CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

Yeah our India trip was fantastic, saw so much, but was quite an eye opener too. Wouldn't recommend overnight train travel...never seen so many cockroaches and rodents. It felt like Indiana Jones and Raider of the Lost Ark. haha (I wan't laughing at the time!)

Well you never know wabisabi this could be it for you. If not though, don't be too disheartened (sooooo hypocritical of me), they say you should give the cbfm 6months minimum. I understand what you're saying about age. I'm about to turn 30, sooo wanted 4 children, but as we started trying when I was 27, starting to think I might be lucky to get 1, fingers crossed we get minumum of 2 though; ahhhh, a girl can dream :) On the plus side a friend of mine conceived naturally at 39 last year and has just had a little boy, so I guess the 'cut off' is all relative. Hope we are all the lucky ones who have lots and lots of healthy reproductive time left.

maryanne- huni how are you getting on? Any sign of peak yet?

Hi to all others on here who are reading or want to join in...

Lots of BFP vibes to us all x

Hey Baylea,

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, which are much needed right now. Great to hear about your 39 year old friend! I hear you that the 'cut off' is all relative. I guess those '30 numbers' are just programmed into us as a time it might start to get tricky.

I am currently trying to keep that delicate balance between having hope and having patience. Gosh, it really will be so special once we get that BFP given the time and uncertainty that come with this process. To be honest though, my mum says once you get that BFP, that's where the real development of hope and patience begin :winkwink: Hope I'm lucky enough to to experience that.

How are you doing Baylea?
hi wabisabi i think ur about 7dpo today hows it going will u be testing in a few days or waiting to see if af turns up, and wishing time away know wot u mean i have been doing that since my loss in march and cant believe its been nearly 6 months ,n body of a 22 yr old we can wish lol ,i shouldnt worry too much about the age thing hun its only a number and i was 43 when got my last prenancy n 44 when give birth yes i had a mc first but fell very quickly again with just 1 af in between and was only trying 3 months anyway so its not all doom at 35 fxd for ur bfp x

baylea u will be 13dpo any news ,n u could easy do 4 kids hun just get the first then we can support you for the rest lol ,fxd af not turned up x

Afm well cd 19 and peak :wohoo: knew as soon as i dipped stick n seen lines that it would be peak today ,am still getting ewcm i put a softcup in there yesterday evening foran hour and was ewcm when took it out ,dtd last night and took cup out this morning n was ewcm aslo there am on a promise for bd tonite wanted to this aft but hubby wanted to open his tinnies but says bedtime deffo n just caught him changing bed sheets an hour ago he must be keen lol anyhow hope u girls are having a nice evening and fxd for some bfps upcoming and heres some lucky :dust:

Maryanne67 so great to hear your story!!!!!! Very inspirational to me right now. This makes me feel that it can be just a matter of being patient and trying and keeping on trying. Plus, this is when I psychologically want to have kids. I didn't want them in my 20's. So surely there are lots of positives to having that 'ready' mindset in terms of parenting. There are positives and negatives to TTC at any stage in our lives really. Just different challenges for different stages I guess.

Yep, 7DPO yesterday and 8DPO today!!!! Look, I'd love to say that I'll wait till AF doesn't turn up..... and I really will try to do this:blush: I think it might start getting a little more difficult around 12DPO. I'll let you know how I go.

YAY FOR YOUR PEAK!!!! Well done you :thumbup: Well, this is a great sign that all your methods of monitoring are working. Great to hear about EWCM too..... all good signs for catching that egg.

Truly I hear you...... your DH must be preparing to BD. I don't know about you, but if my DH changed the bedsheets I would probably try and take his temp. and tell him to lie down. DH changing sheets would be a rare and beautiful sight indeed :haha: I think you are heading for some baby making times :winkwink:

Oh yes and Baylea, I wouldn't give up the dream of 4 :flower: I guess this process is not only different for each person, but also different for each person each time they TTC. So who knows......You can but try. Plus, I know I can't say for sure, but when I look at your age I think of someone who definitely has time to create the family they want :)

How did it all go marryanne67?
Did you get another peak today?

OHHH! and can anyone tell me if it's absolutely terrible that I missed a day of giving my CBFM a test stick. It asked for one yesterday CD19 and I'd already been to the bathroom and then I just completely forgot what with a busy weekend of running around. Whatcha think?

