Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Hi girls !

My last appointment went fine. I had another anomaly scan and they could see the heart properly and the spine. I didn't see my regualr doctor though, I saw one of his partners and there's no other way to describe him than........what a prick ! He treated me like I was stupid, and didn't listen to a single thing I said. Even the us tech seemed to dislike him. So anyway, I think I see my doctor this Friday.

I have been kicked in the vjj before MommyD ! Not this time though. I'm only feeling the tiniest little kicks - another few weeks and he should be big enough to feel through the placenta.

Finally found out whats causing all the pain too ! Apparently my pelvis is misaligned because of the relaxin hormone. The doc suggested wrapping my hips in a bandage really tight to hold things together. Needless to say, that didn't even come close to working ! You can wrap bandages around your hips but once you do, you can't walk. So I'm resigned to being in pain for the next few months. I can't walk too far or sit on anything hard for longer than a few minutes before everything starts to ache.

We're more than halfway through the 2nd trimester now !
Hi MummyD

I am in exactly the same boat as you. Bubs kicks are really low down and my placenta is at the top
Hi everyone,

I'm so sorry for being so elusive and rubbish! I'm glad everyone is doing really well and special congratulations to V on the engagement :) :) :)

I've been going through some 'stuff', so haven't been feeling very chatty. I've dropped in to check up on you all a couple of times though and felt bad when I saw mommyD had asked after me, so thought I'd better get sociable again. Thanks for thinking of me mommyD, but I'm fine really.

In fact more than fine after today - I had my anomaly scan and all looked great! Button is measuring nice and average in all respects and is lovely and wriggly/kicky. I'm suffering with a fair amount of pelvic pain, but I have been referred to an obstetric physio and have an appointment on Monday, so I'm hoping to get a support belt and some exercises to help. Would a support belt not help you Smudge?

Sorry for being so quiet. It's a LONG story! xxx
Good to hear from you Kit. Sorry about all the "stuff" you're having to deal with. whatever it is - can't be easy. things that gets one down like that rarely is. been going through some stuff of my own - but i've actively chosen to ignore it. dumb i know - but i can't deal with it now. and i know it's going to haunt me to no end. the haunting i can live with - the bloodshed not.

anyway - just a quick pop it - am inbetween meetings today, again. yay for all the scans. i have to wait until MONDAY for mine.... long weekend coming - HOORAAYYY.
dentist on thursday, party on friday evening, picnic on saturday no plans for sunday, yet. work is crappy and really busy. am flying all over the show - because we just realised last week that i can't fly from December :-(
AND my maternity leave starts from 1 Feb and i'm due on 5 feb..... at least it's 4 months full pay!!

got to go - we'll chat soon.
Wow we all have "stuff" going on! Im gonna murder my sister in law for being an over dramatic self obsessed jealous rotten cow....but how is everyone else??? LOL
Yeah the 'stuff' has been driving me mad for the last few weeks. It's mostly my family. There's no way you can escape it, and God it drags me down.

Glad to hear you're ok KitKat. I'm going to ask my doc about physio and belts. His horrible partner is just blowing me off, I think. This pain is really getting unbearable. I can't sit anywhere for longer than 10 minutes, unless it's a couch. Sometimes the pain is so intense when I stand up that I have to stop for a few seconds and kind of get my bearings. I walked today for 2.3 miles and I've been in agony since. I'd love to here about your physio visit and belt info if you get it.

Remember a few weeks ago when Virginia suggested we post pics. Well, tomorrow I'm going to dig out the camera and give it a go.

Everyone else seems to think I am showing but I just see a big blubby belly :( With my 7 yr old I still had a waist when I was 9 not an actual waist but I had a band around my tummy where it was a funny indent the whole time. I never had a cute round belly...this time it looks like the same thing is happening !
Well my doc appt went fine, except for one major embarrassment. The last time I went I saw that horrible doctor and apparently he wrote on my chart that I'm due for a pap smear. So I get to my appt, my doc still isn't available so I have to see the new partner...who is my age, blond haired, blue eyed, and more than a bit handsome ! Ordinarily, this would mean a great appt right ???


not an hour before I had just had a brazilian wax (sorry if TMI, but I've been doing it for years and I won't stop)

and the first thing he says is, lets do your pap smear TODAY !

Well, he didn't say anything, but I was so embarrassed, felt like a pervert.. normally this sort of thing doesn't worry me but I usually don't have a gorgeous young doc down there !:blush:

So after that I talked non stop asked him a hundred questions, just to keep my mind off it. I have to get a belly support band and wrist guards to help with the carpal tunnel and swelling.

I know i said I was going to upload a pic, but my husband broke my camera and his is at work, so I haven't yet, but I will.

