CBFM Buddy

Oh no!! I'm sorry Daisy I didn't mean that you'd have an ugly belly hun :sad1: Every baby is carried differently, it may not even had anything to due with my tipped uterus? You've never had a baby before so your all nice and tight down there and I know you'll have a perfect baby bump!!! :hugs:
Oh and Creative, if you're worried the CM is too thick, you could try mucinex and/or drink LOTS of water...
:kiss: Thanks Creative. I'm already stressing about carrying unattractively - I work in a hospital and enter through the Labor/Delivery building, and so I see women coming in and leaving all the time, and saw this one lady today who still looked enormous, and she just delivered. Was not cute. I know it takes a while for your stomach to go down, but I was like jeez! I better get back into shape pre-pregnancy, as I need to lose a few as it is!
Thanks for the tip! I am already drinking tons of water, I have to while taking the FertileCM.

It does take awhile for your belly to go back down after you have the baby, I wasn't thrilled about that either, for a good 6 weeks after you'll still look a little prego. I never lost all my baby weight either so I still look a few months prego :blush: Its so hard to get rid of and I gained 50lbs with each of my kids...not proud of that, I am hoping I wont be so big this time around, its hard, you are sooo hungry all the time, and I think I just felt it was ok to eat whatever I wanted, to, obviously not!! :rofl:
We will all look BEAUTIFUL when we are prego :) I promise....then after, its hardcore gym time, ha!
Good post jchic! :) Maybe you and I can be bump buddies AND work out buddies!
LOL, JChic i must have christmas brain LOL - i meant PCOS :haha: can't believe i got it wrong :winkwink:

Thats a good question about the tipped uterus? When my doc did my u/s and hsg I asked about that, and he said that during an hsg you can see a tipped uterus, etc. I didnt have one, but that you could detect it that way. Its not much to worry about if you do have one. Daisy and Cre8tiv got everything under the sun under control :) xoxo

Also, what is POS? If your cycles are that long do you think you may have PCOS?
:yipee: Congrats on the high Dawn!!!

We dtd last night and I tried what you said Daisy I propped myself up like I normally do for 10 minutes than I flipped over on my stomach for another 10 minutes. When I got up nothing fell out of me I couldn't believe it!! :D Stay up in there little :spermy: Got another high, my LH line sort of disappeared??? I hope I do infact end up ovulating, I know it hasn't happened yet, my estrogen line is still getting lighter. I worry that I will o later than cd18 now :shrug: Its pretty normal for me to have a LH line (a tiny one) and then it disappears and comes back strong, it just doesn't usually wait this late to disappear so I am worried!
you girls crack me up! i so look forward to getting on the thread and chatting...def. my favorite one.

My AF is killing me...i woke up to (TMI) blood all over the bed! and i had a super tampon in and changed it only a few hours prior. I'm soooo crampy, to the point i cant even have a BM without being in pain. (sorry) Someone shoot me! OH is hungover this am, so i'm hoping he stays in bed so i can monopolize the couch for the day. LOL :haha:

I'm down for workout buddies too after being bump buddies of course! I had LapBand surg last year and i can def. use some motivation there. I need to go for an adjustment but i have been putting it off b/c i keep telling myself "if i'm preggo i need to have it loose, so i just won't go now" BUT i really should be losing as much as i can now so i'm not still heavy and preggo. My mother called me yest to tell me she really wants me to wait until i lose more weight so i won't have any probs....grr. I think after xmas i will go and start again!

Congrats Dawn for your HIGH!!! :wohoo: Get on it. Literally. :xmas13:

Creativ~ FX that all those :spermy: get to that eggy!! Keep up the good BDing!!

Daisy~ so excited for all your awesome EWCM! :yipee: keep up the "doggy" lovin!

Jchic ~ hun how you doin??
Hi ladies!

:happydance: woohoo Dawn! :wohoo: Hooray! Get down to business lady!

Mamma - :xmas13: "doggy lovin!"

Creative, glad the tummy method seems to work well for you! Don't worry about your lack of a LH line. I don't have one either. What's interesting is in previous months, I ALWAYS have one (on OPKs anyway), and I often see several days where the LH line is pretty dark to where I'm questioning if it's positive, or think it's almost positive. So far this month, the line is super, super faint on the OPK, and totally absent from the CBFM stick. I wonder if the supplements we are taking are regulating our hormones so that when we have a surge it will be a true surge rather than a protracted surge or series of mini surges?? Just a thought. I am still hopeful I might O a little early, but now I think it might be on Monday. Which I guess isn't really early, since I think I might have O'ed on CD 17 last month anyway. Oh well. I guess we'll see!

Jchic, what's cooking?

Mrs. B how was your holiday party?

