Can anyone shed some light on IUI odds?

Well ladies I have a consultation appt on April 20...and hope things will progress nicely from there. I am not sure what to expect. Can anyone give me any insight as to what the first steps truely are. What can i expect and some good questions that I can ask to make sure he is a "good" doc?? LOL
I don't know about questions, but have you done all your blood work? Or is this like your first appt ever with the facitility?

You could ask him questions about what the proposed procedure will be like.

Whenever he explains something to you that you don't quite understand or that you want more info on, you should definitely ask for it. If he can give you all the knowledge you want then he's probably a good dr. That's what I do with my doc.... he probably really dislikes talking to me because I constantly pick him brain about everything he does.

If it's your first appt of the facitily. Expect lots of blood work, and lab tests. If you haven't done an HSG, expect that. I had LOTS!!! of blood work. As in more then 11 veils of blood off to labs, kind of lab work. Don't expect this cycle to be a treatment cycle either. They need time to asses all your blood work and lab tests, the next month after your first initial appt is where the magic happens.
Hey SJ, I'm feeling good! Have reached 5 weeks today, which I know is still really early, but it still feels like I"m progressing to move up a week number! lol. I have big sore bbs, but I've only had nausea for about 15mins every morning. But I think it all gets worse around the 6 week mark, so we'll see how it goes! That's great that you're goin for a scan soon! I will be going when I'm about 6 weeks as well, can't wait! I've read on other threads that girls have been able to hear the heartbeat by then! How are you feeling? Have you had an hcg blood test?

Casey, that's great that your doc thinks a lot dose of clomid will work with you! My follies were being really subborn. I'm keeping my fx'd for you - make sure you keep us updated :)

Reedsgirl - I think Casey's questions are great - is this your first consult, or is it a check up on how your follies are doing? I'm not sure if you can do this where you are, but I was able to google my doctor's name and read some reviews on him! That gave me a lot of confidence that he was a good doctor.
Hi Joli, am excited about scan as I will be 5 weeks then. I think I am having one early to see about multiples (I had 3 mature eggs released). So far I have no real symptoms, although I do have a cold and can't stop sneezing! I haven't had a blood test - do you think I need one? I asked my fertility nurse at the hospital and she said if I had taken tests then I was pregnant.

Casey - I agree with Joli it's great that your dr thinks you will repsond well. I had to monitored quite closely as they wouldn't go ahead if there were too many mature follicles.

Reedsgirl - def expect lots of blood work, and possibly an internal scan. Quite near the beginning I had a laparoscopy to check my tubes were clear and working properly. After my doctor said anything I always came home and googled it and then went armed with numerous questions at next appointment.

Am keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies xx
Yea my dr said that because I had so many follicles, he would have to monitor me closely. Which is another reason why he said he wanted to give me a low dosage of clomid.
Hey SJ - I had my BFP on 9dpo, so I took a blood test at 10dpo just to make sure I wasn't imagining a line! lol - my beta was 62 which I think was quite high for 10dpo. I am going to get bloods done again this week around 5.5 weeks, and will get another at 6.5 weeks just to make sure my hcg is rising well. Plus at this early stage, a really high hcg could suggest twins! I think it's just a good idea to get 2 hcgs done, so that you have a base for calculating how quickly its increasing. The blood tests are pretty cheap here, so I don't mind getting them done. I'm curious on whether I could have twins - they think I released 2 eggs, though another follie looked like it might or might not release an egg. I didn't realise they could already tell at 5 weeks whether there were twins!
Thanks for all the input ladies!! This is my very first visit..but they specialize in a procedure that is called MiniIVF...less blood work and a 2 week procedure instead of the whole month, I guess. I would prefer IUI to start as I think the problem is my lining. I only have a 2 day "period" so I am thinking the lining doesn't get thick enough for the baby to implant properly. I am having a HSG done this tuesday but that is by my reg OBgyn doc. Thanks again...I will keep stalking this post if thats ladies are wonderful!!
No prob!!! Good luck!!! :dust:

The amount of your period can indicate what kind of lining you have?!

