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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

The pic is just one that another bnb buddy found teasing me with all of the lobster I had been eating! She finds the cutest themed baby pics-hoping it will bring me luck. Baby is dressed in a lobster suit and sitting in a pot being carried by a chef-I cropped it so.....

So tired. Did not get from concert until 1am last night and today is first day back to work. Acupuncture tonight then time to get freaky!

It's going to be a busy week as we have another concert out of state on Wednesday night too.

Kat-sounds like we need new bump pics!

Bbear! Love the scan!

Squeek-I agree with Kat-just try and relax. LO won't know what done and undone when she arrives so just try and go with the flow.

How are you LW?
hey ladies,

Kat - what do I put on my bump ... well TBH I hardly ever cream up my bump. I know its really naughty, but I think that if I'm going to get stretchies I'm going to get them cream or no cream.
Saying that I, when I do put something on its usually body butter of some sort, what ever I have at hand.

Bbear - Love the scan pic!!!

Bonnie - I do love that profile pic! Soooo cute! and the look on the LO's face - just screaming out - HELP! hehe

LW - how you doing hun?

Yes I know I need to relax, but my nesting instincts are stronger than ever!! I managed to hoover the nursery today and then repacked all the crap back into the room - hehe DF wont be happy. One moment I want the room cleared and next I'm packing everything back! :haha: pregnancy hormones for you! :haha:

I really ought to take another bump pic. Will see if I can take one after dinner.

Lunch with a friend tomorrow. Really looking forward to getting out for a bit tomorrow.
Skweek sorry the heat was too much it will be cooler today* Kat right with the almond oil and coco butter* also organic Shea butter is great.

BBear thanks for sharing scan pic getting that sucking thumb action right from the womb lol

Kat you seem to be doing well and must be blooming beAutifully right now.

Bonnie glad you got the egg white I would try that also if needed I have only had lots of watery. My arousal fluid is only thing that's egg white so be interesting to see.
I changed my cross hairs and I am 5 dpo feeling good so far.
Hey ladies 13 dpo not feeling confident feeling emotional temp dropped. This TCC is so crazy sometimes.
Any bleeding, LW?
I really wouldn't worry too much about temp drops at this stage.
FXed your little bean snuggles up nice and warm!

Keep us updated

Kat & Bonnie - how you doing?
Where is Bbear?

AFM - last few days on school holidays. Will be back at work on Friday to sort out a few bits and bobs. But officially back to school on Tuesday.
Have a pregnancy full body massage booked for Monday afternoon - really looking forward to that bit of pampering.

Hope everyone is well.
I'm here skweek lol

Just struggling with keeping kids entertained, mil has taken them out for the day so just had a lovely nap and been lazy all day :):)

Back to work next week, I actually cant wait to get back into a routine x 20w scan in 13 days x

Hope everyone else is ok and having a lovely day
Oh no LW! Big :hugs:
FXed this one has prepared the way for another BFP that will come really soon!!!
Hang in there.

AFM - I'm absolutely shattered today! Had a really late night and spent this morning cleaning the house as the in laws came for lunch. (well they brought the fish and chips for lunch too - lucky us!!)
We have just finished buying a load of baby things too - cot bed and dresser/changer, carrycot and mattress. So I think that's the spending spree for the day.
DF is currently busy with the mock up wedding invite too - it looks amazing!
So sorry.

All is well. Just been going to the beach a lot. Grey is kicking all the time and DH can hear his heartbeat by pressing his ear to my belly.
How is the nursery?

Update please.

Wow time flies. Almost 20 weeks already.
lw :( so sorry Af got you xx big hugs xx

Ooooh fish and chips :/ could eat that right now lol
Nothing to update. Sleeping is off so I'm tired and increased cm maybe.

Tick tok tick tok.

LW and I are working hard to bring up the rear
Thanks ladies I took this AF pretty hard. More emotional than usuel. Thinking About starting Accupunture this month. Bonnie how are you finding it?
Hi ladies, Hope you have all had a good weekend.

Kat - I wish I could enjoy walks on a beach! Decent sand beaches are so far away from us.
The nursery is coming along. All the furniture has been ordered and should be here by next weekend. Managed to clear more of the stuff away - either to the loft or off is going to charity tomorrow.
So hopefully get it all set out and ready in the next 2 weeks.

Bbear - almost half way! :wohoo:

LW - :hugs: I tried to organise acupuncture, but all the lady was interested in selling me was Chinese herbs! Eww!! If you can get in for acupuncture then go for it!

Bonnie - Hows the sleep coming along?

AFM - Not only been busy with the nursery but also with the wedding invites. Mock up done and all the bits and pieces have been ordered. We are expecting it all to start arriving tomorrow morning, then we can start getting the invites printed and made. Hopefully get them all done in the next 2 weeks so we can get them sent out by the end of November (with Christmas cards!) Seeing that more than half of the invites need to go to South Africa they really do need to get off early.
Back to work on Tuesday!! Urgh - have the 6 weeks school holidays really come to an end??
Ok here's the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG awaited bump pic! Finally at 31w+2d!!


Hope everyone is doing well.
beautiful bumps ladies....feeling jealous now but ecstatic for you three!

LW-i really do like acupuncture-obviously it hasn't kicked in quite yet for me and missing 2 sessions in a row has not helped...

so...had acupuncture this am.
Discussed diet and what foods to avoid (fruit juices, sodas, excessive dairy and things that are cold)
Adding Xiao Yao San. He said I could start taking it now even though af is not due until Friday....hmmm
Will add some other formula after i go back right before next ov (if there is one). I dont recall the name and he had to order more.

Almost of of CoQ10....its so flipping expensive---debating if i should continue?
Also have added DHEA on cd1 of this cycle.

i would love a bfp just to get off all of these damn supplements! lol

af due friday...no symptoms at all :shrug:

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