Well things are back to the same- where i cant stand to be around him and he annoys the crap out of me. For a brief moment i 1/2 way considered MAYBE I was considering moving out from anger but no, its just the right thing to do.
I did go by my apartment. I havent been there since i applied! I forgot what it looked like- the building i mean. Its not an apartment at all! Its a Townhouse! A 2 story townhouse with a little patio. Im excited! Of course it still may take a while, but im excited.
and i feel like i have to say this because its frustrating.
I have been in an abusive relationship before. (before I was with DH). I was pregnant at the time and I didnt have "baggage" (kids, pets, bills, etc). When he beat the crap out of me, i had a place to go. I could literally pack up and leave (and i did). Now?
I feel like I have no where to go and no one is on my side. Why? I have " baggage". I have 2 kids and a dog i want to bring with me. I cant exactly crash on someones couch. So instead of someone helping me (even emotionally), im being told to "suck it up" and "deal with it". Thankfully no, Dh doesnt abuse me but if he did, id be stuck. I feel stuck but I cant imagine my situation being worse and it feel like no one can help in any way. My mom is telling me " get your ducks in a row"-- what does that even mean? I cant get them in more in a row or they wont be in a row! Some things i wont figure out until i move out.
The point? Please dont ever tell a woman in a bad relationship to just leave- sometimes it is literally just not that easy.