Canadian Home Birthers

I didn't take the classes, I actually just downloaded a hypnobabies torrent with all the scripts and listened to them every night for a good 6 months or so. I found it absolutely amazing and miss doing it now! The goal is to learn how to use the technique far in advance so that when labour comes around you don't have to think about it, you just do it. I found it so calming and relaxing during pregnancy, it truly put me in the mindset that this whole labour thing is no big deal, that I'm gonna rock it and that I should look forward to it rather than be scared about it. It gave me so much confidence in myself as a woman and also really helped me connect with my unborn baby. The techniques also helped my nerves if I was having a particularly hormonal day. I can think of numerous instances where I was crying for whatever preggo reason and unable to sleep, and within minutes of using the techniques I was passed out. During the actual labour it was incredible. My midwives couldn't even tell if I was having a contraction, they would have to ask if I was before checking the heart rate. The hypnobirthing teaches you also how to breathe through the contractions so that by the time you are in labour, the type of breathing you need to do comes naturally. It really takes a lot of practice and it is so worth it if you want to enjoy every minute.

Also I would like to mention that my experience wasn't completely flawless, we actually had to call the ambulance as his cord was wrapped around his neck and his heart rate plummeted in second stage. BUT because of my relaxation and trust in my midwives, I pushed him out in 15 min and cancelled the ambulance. I didn't get to have my ideal slow breathing second stage but I was happy and relaxed through the whole thing. When people say that labour is painful but you forget the pain when baby is out, I say BS. Labour is the easiest part (and mine lasted 24 hours!) because you are SO excited about what you are doing. Truly the most fun I have ever had. The healing part is harder, IMO.

Edited to add that I didn't really practice with my OH beforehand, i found it most useful to keep it inside my own head. My partner was my rock through the whole thing, he just needed to be there. I knew how to breathe and he would have just gotten in the way lol. I needed him as a physical support, almost like he absorbed the energy that was moving through me. He actually remembers it as that as well.
Another Vancouver Island homebirther here :hi:

We've had 3 successful homebirths and will plan for a fourth. I found being in the tub helpful while I was in labour but when it came time to push I wanted out.

The first time we weren't prepared and ended up throwing out our mattress. I would recommend a plastic sheet or shower curtain. The carpets were fine.
Just wanted to say hi!
I'm another Canadian homebirth hopeful here from Calgary :)

I'm due middle of March and am looking for a much better labor/birth experience this time around!
Welcome new HB gals!!

Holy cow aliss and gaiagirl - you're getting so close!!! I can't believe it. I hope you'll come back and share your stories with us. :)

rainkat - I've been told that women almost always want to be somewhere else when they want to push... I wonder how often it really happens??
How exciting that it's coming up so soon!

I feel like March will never get here, although I'm sure in time the weeks will start speeding by.
How are we doing ladies?! I know two of us are imminently close!

This is my first and I am starting to get a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect and wondering if I really can do this?! Eek!

So freaking excited to meet this little guy finally, but such a HUGE event before we get to!
Thanks girls!

We are still on track for the home birth, recently found out I'm GBS negative so sweeeet (I was positive with my first and it led to a bunch fo crappy hospital interventions so it was a big deal to me). Birthing room is set up and cleaned. Family flights are booked (my mom + sister from Vancouver).

And now, we just wait.
gaiagirl - You are going to be fantastic!!! I can't wait to hear your success story!

aliss - So exciting!!! I can't believe how close you are. :) Hooray for being GBS neg. Awesome news.

I met with my midwife this morning and asked a million questions about the birth pool etc. As a reminder - If any of you are planning a water birth and don't already have one... you will need a little fish net (for scooping floaters out of the water... eww!) :)

Any of you thinking about delayed cord clamping? I am kinda on the fence. Apparently, the midwifery standard is after 2 mins.

LOL @ the fish net. I remember asking her why do I need that... she just giggled and said she'd have to scoop poop! Doh!

I haven't thought about delayed cord clamping, tbh it isn't really of interest to me - but I think Ina May's book has some great info on it!
We didn't clamp the cord till it stopped pulsing. Baby can lose a lot of its own blood that ay so it's worth looking into :) We didn't really even think much about it, the time flew by and I was too busy cuddling and meeting him to even think about someone clamping his cord lol.

Excited for you ladies! I wish I was doing it all over again:)
Thanks baskinps - that's what I've heard. Do you know how long it took for your baby's cord to stop? Apparently the standard of care is to clamp after 2 mins... but my MW has actually delivered a placenta still attached! (I'm not THAT into it. LOL)

I think I am going to hire a doula too... I wasn't planning on it, but I think my hubby needs it. He's totally nervous and afraid to tell me. ;)
Hi I'm new to this forum :) I am from Rural South-Western Ontario and I am due on June 2nd. I have my first meeting with my midwife on November 15th. I'm a little nervous about a home birth.. but I really want it!
Hi I'm new to this forum :) I am from Rural South-Western Ontario and I am due on June 2nd. I have my first meeting with my midwife on November 15th. I'm a little nervous about a home birth.. but I really want it!

Welcome!! Congrats. My son was born June 8. It was a great time, as I was able to get out & enjoy lovely long walks with the newborn in the warm weather. Good luck with your appointment!!

And where is mah baby!??!?? Fashionably late
Welcome ruaaur - If a homebirth is what you want, be prepared for people to try to sway you.. but don't let them. I am due Jan 29th and sooo excited for my home birth. :)
Hi gals. I am a home birth grad now. Wish I would've found this thread before. Here is a link to our story if interested feel free to ask away!!!
That's awesome lovealittle1! So glad you got your HBAC! What kinds of affirmations did you have on those flash cards, I like that idea :)

I am so close now, the nervous anticipation is taking over...I've been doing some hypno birthing exercises and just trying to stay calm and relaxed and positive! Wish it was my second time though so I knew what to expect, at least remotely. The unknown is the scary part!
gaiagirl, you will be pleasantly surprised how "not bad" it really is :)
Lovealittle - Your birth sounds exactly the way I've envisioned mine!! You are in inspiration hun!! :)

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