CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

Hello All,

Well Berlin consisted of several glasses of red, lovely walks in the sunshine and yummy food. It was also a really great, close, fun time for me and my DH, which can only mean good things for this cycle. I think we needed that little relationship 'boost' after another month of a BFN. This will now be our 10th cycle TTC.

My fur baby is a Shi tzu called Lulu. She's not one of those pretty Shi tzus- she's scruffy and ballsy and naughty and I love her. She will always be my first baby. She's lying half on my lap, half on my laptop right now :) So nice to hear about other people's fur babies and the joy they bring!!!!! Thank goodness for pets during this process :)

SM and BA- I hear you about Baby dancing and getting tired of it all. My poor DH is worn out and I don't blame him. It is a lot of pressure for the poor dudes to perform so to speak on cue. We have been trying to work out how to get in the most BD'ing and yet still have some strong swimmers left for O time. We just don't think BD'ing everyday works for us and DH's sperm. I think like you 2, this cycle we will go for every 2 or even 3 days on the highs and then try everyday when I O. But it's tricky and exhausting. I think you're on CD18 today SM?!? Still getting highs? BA- you're CD4 right?!?!

CBFM just asked me for a test- CD8. It came up as high, which I'm hoping is a good sign. Will have to tell poor, tired DH when he gets home this evening. Thank goodness for our little weekend break. I think out of all of our mad TTC methods the relaxing weekend away might be the best. Please, please, please this is true. It feels like everyone around me gets pregnant at the drop of a hat.

ba- I think there is no harm in waiting another month for testing. I'm like you- I want all the info and I also feel time is of the essence. We keep thinking that we would rather know if something is wrong rather than just keeping on trying in vain. In saying this I guess you've gotta go with whatever is right for your personality type. If not testing is going to make you stressed then I say go for it. It's such a personal decision isn't it?!?! I think relying on our instincts is best, while trying to remember that this process is just something that's going to take the course it takes. I don't like the lack of control though. I'd just like to know exactly what I have to do and then do it. Turns out, for this process, that way of thinking doesn't work. So glad to hear your DH's work is flexible around time off. Hope you two have had a lovely weekend!!!

DH did a home sperm test. They're not very reliable but he's starting to get worried there's something wrong so he decided to give it a go. It came out fine- as in there is sperm in there :) But it can't tell you how active they are or what sort of quality. He thought the test would calm him down. Turns out it didn't really achieve this. It didn't make him more anxious- but it didn't make him feel like everything is ok.

Anyone's DH done a test like this? At home or otherwise?

Baby dust to all!!!!
Hi Lovely, great to hear about your fantastic break...sounds like lots of fun, and just when you needed it :thumbup:
Lulu sounds like quite a character. My pup...she pretends to be the 'tough guy', but is such a wimp. She growls at birds etc at the window, but as soon as someone comes in the house she's all wagging and bashful lol You're right...thank goodness for our pets :)

High on CD8 Yippeee! Was it the same last month? After a the romantic break your DH will prob be dragging you to the bedroom hehe

Thanks ws I think I will wait at least until next cycle, and then revaluate. If I'm still feeling calm I'll maybe wait until Jan so I don't have to think about results over Christmas. If it's starting to play on my mind too much anyway, I'll go in November. That's my plan for now anyway. I'm with you on the lack of control thing....HATE it! Guess it's good preparation for children :)

I know what you mean about EVERYONE falling preggo so easily. Literally 30 of my friends and aquaintances have started ttc, fallen pregnant, and now have their LO since we started. It's the most depressing part for me. It's not cause I'm jealous, which I am, but because it means my entire 'social circle' is all babybaby, and I have to pretend like it's not killing me to be sympathetic about their pregnancy woes, cooing over their LOs, and getting all the 'just you wait.....' 'you next...' comments. Makes me want to stay in a lot more. Anyway sorry...rant over. Just feeling a bit sensitive today because one of my bffs has been pestering me about whether I'm coming to her child's Christening (she hasn't been the most sympathetic about our situation), and my other bff has just been taken into hospital in labour with her third. I am truly happy for them...just ready for it to be our turn too....for it to be all of our turns:hugs:

My DH did a hospital SA. We were both kinda nervous about it, but it came back ok. Well the morphology was really low, but his count was so high that the fertiltiy specialists said it's negated the issue. Is your DH reluctant to go to the gp to have one done?

