Chicky only 12 days to go look at you
Me - I'm off for my 3rd scan tomorrow - hopefully I will get to see a heartbeat this time - my other two were far to early but were given to me due to spotting and previous history
I have just got back from a few days away in Spain and people were asking boy/girldidn't have the heart to tell them it was all bloat
Last scan I had we saw the sac and something in it - so fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Tink -you've seen the heartbeat - we are so close in dates unless it all changes
Good luck to all the other ladies still trying
Hi Chicky, I hope all is well and you are feeling great and getting ready to finally meet your baby, just 2 weeks to gohow time flies
afm, still there still TTC naturally, had a bit of success with improving hubby's sperm count from 1 mil to 11 after he stopped with the beer for 3 months. continue with chinese medicine, paying a small fortune to Dr Zhai - baby miracle maker as she is known here hoping she can put my body into balance and trying to get my DH to start taking chinese herbs to improve his sperm count. also been busy trying to lose my LTTTC weight, over the last 3 years I did put on about 7 kg and I need smth to keep my mind off TTC and just have smth positive to focus on, it's just getting too hard to bear