CBFM Buddy

Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I will go ahead with the every day game plan. Husband likes that plan better anyway! I have no idea if there are sperm issues as we've not done a SA yet, but his previous SA's (last one was maybe 5 years ago) were all A-OK. I have noticed though, that there seems to be less ejaculate (I know because of the soft cups!) the last day or so, especially when compared to what there was when it had been a few days with no BDing, but I guess that's normal.

I have not even started christmas shopping yet! Yikes!
Weird question - but how do you even insert the softcups? Do they hurt????? I ordered them a while ago and threw them out because they looked overwhelming! Also, when do you put them in? Right after BD? Wouldnt it all come out while trying to insert that?
I know they look SO huge! You fold them to put them in, so compressed they are really no thicker than a tampon, and then they kind of open up once they are inside you. They do say that it might be too big to be comfortable for a small percentage of women. There are some great videos on youtube that show how you insert them (using a diagram, or a glass cylinder, not a real person!). You basically hold the cup so that the plastic baggie part is hanging down, and then you squeeze the plastic rim together, and insert it keeping the baggie part hanging down. You push it back all the way, as far as it can go, and you can kind of angle it down so that it "scoops" under the cervix. Getting it in is super, super easy, especially if you are all ready lubricated like after sex. Once folded it really just slides in, and then pops into place. Once in, it kind of molds to your body, and almost suction cups up around your cervix.

I have been putting them in right after BD. I think Mamma waits a while, like 10-15 minutes. The ratinonale for waiting is to make sure that the stronggest swimmers get a good start before you start messing around down there. I think I might start waiting too. The rationale for putting it in right away is to make sure you catch everything there before any leaks out. Really not sure on which is the better way to do it. If you do it missionary, and you already have your hips up on a pillow, not too much leaks out, especially if DH is careful when withdrawing. You can keep one by the bed and just pop it in. I'm having a little trouble myself with this because we have been BDing "doggy," (sorry if TMI!) because I've heard this position is better if you have a retroverted uterus, which I have. The problem is once I'm on my stomach, it's really hard for me to figure out how to put it in - I'm all turned around (literally) and kind of discombobulated and it's hard to reach and put it in, in that position. So I'm still figuring it out. Last night I flipped over after DTD and put it in while lying on my back, which was easier, but I do feel like moving around right after DTD wasn't ideal - I did notice some leakage and I'm not sure if it happened right after DTD, or when I was moving around. Anyway. I'm rambling!
Cre8tiv - I cant believe Christmas is so close, its insane! I did some of my shopping but have so much more to do. I think I am going to finish it up next Saturday, the 17th! What did the kids ask for? Anything fun?

My daughter is too young to know what she wants yet but she LOVES all the Disney Princesses, especially Ariel so we got her the princess barbies, I think she'll love them! Plus my DH is building her a wooden kitchen so I got her some dishes for that...he's yet to really start on that project and I am stressing on whether it will be done or not...he's so busy lately :( My little guy is very big into superheros, and mario right now, got him some super hero figures, a few new wii games and a big art desk, he is quite the little artist, he amazes me, loves to draw more than anything and he is quite impressive for a 4 year old!! His birthday is right after Christmas too so I've got to get some more things to give him for his birthday too. I've got my kids all done but I have yet to buy for the rest of my family :blush:
Daisy isn't doggy style bad for ttc?? I have a slightly tipped uterus too.
Uh oh - where did you hear it is bad?? Oh no! That is what we've been doing the past few cycles.

I read that it is good for tipped uterus (if it's tipped back), because the cervix will usually be tipped slightly forward towards the abdomen. Missonary position would then have the penis/ejacualte kind of missing the cervix? Like the cervix would be too high or above where it needs to be to come into contact with the seminal pool..? I've read that doggy style helps, because in this position, the seminal pool will be closer to the cervix...
Also found this... Here's something I found online: Uteri may normally be directed upward toward the abdominal wall (anteverted) or backwards toward the rectum (retroverted). Some are midline. When the uterus is retroverted, the cervix tends to be directed upward toward the pubic bone; however, this is not true in all cases.

