Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Oh V - that's terrible. It must be sooo painfull.
I just had a glimpse at your ticker - you'll be down to double digits soon on your way to counting down baby's arrival!

Can you ladies believe it - we're almost in trimester 3 - feels like yesterday we were going on about Hcg levels etc etc. Been trolling trimester 2 and 3 and find i don't really "fit" in anywhere right now. I'm not wanting to get ahead of myself with labour stories etc etc and tri 2 feels all wrong for me now. anyone else once again feeling like they're in limbo land???
ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had an uktrasound for my back and the tech kept saying "she" and "her" so I asked if she could see what the sex was and she said "well ya there is a little vagina right there"
A bit of a RANT....might be upsetting.....

WHY are some women so intent on criticising other womens decisions to have c-sections, induction, epidural, gas etc etc???? i just come off another blog where this lady went ape because her sister was told she needed to have a c-section because bubs was too big. Turns out bubs was 8lbs. and now this lady - not the birthing mum - has gone off the handle about how nobody will tell her what her body can and can't handle and that she is sooo angry at this sister for listening to the doctor in the first place etc etc ... WTF???? the lady went ape shit!

If a doctor advised me to have a c-section because my CHILD MAY BE IN DANGER OR HAVE A TRAUMATIC birth - i will have it. screw my body. how on this good green earth - do you weigh your unborn childs chances against "what's best for my body" when a medical practioner - a certified med prac - says that there are extra risks involved than what would normally be!!! And so what if the doctor got the birth weight wrong - it doesn't matter - he/she saw the need to act on facts at that time.

Don't misunderstand me - I'm all for natural birth, it's what i've chosen if i can. BUT surely, as women we should respect and not criticise another womans decision when it comes to the birth of the unborn child she's been carrying for 40 bloody weeks!!! at the end of the day - I DON'T CARE how olive comes out - as long as he/she is healthy and safe and I get to go home with my precious baby. i sometimes want to climb into my laptop and kick these women who are so flippen about things like the actual birth and how they want it done even if it means they go against the advice of a doctor. and i know - doctors don't always get it right, but would you risk it???

I often ask myself whether some of these women have ever lost a baby. miscarriage/stillborn - whatever. and it's often these women who haven't experienced that - who don't imo seem to value the preciousness of the baby growing inside them. and yes - how you give birth is important to us as individuals - but i'm sorry - is it really worth risking extra complications?

How we give birth is out of our hands. we make choices - we'd like to have honoured. and those choices are personal ones.

I'm sorry if i upset anyone. and i'm sorry if my little rant has made any of you uncomfortable. but it was in no way aimed at anyone of you. and I do believe that we've all made birthing decisions in baby's best interest with our own wellbeing coming in second.

I think maybe i'm just SUPER hormonal and irritable today.
Hi MommyD

I totally agree with you. I am hoping for a natural delivery but I will do whatever the doctors tell me to do if it means me and baby are safe and I get to take Bob home with me.

I don't think people that have not experienced losing a baby, at any stage of pregnancy, realise the preciousness of the baby and that it is just not worth being stubborn about the birth process.

I cannot believe that I am now in double figure not triple for the countdown to Bob's arrival!!! I am 26 weeks today!!

I have been off sick for the last two weeks. I had diahrohea(Sp!) and vomiting for 5 days and then stomach pains followed by limited movement form Bob so doc signed me off. I am due back to worl tomorrow but am dreading it as I am really really tired and I know that my boss is goin got give me grief for being off. If I could afford to I would just start my maternity leave now but I want as mush paid maternity leave the other end. HOwever it is half term next week then it is only 7 weeks til christmas hols and the start of maternity leave so I suppose I just need to grin and bear it!!!

V - great news about finding put sex of baby!! Are you pleased? But sorry to hear you are in so much pain. HOpe you start to fell better soon. xxxxxxx
I know exactly what you mean about limbo land again MommyD. I've been lurking on the 3rd tri board for a while now, as I don't really feel 2nd tri anymore and none of the threads are very relevant now, but 3rd tri is all labour, plugs and sweeps! It's making me even more impatient apart from anything else!! Maybe we should start our own early 3rd tri thread over there? I've seen other people saying the same thing, so they might appreciate that too.

