Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I have always been a team yellow advocate but this time I did falter a bit and was considering finding out. I guess private scans in Canada are very expensive and it would be hard to justify the expense when you will find out eventually. I think that the surprise after labor makes the pain worthwhile.

I am really lucky and have been assigned to the high risk clinic. So far i have had 4 scans and I have another two booked for 28 and 32 weeks. My doctor is very understanding of the emotions of pal and strives to make things as easy as possible for you.

Mommyd - fight for the gas and air - its deadly stuff. Feels like you drunk a bottle of champagne through a straw. :winkwink:
mmmmmmm champagne LOL I would kill for a glass of bubbily!
Wouldn't it be nice. I bet the smell of it now would knock me, its been so long since I had any alcohol!!

A glass of virtual wine for you :wine:
Best i can do :haha:
champers!!! mmmmmmmmmm. that would be freakin awesome. I read on a blog somewhere about ladies who opt for a bottle of red wine during labour as pain relief. how bizarre is that? all tho i could defo see how being tipsy could distract one LOL.

anyway - I'm on medical insurance here - so i get a scan everytime i go - which at this point is every 6 weeks. not that pricey here - gets included in consultation fees - comes out to about 400ZAR about 40pounds and less dollars. not sure about the exchange rates. BUT i'm booked for 3D in 3 weeks time and then another normal scan 3 weeks after that. But our state lead care doesn't do scans that often either - i think 3 in total - 13 weeks, 20 weeks and 32 weeks.

SOOO - we've been very forward and started looking at names and the Olives big brother has used his VITO vote as the big brother and promptly informed us if the olive is a "girl baby - we'll name it Chloe, mommy. and if it's a boy baby- we'll name it Finn, mommy." so it seems as though OH and I are going to have VERY little say in this matter. to say we are gob smacked is an understatement!
I could just imagine the look on the midwifes face if I took out a bottle of wine during labour. That would be funny. I bet those girls were french lol.

I am only after eating ...

an easter egg. :blush:

It belonged to one of the kids and I ate it. In my defence they didnt know it was there. Its nearly bloody halloween and Im eating easter eggs. You can get away with anything when pregnant. :thumbup:

I am going to die with heartburn now for stealing it and I cant even gulp down the gaviscon cos Im on aspirin.

Shamefaced. (but on a sugar high :haha:)

thats funny about your son mommyd. Our kids dont know yet so Im hoping to have a name picked b4 they find out. They were talking one night about what they would call a baby brother or sister. Lets just say Im not too gone on their choices.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ate SIX of my daughters easter eggs last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
has anybody kept/started exercising during this pregnancy?
The extent of mine is sitting on a fitness ball (mainly because a chair is uncomfy) and walking a bit (mainly because i have a 2 year old who LOVES walking to the park - on a daily basis)
I am a fitness freak...I have mainly toned it down though and have been doing swimming and walking. People always make fun of how "big" I am and I work out more then anyone they know!
i must be honest - i hate exercising. played field hocky at school for 5 years @ premier League level- because i liked it. then went to university and started cycling - because i liked it. ofcourse i had to stop doing that when i got prego and for atleast 3 months after. i swam quite a bit during my pregnancy with DS - but that was because i was heavily prego in the dead of summer...
but this time around i promised myself i'd get some form of exercise. so i've started with a bit of walking. and then the fitness ball stretches. and i'll be doing some swimming also - because i'll be like a whale come summer time.
I'm supposed to be exercising right now.... A group of mums from school go walking every Wed and Fri and I TRY to make it, but I'm going shopping with a friend today, so I can't wear myself out can I ?? Normally I like the huffy-puffy but not when I'm exhausted and my stupid pelvis is causing me so much grief......frankly I prefer lying on the couch and eating:blush:

Right now I feel like an especially lazy cow, I'm lying on the couch eating Fruit Loops while my lovely new housekeeper is buzzing around me ! Hate to brag, but oh it's so lovely !:happydance::happydance: Its hard not to feel guilty though when someone is basically slaving away and you're doing absolutely nothing..

