CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
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So now on CD11 and got a 4th high reading on CBFM (first cycle using CBFM).

This is a good sign right???

We :sex: last night and plan to BD every second day during the high readings and everyday once I get/if I get a peak reading.

Anyone out there using CBFM for the first time?!?!?!

I'm thinking about maybe using ovulation sticks as well just for back up cos I'm a bit worried about missing O time seeing this is my first cycle of using CBFM.

Also, does your O day change dramatically?

I feel like since TTC my body and cycle has changed. Loads of EWCM on CD8-CD11 and feeling 'ovulat-ey' at the moment if that makes sense :)

This is quite early for me (28 day cycle). Feeling like my body really wants a BFP and a sticky bean and is maybe becoming as impatient as I feel psychologically!!

Any thoughts, tips regarding CBFM or just general comments from TTC ladies would be much appreciated.

Baby dust to all
Hi wabisabi,

I use the cbfm as well. I started using it 16months ago. I think using extra opks are a good idea for the first cycle, as it's not uncommon for the monitor to miss your peak the first time and give you a week or so of highs instead. The first month I used it I got my peak, but after my mc in april I reset it and it didn't pick up my peak the first cycle, though I know I ovulated because I temp.

As for o day changing; we started trying after coming off the pill January 2011. I know my o day changed dramatically each month as my cycle was really irregular 28-38days. In September 2011 I got my first normal length cycle, and then o days were always around day 16, give or take a day. Got our bfp in feb 2012, mc april. I have heard of people getting their bfp in cycles even when there o's were quite far off their norm, so think everyone is different.

Also I have been told that if you have an longer than normal cycle that usually you will have a shorter than normal one the following month, because your body tries to make up for lost ttc time. I found this useful and quite true.

As for cbfm once you get a 'peak' don't bother using any more test sticks, although it will continue to ask you to. The following day it will ALWAYS automatically display a 2nd peak day, followed by a high. It basically stops reading the stick and goes into auto mode, and the use of the extra sticks are just a way for cb to make more money. If you phone their own helpline number they will confirm this as true. With the price of sticks, no one needs to waste them.

Hope some of this was helpful. Good luck with everything, and hope you get your bfp soon x
hi wabisabi and baylea ,baylea if you have been using cbfm that long maybe you could answer this for me ,i am on 3rd cycle using cbfm first cycle gave me high on cd10 with peak on cd16 second cyce gave me first high on cd11 still peak on cd16 third cycle now on cd12 and is still low have u seen this happen before or know if it is normal ,,16 months must have cost you ab fair bit in sticks ,anyways hope you both get your bfps soon good luck and fx`d x
Hi maryanne67, yes this ttc thing hasn't been cheap for us so far...but I like the extra reassurance the cbfm gives me.

Yeah actually I found that my no. of high days reduced the longer I used it, so although I could see lots of ewmc, so knew my oestrogen was raised, the monitor started to not read this as quickly and so not give me a high until a couple of days after I first spotted it. You may well find that you still peak on the same day. On the other hand you may ov slightly later, I have done this on a few cycles, and I don't think it's anything to worry about unless you start seeing very very late ov, making your cycles very long and this persists over quite a number of cycles. One or two irregular cycles are nothing to worry about....though INCREDIBLY frustrating.

How long have you been ttc? x
Hey all,

I used an ovulation test yesterday and it confirmed that I was ovulating. CBFM still just showing highs so I guess this has confirmed that it's still trying to work me out.

In saying this, just like Baylea, I find the monitor reassuring and as a result of using it I feel we have had the motivation to BD a little more this cycle.

So sorry to hear of your MC Baylea. This TTC thing is so full of unknowns. Feels like nothing is definite. This is so hard to take in an age where we feel we can make anything happen and happen quickly. I am not used to mother nature's slow and sometimes painful ways. I have everything crossed that you'll get your BFP soon. Thanks for the tip about test sticks!

Sending all best wishes and babydust to you too Maryanne67. Hope we both get to stop buying and peeing on sticks this cycle!!! I think we are on the same CD. I'm on CD 13 today :) Really hoping this is our time.