Thanks wabisabi as for missing a day with the cbfm i missed 1 each of my first 2 cycles using it n was ov day i think on the first it gave me peak the next day but the lines on the stick were the same as the day i missed n as baylea said already no need for a stick for me on second peak day coz its programmed to give 2 peaks anyway but i didnt feed it 1 tofday coz i havent got 1 so was lucky got that peak yesterday. If you know you have already ov i wouldnt worry about missing a day coz as you say its all working at picking up my surges n im pretty sure it did as i had sum serious ov pains on my rite side at 1am this morning n my uterus area was tender for a while after n we did dtd so fxd we caught the egg n yes your rite now i think about oh putting bed sheets on was too busy thinking of bd didnt see i shud of told him to lie down n conserve his energy for bedtime if i didnt have company then i wud of jumped him then lol i also hear you bout waiting for when ur ready for kids not every1 wants them early in life and as u are in your 30s youve probably done what you wanted i.e got a partner got a home the dog acnd are now looking to add a little 1 to the eqaution to enhance life and you are probably more patient and so on i would ideal circumstances now i think of gone off track abit hope you manage to wait it out abit to test so your not looking at squinters n fxd crossed have u had any symptoms yet
Baylea how r u today has the witch shown yet or better still bfp have just reread about ur train trip woah cockroaches yuck and on a train which is for people to travel on thats an eye opener i will looking all around next time i get on 1 lol anyway hope u girls are having a good sunday i have nothing planned mite take the dog to the beach if it doesnt start raining agen
hi anyone wanting to join in fxd ladies good luck x
hey wabisabi you about 11dpo no have u tested yet or are you still trying to hold out ,where are you all ladies ,baylea where u at in ur cycle hun and summer_millie hi ho r u ,well afm i am 4dpo today and bored of trying not to symptom spot lol ,hope you are all well good luck fxd and lucky :dust: :dust: :dust:
hey wabisabi you about 11dpo no have u tested yet or are you still trying to hold out ,where are you all ladies ,baylea where u at in ur cycle hun and summer_millie hi ho r u ,well afm i am 4dpo today and bored of trying not to symptom spot lol ,hope you are all well good luck fxd and lucky :dust: :dust: :dust:

Hello All,

Haven't checked in for a bit cos I think I've been holding my breath.

4DPO is tricky symptom spotting time.... hang in there. But also exciting :flower: How are you feeling?

I have woken up this morning feeling a little down. I feel like I'm out :nope: Woke up with AF type cramps on my right side and a grumpy feeling all over. I had so much hope for this cycle.... perhaps a little too much. Feeling really, really tired and like the :witch: is going to arrive at any moment.

Not a happy camper.

Have not tested yet. Think I will test on Sunday.... day before AF is due. If she doesn't show before this of course.


How are you other ladies feeling today?

Sending out babydust and keeping my FX for me and for you.

Hi girls.....I've come here a few times in the last few days and then chickened out of posting. So on Sunday, at 13PO, I got a BFP:wohoo: felt so happy, but VERY cautious after last time. Anyway I guess I was right to be...I started bleeding in the early hours of this morning, and now I'm in pain, in both senses :cry:

Think I might go to gp and see if she'll run some tests for recurrent miscarriage (know that usually they make you go through it 3 TIMES before they will look at anything, I think this is crazy). If they won't I might go south and get a private appointment to have the tests done. Hoping it's just more bad luck, but I'm the kind of person who would rather know if it's not.

Anyway girls how are you doing? I thought I was out too wabisabi, but apparently not, so you never know hun.
maryanne67; 5dpo? You're almost half way there....I know what you mean about symptom spotting. I've realised that I don't seem to get many symptoms before bfp, loads after though.
Hope you're both well x
Hi girls.....I've come here a few times in the last few days and then chickened out of posting. So on Sunday, at 13PO, I got a BFP:wohoo: felt so happy, but VERY cautious after last time. Anyway I guess I was right to be...I started bleeding in the early hours of this morning, and now I'm in pain, in both senses :cry:

Think I might go to gp and see if she'll run some tests for recurrent miscarriage (know that usually they make you go through it 3 TIMES before they will look at anything, I think this is crazy). If they won't I might go south and get a private appointment to have the tests done. Hoping it's just more bad luck, but I'm the kind of person who would rather know if it's not.

