CBFM Buddy

My acu practitioner did not like my charts :( apparently my post O temps fluctuate too much while they are supposed to gradually go up and down just before AF. she gave me some other dodgy looking herb pills to take from CD5 for 20 days. I decided to go with chines medicine for another cycle, checked the ingredients and most not suitable in pregnancy, so confusing I just have to trust her, besides with the may my DH cant stay off beer for more than a couple of days pregnancy is not on the horizon anyway

Exilius, I am not afraid of the pain, I can go through just about anything pain wise, I am concerned about the possible consequences i.e. my ovarian cysts turning cancerous, that's what happened to my aunt but post menopause. Clearly with my hubby's behavior we do not have a choice so I will have to risk it. or find another hubby...
The risks are, luckily, pretty slim, so you'll probably be fine :D

Many of the "help get you knocked up" products are no good in pregnancy. You just stop as soon as you get a bfp.

My temps fluctuate heaps too. Luckily with ivf (all types) they give you progesterone post transfer. It helps with this. Even if you have to pay extra for it, get it. It greatly increases your chances of success.
I do not test anymore (too stressful) so may be I just stop taking Chinese pills from 7DPO to be on the safe side. Chinese medicine is really expensive I already spent something like 500 pounds and it's only been a month. Will probably go back to my usual supplements from the next cycle at least resume COQ10 and EPO. I got HIGH from CD6 again so looking to ovulate on CD11, another shorter cycle… my temp is at all time low and seems to be getting lower and lower. maybe it's Chinese herbs.

I will certainly look into progesterone post transfer but at the moment I only consider natural IVF. normally your follicle after releasing an egg would start producing progesterone. I wonder how it works in an IVF cycle cos they would collect your eggs via operation, does this mean that follicles would not turn into LP and wont produce any progesterone on their own hence the reason for taking progesterone?
I believe some amount of CL are produced. The progesterone is to reduce the risk of early miscarriage. If you have low post O temps, or a short LP it's advised to take them
Hey ladies just thought I'd pop in and say hi! :flower:

Hope all is well with everyone, your all very quiet! So how's the ivf planning coming on ladies? Any news? I see you got peaks this cycle Briss! Hope there's some well time bd sessions in there too!

Piano- Where are you in your cycle now? :hugs:

Garfie- hope everything is ok and settling down for you :hugs:

Tink- has the new job stated yet? And more news from the fs?

Gosh I miss this thread and the giggles we used to have, keep the dream alive ladies! Think of all those newbies who will be along soon needing advice! :happydance:

Love as always chicky xxxx

P.s if anyone is interested I had my 12 and a bit week scan yesterday, and have posted a couple of pics in my journal if you'd like a peek :cloud9:
I'm here Chicky - just stalking really:ninja: as the ladies are all moving forward with treatments and I'm still in Limbo Land:cry:

I no longer have my CBFM either I had to get rid of it after this last m/c as my cycles were to short:cry:

Okay enough crying - :happydance::happydance: go Briss a beautiful PEAK.

Piano - Hope you are okay hun:flower:

Tink - I was wondering if you have started your new job - or will it be in the new year?:flower:

Exil - Your chart confuses me hun :wacko:

Chicky - I've already been and had a sneaky peak and mighty fine PIP looks to:happydance:

Hopeful - Are you blossoming yet any symptoms?:flower:

AFM - I'm CD20 - 12DPO - drop in temp and a BFN so not sure what is going on:wacko:


Garfie! Glad to see your still around Hun!! :happydance:

Thanks for peeking at pip, I'm biased of course but the s/he is very pretty :cloud9:

So did you get rid of your monitor or just not using it now? I can definitely see why with your cycles being so short, but the silver lining is more ovulation days for you!! :happydance:

Hi Chicky! how are you doing?