In the back of my mind I'm preparing for being sad though :( With using this CBFM for the first time my hope this month has shot up to silly levels seeing I feel we are doing 'everything right'. Not looking forward to getting a BFN while knowing we tried our best. This time that BFN is really going to hurt..... hopefully I don't have to see it!!!
hi thanks Baylea have used the moniter 3rd month now cd13 today still low ,have been tt 5 months however first 3 were weird as had stillborn son in march this year an after the first 3 weeks of bleeding had spoting for 2 cycles and every 3 weeks but was having let down feelings in m boobs for weeks after so probably wasnt ov then anyway but havehad 2 proper 28 day cycles and onto cycle 3 so i would say ttc3rd month i normally ov around day 16/17 so mite buy some ov sticks off ebay today n hope they arrive in time for ov ,i too agree with the longer then shorter cycle thing to catch up this has happened to me in he past and i believe thats whyi had 2 3 week cycles maybe to put me back on track but your right ttc so frustratng ,Wabisabi good luck for you hope the cbfm works its magic for you this month you never know hun and baylea hope you get some releif from buying the sticks in the form of a bfp good luck every 1 and heres sum :dust: for us all
So now on CD11 and got a 4th high reading on CBFM (first cycle using CBFM).

This is a good sign right???

We :sex: last night and plan to BD every second day during the high readings and everyday once I get/if I get a peak reading.

Anyone out there using CBFM for the first time?!?!?!

I'm thinking about maybe using ovulation sticks as well just for back up cos I'm a bit worried about missing O time seeing this is my first cycle of using CBFM.

Also, does your O day change dramatically?

I feel like since TTC my body and cycle has changed. Loads of EWCM on CD8-CD11 and feeling 'ovulat-ey' at the moment if that makes sense :)

This is quite early for me (28 day cycle). Feeling like my body really wants a BFP and a sticky bean and is maybe becoming as impatient as I feel psychologically!!

Any thoughts, tips regarding CBFM or just general comments from TTC ladies would be much appreciated.

Baby dust to all

Hey wasibabi,

We tried using the CBFM first time this cycle, I got my first high on CD 7 and it stayed high until CD 20 when I got my first peak. I thought I o'd much earlier so previously we'd been BDing much earlier and normally too tired to keep going by cd 20! I was also really surprised to get a peak on the first cycle :) I'm on 8 dpo today so am really hoping that it's worked for us... We BDed every other day up to peak then every day until it went back to low.

Good luck!!! And fingers crossed we all get September BFPs!! :hugs:
wabisabi-thanks, yeah it's been a rubbish time. Starting to feel pretty disheartened, and now considering ivf next summer if no bfp before then (don't think we will, as my cycles are soooo off since mc, feels like every month there is just no chance). Got such mixed feelings about it...on the one hand I know my gp thinks there is nothing wrong and we should be giving it at least another year of ttc naturally beyond that, but I'm not sure how much more I can take. It'll be 2 1/2 years by then. That was great that you used the extra opk then!! Good luck, this could be your month!!!x

maryanne67-so,so sorry to hear of your loss hun :hugs: That must have been so hard. I never realised how strong us women can be until I started this ttc malarky. That's good to hear that your cycles returned to normal after a few months. We had a miscarriage at 11wks 5days and 5 cycles later mine are STILL a mess. I have a feeling it'll be a long time before mine 'normalise'. Finding it hard to move forward when my body won't..... grrrrr. Hoping they will miraculously sort themselves out hehe. Hope you get that bfp asap :) x

Summer_millie-that's great that it helped you discover you ovulated later. Hope it does the trick :) x

Sending lots of good bfp vibes to us all
Summer_millie hi, fxd for a bfp i was the same bd`d around day 14 every cycle when trying to get pg until i used opk`s to find i ovulate cd16/17 and i have read many posts where people say the same and i have a regular 28 day cycle its not like the docs say atall that you ov 14 days before af or 14 days after af starts but thumbs up for the cbfm pinpointing ov without as much stress good luck x