Anyway girls how are you doing? I thought I was out too wabisabi, but apparently not, so you never know hun.
maryanne67; 5dpo? You're almost half way there....I know what you mean about symptom spotting. I've realised that I don't seem to get many symptoms before bfp, loads after though.
Hope you're both well x

First things firt, Big Big congratulations on your beautiful :bfp: !!!!!

Going to the GP sounds like a good idea but a friend of mine experienced something very similar to you in the early stages of pregnancy and all was ok.
She actually got what effectively felt like (and looked like) a 'normal period' for the first 2 months.

I hear you, the not knowing is the worst.

I'm sending you all good thoughts and best wishes that you're ok and get to enjoy that BFP asap!

Keep us posted.

well i dont know what to say Baylea since you started bleeding have you done another test i have heard of ladies bleeding n still be pg but i totally understand you might not want to as seeing bfn after bfp would be so disappointing oh god hunny big :hugs: for whatever is going on now i dont know wether to say congrats on the bfp but if it turns out your still bfp then you know i have thought it

wabisabi your not out yet fxd tho its hard to say coz af symptoms are nearly the same as pg symptoms and i dont have any today except a slight bit of backache as im typing this but that could well be down to how im sitting , but Bailey i don`t blame you for not posting till now i hate tempting fate telling ppl summit good then it goes wrong but will keep my fingers n toes crossed for both of you and think it a good idea to go to the docs it certainly cant hurt and maybe private even better hope you get sorted

heres sum :dust: :dust: :dust: for us all x
Hi girls, thanks for your lovely posts x:hugs:

I appreciate the positivity, but I know for sure I'm miscarrying, well as sure as I can be. It's not as painful as last time thank goodness, being a lot earlier, but it's the same type of pain (low, lateral, across stomach, and sharp cramps in uterus). The bleeding is heavy and thicker than my period, with lots of clots. I actually think it's better to accept that it's over. Last time I had to wait 18days while I spotted and the drs did scans and blood test after blood test. Those 18 days of hoping, and the sheer terror of potentially losing our LO, drawn out over all that time, was the worst 18days of my life. I'm sad, but actually coping a lot better than last time. Just hate that it throws up a whole new set of questions....is this the start of 'recurrant mc, etc...'. I think I'd still get a bfp if I tested now, my temps have dropped but are still above cover line. Once they drop below I might do a test to double check the hormone has dropped below, so I can prepare for next ov.....Bring It On!....lol
Will have to remember to reset my cbfm tomorrow morning...hmmm better set my alarm.

wabisabi...so am I right in thinking today is 13dpo for you? Have you broken and tested yet? x

maryanne67....are you 6 or 7dpo today? x
Hi girls, thanks for your lovely posts x:hugs:

I appreciate the positivity, but I know for sure I'm miscarrying, well as sure as I can be. It's not as painful as last time thanks goodness, being a lot earlier, but it's the same type of pain (low, lateral, across stomach, and sharp cramps in uterus). The bleeding is heavy and thicker than my period, with lots of clots. I actually think it's better to accept that it's over. Last time I had to wait 18days while I spotted and the drs did scans and blood test after blood test. Those 18 days of hoping, and the sheer terror of potentially losing our LO, drawn out over all that time, was the worst 18days of my life. I'm sad, but actually coping a lot better than last time. Just hate that it throws up a whole knew set of questions....is this the start of 'recurrant mc, etc...'. I think I'd still get a bfp if I tested now, my temps have dropped but are still above cover line. Once they drop below I might do a test to double check the hormone has dropped below, so I can prepare for next ov.....Bring It On!....lol
Will have to remember to reset my cbfm tomorrow morning...hmmm better set my alarm.

wabisabi...so am I right in thinking today is 13dpo for you? Have you broken and tested yet? x

maryanne67....are you 6 or 7dpo today? x

Hello Baylea,

I'm so very sorry to hear your news.
My thoughts are with you right now.

I wish things were different for you today.

I must say, as I was reading your post, I was humbled by your attitude. To have the honest, vulnerability to say your sad, the strength to keep going with this unpredictable process and the kindness to ask how I was :flower:

Haven't tested but I think I'm probably out Baylea. I'll certainly be looking out for you next cycle :flower: Here's to not giving up.