With regards to your 'rant' as you called it :) I totally agree with you. I am very pro-natural, but only because I personally think it's what's best for the baby all being well. Obviously if it turned out that it wasn't possible to do things naturally because of threats to the baby's health, then I'd be flexible. Having said that I have found that I do also sometimes need to stick up for my beliefs and preferences, because medical staff also have their own personal preferences and ideas of what's best or 'normal', which aren't always based on medical conditions. I'm hoping to be able to judge whether there could be a risk to the baby and if so adjust my birth plan accordingly, but if not explain to them why I'd rather not intervene at that stage. Obviously if I'm not in a position to judge I'll have to trust them - I'd rather err on the side of caution. Hind sight is a wonderful thing and there are things that I might have stuck to my guns about the first time if I'd known how things were going to go, but the fact is you can never know that beforehand. Things can and do go wrong, which we all know all too well and the reasons for wanting a natural birth pale into insignificance when compared to things like that.

Regardless of my own opinion though, the point is that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and have had different experiences and heard different stories, so feel strongly about different things. I have seen quite a few threads on here where someone is being 'got at' because of their opinion on something and I personally don't want to be like that. If I read something that I don't agree with I don't comment on it. I either don't post, or I just post my own experiences/opinions, without writing a judgement of the other person's. Everyone has to be happy with their own judgements and decisions, whatever they may be, because they are the ones who have to live with the consequences.

There...I've had my own rant now!!

Congrats on the pink news V - I hope it's cheered you up considering what you're going through :hugs:

I'm trying to save all my maternity leave too Smiler, but it sounds like you've had a lot more to cope with than me. You're doing really well though and in only a few weeks time you'll be three quarters of the way there already! :)
Ooh I forgot to tell you all - you know that awful coldy/fluey thing I had for a while that turned into that terrible cough that I had for months and months?? Well my DD caught it first, from her best friend who had it. Her best friend was even more ill with it though and has had it for even longer than we did. She went for lots of extra tests etc and it turns out it was whooping cough!!!!

My DD and I have both been immunised, so we got a milder, less serious version of it, which apparently can happen. But the best friend's mother is anti-vaccinations so she got the full-blown version. I'm glad I had it in the first and early second tri, so I don't need to worry about Button and I'm also glad I got DD vaccinated!
Hello everyone

I'm slightly more sane today. So i have to - once again - apologise if my previous rant offended anybody. it wasn't intended to. and in a rare moment of calm clarity I can say - that my point was this, i feel that we need to respect each others' decisions. and no matter how much we disagree with choices another person makes - ultimately, like KitKatB mentioned, we're all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. It just grates me sometimes that women, in particular, on a subject as sensitive as this - will judge and pass comment.

I think that particular post just urked me because a mommy was being slammed for making a decision she thought was in her baby's best interest.

So once again - sorry if i offended anybody.
I didn't find anything you said at all offensive. It was just your opinion and you were only saying that everyone should be tolerant of other people's wishes. Please don't worry about it (certainly not on my account at any rate, although I know I can't speak for everyone). With hormones and emotions running high I think it's good to let it all out sometimes :) and you're among friends :hugs:

I feel really :sick: today. Hope it's not a sign of things to come. We're going away for a week tomorrow, so hopefully the rest will help.
We ordered our pushchair today!!!!!!!!!!! It is the mothercare MYchoice in lime green!! I love it. It is the first thing we have bought apart from a few babygrows and quote a few teddies!!!

By the way, are any of you girls on facebook?
Sorry I haven't been around much girls, life got really busy. I have been reading a bit, trying to keep up. Glad that everyone is good.

My youngest daughter was almost kidnapped on last week, from the bus stop where the school bus drops off. Most of the kids left within minutes and that was the day of all days that I couldnt' find my keys and I was just barely a few minutes late. That was enough for some b.a.s.t.a.r.d to approach her, tell her to get in his car and try and grab her. She ran when he reached toward her and tried to grab her shirt front. Thank God. It was a shocking and stressful few days. My husband is still away (home tomorrow hopefully) !

We're all ok. my daughter is a little confused by all the fuss I think because her mind doesn't know all the possible endings to the scenario.

I've got a doctors appt tomorrow. I think I may actually get to see MY doc this time ! Can't wait. Do you guys notice periods of time where your baby doesn't move as much ? It seemed like the movements sort of slowed down for a few days. They feel mostly normal now and the doppler is good.

Guess what ??! I'm approximately 12 weeks away from having this baby ! I will have a caesarean because I have to and I previously had them in the 38th week.

