting my sister :):) having a great time, going to look at prams this week as I love the joolz from amsterdam and they have loads here at the baby shop so we are going to look at it and If we like it we can get it online in the uk :):)

Off swimming today xx can't wait

Gl lw for poas xxxx
Hi ladies I am officially onto cycle 8. Went to see my Dr yesterday he did not test me, he sent me to the early scan at the hospital. They gave me a urine test it was negative so I was told they would not scan. I must of had a early miscarriage at 5 weeks:cry: I did not ask for blood test as my temp went down again yesterday. They were really nice and said as I had a early miscarriage I can come back when pregnant at 8 weeks to see how it is all going.
I am ok guys I guess it may of been a Chemical just loving on freak week is 2 3 days away so were gonna work on making our May baby.
Hugs LW and fx'd for you this cycle!
At least you know now something is working.
LW - so sorry to hear it didn't come to anything in the end, But you seem to be in a good place! FXed you wont have to wait long now

BBear - glad you enjoyed your holiday! I loved the pram hunting!

AFM - saw MW this morning. My fundal height is measuring 2 weeks ahead of my dates, so GTT is booked for Friday morning and another growth scan for 2 weeks time. Just waiting for that appointment to come through the post.

Hope you are well Bonnie
So sorry. I don't know if your dr will do this, but after my 2nd MC at 5 weeks, I switched Drs and went on progesterone immediately upon getting a BFP (through blood). I am sure this is what has kept this pregnancy going as I tested a horrid 5.4 level while on low dose shots. The good news is that everything down there is working. of course the progesterone will only work if you are having that issue. FXed for you this cycle hon.

Had to google fundal height. Please keep us posted. I get scanned so often that no one has bothered to measure that.

I had my 22 week structural scan yesterday and the baby looks great. I have gained 8lbs this month!!!... for a total of 10lb. Time to curb down to 1lb/week. Here are some pics.

photo 3 (2).jpg
Wow those scan pics are fab :):) I would love a 3d scan but hubby doesn't like them :(

Hope u are all well

Lw Gl for your may baby xxxx
Thanks BBear. The 3D scans were part of my structural ultrasound, so hopefully you will have it as part of yours.
Sooo excited :):) fab day yesterday, hubby ended up buying me a quinny buzz in black with carry cot

Then in the evening my sister gave me a piece of paper and on it had details of a private scan booked for today :):) kids can come too so it's going to be great xx

15 weeks today so she even said she might be able to see gender

Hi Ladies,

Kat - fab scan pics!! looks like baba has your eyes. so cute!!

Bbear - my df also doesnt like the 3d scans so we wont be getting one done boohoo!!
GL with the scan today. FXed they can work out the if you're pink or blue.

AFM - spent all of yesterday sleeping or eating or reading. Really getting fed up with the insomnia!!
Feeling a lot better today! I think its partly down to me reading till gone 12am! So managed to sleep till almost 8am this morning!
Fab scan pics Kat so cute
Skweek hope you get some sleep I would be real bad without my sleep
Bbear ohh your scan sounds great please share pics
Bonnie how you doing honey!

Well started to opk again for ovulation today and coming up same colour as control line so I think am going to rely more on primary signs and wait for opk to get darker than control line. Get baby dancing every other day till temp rise because I really don't know anymore!
Sounds like a good plan. FXed hon. Sometimes the body takes a while to kickstart and then knows exactly what to do. I hope your sticky bean comes soon. Mine was right after my 2nd loss, so you are most likely more fertile right now.

Pregnancy insomnia sucks. I ALWAYS go to bed after midnight and wake after 8AM. You teachers are such early birds. Are you still reading the Gray series?

That is so wonderful. Let me know what you can see. Ours was very clearly a boy at that point.

Where are you hon?

Nothing to report. Growing bigger. Round ligament pain, but still feel good. Put on 10lbs so far.
Hi all-
Love the scan pics! Looks like you already!

Hanging in here. Getting dd ready for college in a few weeks. Finding housing as what she had fell through. Lots symptom spotting but still bfn at 13dpo. Will see what the morning brings. If bfn I have consult with gyn tomorrow to hopefully get clomid despite the missing sa. rushing through work as I'm on vacation again next week.

Been stalking. Just crazed!
Hugs too all of you
Hi ladies,

Kat - just finised reading the grey series last night! all 3 books should come with a box of kleenex!!! Esp the 3rd book - one box of its own!!
But beautiful story!

Bonnie - good luck with the house hunting for DD. Hope you can find something suitable and affordable.

LW - GL with OPK's!

AFM - we have just got back from having dinner out tonight. Its our 1st engagement anniversary today. So much to still sort out for the wedding but have to get the invitations sorted sooner rather than after baby arrives.

Hope everyone is well.
Yup a really happy ending but I think book 3, esp, should come with a box of kleenex!!
I balled my eyes out!

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