Take special care of yourself today.
Aw thank you wabisabi....your post was so sweet it made me cry :hugs:

Any news yet hun? I'd love to hear some good news. I'm counting today as cd3, and have reset my cbfm accordingly.

How's the symptom spotting going maryanne67? Hope you're getting some good ones :thumbup:

I'm now looking forward to my DH getting home next friday...less than a week to go now so I'm on the count-down. Don't know if I mentioned it but he works away from home. Last night was a bad night and I actually asked him to take a few months off work so I wouldn't have to be alone so much, but I'm feeling stronger today. He'll probably be disappointed when I tell him later, he sounded pretty keen when I asked him lol. :)

The sun is shining here with me, hope it is with you both too, and anyone else who is reading. x
Hi everyone... My CBFM asked for my first stick today on cd9... Am reeeeeeaaaallllyy hoping it's our month this time!!!!
Baylea its so hard dealing with emotions i think your maybe right to think its over it sounds like it hun i am really sorry it happened again however it has happened and now all you can do is try again ,i have read of another ladies altho theres probs lots but there is 1 her name is never say never on here and she had 3 consecutive mcs and went on to have a healthy little boy no medical intervention to get that bfp he is 6 weeks old now so unless there is a problem it can be done and i really hope and ill pray for you that it happens for you next time and quickly ,sorry hun but fxd for this cycle x

Wabisabi has af turned up yet how long is your lp usually fxd still your not out till af shows x

Summer_millie hi how are you my cbfm asked me for first stick on cd 9 hope it works for you this cycle hun fxd x

Afm had a fe symptoms on n off but think there are reasons for them as we probably all do lol,feel sickly coz im hungry have cramps coz the witch is on her way have heartburn thats just the progesterone after ov have wind oh must need a poop lol im sure you get what i mean this ttc is so mean ,i am 7dpo i think trying not to symptom spot or get my hopes up but that just never happens i think my hopes are up by about cd3 hoping this will be the 1 but would get nowhere without a bit of pma ,my avatar pic is from thursday i was out wwith my 2 dogs and ent to the beach hile e were there that rainbow appeared couldnt help but use it as my avatar pic the eather here today is blue sky sunny and quite warm have been to the beach again today ith the dogs they love it and am going to do abit of shopping then intend to watch tv later and browse bnb what are you girls all doing today hope its something nice good luck to you all and lucky

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Well, as suspected, the witch has got me :(

I am sad and trying to hold back thoughts that something is wrong and that this just won't happen for us. I had lots of hope this cycle. Just set my CBFM to 1- again.

I am also trying to think about the positives. So- my dog gets to be 'number one baby' for another month, I'm going away on for the weekend to Berlin and I get to enjoy a nice glass of red (I'm going to make sure it's especially nice), Getting pregnant a month from now is betting timing for my job, I get to learn even more about my body and how it works and I keep learning the challenging lesson of patience.

summer-millie- I hope this is your month too.

maryanne67- your rainbow photo is beautiful!! Your pma sounds developed and strong. Always a good thing. You're 9dpo now right?

Baylea- Hope the sun is still shining where you are. Hope to see you around for the next 2ww!!! Bring on lots of time with your DH. Can't be easy when he's away. Mine doesn't work away but his job is very intense and I somewhat know the feeling of being 'on your own'. It sux- but it does make us stronger. I think it also makes me appreciate him even more when he's here and available.

Sending baby dust to all- wherever we are in our cycles...... it's never too early or late for a bit of baby dust hey?!

Hi Girls :flower:

summermillie....good luck with this cycle, nearly time for BDing lol x

maryanne67....thanks for the info about neversaynever. I've read a few of her posts and it gives me hope for the future. What a gorgeous rainbow, maybe it's a sign for you :) How are the symptoms now? I know what you mean....I was like, that banana loaf tastes weird....the bananas must be off, wow I'm tired...well I've been up at 6am for the last 3 mornings, I'm feeling sick...must be coming down with something. I think I always have hope every cycle, so when it does happen I talk myself out of them. Will you test, or wait and see if AF is late?

wabisabi....sorry about the witch arriving. I know it's worrying when it doesn't happen as quickly as you'd like, but I was speaking to a friend this morning who is 25 and it took her 18months, and now she's due in feb. So I guess it's all still normal; just reeeeeally frustrating. Well done for the pma, I know it's a fight sometimes, it is for me just now. Nice to hear about your dog being numero uno, and your work, and your trip to Berlin...hope you have a fabby weekend and have a vino for us too :) Yeah it sure does suck when DH's away, which is about 9months of the year. Roll on Friday..yipeee! I'm sorry your hubby is 'absent' a lot too.