After intercourse, the pool of semen would not be in direct contact with your cervix if it is directed upward. In women with other fertility issues, this can matter. In the majority of women, however, this may have no significance. The sperm find their way into the uterus within a few seconds of ejaculation and they swim great distances to get there!

Having sex with the woman on top may keep the semen pool in contact with your cervix. Lying on your abdomen after sex may help as well. With ejaculation, your partner could withdraw about halfway, as this might place the semen in the optimal position.

I've also read that "doggy-style" could help, so I guess it all depends on which way your cervix is tilted! :)
And I found this...

7.13 Does she have a retrodisplaced or "tipped" uterus?
RAH - A not-insignificant proportion of women have this condition, in which the uterus is tilted toward the rear (spine) instead of the "normal" angle, tilted toward the front (abdomen.) Years ago, women with this condition were thought to have severely-reduced odds for conceiving. This is no longer the case; but there is some evidence that a tipped uterus can make conception a bit more difficult in certain cases.

The most common adjustments recommended are in best position for intercourse, and best postion for lying down afterwards. Some couples have reported better results with rear-entry intercourse than face-to-face or other positions; along the same lines, lying on your stomach, with pillows under your pelvis, has been suggested over the usual on-your-back advice. At least one authority (Dr. Landrum Shettles) also recommends these two adjustments. Not every woman with a tipped uterus has had trouble with face-to-face intercourse and/or lying on her back, however.

The best advice, in my opinion: If you know you have a tipped uterus, try it both ways! - it can't hurt, and might help. - RAH


I do know that [for most women] if you lay on your back with a pillow under your behind/upper thighs for about 15 to 20 minutes afterward, you will maximize the flow of semen around your cervix.

This is exactly the opposite of what my doctor told me. She said that lying on your back after intercourse is for women with "regular" uteruses. Those of us with retroverted/tilted uteruses (uteri?) should lie on our stomachs for 30-60 minutes after sex. I've only been pregnant once, but it did occur after making love in the missionary position (for depositing sperm closer to the cervix), then turning over onto my stomach for an hour. Some in this group have suggested, though, that the rear-entry position is recommended for a woman with a tipped uterus.

I'm one of those who posted that rear-entry intercourse and lying on your stomach afterwards are better, if you have a tipped uterus. My understanding is that the uterine retrodisplacement causes the angle of the cervix to change also, so that the posterior fornix (the "dead end" space at the very upper end of the vagina) becomes deeper. In the missionary position, and in lying on your back afterwards, this means that more semen might collect in that area and less of it get through the cervix. Rear-entry and lying on your stomach is supposed to make the semen flow out of this dead-end and across the cervix, as I understand it.

Kind of hard to describe this without a diagram... I hope that's clear enough!
OK, I know I'm getting a little research happy right now, but I also found THIS on frequency of sex!

You’ve probably read or heard it before: having sex too often will reduce the potency of semen.

This concept of “saving” sperm in order to help increase chances of conception is understandably logical, but really quite scientifically flawed.

Here’s a frequent scenario we encounter in the office: a couple is discussing intercourse with me, as they wish to have a baby. The wife is concerned they are having sex too much, or that occasional masturbation might be diluting the quality of her husband’s semen. She wonders if less frequent sex or less frequent masturbation would help to improve the husband’s semen.

Does frequency of sex or masturbation affect the quality and volume of his sperm in terms of its ability to fertilize an egg?

Technically speaking – no. Unless there is another medical issue, a man cannot “run out” of sperm. Men always have enough sperm, if they are healthy, to ejaculate – for intercourse or otherwise.

So if we take the issue of “quantity” off the table, does frequency of sex or masturbation make a difference in terms of “quality” of sperm?

If there is another problem, such as low sperm counts or low motility, then the timing of sex to maximize sperm may come into play. In this case, we recommend intercourse every other day to allow time to replenish the low count. But even this concept is now being challenged as researchers in Australia have shown that frequent intercourse may improve sperm quality.

The bottom line is that conception still comes down to having unprotected intercourse during the optimal time of a woman’s cycle.

