Hee hee.
I can hear Simon playing in his bed and he's saying "You won't have to go to jail. It might be scary, but you'll be okay, and you won't have to go to jail".

I think he's playing with his favourite diggers, so your guess is as good as mine!
Simon says "I stink" right now, instead of "I think" and carefully tells us not to ever ever say (insert f-word here). He repeats this several times as a warning, because it's his very clever way of doing taboo things - telling us that we really shouldn't do this as he does it. Sigh. I'm in for a lot of loooonnnnnggg parent-teacher interview sessions, aren't I?
In other news, the whole family is feeling better. Poor little Tobe still has very loose BMs, but he's energetic and drinking well, so hopefully it just gets out of his system. I think we're in the middle of another teething session, so that could also be a contributing factor.
And I got Skyrimmed tonight. That almost sounds sexy! It's not. My usually lovely husband wants a night to himself to play games, which is fair. Except that I was looking forward to spending some quality time together, so I'm kind of bummed.
Oh well.