How is everyone doing ? Have you got a belt yet Kit ? If so, which one did you get ?
LOL - oh smudge - that must have made the all time embarassing moments list!!

glad to hear the rest of your appointment went well.

i see my OB today - YAY - can't wait. It's been 6 LOOOONNNGGGGG weeks since I've last seen bubs.

so my hips have started aching - like crazy, to the point that it's painfull to walk or sit for long periods of time. OB - via phone consultation reckons it may be bubs squeezing a nerve. so he suggested i go get a fitness ball and use that as a chair from now on - OMG, it's worked wonders. it just provides so much relief it's unbelievable. I would have laughed at someone for telling me that a week ago - but i'm now a converted fitness ball sitter!

It's also relieved some of the "pressure" like feeling i've been having down there.

How's everyone else doing? just a few more weeks and we're on to trimester 3!!!
So my next scan is tomorrow! Yee haw! Right afterwards I have to run off to midwife's too! They added a new MW to the practice and she will be the one who helps us give birth so I am excited to meet her finally! I have 4 weeks left of work and man oh man I can hardly wait to just stay home and take care of my little family!

As for all you achey hipped friend Nikki who is about 30 weeks had to get some kind of fancy belt to pull in her hips. She said that the pregnancy support belt didnt support her hips quite enough and she had to have one fitted from a phsyio department.

So who in our little group is planning on natural birth and who is gonna get the drugs??? I had such an easy time giving birth to my daughter that I am going to shoot for a natural birth this time. I had the demerol shot with her though, and it made her and me very sleepy. Also I had a horrible time breastfeeding my daughter so I want this baby to be on the boob as soon as possible after being born and not all groggy. I think having a midwife will make a lot of difference as well. Im starting to get very excited but also very nervous. Im more nervous about breastfeeding actually. I really had a very hard time with my daughter. I was cracked and bleeding and so so so so sore. But when I look back on it...NO ONE ever really showed me how to breast feed. I had no idea about posistions or about latching or anything. So I am learning everything I can now!
I always plan for natural birth - and then the contractions come and i call for epidural like a woman possessed! LOL.
had epi with my DS. no side effects. slept through all my contractions and was weened off epi about 2 hours before having to birth. so i felt the actually birthing, just not the contractions leading up to it. am planning a natural birth with this one - my OB does his own epi's so if i want one i just have to ask. I'll be giving birth in a hospital - with my obstetrician leading the team. here in SA, home births are few and far between -usually when people can't get to hospital fast enough. we also don't have mid wife lead care or births.

I breastfed DS for 2 years - had LOADS of milk. needed to take pills to dry it up when i weened him. anyway, after birth, a nursing sister comes round to assist with latching positions etc. and if need be a nipple physio. V, proper latching positions are sooooo important. If i hadn't had that assistance i would have given up on breastfeeding all together. perservere. But not to the point that it's traumatic to you and bubs. although it's the most awesome experience in the world, it's not worth that kind of trauma.

I'm all for breastfeeding but am an even bigger advocate of sanity. And yes, you'll find oodles of women out there who will frown upon other ladies who do not breastfeed, regardless of their reasons. But in all honesty - those ladies in all likelyhood has never had a cracked nipple, or inverted nipples, or lack lack milk or an uncooperative baby.
V - scan days together. 21weeks 2moro and anamoly scan at 11am. Staying team yellow this time.

Im a doll for the gas and air. Big tank of that and Im grand. Defo no epidual - never ever. Actually will have to discuss with my doctor about a general should I have to have a section. Had a bad experience of a lumbar puncture when I was 16 and have had a fear of needles in my back ever since. When I was in labour with my ds the midwifes advised me to get an epidural saying I was going to be in labour for a long time and I was getting no space between contractions. They were just constant. They practically begged me to get it - so i did and I cried my heart out when they were doing it. it never took. I went through all that for nothing. Never again. I can feel the pain in my back as I think about it.

With my dd labour I was only in actual labour for 2hours 20 mins. I reckon I can handle that again if labour is as quick this time.

hope everyone is well. :thumbup:
Hi everyone!

I've been to see the obsteric physio today and she's helping me get my pelvis back in alignment and has given me a belt to go round my hips/pubic area. It's just like a really tight elastic belt - nothing fancy. It seems to really help with walking etc though. Hopefully the exercises and the manglings she does when I see her will help get everything aligned again and then the belt will keep it there - well that's the plan anyway. I haven't been right since I had my DD really, so fingers crossed she helps me with all of it :)

Other than that, everything preggers-wise is pretty good :) Button is moving LOADS which is SO nice. I'm going for a gas and air only birth again, all being well, in a midwife led maternity unit in the birthing pool. It means that if anything goes wrong and I do need an epi, or c-section, I'll have to be ambulanced to the hospital, but I'll feel MUCH happier and more relaxed in the maternity unit. Last time (because DD was in the wrong position) I had a 50 hour labour, so I'm hoping it'll be easier this time!

I'm hoping to breastfeed again too. I bf DD for a year and after I'd got through the first few (terrible!) weeks, it was great! Like V says, I'm disgusted when I look back on it by how little help I got and by how little knowledge mw etc seemed to have on it all. I'll definitely be making sure I try and get Button going straight away, as again like V, I'm sure that that was what hindered it in the beginning last time.