Baylea you obviously can get pg and sorry bout your loss hun its not easy the cycle i got pg last i was using opk`s and had hardly any line every day after af stopped was thinking summit wrong or the sticks dont work they were the kind u dip in a cup of urine and i thought sod it a couple of days past when i normally ov and peed directly on it of course it came up a good line but i got bfp that month but not until a week after af was due i tested the day after af was due n was bfn but a week later bfp so ur rite about some can get pg on the un-normal cycle,i also had a mc but at 10wks 5 days before my last pregnancy we started trying right away got pg after 1 cycle ,its hard when you think your body isnt playing ball but you never know hun when you least expect it it`ll happen and because you have been pregnant before is a good sign that you will again i`ll be keeping my fxd that you do soon do you use anything else to aid conception like preseed or softcups i havent tried preseed but another thread i go on a couple of the ladies recemtly got bfp`s the month they used it i have used the soft cups and my last bfp was using them but am using them now with no luck yet ,i suppose it is too early for your gp to do tests as they say it has to be a certain length of time after a pregnancy even after mc also ,ivf is expensive and a big step to take i know how hard and disheartning ttc is i think you will get a bfp just keep :sex: especially round ov time fx`d for you x

Wabisabi hows it going hun i think your on cd 14 today has the cbfm gone peak for you yet , it has gone high today for me not sure if i said this previously but i got peaks on my first and second cycle using it and i think thats what your query was relating to ? cd14 is later than 1st n 2nd month gave me but was so relieved to see high today ,i think its a great little device but has its own little stress point in the differing days opinion it gives ,anyway hope your doing ok and every1 else too fx`d and good luck and heres some lucky :dust: for you all
Summer_millie hi, fxd for a bfp i was the same bd`d around day 14 every cycle when trying to get pg until i used opk`s to find i ovulate cd16/17 and i have read many posts where people say the same and i have a regular 28 day cycle its not like the docs say atall that you ov 14 days before af or 14 days after af starts but thumbs up for the cbfm pinpointing ov without as much stress good luck x

Baylea you obviously can get pg and sorry bout your loss hun its not easy the cycle i got pg last i was using opk`s and had hardly any line every day after af stopped was thinking summit wrong or the sticks dont work they were the kind u dip in a cup of urine and i thought sod it a couple of days past when i normally ov and peed directly on it of course it came up a good line but i got bfp that month but not until a week after af was due i tested the day after af was due n was bfn but a week later bfp so ur rite about some can get pg on the un-normal cycle,i also had a mc but at 10wks 5 days before my last pregnancy we started trying right away got pg after 1 cycle ,its hard when you think your body isnt playing ball but you never know hun when you least expect it it`ll happen and because you have been pregnant before is a good sign that you will again i`ll be keeping my fxd that you do soon do you use anything else to aid conception like preseed or softcups i havent tried preseed but another thread i go on a couple of the ladies recemtly got bfp`s the month they used it i have used the soft cups and my last bfp was using them but am using them now with no luck yet ,i suppose it is too early for your gp to do tests as they say it has to be a certain length of time after a pregnancy even after mc also ,ivf is expensive and a big step to take i know how hard and disheartning ttc is i think you will get a bfp just keep :sex: especially round ov time fx`d for you x

Wabisabi hows it going hun i think your on cd 14 today has the cbfm gone peak for you yet , it has gone high today for me not sure if i said this previously but i got peaks on my first and second cycle using it and i think thats what your query was relating to ? cd14 is later than 1st n 2nd month gave me but was so relieved to see high today ,i think its a great little device but has its own little stress point in the differing days opinion it gives ,anyway hope your doing ok and every1 else too fx`d and good luck and heres some lucky :dust: for you all

So pleased it's gone high for you!!!! And perfect timing too :thumbup: Thanks so much for the update lovely :flower:

I never got a peak this time so I'm really glad I used the ovulation sticks as well. I did another one today and it's confirmed that I have stopped ovulating. The CBFM is still showing highs but never a peak- even during ovulation. I don't think this is problem seeing it's my first cycle. We BD every second day of the highs, from the first high on CD8 or 9 I think. We then BD two days in a row when I got a smiley face on the ovulation stick test.