I'm in day 21 ie 7dpo if i'm not mistaken. I'm not really paying attention as we only Bd'd once this month. Hubby is being lazy.
Hi ladies, I hope all is well,

I am still stalking, just nothing exciting to report. Got my peak quite early and FF put my O on CD 10 which is super early and in which case I only managed to BD once two days before O so chances are pretty slim. In any even, I kinda lost all hope a while ago, just trying to get my hubby to come to terms with IVF. I am still into Chinese medicine, drinking and swallowing tonnes of Chinese nasty herbs/teas. Love my weekly acupuncture though, it really relaxes me. I started doing some mild detox with juices, all weekend I only drank fruit/veg juices (well almost except for a cup of coffee and a piece of cake – I need my treat to stay on track). Will be good to lose a bit of weight so I could fit into my clothes and may be feel a little better about myself.
Ahh glad to know ur ok ladies! :hugs:

Is the acupuncture painful? I never had an issue with needles but its amazing how many of them I've had shoved in me since being preggo and I must say, not liking it at all! Still, small sacrifice I'd say :hugs:
And remember it really does only take once! Xxx

I'm doing ok thanks piano, symptoms starting to ease off a little now, which I'm very very grateful for I must admit! My body has quite literally being doing the strangest things! :haha:

acupuncture can be painful particularly during your period, I could feel every needle and could not relax properly but normally I may only feel one or two needles, she also puts electrics through the needle on my belly – very strange sensation.

It's just that I have this feeling that without good sperm everything I do does not make a difference, makes me feel so hopeless. I am just wasting my eggs away cycle to cycle.

Chicky, I think after 12 weeks you might start feeling better and can actually really enjoy your pregnancy (from what I heard).
Well it sounds interesting. My mums just started going to a Chinese herbalist who also does all the treatments etc and she's been having reflexology and will have acupuncture starting next week! The chemo destroyed the nerve endings in her feet and as a result she's in constant pain, but since starting she's been so much better and it's really helping her lymph oedema too! As long as it makes you feel better babe that's all that matters :hugs:

And yes I am feeling better, although it hasn't been pleasant I'm trying to enjoy every minute ;) x
Glad things are going well Chicky

Briss :( Stay positive, it's all you can really do. If you're negative you're already defeated.

My chart confuses me too. We moved a few days into the cycle, so I take my temp an hour earlier than I used to. With the move and the wedding I'm not really trying this month.
I am so tired today, very very sleepy as though i took some tranquilliser. it must be the metformin. Strangely enough sometimes i'm fine but sometimes i'm running on a low battery lol!
I also do reflexology once a month, it's so enjoyable! I think next time I will ask to make it stronger to have more effect, though it is going to be more painful.

I am sorry I cant be positive, I do everything possible (and have been for the last what seems like 100 years) and hope and pray but I will be 37 in 6 month with low ovarian reserve, it's not a very optimistic prospect. I guess FS was right that IVF is our only option. I have no idea how to make hubby understand
Briss, i know how you feel, it's not easy. I am a downer myself, so i can empathise with what you're feeling. :hugs:

My next visit is on the 18th December. Doc is to see if there were any developments since taking metformin and if i need a laperoscopy. We'll see.... i'm kind of curious but not looking forward to it!
Hi ladies

Briss maybe th time has come to be frank with hubby and move forward with ivf.

Garfie :hugs: hope you don't need to wait so long this time.

Exil: not long til th wedding now. Good luck :hugs:

Chicky I saw Pip! Congrats :happydance:

Piano not long until you're next appointment either.

Afm. I start my new job on Monday- I am very scared and not sleeping well. :(. I have been prescribed provera and Clomid and intend to start taking the provera next week tho I haven't decided what day would be best! To qualify for smp my period cannot arrive before 15th Dec... I have no idea how long provera takes for most people tho. Was originally going to start it this Saturday but think it may happen sooner so was thinking maybe 13th Dec or do I wait two more days and play it safe (and also avoid being on for th Christmas meal) lol... Ah decisions xx
Exil I think tink means statutory maternity pay xx

So tink what exactly does provera do? My gosh I'm so excited for you guys I just know your bfp's are all around the corner! :happydance: can't wait for you to have your bumps/sickness/constipation/diorreah/nausea/spots/sore boobs/piles/hot flushes/boils/acute exhaustion. It's all very glam you know. I think I'm going to write a book for everyone about what they don't tell you about pregnancy :haha: and then the clomid tink !!! So so optimistic for all of you :hugs:

Briss it's impossible to have a permanent happy face on and be positive all of the time. But don't lose faith, il still keep praying for you no matter what :hugs:

Exil how's the wedding plans coming on? What's the wedding date? :happydance:

Piano hope all is well with you my lovely and the tiredness wears off soon :hugs:

My Garfie how are you today? :friends:
Sorry Exil. Smp is statutory maternity pay and guarantees my job being kept open.

Provera will induce a period so I can take the clomid. Not sure when to do it tho :/

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