How many times you’re having sex is not an issue, but rather that you’re making it a point to have sex at the right times.
Its true! Everyday is OK if count and motility are good :) Thanks for the article Daisy!
Wait, so doggy style is no good? I read somewhere that it was optimal for conception? I keep hearing conflicting things! I guess its missionary from now on during fertile times, LOL.....
Creative - I seriously LOVE shopping for little girls! so much fun, right? Ariel is one of my favorite princesses too. TOO CUTE!
Daisy - what are your stepdaughters asking for? They are at a fun age to shop for too!
HI Ladies,

How do you know if you have a tipped cervix? All this making a baby stuff is very confusing.

Daisy - in answer to your question about my cycle length, they seem to vary (i have written records going back three cycles and they were 36 days, 31 days, 37 days and this one could be any length!) prior to the 36 day cycle i had a 45 day one and a 42 day one. on the 42 day one, 36 day one and 31 day one and 37 day one i was taking agnus castus but i stopped taking it because i had no ewcm and my cycle had changed from 31 to 37 so i reasoned it was not working. then this month all i am getting is lows.... i have felt a bit under the weather (tummy bug) but nothing significant that i would think could affect my cycles.....
I sometimes wonder if i have POS as i have excess hair on face, nothing too bad but it's there, specially above my lip and alongside my ears (down my cheek), carry extra weight and struggle to loose it..... but those would be my only symptoms, and i suppose my eratic cycle.... i mentioned it to a dr when i was there over something else and he was very dismissive, telling me that it takes most couples up to two years.

anyhow.... hope everyone else is okay...... this evening we had to go to the sorting office to collect 6 parcels we had missed whilst at work...cue lots of funny looks from people and a very disgruntled member of staff that had to find our parcels..... i guess this is the downside of all the online christmas shopping LOL.....
works Christmas doo tommorow, so letting my hair down and going to enjoy an evening of just being me :)

Dawn xx
Girls I just had the biggest glob of mucus fall out of me, it was almost like rubber cement, clear with a light brown tint to it and now I am crampy...I've never seen anything like it, almost like a mucus plug but obviously not pregnant...eeee...it was freaky!!
Thats a good question about the tipped uterus? When my doc did my u/s and hsg I asked about that, and he said that during an hsg you can see a tipped uterus, etc. I didnt have one, but that you could detect it that way. Its not much to worry about if you do have one. Daisy and Cre8tiv got everything under the sun under control :) xoxo

Also, what is POS? If your cycles are that long do you think you may have PCOS?
Girls I just had the biggest glob of mucus fall out of me, it was almost like rubber cement, clear with a light brown tint to it and now I am crampy...I've never seen anything like it, almost like a mucus plug but obviously not pregnant...eeee...it was freaky!!

you are DEFINITELY ovulating! Wow fertilCM really worked for you, huh? LOL
Girls I just had the biggest glob of mucus fall out of me, it was almost like rubber cement, clear with a light brown tint to it and now I am crampy...I've never seen anything like it, almost like a mucus plug but obviously not pregnant...eeee...it was freaky!!

you are DEFINITELY ovulating! Wow fertilCM really worked for you, huh? LOL

I don't know I have been taking it for a week now and nothing has happened I even though maybe I should stop taking it because its doing nothing for me...this was so odd...it wasn't regular cm...it was like jello..I am freaking out as it feels like my whole insides just fell out :haha: I do not know what that was!!
Daisy~ i think your fine. They do say that "doggy" for a tipped uterus is better, b/c of the angle. And i would do the same thing as you as far as putting the softcup in. I would flip right over and insert. Good luck. AND...as far as when to dtd i stuggle with that also. My obgyn said it is our preference. And i know there are studies that support both, so i guess as long as we bd during that time, there is a shot. ...wow, ok, so as i was writing this i just saw all the research you did and posted, so i guess you are ontop of it!

Jchic~ sorry you are bummin...i know how you feel. I had a long convo with my mother today about it b/c i was crying and she just told me i'm fine, maybe it's OH and it could take a year...not very reassuring. I think we are just going to keep doing what we are doing, go to the DR in jan/feb for testing if needed but i don't think i will start treatment until after the wedding if it comes down to that. If it happens naturally before that, then that will be awesome.