So today I'm 1DPO and in the 2WW!!!! Just posted about some symptom spotting. Let the obsessive crazyness begin :wacko:

Baby dust to you :dust:
Thanks maryanne67 x I really hope you are right. fingers crossed I fall on a non-normal cycle :) Yes we use loads hehe. I use preseed or conceive plus each time, sometimes cough syrup-I swollow this...not using it like preseed :haha:, we always bd last thing, which works well as I remain lying down for 7 hours, taking pregnacare conceive vits, vitamin d (which I started the cycle we got out bfp, so was sooo hopeful that was the 'magic' ingrediant and we'd fall quickly again, and magnesium. Hubby takes pregnacare men vits, plus extra vit c, and omega. We had tests end of last year and all came back ok). I am just soooooo done with hoping....it's been a looooong couple of years. My parents are scandinavian, and they are much quicker over there to try and help move things along, for better or for worse. My cousin was offered IVF after 6months...makes our 2 years feel even longer.

You got your high yay!!!:thumbup: It's great when you see it. Hope your peak is close by. Let us know when you get it x

Wabisabi-(love your name by the way) Good luck in 2WW huni. Maybe you wont get a chance to see if the cbfm picks up a peak next month :) fingers crossed x
Thanks baylea i know wot u mean bout "the magic ingredient" thats how i felt when i got pg using softcups first month trying with them and the mc cycle before the first month using ov tests lol n wow u take alot of vits ect you must rattle with all them ,i took vits 1 month an got pg but had this pain in my side/back like kidney area for the whole time i was pg i stopped taking them n the pain went away unfortunately so did the pregnancy a week after stopping them but i dont blame the stopping them i blame ever taking them in the first place have took them once b4 that when pg and had some spotting all was ok with that pregnancy but it scared me , i wonder if it was the folic acid i know the experts say take it but the twice i have i had problems and have read a lot of women suspecting the same who have had mcs , have then not taken it n had healthy pregnancy ,but each to their own , i dunno what to think actually i just know i wanna be pg again and so hope i get there ,i hope u do too and wabisabi , its a mint name wonder what it means maybe u can tell us wabisabi when ur on next and summer_millie not forgetting u hun hope we all get bfp`s and any1 else on here , of course i will let you know when i get peak ,was high again today and can see the sticks 2 lines more today would hope for peak in the morning ,fx`d for us tho good luck every1 :dust:
Thanks baylea i know wot u mean bout "the magic ingredient" thats how i felt when i got pg using softcups first month trying with them and the mc cycle before the first month using ov tests lol n wow u take alot of vits ect you must rattle with all them ,i took vits 1 month an got pg but had this pain in my side/back like kidney area for the whole time i was pg i stopped taking them n the pain went away unfortunately so did the pregnancy a week after stopping them but i dont blame the stopping them i blame ever taking them in the first place have took them once b4 that when pg and had some spotting all was ok with that pregnancy but it scared me , i wonder if it was the folic acid i know the experts say take it but the twice i have i had problems and have read a lot of women suspecting the same who have had mcs , have then not taken it n had healthy pregnancy ,but each to their own , i dunno what to think actually i just know i wanna be pg again and so hope i get there ,i hope u do too and wabisabi , its a mint name wonder what it means maybe u can tell us wabisabi when ur on next and summer_millie not forgetting u hun hope we all get bfp`s and any1 else on here , of course i will let you know when i get peak ,was high again today and can see the sticks 2 lines more today would hope for peak in the morning ,fx`d for us tho good luck every1 :dust:

This is what Wabisabi means ladies:

Wabi-sabi (佗寂?) represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".[1] It is a concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (三法印 sanbōin?), specifically impermanence (無常 mujō?), the other two being suffering (苦 ku?) and emptiness or absence of self-nature (空 kū?).
Characteristics of the wabi-sabi aesthetic include asymmetry, asperity (roughness or irregularity), simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes.

Basically for me it means 'beauty in imperfection'. Thought it was appropriate for this 'imperfect' process..... kind of to help me still find the beauty in it I guess. The concept gives me and my imperfect self some hope :flower:

I'm now on 3DPO and experiencing cramps, sore breasts/nipples and for the first couple of days past O I had brownish tinged EWCM. The cramps and colourful EWCM are new for me so I'm thinking anything different is good :shrug:

Maryanne67 I've had trouble with folic acid too but I've finally found one that seems to work well with my body. It's a bit of a lower dose than some of the 'pregnancy' vitamins and doesn't make my sides hurt, which is always a plus. Just thought I'd pass that on.... but like you said, each to their own in this crazy process.