Sending Loads of BFP vibes x
hi girls sorry for my abscence just havent been able to get on my laptop n worry about posting on my fone incase it eats it have been reading tho x

Baylea no new appointment as yet an really just want it over but am dreading it think i may have to chase this appointment to get anywhere and aww thanks for saying that but i love to ttalk to other people but especially so when its something close to my own heart plus its nice to be able to help others x
its strange you ov last cycle on cd 19 as i did also and usuaully do cd16/17 aswell wonder what thats about ,spaniels i love them got bit off 1 from cat n dog shelter last year he bit me my oh and his brother within 4 hours no reason for it it was he bit me while out on a late night walk when i was about to attach his leader then my oh tried to put it on coz my arm was bleading n i wouldnt touch the dog as he went to put it on it lunged at my oh catching him in the neck we were so shocked but got the dog back home n put him in the bathroom my borther in law let him out after couple of hours thinking he would be ok n while him n oh were talking the dog lunged at my bil n bit his hand we foned the pdsa and they said dog best to be put to sleep a was best was obviously not an isolated attack with 3 in 24 hours broke my heart he was a lovely dog and now stick to what we originally said no dogs from the dog shelter puppies only was a shame tho my neighbour has a spaneil cross basset lovely dog very obedient and i can imagine yours at 13 months will be so cute and playful .I hear you about the testing it could all be drawn out bit i heard that even tho you had a mc you still potentially got pg and think if you go for private testing you could have answers and a good outcome a whole lot sooner i dunno if this true but uk nhs like ladies under a certain age to wait a year before testing from last pregnancy but shud be sooner if recurrent mc but think they say 3 before testing but maybe if you have a good gp you could get somewhere sooner maybe its just pants that nhs drag their heels on something so important i can see how its so distressing not knowing coz i feel the same its the not knowing if it will ever happen but i truly hope that it does and have alot of pma that it will for all of us ,thats so nice of ohs boss to allow him time home i dunno bout knowing ins n outs of fertility exploding my head but really feel for ladies whos ohs cant get time off work around ov time so its really good that his boss is so supportive good on him ,think youll be cd15 by the time you read this maybe so in your fertile time with oh home hope your getting lots of :sex: go get them :spermy: sending you lots of bfp vibes these next few days and lots of :dust: too good luck hun x

wabisabi so pleased you had a good time away and got close to oh must take some of the pressure off hopefully you clinched it and caught the egg ,i think every 2/3 days bd and evryday at ov time when cbfm says peak is a good idea i have been more relaxed so far hope i can keep that composure nearer the time lol,as for yur lulu she sounds lovely my cat loves to lie on my lap he also loves to walk on my laptop lol usually causing chaos if im typing but love him hes 16 yr old nearly and showing it now pets def a god send thru ttc or anything else life throws at us ,it sounds like we all need to relax abit with ttc , the sperm home testing have never tried them have thought about it tho have seen them on ebay its good to hear from someone who has tried them its good that it didnt make oh more worried but as it doesnt tell quality was bound to leave some scope for not reassuring him but glad it did give some results ,i think a couple of days break before peak would give :spermy: time to recoup and have read that when the mans body has made all the sperm that it can if not used they start to die off so say 2/3 days bd before peak then bd on peak surely must give a good amount of fresh active :spermy: only my thinking and what is i am gonna try and achieve this cycle ,

Baylea your furbaby sounds soft but best way to have them they give so much love , its awful when you see your friends all getting pg and maybe this is why bnb is so ggod for us it lets us vent without hurting anyones feelings saying things you couldnt probably say to a close friend but perhaps a true real friend would be sensative to your situation ,i notice more how many pg ladies there are at my local shops and i do trun away sometimes its so hard wanting with no control , its good your oh had a sa done its 1 less thing to worry over , i think maybe leaving the testing till after xmas would be less stresful but if you can`t then do whatever you need like wabisabi said its a personal descision i just hope it doesnt come to it and you get that bfp that you so deserve fxd hun good luck and :dust: x

summer millie hows it going hun hope your ok wherever you are and whatever your doing can`t remember if you said what cd you are on but fxd good luck and :dust: x

good luck everyone , x

afm currently on cd 7 and just going to bed night all and :dust: x
Well Cd 12 and still on highs.

I guess this is good news. We DTD this morning and are agreed on going for the 'every other day' option. Really hoping I get a peak this time. Think I'll continue using ovulation tests as well, just in case.