Well girls; Still undecided whether we should go and have some tests while we carry on ttc or whether to just hope for the best...hmm. Hope you don't mind me asking...what do you girls think you would do? I'm counting today as CD5, so quite close to you wabi, though I think I'll probably be delayed somewhat, as I'm still waiting for temp to go down completely....grrrr hurry up! lol Can I just say Thanks Girls, I really have appreciated your support over the last week (well weeks, but you know what I mean), not sure if I'd have coped quite so well if I didn't have you girls to chat to.....:hugs: Hope you don't mind if I stay in touch/carry on until we've graduated into the pregnancy forum?x
hi ladies sorry been missing had a virus on my laptop monday and had to sort it then tuesday i read but didnt post coz it was late didnt sleep tuesday nite thinking wouldbbe finding out post mortem results wednesday but got a fone call early saying was cancelled due to the floods as doc couldnt get here and couldnt get on my laptop last nite have been reading on my fone but its not as easy to post especially if it turns out a long 1 ,so good to see every1 ok witch has go me his morning pink when i wiped so cd1 today im ok with it just gonna try n relax a bit this cycle coz think maybe been overdoing it n not giving oh`s :spermy: time to regroup am gonna trust the cbfm a bit more this cycle and jump oh maybe on the 4th high it gives me and 1st peak will see how it goes usually tho i attack oh regulary and it burns him out before ov day ,am gonna try n shift a few pounds too and cut out my regular kinder bueno thinking about taking pregnacare conception this cycle but am worried about it as had mc the cycle i took prenantals once before wasnt them 1s tho and they pricey but thats not the issue coz i would give my last penny to be pg so dunno wether to start them this cycle or next and maybe go my gp n check am actually ovulating x

wabisabi sorry the :witch: got you just hope you enjoying all them benefits especially the weekend in berlin with the glass of red is that this weekend coming ,what kind of furbaby do you have i have a black cocker spaniel bitch and my hubby has a rottweiler bitch also have a male cat ,i dunno if you mentioned this before but how many cycles you been ttc ,this is my 7th but first 3 were wacky cycles so not really counting them n wasnt using cbfm then eithter ,started using it cycle 4, hope you get bfp this ccycle lots of women have on their second cycle so heres some lucky :dust: right atcha fxd hun x

Baylea if it was me i think i might give it 1 more cycle coz if you just had a chemical or an early mc then you should be more fertile this cycle maybe but if you feel strongly about getting some tests done and if its gonna make you feel better to get the ball rolling then go for it what kind of testing are you thinking about , you will be cd 8 today when do you usually ov n if hubby works away alot is he usually around when you need him at ov time ,hope you get your bfp this cycle hun and heres some lucky :dust: right atcha fxd x

Summer millie hi hows it going you cd 14 today is that about ov for you if so hope you catch the egg go get them :spermy: and has the cbfm give you highs n a peak yet how many cycles you been ttc hope you get bfp this cycle and heres some lucky :dust: right atcha fxd x

well ladies hows this weeks weather been where you are ive had lots of rain and bit wind but no floods but looks like there has been some nasty stuff around the country thinking summer is definately out n autumn in hope your all ok today x

heres sum

:dust: :dust: :dust: for all of us good luck and fxd for bfp xx
i would just like to say when i use the smilie emoticons usually they dont move so whne i do the dust 1 i wuold see the smiley but not the dust or the smiley wouldnt be movin if it was supposed to but today they are all working my smley person is throwing dust around ,,,,i know silly ,,, but heres hoping it a good sign for us :dust: all round ,,,hope they working for every1 reading x
Hi girls, thanks for all your good luck wishes, you guys are so lovely!! It's so great to have support on here, I've been feeling a bit fed up lately so have trying to be staying clear of the forum as I get a bit broody when I ready about all the BfPs!!