Hope you're all doing ok today..... well, I hope you're all experiencing lots of lovely symptoms that are leading to a BFP very, very soon.

thanks wabisabi thats interesting about the folic acid so basically its trial and error to find 1 thats suits and maybe 1 with a lower dose i might try and find 1 if nothing happens naturally ,interesting symptoms going on and yes diffrent is good ,altho u have symptoms that are pregnancy related so thats good too, lol at the imperfect self if only mother nature made the process for every1 that bit more perfect, nice name tho its diffrent ,fxd crossed ur symptoms carry thru to ur bfp it would be great if you got bfp first cycle using the cbfm i have heard plenty who have had ,so good luck and :dust: x

baylea hope everything ok with you where you at in your cycle i cant remember if you said already apologies if you did ,x

summer_millie hope your doing ok too x

afm: im on cd16 and still high on cbfm today should have been peak if same as last 2 cycles but went high 2 days later so maybe gonna peak 2 days later but thats ok 2 more days to :sex: tmi coming but how do u ladies tell diffrence from ewcm and left over semen after taking cup out few hours after putting in am seeing clear stretchy stuff and whiteish stuff left in it which is which sorry ladies just thought i would ask ,hope every1 doing ok and looking forward to seeing some bfp in here fx`d x
wabisabi....love it even more now I know what it means :thumbup: I think the buddhist faith is facinating! When we were in India a few years ago we visited losts of buddhist temples, and spun losts of prayer wheels :) I could do with spinning a few now I think hehe. Brownish ewcm sounds promising huni! x

maryanne67....Yeah I am rattling a bit, now you mention it, lol. Read that the pregnacare conception vits have lead to a lot of pregnancies as a lot of people are just low on certain things they need to have a 'perfect' cycle. The vit D I'm sure I must be low in, because I live so far north and don't get much sun without having layers of clothes on. I read up a lot about vit d and it's importance in conception, plus low levels are linked to ms, and there are a lot of sufferers up here. Magnesium I take because the vit d needs this and if you don't take it the shortage in magnesium can mess with your cycles. I'm 10PO, and chart isn't looking too promising, plus I have severe pms, but I kinda knew that it was probably not going to happen this time with stalled ov and jumpy temps during first few weeks, so I did the disappointment last week and am now looking forward to next cycle. Fingers crossed it's a bit more settled. x
maryanne67....sorry forgot to say. Don't apologise for asking that...really don't think there is such a thing as tmi on here hehe. I find that OH spermies is more 'watery' and less robust when you stretch it compared with ewcm. As for white, sometimes my ewcm has white streaks in it and sometimes DH's had white in it so I never can tell by the colour, or lack of it. x
thanks wabisabi thats interesting about the folic acid so basically its trial and error to find 1 thats suits and maybe 1 with a lower dose i might try and find 1 if nothing happens naturally ,interesting symptoms going on and yes diffrent is good ,altho u have symptoms that are pregnancy related so thats good too, lol at the imperfect self if only mother nature made the process for every1 that bit more perfect, nice name tho its diffrent ,fxd crossed ur symptoms carry thru to ur bfp it would be great if you got bfp first cycle using the cbfm i have heard plenty who have had ,so good luck and :dust: x

baylea hope everything ok with you where you at in your cycle i cant remember if you said already apologies if you did ,x

summer_millie hope your doing ok too x

afm: im on cd16 and still high on cbfm today should have been peak if same as last 2 cycles but went high 2 days later so maybe gonna peak 2 days later but thats ok 2 more days to :sex: tmi coming but how do u ladies tell diffrence from ewcm and left over semen after taking cup out few hours after putting in am seeing clear stretchy stuff and whiteish stuff left in it which is which sorry ladies just thought i would ask ,hope every1 doing ok and looking forward to seeing some bfp in here fx`d x

Thanks for the babydust maryanne67. Right back at you :winkwink:
As baylea said, there is no such thing as TMI on here. Plus it's interesting to hear about other people's bodies and questions. I agree, spermies can be much more watery in consistency I think. Plus, this might sound strange, but EWCM and sperm smell different too.