MommyD, I read what you wrote and I agree, especially having been on the receiving end of uninformed judgment from others. What I always say is that the only result that anyone wants from this experience is a healthy live baby and mother. How that is achieved really doesn't matter. If you require every bit of intervention possible should that make you somehow 'less' ? Absolutely not. Noone ever gets a medal for giving birth naturally. The only people who seem to have this judgemental attitude are the ones that have either never given birth in any way, shape or form or have had a relatively easy birth with little or no complications. They fail to see why others can't do it that way and as a result, judge it as some sort of weakness. Truthfully, it isn't always 'safer' to do it naturally. I actually posted about this sometime in the last week, I'm going to search for it and see what it was I said. It makes more sense than this rambling !

Anyway, I'm on FB too !! Way too much actually.......
[email protected]
OMG Smudge!!!
you must be totally freaked out by the attempted kidnapping???? did you guys go to the cops?
My skin crawls when i think of all the sickos out there who prey on innocent little kids. Adults who accept children via trafficking because they want a kid so badly. How on earth do you claim to be a good moral almost parent when you're willing to steal another parents kid for yourself???

I can just imagine how freaked out you and DD must be! the nerve of that b*st**d to be so blatant!

12 weeks - wow. I can't believe how time has flown by. My ticker has FINALLY moved on from papaya to eggplant! my next appointment is Nov 8. feels so long. I think i'll only have one more appointment after that for this year.

Olive sometimes goes VERY quiet. Truthfully speaking - it freaks me out. Thankfully - he/she is very regular in terms of when the movement happens like she/he is most active midday and early evening. so as long as i feel movement then - i'm good. But like on friday - nothing!! until i went to bed at about 23:00. but i think she/he was tired - we had a staff function the night before and got home during the wee hours. Anyway - i read that counting kicks article/post a while back - and i shouldn't have. I've always been told "as long as there's movement at least once or twice in a 24hr period" then i go and read that article and OMG - i'm SUPER paranoid. What i have learnt is to be patient and trust my gut. My doctor says "do what you gut tells you even if it gets me out of bed for nothing". but still - i like to feel movement constantly! and it's so strong now. I have a posterior placenta and it's high up "on the floor furthest from the door" is what the sonographer says. so olive's kicks and movements and stretches and hiccups is magnified! it's sooo awesome.

how's everyone else doing?
Olive is kicking like crazy!!! I love it. It's like he/she has discovered jumping jacks!!
Thanks for the add V ! I shall stalk your page soon..

Yes, it was really scary MommyD. It feels incredibly surreal, that stuff happens to other people ! Which is a silly attitude but thats how it feels. My daughter isn't really fazed by it all, but she doesn't like to talk about it and she doesn't like anyone else to either. Glad to hear that Olive is moving all the time - I'm jealous !

Smiler - Post a pic of your pushchair. I'm loving looking at baby gear right now - I want everything :haha:

Kit - I can't quite believe we are thhhiiiisss close to the third trimester. It feels like it's gone really fst some days.

Baby is having a LOT of quiet time these days and it's scaring me. I had a doc appt yesterday and it's the first thing I brought up. He did an ultrasound and of course everything is fine, but I still have my anterior placenta (attached at the front) and now baby is facing my back and kicking there so I feel very little of his movements. Doc is fine with this, kept telling me not to worry, but somedays I catch myself thinking the worst or that I'm not really pregnant ! Even though my appearance begs to differ.

I'm a total basketball - a round tight ball out the front. I was wearing all black yesterday and facing my husband. He said that in the right light I don't look pregnant until I turn side on - then it's daaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnn obvious.

I have to have the glucose test in the next few weeks...ergh. Going to put that off as long as possible. We also talked about a delivery date for my caesar and he said we might do an amnio (!!!) to determine lung maturity and if it's ok, go at 37 weeks the earliest and 39 the latest. God that is soon !

I also have been shopping like mad and bought a portacot with bassinet for the first few weeks:

and then this morning I ordered this furniture ! I'm going to take it back to Australia with me :

Hope those links work !
Im still very very nervous to buy any baby stuff. And right now me and OH are looking at houses to flip to it is a super weird $$$ time too. Man I know how to throw everything in together dont I? Gezz!
Smudge - the furniture is awesome!! looks so pretty. I've still not been able to bring myself to buy anything baby related. Not sure why... :-(

Has anyone been having trouble sleeping? I'm sooo exhausted - but as soon as i hit the pillows - i can't sleep. and when i do fall asleep, it's not REAL sleep. It's like i'm somewhere between a deep sleep being awake. WTF??? And my hips feel like they're being pryed open with a crowbar!! and the bump goes sooo hard - like a rock on steroids!!
I am having the exacact same issue! I can NOT sleep! I feel like I fall half asleep and the smallest thing wakes me up. And then it takes me almost an hour to get back to sleep! Grrrrr and people wonder why I am moody!

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