AFM - oy. I had a TTC disaster last night. After BDing, which was wonderful last night for some reason, I tried to put on the soft cup while still on my stomach (sort of - had to kind of get back on all fours, sorry if TMI). Like I mentioned before, I am trying to get it in without moving around too much, but I'm having issues because in that position, I get kind of disoriented as to where the cup should be in relation to me, how it should be directed, which way is up, etc. !!! :dohh: So anyway, I popped it in (it literally likes pops in - I have a hard time controlling placement) and as I was lying on my tummy, I started worrying that I put it in wrong, like maybe it was at an angle, or maybe I put it in upside down...!! So then I went feeling for it, and I felt it in there, but the rim felt different to me, so then I really started worrying I put it in upside down, and then I started worrying that it was going to be really hard to get out. So I started to pull on it a little to see if I could grab it, and I couldn't. PANIC. So then I said fudge it, and went to the bathroom and managed to pull it out when bearing down. And guess what? It was in the right way all along. Guess what else? There was a ton of "stuff" I lost just minutes after BDing because I freaked myself out!!! Ahhahhahah! SO annoyed with myself. :hissy: What a waste of swimmers!

The good news is that I have another "high" today, so I haven't O'ed yet, so I still have time for a fresh "deposit." I think I might do what creative did and do missionary, put cup in, then turn over. Or I'll do what I did a few nights ago - doggy, turn over for cup placement, then tummy time. Aye caramba!! I keep worrying that the cup is not helping, but every time I take it out, I realize it is.
Hey guys! All Seems so busy and so positive on here :)

Party was good thanks Daisy, We went our for a team meal then met alot of other people in our department. I work with a bunch of crazy people, they're all mad, but so much fun! Had a great night, just what I needed after this week.

As for today, Hubby went to work this morning so I made some cupcake toppers for Christmas cupcakes for when I visit my family next weekend. This afternoon were having a TV afternoon, we've just watched a film and not catching up with some Vampire Diaries :blush:

Daisy, don't beat yourself up over those 'swimmers' the ones that have enough swim in them would have made their way

Mamma, sorry AF is misbehaving for you :hugs:

Creative, hope you did O, and you caught it

:hi: to everyone I haven't mentioned individually xx
:rofl: @ Daisy "fresh deposit" :rofl: You crack me up!! I had pretty good luck so I guess I'll keep doing what we did last night. And yes those swimmers the good quality ones are quick and get where they need to be fast so I'm sure you have some up there Daisy try not to worry, you'll get your "fresh deposit" tonight :D

Sorry AF is being horrid for you mamma...that has happened to me before too, all over the bed, I was in high school and had a sleep over and a girl was sharing my bed with me, i was horrified!!!! At least you were home and it was just your hubby!

These soft cups sound scary I'm glad I'm not attempting them :shock: I'm not good at putting things up there :haha:

Off in a bit to my grandfather's 80th birthday party, its far away so I wont be on again until tomorrow :( Hope you all have a great day today! :hugs:
HI Ladies,

I had my high yesterday so last night :sex: then i did the calculations and thought that i would hit a peak when DH was not here (tue evening), so we had a dilema LOL,..... to solve this DH decided he was going to 'do me' (i hate it when he says it like that :dohh:) this morning, so we :sex: last night about 11 pm and this morning about 9 am - i wonder if this is too close together? - Dh plan is that we can then :sex: mon and tue morning, as we think these may be our peak day's. (roughly leaving about 18 hours between each deposit! - not impressed at having to set alarm early for pre-work sex - 6:15 am tommorow LOL

I have a couple of concerns - i hope we are not dtd too often - hubby has never had SA done as we are only on 11 month (or is it 12, i forget!).

last night and this morning there was leakage when DH came out of me (he deposited in me (TMI) but when he came away some came with him :shrug:.... i used my bum pillow did ten mins on my back, 10 mins on my front and fell asleep last night so did not stand up for 8 hours when i got up only a tiny bit leaked out. This morning i did 10 mins on back 10 mins on front (tried to stand on head and failed :haha: LOL - though it did make DH laugh and gave me a headache!) When i stood up and went to the bathroom some came out, but i just hope that lots got to where they should be!. I just hope we are doing enough to keep those swimmers in there.

how is everyone else?

