My last post was in Feb.
My marriage has COMPLETELY turned around (and upside down) since then! Now its in a GOOD place and Im in a good place and I can write about it.
In Feb that i posted I started a new church and going to a grief group for my grandma who passed away. There was a woman there who i had never met before or talked to and she was offering furniture so i called her and set up a time. I went to meet with her and she had a vision from god right there in front of me about my husband and that we would be at the altar. We were like " yeah ok, whatever".
At this point a friend from MOPS had given me the book The Power Of The Praying Wife and I started praying for our marriage. It was VERY VERY slow progress and God spoke to me in MANY ways. He was very clear to STAY in my marriage though.
In March my husbands Sex Addiction came out. i knew he had this addiction for a very long time but i was in denial and so was he. he got help and i got help and then our marriage got even better! There was slow progress, it was NOT over night. There were mountains to climb and many MANY fights, blame games and even thoughts of " WHY ".
In May however God had a different plan and my husbands TRUE sex addiction details came out. He had cheated on me 5 times unprotected. How was i going to get past that? What was I going to do? God worked on me and my husband. God showed me things I have never seen. My husband started going to church and believing in God. There was CLEAR, TRUE change in him. He WANTED to get better. He wanted this marriage.
After that, we considered what the vision lady had seen. Should we renew our vows? It made sense. We had overcome this obstacle and we needed a fresh start.
Well, Nov 9, we are doing it. We are starting over.
The point of that is this:
I really thought there was no way out. I thought I couldnt be in a marriage like that. I thought i didnt want a husband like that. I deserve better. I need better. Even after his addiction came out, I thought there was no way, im crazy. However, IF you can work it out with your partner, PLEASE try. Many times now I can look back and see the small changes i couldnt see before. My husband is completely different. All the things i posted about before arent worries anymore.
He has been unemployed since Jan and got a job through a church friend at Chick Fil A (making 1/2 what he was and ENJOYING IT)
He has good, church friend who encourage and love him. He didnt have a support system before.
He does NOT stay on the computer anymore. There is a filter so he cant be tempted into his old ways but he chooses his family over the computer.
He helps around the house where before i think he really thought a fairy did it.
He takes the leadership role now. Hes the husband and the Father,
He is encouraging our children for what a happy marriage SHOULD be... no daily fighting. Agreements on everything. Love. Passion.
for EVERY.SINGLE.MOM on this board that is, was or will be single. There is HOPE.
** I realize not every relationship can work out. I know not every spouse wants to work it out or work on their issues. This is the plan God had for MY life, that may not be what he has for yours.