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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

I didn't cry. Must be the hormones :haha:
Just teasing...

Kat-the garlic thing...to you peel the clove? How long to you keep it up there? Will others smell me? Lol
I'm convinced it is the hormones. Haven't cried as much as I have in the last few weeks

And as for the other smelling you and your clove of garlic - :rofl: Sorry but that just tickled me silly :rofl:
I googled it and it says to peel it and place it overnight. Overnight mostly because you will be able to taste it and it will bother you less of you are asleep! :rofl:
Waiting on doing it tonight. hoping for some bd in the am and I certainly don't want to have to say hold on honey while I go dispose of my garlic!:rofl:
Yes, you can taste it. Slit a part with knife. I use it all day until symptoms stop. I used to get them bad, but the garlic method wiped them out and I haven't had it since. The creams took forever to work on me. Good luck.

Happy engagementversery.
Bonnie - you really crack me up!!! "hold on honey while I go dispose of my garlic!" :rofl:!!!

Kat - thanks!!

Well had the glucose tolerance test this morning. I will admit I can't understand all the fuss over the drink. A sweet orangey drink. Not all that bad. Some were saying they gagged on it? I was really impressed with the one nurse. She came to take the 2nd round of bloods and was able to use the same spot from the first bloods and no turnique! Now thats impressive!!
They did say if they received my results this afternoon they would contact me, or I can phone tomorrow at lunch time.
So just waiting around for results now.
Also received my letter for the scan - next Wednesday afternoon at 4:50pm! Yay not long till I see my little girl again! YAY
Bonnie your too funny. The cream would work for me in the past after a few days. the garlic was the same day or day and a half it was really good for me.
Skweek all very exciting and time is just flying you are 27weeks already. So amazing. Have you tried any pregnancy Yoga classes? Give one a try really help in prep for birth.

I am starting freak week and bd from today every other day with a few extra if we feel like to next Friday/Saturday.

Catch up soon Ladies!!
Glad I can make you all laugh!

Can't wait for more scan pics!

Well. Temp dropped so af is on her way.
Gyn later this afternoon so I figure I'll just ask for a diflucan pill and be done with it.
No :sex: this am either. :grr:
With kids arriving this evening and af to boot it will be almost 3 weeks before we have any fun again-not helping my mood whatsoever. :haha:

This is getting old. At least DB is on board for trying clomid. :shrug:
Bonnie - FXed Gyn gives you the meds you want!

YAY YAY Its Friday!! Just lying here watching tellie and realised its friday - yup this is must be a combination of me being on holiday and being pregnant!!! I jut totally loose track of days!
Sorry to hear that. I never tried diflucan, but at least this is a good time to get it. On top of everything, you don't need to be dealing with a yeast infection. I hope chlomid works for you. I know several people that it worked.

Let me know the results of your test. I heard the drink sucks. I hate sweet drinks. One of the girls on my board was allowed to eat candy. I much rather do that. Others said it taste like Gatorade. Maybe there are diff. brands.
Post details on your scan.

FXed for you hon. Every other day sounds great.
Yeah. It's safe to take now and af is full on here so garlic or cream would be a hassle right now. I haven't used it in years but it did work in the past. And it still hasn't gotten bad. Just a minor irritation.

Appointment in an hour and then vacation for a week!
Will definitely be posting results as soon as I get them. Yup scan next wednesday. Not sure if I will beable to get any pics, but will post if I get any.

I think the drink tasted more like an orange sports drink. Not bad at all, but then again I have a rather sweet tooth.

Bonnie - sorry to see AF got you. Sounds like you are ready to get this cycle going though. YAY YAY for the vacation!! Are you going away?

LW - nope haven't joined the yoga sessions yet. I really want to do it but haven't got my butt off the couch yet. :haha:
No not away. Same stuff as last time. Hike a mountain, camping a couple of night. Couple days at water park. Homework. Ect.

Just no work work.
So today with the doctor did not go as planned. He will not go forward with anything without results of DB's S/A. That means no clomid this cycle.

He also does not want to do the clomid without IUI. Says there is not point because of the reduction in cm caused by the clomid. He listed out all of the risks of taking clomid and doesn't think its worth it without IUI.

He is going to consult his friend who is a FS at a center in Connecticut to see if there is newer research that he has not heard of to support the use of clomid without IUI. That should be mid-week next week

No insurance coverage for IUI....$500 each round.

So i came home and dumped the news on DB....that he needs to go do sa and he is willing. It wont be this week as we have the kids and next week I need him for ov so maybe the next week after ov. Explained the IUI situation and he didn't freak out-it was less than he thought it would be so it may end up being an option.

continuing with the status quo this cycle again....i did decide screw it and upped my dhea to 75mg
and i was so upset i forgot to ask about the diflucan:dohh:
oh my Bonnie - well at least the silver lining on this cloud is that OH is now willing to do the SA!!
I was also told that doing the HSG increases your fertility by 30 - 40% for the next 3 cycles, so FXed you don't need that IUI in the end.
yes he will-but i still have to deal with all the ego crap afterwards......
and yes-still hoping HSG does the trick...
That sucks. At least DH is willing now. I hope you don't even need it. Looks like garlic time.
Hi there ladies,

How is everyone doing?
Had my sisters birthday bbq last night and was just too glad to get out of there in the end. My sister invited a friend and when she got talking there was no way anyone else could get a word in!! She would talk over others and was just me, me, me the entire time!! She was just really frustrating!!
But on the other hand was really good to see some of our mutual friends. One of them had just arrived back from SA early yesterday morning.

DF is off this week so its all guns blazing to get the room cleared and my storage sorted and whittled down! I can see a few trips to the dump and charity shops this week. Also have scan on Wednesday afternoon! Really looking forward to that!
glad you survived the taker. I don't understand people like that, but we all know a few. i am shocked your sister invited her.

Good luck on your scan and clearing out space. is this for the nursery?

Have a happy homecation!

Spent the last 2 days at the beach. Today DH and I swam in the waves. Heaven.

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