:haha: @ Dawn - standing on your head!!! That's one I haven't even tried yet! :D I hope that your swimmers are where they need to be hun! Do you have an appt lined up yet to get things checked out? I'm sorry you've had such a long road of ttc! :hugs:

I got another (5th) high this morning but I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at my test stick, my estrogen line was super light compared to how dark it was yesterday and I now have an LH line (didn't at all yesterday) so I am hopeful I will still o on time, either late tomorrow or Tuesday for sure! Looking at my stick I was sure it would be a peak but nope, another high. Do any of you girls try to guess what it's going to be before the machine tells you...or am I just super crazy? My temp is the same (97.22) as it was on this cycle day last month and I o'd at the end of the following day, that is why I think I might o tomorrow night...seeing a pattern here!! We dtd this morning, didn't happen last night as we didn't get home until after 10pm and from a long drive we were so tired we just crashed! Glad we got it in this morning though as we have a Christmas party to go to today and DH is going to an all Men's Christmas thingy tonight so he wont even be around to dtd!

How are you girls doing...all so quiet lately!
Daisy how are your temps, cm, sticks looking?
Hi ladies! I got a + opk last night and a PEAK today, woot woot! A day earlier than last cycle! Hooray! We dtd last night and again this morning. I am now lying on stomach for ~ 10 minutes, then flipping over to put softcup in, then spend another ~ 10-15 minutes on tummy. I feel like that's as good as I'm going to get!

I know I'm a little nuts doing both CBFM, and opk, but I guess I'm just trying really hard to pinpoint my surge as accurately as possible. My guess is that I'll O sometime today, since I got a + OPK around 10pm last night. Latest tomorrow. Really interested to see what my temp does tomorrow. It was up a little this morning than the past couple days, but not higher than some of my other temps. Plus, I got up to pee 2 hours before temp taking time, AND I woke up 30 minutes before temp taking time and was barely dozing those last 30 minutes.

Creative, I'm also examining my sticks before putting them in, and trying to predict the reading. Yesterday, my estrogen line was faint, but actually a little darker than the previous day, when there were almost no lines at all. The LH line yesterday was barely there. The day before it was nonexistent. Today, my first peak. Estrogen is there but faint, and LH is darker. I'll see if I can upload a pic. Glad you were able to dtd today! I bet you'll get a peak tomorrow and o tomorrow or tuesday, right on time!

Dawn, so pleased that you are getting highs! Yay! I wouldn't worry about doing it too much, unless dh has a documented SA that is low. As for leakage, one thing you can try, is dh stays inside as long as possible after, then withdraws slowly, and kind of holds you closed while he withdraws. Dh and I call this "ziplocking". Also, even though I've had some trouble figuring out how best to use the soft cup, I highly recommend it if you are worried about leakage, and especially if you have to get up and go to work. Do they sell them in the uk?


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    peak 12:11:11.jpg
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HI Ladies,

Creative - i always read the sticks and try and guess what they will be before putting them in the monitor , it is all part of the fun :winkwink: I think that i may go and see a dr after the January cycle if nothing has happened then - will be 1 year off the pill by then and i am 30, so not getting any younger LOL..... was hoping it would not come to a Dr's trip, but that's what they are there for i guess. Creative- how many highs do you normally get before a peak?, i have noticed mine vary... today is my second high

daisy - i will try the 'ziplocking' method :winkwink: and see how that goes. I had a quick look in town today for softcups but they don't sell them.... i may order online - they won't come in time for this cycle, but will do for next.

i wonder how everyone else is getting on......

anyhow, off to visit family now and then an afternoon of doing nothing but snuggling up wih DH is planned... hope you all have a good afternoon
I swear my stick looks exactly like yours Daisy, that's why I was surprised when it gave me another high :shrug: Anywho I bet I'll get my peak tomorrow for sure! Exciting...you'll be o-ing very soon!!!! :D

Dawn I vary on the number of highs I get too, my first month using the monitor I got 2 highs, my 2nd month I got 1 high and the last 2 cycles I got 5 highs.

Back home FINALLY from the holiday madness of this weekend, we've been all over the state this weekend, DH is back out for his 3rd party this weekend, I am home with the kids for the night and I plan on being lazy for the rest of the night, soo pooped!! :sex: in the AM and then probably 1 more time and I'm in with a shot, or so I hope :thumbup:
Hi all - sounds like we all had busy weekends.

Jchic, where are you, everything ok?

Creative, that is weird about not getting a peak today. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Has the CBFM ever missed your peak? I'm paranoid about that which is why I cross check with cheap opk strips. If it's still high tomorrow, my guess is that you are peaking now, if your stick looks like mine. Bding again in the Sounds like a good plan.

Dawn, your afternoon snuggling with the hubby sounds fantastic. I think your plan to go see someone after 1 year sounds right.

How's it going mrs b? Mamma?
Got my peak this morning!!! :dance: Temps both yesterday and this morning are the exact same temps as last month at this same time, so even though my temp went way up this morning I know I haven't o'd yet, I predict it will happen tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. I always get o pain so I usually know when its happening. My LH line is so much stronger than last months though so I am excited this is going to be a good egg! :D

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