If so, that makes me sleep a little easier. I've been mini freaking out that I could have a bad lining that will mess up my IUI in April (i worry about everything lol), and if that is the case, I have a nice heavy 6 days flow. I bet that's why my DR asked how long my period lasts.
I am not totally sure but I have been googling it like crazy and come up with several different answer...some say that anywhere from 2 to 7 days is normal other post say 4 to 7. I am not sure what to think but our lining sheds everymonth that is what causes our period and if the lining isn't "thick" enough the eggy can't implant that much I do know.
HI ladies - yes, I think that the amount of blood can indicate how thick your lining us, but the flow can still be different from everyone. I know that when I was put on Gonal-F, the FS said that it would help thicken my lining. Reedsgirl, what is mini-IVF? I think whatever medication they put you on, it will thicken your lining as well. I've read that the selenium in the core of fresh pineapple can help with implantation, so I made a fresh pineapple smoothy every morning :) It does no harm, plus its yummy and packed with vitamins!
I'm not good with statistics either, but I had a doctor who had 50% success rates with IUI. So the first time about 50% of his patients would get pregnant, the second time along about another 50% and so on. The third time 50% of those, and then he would go for IVF. I'm going for round 3 next week and I'm really hoping I'll be one of the lucky ones!
Bad news,

ladies i'm not sure my baby is going to be staying with me :( I have been spotting pink and brown for the last 2 days. I have read it could be because of the progesterone suppositories but am convinced otherwise.
oh, SJ, I'm so sorry that you have some spotting - have you seen a doc about it? I had a friend who was spotting loads in her first 12 weeks, and they increased her dose of progesterone and that managed to stop it. I hope you get to see someone about it soon. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now - I hope your FS or doc can help you out. I'm thinking of you :hugs:
OH YUMMY!!!! I love Pineapples. Thanks for the advise, I would definitely use that when i'm in Sticky Bean mode.
HI ladies - yes, I think that the amount of blood can indicate how thick your lining us, but the flow can still be different from everyone. I know that when I was put on Gonal-F, the FS said that it would help thicken my lining. Reedsgirl, what is mini-IVF? I think whatever medication they put you on, it will thicken your lining as well. I've read that the selenium in the core of fresh pineapple can help with implantation, so I made a fresh pineapple smoothy every morning :) It does no harm, plus its yummy and packed with vitamins!

From what I have read about MiniIVF its seems to me that they do not do all the testing that is traditionally done as the test seem to be useless and the same procedure is done anyway...I think. I am not totally sure but it also reduces the cst of the meds from about 4000 to 300. I guess I will find out more in April. I would prefer to do what whatever is going to get me a baby!! LOL I have already spent 7000 dollars on my tubal reversal and I am starting to think I should have went with IVF to begin with..
Whoa, just spent ages reading this thread. Thanks for giving me hope girls. I am due for AF anytime now (neg. blood test so stopped taking progesterone) and will be starting my first IUI cycle. I am so glad to hear your success stories.

Congrats on the bfps, good luck to those who have started new cycles, and I'm praying for you sj22. xx
BizyBee-- When is your scheduled IUI?

Good luck to you. :dust:

This thread has also become my new favorite, because it also gives me hope. I am starting (*fingers cross all goes well preliminarily*) my first IUI in April.
So, i've been reading here and there on the interwebs that IUI can give mildly higher chances for one or the other gender....

I was curious because I know that x sperm (female) is slower, but lives longer and the y (male) sperm is faster but dies out sooner, and I thought about what that would do for the likelihood of boy or girl in pregnancy.

What is everyone's thoughts on here?

I keep reading mix reviews, some say it's still 50/50, some say it's more boys, some say more girls (i've read this the least though).

I am probably going to ask my doctor about this at our next appt, but I just wanted to see what you ladies thought.
Welcome Bizybee - I wish you the best of luck with your IUI. As you will have seen on this thread, the success rates are pretty good!

Reedsgirl - I totally know what you mean by considering whether you should have gone straight into IVF. DH and I thought of the same thing when we thought that it might take 3 tries of IUI, then if that didn't work, move onto IVF - for the cost of 3 IUIs, we considered going onto IVF straight away. But I'm so glad that it worked first time round! The mini-IVF sounds really interesting, it seems to make such a huge difference in cost!

Casey - you're right about the speed and longevity of the boy and girl spermys. I would have thought that IUI would result in more boys because they try to time ovulation with insemination within a short period of each other, and the boy spermys are faster swimmers, so they get in their first. I've been doing my temps, and I don't think I O'd until a day after I had the IUI, so I don't know if this means my chances of having a girl have increased or not. I think most people are expecting me to have a boy! Once everyone on this thread gets their BFPs, and find out the gender, it would be interesting to take a poll!
Joli- Yes, exactly. Though on other forums I have read on it seems that people who have successful IUIs have a healthy mix of boys and girls. We will have to just see.

Hopefully everyone with BFPs will put on the thread when they find out. :)

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