I get a scan every time I go to my appts. It's how they check the heartbeat etc. I've had 2 'big' scans and I have another one in 2 weeks. i don't think I was supposed to have that many but they have trouble seeing everything because of my anterior placenta. Speaking of which, stupid placenta is also a praevia. Has anyone had that ? It means its really low down either touching or covering the cervix. I'm not too concerned given that i'm going to have a csection anyway. I miss wine. I've had a mouthful, literally a teeny tiny mouthful since I got pregnant, i don't trust myself not to guzzle a damn bottle if I have anymore:drunk: I will be having it hospital after the birth though, in the hospitals in Australia when my other kids were born it was part of the dinner service. Actually, i have to admit it would be my number one reason for pumping !

I do have a totally flop proof recipe for Key Lime Pie which i shall post when I find the book it's in.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. We're off to a military airshow. Can't wait... I like perving on pilots ! :blush:
Nothing like a man in uniform - swoon lol

does walking to the kitchen to get yet more food count as exercise???
I have become the ultimate slob. Really really bad. All I seem to do at night is eat. I know I will pay the price come feb but atm I just dont care. before I got pregnant I was doing lots of exercise. Im not a gym girl but I have a threadmill and cross trainer at home and used one or both every day. My favourite form of exercise is defo fitness dvd's. Weight b4 my bfp was three stone lighter than my heaviest weight and I could really feel it off. Im starting to feel it piling on again. I will be a whale come delivery time but im planning to breastfeed and that really does help shift the weight ( i hope )

Smudge you are so lucky to have a bousekeeper. My house is ripped to shreds atm. We are getting some plumbing work done and changes to the heating system. Every room i go to looks worse than the last and its bloody depressing. Worst is still to come tho. :nope: I will kill hubby if this is not the brilliant job he says it will be. I literally got my bedroom painted and new flooring down last week and now the plumber is going to go upstairs and start cutting floors. If he goes near my room I'll bury him under the floorboards with my oh lol. Not a court in the land would convict me :haha:
I have had one helluva hormonal day! Its like the absolute worst PMS ever in my life. I am lucky that no one at my work DIED today! I work with all men...who thought it would be a good idea to tease me about hormones. After a breif screaming match and some objects being hurled against walls I mildly pulled it together. Then I got home and still enraged scrubbed every inch of my 900 square foot home's floors with a scrub sponge. I still feel like screaming though
oh V - i hope you're feeling better today... lickily my hormones have settled a bit (touch wood).

smudge and bean - i reckon keeping a 2 almost 3 year old occupied is exercise enough! My house keeper went away for the weekend - house looks like a bomb hit it cuz we had a small party on saturday and then a pj day yesterday. she lives with me and doesn't normally work weekends - but she helps out with dishes over weekends. BUT i tell you - I SERIOUSLY appreciate having her around. other wise my place might actually look like a blast scene 24/7. Summer is rolling in here and the hayfever is BAD. i'm cursing not being able to take anti-histamines!!

Breastfeeding helped me shake the prego pounds last time around and i gained 55lbs! and it helped a LOT. i never exercised or changed my diet. ate what i wanted to. and breastfeeding did the trick. within 3 months i was back to pre-prego weight with most of the weight being shed in the first month and a half.
Ha MommyD, yes ! God Bless housekeepers ! I am extremely grateful, more than I can say, that I have the option to employ some help. My husband travels a LOT, and I'm having more and more mobility problems. I still do a lot of chores around the house (I hate for anyone else to do my washing etc) and I still cook, sometimes. I have just enough to cope with right now, I can't do anymore !

Ooooooh, V , has there been any backlash from your outburst ?? Silly, silly men thinking they can mess with a woman. You feeling better ? I went on a mini tirade at 1am on Sunday morning because the teenagers in the house across the road were having a party and it was too loud. It made me so mad, I made my husband ring security (we live in a gated estate) and go round there and tell them to shut up ! I moaned and ranted til he did it. then I went and stood on a ladder and looked out the window (in the dark) to see if the guard went in. He did and they eventually shut up but not until someone screeched their tires up and down the street - oh I was PISSED !:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I hope we all have a good week. I'm feeling a bit anxious at the moment....wondering if its because it's close to viability or because I feel movement now....don't know, but I'm thinking of all the horrible things right now. I have been doing a lot of shopping but I keep all the receipts and don't remove the tags - just in case:nope:
OOOhhhh i hate when neighbours are sooo inconsiderate. we had that recently. i marched over to the "party" house at 2am and cr@pped all over them. they were gob-smacked - but continued partying - so i called the cops to make them shut up. they were fined about R1000 (about 90 pound and 142$US) and all party goers escorted from the area...

anyway - i'm feeling as anxious smudge. bubs has been moving HEAPS and i get totally freaked out when i haven't felt movement for a while. the olive has a pretty normal "movement" schedule - in the afternoon from about 12 - 2 and then early evening. and when i force olive to move i just have to lay with my legs crouched against my belly. but this is a whole new kind of worry - and i swear it's more taxing than that 6 week wait - almost. i'm trying not to drive myself crazy with vday. i'm still almost 2 weeks away from it.