It's nice in some ways to have experience and hind-sight this time - you can stand up for yourself more against medical staff for one thing - but in others ignorance is definitely bliss!!

Good luck with scans!! :)
i wish i had access to gas and air.... asked my doc yesterday and he said he'd see what he can do. so fingers crossed!

i had a rather bland appointment yesterday. don't get me wrong I loved seeing bubs bouncing all over the show. but it was just soooo bleh. almost like being mid tri 2. bubs is 450g (15.something ounces)now and is laying in a breech position. OB says he/she still has plenty time to turn head down so not to worry about it.

have a 3D scan in 3 weeks and then another OB app 3 weeks after that. Bloods came back well within the accepted norm for my age etc.

anyway - DS and i went home and made a Key Lime pie yesterday. was very exciting. loads of licking and tasting going on LOL! but we were slightly confused when it came out a lemon meringue.... so my question to all of you is the following: taking into consideration the language barrier or at least the different terms used for the same things - is a Key Lime pie and Lemon Meringue the same thing????

The only issue i had with the epidural was that they could only give me half dosage because of my weight (of lack thereof) before i got pregnant with DS. so I've been told to gain at least 15 - 20 kgs (33 - 44 pounds)this time around for them to even consider epidural. and i've only gained 11kgs (24 pounds) so far - which puts me at 58kg (127 pounds). but he's stressed that i should gain the weight in a healthy manner. not scoff down loads of junk. and not overeat. i can see me doing labour the the natural pain meds....i suck at dealing with pain.

on a different topic though- has anybody started buying stuff? or am I the only one waiting for V-day and possibly the 27 week mark to come and go before heading to the baby department stores???

Kit - am glad to hear your Physio appointment went well. I'm sure it'll all come to fruition.

V and Beanbabe - let us know how the scans go???
It is kind of boring now ! Can't wait for a few more weeks to pass and we're into the 3rd trimester.

I'm having a planned c section again (3rd time). My pelvis is too narrow to deliver naturally and that combined with my neuro conditon means a vaginal birth is just impossible. I love epidurals, I've had one with each delivery. My first was a vaginal delivery and I'm grateful for the relief it gave me during an excruciating posterior labour, broken tailbone, 3rd degree tearing, episiotomy, forceps and vacuum birth !!

Now talking about pies ....... Key Lime is one of my gavourites, I make it a lot. It's completely different to Lemon Meringue. Firstly, you must use key limes, not Tahitian ones. Key Lime pie is basically a custard flqvoured with key lime juice and baked in a shell with no top crust. Lemon Meringue, is obviously made with lemons and has a baked meringue topping. Totally different dessert !

I suck when it comes to baking!! I like to think I cook really well - but not bake.
So i used limes and not lemons. and i left the meringue part off. But it tastes like the lemon meringue filling....
maybe i should try it again. smudge - you want to be a really good friend and divulge a flop proof key lime pie recipe please????
Team yellow for us. And honestly I dont know if it is hormones or what but I feel like sobbing. I keep pretending I don't care what it is, but I really really wanted to know mainly because OH has this macho attitude about it having to be a boy because everyone in his family has boys etc etc etc...I just wanted to shut him up a bit. I really wanted to know because I couldnt find out with my daughter either, and just kind of wanted that experience. :( Everything was good with bubs though. Could see "it" kickin up a storm!
Oh V Im sorry you didn't get to find out. Im sure you are very disappointed. Do you have any more scans that you could find out at. Maybe even a private one? Although it seems this baby wants to be a surprise in the delivery room.

Mommy D - why on earth would you not have access to g and a. Its a basic human right surely. gas and air is a total standard here. there is even tanks in the bathrooms on the labour ward so you always have access. Do you know what....I cannot believe we are talking about pain relief and breastfeeding. It seems like no time since we were all petrified about first scans and funny early cramps.

I had a brilliant scan yesterday. :happydance: Baby is looking perfect and is bang on size. She scanned me for ages and bubs was moving like mad and generally showing off.

Stayed team yellow (by choice) and got this picture. I can honestly say yesterday was the day I fell in love with my baby and now I can see visions of us actually bringing "her" (my guess - not confrmed) home.

Got my baby name books back from my sister. Going to do a bit of light reading tonight. Anyone else name hunting yet?

Im so so happy today. Still buzzing from yesterday's scan. :thumbup:


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Ya I don't have anymore scans left. They do 1 in Ontario and that is it! I don't like the idea of shelling out mega bucks for a private scan and still not being able to find out. Money that could be used for diapers etc.
Beanbabe - i'm not sure whether they use gas and air as a pain relief or coping measure here. but have instructed my OB to investigate for me.

V - you're right - money that can be used for diapers!! we're also on team yellow - but i'm sooo excited now. bubs is kicking away like a crazy person...

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