DawnLouise~ i often worry that i have issues too....don't worry. easier said than done but maybe you should bring it up again next time you go and see if she responds differently. I hope you enjoy your night of you time!
Hi ladies!

Wow, what a flurry of activity!

Creative, I wonder if that is transitional CM.. mine has been so thick the last two day also. Stretchy and thick and not clear and a little gummy. I think it will thin out as we approach O. Already today it's thinner.

Jchic, my gyno told me I had a tipped uterus years ago, which I've confirmed with other gynos I've seen more recently. Not sure how they determine it's tipped without some sort of a scan, but maybe they are deducing that from my cervical position? Not sure, but I've been told that multiple times. When I see the RE next month I will get a vaginal ultrasound, so I guess we'll confirm it then. Luckily I've been told it's only slightly tipped, not severe. Really looking forward to getting to ask him all my questions! As for my girlies, they are SO far from girly! Haha. Well the older one especially. She is a big reader, so I will probably get her books. Not sure what else yet. She also likes to knit, so I might get her some supplies. The younger one is into "fashion" - or so she says, and she really wants Uggs and no one will buy them for her so I'm going to get her the knock offs. I think I will also get them some games - we all like to play games together.

Mamma, thanks for the feedback regarding doggy and soft cup placement! I've also read that it's important to lie still after.. so I'm really going to see if I can somehow get it in while staying on my tummy. Actually thinking of having DH do it! Hey - he's already there! Not sure if he'll do it, but my guess is yes. My other issue is I have a hard time staying on my tummy - I'm not comfortable in that position and I get bored - I want to look at the TV, or my phone, or read... I think I need to start just trying to nap! I think that with everything I've read, I'm going to keep on DTD every day and keep on with the rear entry method for now... or I guess we could do missionary, I can pop my soft cup in, and then lie on tummy...

DawnLouise, yeah it sounds like your cycles are all over the place, and with your symptoms (hair, difficulty losing weight), would would definitely talk to the Doc about PCOS and see if he'll do a scan and the bloodwork. Mrs. B is undergoing all the diagnostics right now too. The good news is that with your history of longer cycles, you might still ovulate so don't count yourself out! If you are on CD 21 or something, and you have cycles that go 36-45 days, you could ovulate any time, possibly not even until CD 35 or something! I know it sucks to have such long cycles, but you still have a chance. If it were me (and this is just what I would do in your shoes), I'd schedule an appointment with the doc for a PCOS evaluation (priority #1) and I'd think about going back on agnus castus next cycle. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of EWCM - I don't typically get much either. You can try taking EPO, or using mucinex once you do get a high or peak, and you can use preseed... I'd also try charting - it will give you more insight for sure...
Daisy I think your right, I think it was transitional cm...it was SOOO stretchy but it was thick not thin like ewcm. I guess it will start to thin out in the next few days.

Dawn I would give charting a try, that will tell you if your ovulating or not. Its been VERY helpful for me!!

My obgyn told me when I was pregnant with Kaiya that my uterus was slightly tipped, it wasn't before this so I was a little surprised, I guess it can change over time?? It explains why I had the cutest prego belly ever with Brayden and with Kaiya it was ugly as ever :haha: not round but weird shaped...no one ever said I had a cute belly when I was preg with her, but got tons of people even ones I didn't know saying how cute my belly was with Brayden :haha: I guess I never heard of trying doggy style to help with it?? Maybe I'll try laying on my belly afterwards tonight too!
Creative, is your uterus still tipped? Or was it tipped just during pregnancy? Now I'm afraid I'm going to have an ugly preggo belly!!! Creative! :cry: Could it just be that whole thing about boys carrying more like a basketball, and girls carrying lower and wider?

As for CM, mine is PERFECT textbook EW today - :happydance: Yay! Can't wait to get home and BD! I'm getting EWCM so many more days this cycle. I don't know if it's because I'm checking it more aggressively, or if it's the antibiotics or the EPO, but I like it!

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