So I'm on cd14 today I think, still getting highs... I didn't get a peak until cd20 last month so we haven't started going at it (sorry tmi!!!) yet as I just can't be bothered! I know it sounds silly but I used to be so excited when we started ttc but now I'm like, we'll what's the point BDing constantly as it doesn't seem to help!! I think we'll just wait a few more days and do t every day before the peak and during. Hopefully it'll be enought this time :) I've got a christening to go to on Sunday and I know it'll make me a bit sad as its just another reminded we haven't got there yet...

Sorry to hear the witch got u wabisabi.... Keep positive and fingers crossed this month is your month too :)

:hi: summer_millie its hard isnt it ,ive been like that last 3 cycles thinking we :sex: nearly everyday aswell but your right it doesnt seem to help so like you am gonna relax more and try n concentrate on it abit more nearer the time ,i know what you mean tho its hard seeing family friends and even strangers in the street with something we desperately want ,but you know we can`t do anything to change it exccept to relax n think we will get there we just gotta dtd on our fertile days then sit back and be patient ,oh listen at me so easy to say but not so easy to do ,the cycle i got pg i was thinking ah gotta stop stressing its not gonna happen will just say whatever will be will be so i stopped wanting to dtd constantly didnt bug oh and we did :sex: by chance when i was around ov it was oh`s idea but i got bfp and was very suprised so gonna try that this time but gonna go docs as i have had a pain just below my right buttock for 3 months now i used to get it only around af or during pregnancy but since my loss has come on n not gone away so gonna see doc maybe i am deficient in vit d or summit ,i can`t really find any info on google , am just hopping this ttc lark is just a waiting game coz its all we can do ,i ov around cd19 last cycle which is late for me but i was stressing abit about oh :spermy: he didnt seem to be producing much but like i say we were :sex: alot it seems a fair bit after abstaining 2/3/4 days so gonna try try n try again lol hope you get bfp hun good luck to you and lots of fairy :dust: may it bring you that bfp in the wind x
Hi Lovley Ladies :flower:

ma....sorry to hear the results have been delayed, that must have been hard after all the build up. Have they given you a new date for them? I have so much admiration for your strength. I can only imagine what you have had, and continue, to go through, and yet you've got the compassion to show me support, and the rest of us. Well you truly are an inspiration :hugs:
So af showed her self, sorry. Sounds like you have a good plan for next time though x
That's strange about that pain you get, have you managed to see the dr yet?
How is your computer; did you get it fixed?
Aw lovely to hear about your dogs. My DH used to have a spaniel, he was lovely :) Must be nice to have a pair so that they have each other to play with. We have a 13month old basset, she is such a bundle of fun, don't know where I'd be without her now. Yeah I'd be interested to know what you have too wabisabi.
Thanks for your opinion hun. I think you're right I'll give it this month at least, and see how I feel then. If nothing then I'll maybe visit drs next month, or maybe jan, see where my head is at the time. I think I'm scared cause there can be things like clotting disorders that cause mc and can be tested and treated, and I'd hate to try for another year before conceiving and potentially having another loss, and then if it took another year to conceive again....it could be 4years of ttc before even having a shot at a healthy pregnancy....think my head would explode! Know that's a lot of 'ifs', and still v hopeful it's bad luck, but I'm the sort of person that likes all the info...never been all that good at trying to stick my head in the sand, even if it would be better for me.
I usually ov about cd17 (last month was cd19), and yeah the blessing of my DH's work is they let him take about a week unpaid leave each month so he can be at home to try. At first he tried to time his jobs (he's a supervisor and works different contracts each time he goes) so that he was home at the right time, but that got way too stressful for both of us, so he spoke to his boss and thankfully he's been really quite supportive.
Hmmm...maybe you're right about the emoticons...here's hoping!
Loads and loads of luck this cycle hun!!!!x

sm......I get sooo broody too, it's crap isn't it. Wish I was one of those girls who just thought 'what will be will be' and 'I'm fine either way'. I'm definately not....I WANT MY BABY lol. A Christening....I've got one in a few weeks. Do you think you'll manage to smile your way through it, I hope I can. Don't think I'll stay too long at the after party though. Fingers crossed it's your lucky cycle hun x

ws....Hope you're having a lovely weekend hun. You'll have to fill us in on all the hilarity when you get back. Sending you bfp vibes x

afm...cycle day 10, nothing to report. DH officially home:happydance:

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