I haven't bought s single thing yet. i keep saying i'm waiting for Vday - and i know when vday arrives i'll say 30 week mark and so on until i go into labour and will have to call mum to go buy some things for bubs. crazy - i know.
Hi lovelies,

good to hear you've all been being equally as scary as me :) Everyone should know - don't mess with a pregnant lady!!

I told my work today (finally!) so I'm feeling MUCH better. They were really good actually, so I'll just have to see what happens now. I've been worried because the mc and various other stresses really affected my work for quite a while, so I've been trying to get back in their good books and this doesn't really help with that! At least I've still got a few months to work my (ever increasing!) butt off and leave them with a good impression.

I'm really enjoying pregnancy atm. Button's moving loads and i LOVE it. It's nice at this stage when you can feel them and they've still got enough room to move about properly. I just hope this one ends up the right way round (DD was breech and I had to have an ECV). I'm trying not to feed my fears as much a possible now and concentrate on teh good things. I find it quite hard even seeing just the titles in PAL, so I just make a b-line for our thread and the ones in 2nd tri.

Apart from my pelvic girdle pain, which is proving a bit debilitating, I'm not doing too badly really. We don't have a housekeeper or anything, but my lovely OH is helping LOADS with the washing, cooking, etc. He's a star! I am however turning into a big blimp rapidly!
good to hear from you Kit. i was just going to ask - how on earth you managed to hide your bump from work, or are you one of the few to not be showing much at week 23? I look like an over-inflated balloon. I'm just about managing to shave my own legs and TMI i've given up on the nether region - am just going to resort to getting it waxed at a salon or something. My entire pregnancy is very low down and the olive is breech so i'm being kicked in the vajayjay royally. and not to mention the once or twice a week i manage to get frisky with OH - i seem to be TMI climaxing sooooo quickly. it's almost disheartening for me. i mean when i'm in the mood i'd like to have marathon sex and not quickies!!!

anyway - i'm feeling about the same re:pAL forum. i just make a bee-line for our thread and then head on over to 2nd tri and i've been trolling 3rd tri also.

I'm very pleased for you Kit - that your work handled the news that well. it takes a load of ones shoulders to know that you atleast have their support and understanding. I was equally nervous about telling my bosses. i've only been here a year this August past andi thought they'd be pissed off at me - instead they were WONDERFUL. My MD even comes to pop in at my office to hear how things are going. i told them when i was 7 1/2 weeks gone - i had to - they were noticing that i was sick all the time - spending lots of time in the bathroom and looking run down and tired.
I am HUGE MommyD, but I work from home, so it was up to me to decide when to tell them really. I figured I'd wait until after my anomaly scan (and after I'd got a bit more work under my belt!). I'm LOADS bigger than I was with my first - about a month ahead of the size I was then I think. I ended up pretty massive then though, so I'm hoping it'll all even out nearer the end (fx).

It's great your work have been so good, especially as you were so ill at first. Thinking about all that makes me appreciate what a long way we've all come! :)
Hi girls sorry I have not been in touch recently. My pc has been playing up and not letting me log on to baby and bump.

Glad everyone os oding ok apart from the horrible hormomes!! I know that feeling! I cry at the drop of a hat and it doe snot take much to wind me up!

I am feeling Bob move loads which is great but is also a bit surreal. It had really finally sunk in that I actually have a littel person growing inside me!! Amazing isnt it!!!

I reached V-Day on Wednesday and it is such a good feeling!! Obviuosly I want Bob to stay inside as lons as possibel but it is reassuring to know that that if anything happens early the docs should be able to help him/her.

Hubby and I have not done any shopping yet either apart from a few baby grows but think we are going to start buying nursery stuff and pram over the next few weeks now that we have reached viability

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