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Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Bonnie - I agree - This is the perfect week for him to get his SA done! FXed he actually gets it done now!

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - I can see this next week is not going to get any easier for me! I got a text/sms from my boss to ask if I can teach the year 5's (my old class) this next week! Their teacher has had to fly to Ireland as they don't think her dad will see the end of the weekend.
All this full time teaching and trying to help a Newly Qualified Teacher settle into his class is not easy. I can see I will still be at school most days till almost 7pm!
Just hope I have a good week for sleeping.
that sucks. when is your mat leave?
Thanks Kat - feeling even worse since I've just got a call from my boss to confirm that there isn't even planning - I suppose I really shouldn't complain cause its not the teachers fault and I do still have my year 5 planning from a few years ago. So for the majority of the day I will just pull old stuff out of the bag!

I'm planning on taking mat leave from 12 Oct - so 5 weeks to go. I suppose I could start in 4 weeks time - would just have to let them know on Monday, but I dont want to be taking too much time before baby is expected as I really want to take the time when she is here
yup 8 weeks to go!!

Ok maths planning sorted for the irst 2 days at least. Now just to do the literacy and reading planning for the week!
Will try sort something out for the afternoons when I get to work tomorrow.
Skweek it sounds like a lot of work but I know you get through. Knowing you only have 5 weeks left must feel great too.

As for me a few days into freak week. I should Ov on Friday or around this time. Just going with the flow right now.
FXed for both of you.
Hang in there.

3rd Tri tomorrow!
That's amazing news Kat!
Thrilled for you!

Bbear where are you? How are things going?
Morning ladies, Well turns out I only have my old class for yesterday and today! Yay! I can actually get started on my proper timetable and get some of MY work done!!

LW - FXed you catch that eggy good and proper and it turns into a viable pregnancy that last all 40 weeks!!

Bonnie - :wohoo: to SA!!!!! That is fab news!! FXed that comes back with no problems and the clomid works its magic!!

Kat - looking gorgeous!!!
I must admit that my bump must have popped out abit more again as my belly button is about to pop out!! Sitting at my desk is becoming uncomfortable - might ask if they can cut out a bit for my bump! :haha: :rofl:

Any whoos time for me to get on with some work
That's great news Skweek. I'm surprised you belly button is still in. For some reason, I don't want mine to pop.... but in the scheme of things, who cares?
you look so good Kat!

Yah for easier time at work Sqweek!

day three down of clomid. :sex: tonight so DB can go for sa on friday...although now he is saying he plans to seduce me thursday night so he wont be able to go and then next week is freak week so.....:shrug::dohh:

am i really going to have to fight him off? :haha::haha::haha:
I think you should move out till he gets it done - NOT seriously - tell him no way Jose!! Shag tonight then nothing till SA is done!

I actually cant wait for belly button to pop out!
My back is killing me - even though I've been sitting on my ball all evening! Just can't get comfy tonight!
Got furniture arriving on Saturday! So I really do need to get the nursery ready. A few things that still need to be given away, but think most things will be thrown on the bed for the day till the furniture is ready.
I have a sneaky suspicion that my baby shower is on Saturday. My mom keeps asking me what I'm doing on Saturday! She apparently wants to go shopping for her outfit for the wedding! I keep trying to tell her that she is looking too soon! but she is having none of it. So I will play along with her. I did tell her that I need to finish up with my hospital bags so need to have a look at what I've already got in there and make a shopping list of what I still need.

NCT classes start tomorrow night - not sure what to expect but will go with an open mind and see what its all about.
Tell DH to back off!

Back pain... just a given. Have you been doing cat/cow yoga pose? Otherwise known as pelvic tilts on the hands and knees. It helps a bit as does the ball.
Hey ladies,

Skweek you can also do the alternative to down dog for pregnancy spead legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lean forward near a wall and walk hands down till your shape of a right angle* Great for taking pressure off the back too*

Kat you carry so well thanks for sharing pics*

Bonnie tell that man of yours to calm his hormones till the jobs done lol. I am sure you resist but I know it's hard lol.

Afm I think I ov today maybe tommorow had real dark positives opkTuesday and Wednesday. I have had extra watery cm sorry tmi and Breast hurting more than usual for ov* try get another bd in and then the wait starts.
Bonnie - did OH go for SA today?

LW - thanks for that position. Will defo give it a try later.

Kat - Thanks for those positions - will try them out too later. I love my ball!!

Bbear - How are you doing hun?

Also have a back and neck massage booked for tonight! So looking forward to it! I am also hoping to join the local NCT stretch and breathe classes soon!!!

Furniture arriving tomorrow! YAY So time for me to get decorating and sorting!!
Everyone is saying I look so much bigger today! I feel like a beached whale!
Have to go will finish up later
I just left the lab from dropping it off.
Major clomood meltdown this am
And he never tried anything lol
FXed for you.

Enjoy the massage. You are almost full term.

Let us know the results.

My GF is in town and the bathroom situation is NOT working out. We only have 1 bathroom and it in my bedroom. I have been up for well over an hour (5:30AM) after the 2nd time she woke me up. I am going to try and sleep with earplugs in tomorrow, but having someone walk into my bedroom TWICE in the middle of the night is not okay with me. It let's me know that I absolutely do NOT want my in-laws staying with us after the baby is born.

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