Sending baby dust to both of you today

I'm now 4DPO and still feeling crampy. Wish this 2WW would hurry up and end in a lovely :bfp: If it doesn't, I wish it would end so I can get on with the next cycle. Gosh, it's kinda like wishing time away untill you get that much wanted result huh?!?!? I turn 35 today. I don't mind getting older but this number is kind of programmed into me as the time this pregnancy stuff starts to get tricky. I know this is not definitively true, but it still worries me. Wish I was 35 with the body of a 22 year old .......
for so many reasons :haha:

wabisabi....love it even more now I know what it means :thumbup: I think the buddhist faith is facinating! When we were in India a few years ago we visited losts of buddhist temples, and spun losts of prayer wheels :) I could do with spinning a few now I think hehe. Brownish ewcm sounds promising huni! x

maryanne67....Yeah I am rattling a bit, now you mention it, lol. Read that the pregnacare conception vits have lead to a lot of pregnancies as a lot of people are just low on certain things they need to have a 'perfect' cycle. The vit D I'm sure I must be low in, because I live so far north and don't get much sun without having layers of clothes on. I read up a lot about vit d and it's importance in conception, plus low levels are linked to ms, and there are a lot of sufferers up here. Magnesium I take because the vit d needs this and if you don't take it the shortage in magnesium can mess with your cycles. I'm 10PO, and chart isn't looking too promising, plus I have severe pms, but I kinda knew that it was probably not going to happen this time with stalled ov and jumpy temps during first few weeks, so I did the disappointment last week and am now looking forward to next cycle. Fingers crossed it's a bit more settled. x

Glad you like the name baylea :D Your India trip sounds fabulous. I'd love to go.

I've read good things about vit D too, particuarly for us ladies that don't live in sunny spots. I'm in London so it's definitely part of my vit taking ritual.

Sorry to hear about your chart :-( I don't know much about charts so I wouldn't know a good one from a bad one but I guess you're not out until that :witch: arrives. I hear you about preparing for dissapointment though. This cycle is going to be tough for me if it's a BFN :cry: I've acciddently really built up my hope and so has DH. Dangerous to do I know, but some cycles I can't help it.... some cycles I'm really rational and good.

Sending you lots of hope and babydust.

Yeah our India trip was fantastic, saw so much, but was quite an eye opener too. Wouldn't recommend overnight train travel...never seen so many cockroaches and rodents. It felt like Indiana Jones and Raider of the Lost Ark. haha (I wan't laughing at the time!)

Well you never know wabisabi this could be it for you. If not though, don't be too disheartened (sooooo hypocritical of me), they say you should give the cbfm 6months minimum. I understand what you're saying about age. I'm about to turn 30, sooo wanted 4 children, but as we started trying when I was 27, starting to think I might be lucky to get 1, fingers crossed we get minumum of 2 though; ahhhh, a girl can dream :) On the plus side a friend of mine conceived naturally at 39 last year and has just had a little boy, so I guess the 'cut off' is all relative. Hope we are all the lucky ones who have lots and lots of healthy reproductive time left.

maryanne- huni how are you getting on? Any sign of peak yet?

Hi to all others on here who are reading or want to join in...

Lots of BFP vibes to us all x
hi wabisabi i think ur about 7dpo today hows it going will u be testing in a few days or waiting to see if af turns up, and wishing time away know wot u mean i have been doing that since my loss in march and cant believe its been nearly 6 months ,n body of a 22 yr old we can wish lol ,i shouldnt worry too much about the age thing hun its only a number and i was 43 when got my last prenancy n 44 when give birth yes i had a mc first but fell very quickly again with just 1 af in between and was only trying 3 months anyway so its not all doom at 35 fxd for ur bfp x

baylea u will be 13dpo any news ,n u could easy do 4 kids hun just get the first then we can support you for the rest lol ,fxd af not turned up x

Afm well cd 19 and peak :wohoo: knew as soon as i dipped stick n seen lines that it would be peak today ,am still getting ewcm i put a softcup in there yesterday evening foran hour and was ewcm when took it out ,dtd last night and took cup out this morning n was ewcm aslo there am on a promise for bd tonite wanted to this aft but hubby wanted to open his tinnies but says bedtime deffo n just caught him changing bed sheets an hour ago he must be keen lol anyhow hope u girls are having a nice evening and fxd for some bfps upcoming and heres some lucky :dust:

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