DH and I went to the doctor and they told us they wouldn't do any tests, including sperm tests, until we were trying for a year. He'd be happy to do it- but we would have to do it privately rather than through NHS. If we don't get a BFP by December we are back to the GP to bother her again. Baylea- My bestest mate's DH had a similar test result to your DH ie. lots of sperm but low on other accounts. She now has 2 babies :)

Going out to lunch on Saturday with some friends over from Australia..... they have an almost 1 year old. They just 'accidently' got pregnant. She was on the pill and missed a couple of days and it just happened. I can't imagine what that's like and it means that they can't really imagine what my situation is like either. It's hard to watch their faces look all confused and sympathetic when I say we've been trying for so long. I get the feeling that people think we must be doing something wrong and if we just took their advice things would progress. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not the case and that our journey is meant to be a long one... for whatever reason.

A BFN this month is going to be hard on our relationship. DH really wants this and I can see his PMA is starting to go. Think I'll have to hold the positive thoughts for this month. He held them last month, so it is kinda my turn I guess.

Sounds like you're all relaxed and ready to go maryanne67..... perhaps I should take a leaf our of your book and stop being so very impatient !!!

Baby dust to all and hope you're having a gentle day.
Hi Girls

MA...Lovely to hear from you.x
That must be so frustrating hun. You shouldn't have to chase it, they should realise what you are going through must be so incredibly difficult, have some empathy, and be reorganising it asap. It always seems with big organisations the humanity/human touch is lost. The NHS is great in many ways, but it is so flawed as well. Did you see the programme last night about health tourists getting treatment here for free? Literally costing the NHS 100s of millions of £s, yet they're trying to reduce treatment for real/tax paying uk citizens.
Both CD19...maybe we're regulating with each other over the inter-active web hehe :)
Oh what a shame about the spaniel. Must have given you all quite a fright! You wonder what they have been through to behave in such a way don't you. Did you need to get stitches? My friend's dog got put down earlier this year when he bit their toddler. Seemed like a jealousy thing. He was always a bit snappy though.
Yeah a mc resets the clock, so although we have been ttc for almost 2years, NHS will see it like we have been ttc for 1cycle after this month. I believe it's 3mc too. Unfortunatley I don't have a suppostive gp. Attitude from beginning has been...you are bothering us, there is nothing wrong, it just takes time. I tried to explain this time last year about my DH and his work being tricky (his boss has been great, but I have no doubt that there will come a time when he will not be able to keep having this set time off. I don't think he envisaged when he said yes to this, that my DH would still be taking time off over a year later)and if there was something easily resolvable, like me not oving, then I wanted to get it fixed as didn't have indefinate time to ttc, but their attitude was like well what do you want us to do about it. Actually that was exactly what my gp said 'what do you expect me to do about that. Felt like saying, 'ok, well he'll leave his work, go on income support, stop paying the astranomical amount of tax and NI he pays every year towards your wages. Do you think that'd be better?'. Unfortuantely where I live there is only one gp surgery so I don't have option to move.
As you can tell I'm a bit frustrated with NHS right now. But on a more positive note I'm going to see a Kinesiologist in December. He looks at underlying issues and treats them rather than treating symptoms. So for instance if you had a progesterone problem, instead of giving you progesterone, he'd find out why and then treat that to restore the body back to it's natural state of health. I thought it was maybe a bit 'new-agey' for me, but actually I've read up on it, and it seems to have a very scientific bases, and him, and he gets excellent reviews, so I'm going to give it a shot. Think I'll feel better for actually doing something that feels like moving forward.
I know, where did all these preggos come from? It's like since we started ttc there has been an incredible baby boom. Prob just in my head, but wow I can't seem to move for bumps and babies right now. It's hard to see, but whenever it's someone I don't know, I try to imagine they went through their own heartache to get there and that makes me feel better. Not that I want anyone to have to go through this. Just that if I look at it from that angle it gives me hope, rather than making me feel rubbish
Has your CBFM asked you to test today, or does your ask from CD6? x

WS...Good to hear you're still getting highs. I think I'd keep using opks too, just for the reassurance if nothing else. DH and are are BD every other day too, but only until I start getting highs, as I never know how many I'll get, anything from 1-5, so always too scared to stop in case we miss my ov. Last month I got 5, and then didn't ov until 2nd peak, or day after (can't remember) so was a whole week of BDing. I was exhausted!:haha: Thanks for telling me about your friend's DH, gives me hope that all is well. The specialists have all told us SA is fine. Although I do wonder as everything except morph is so good, including motility, are some of those 'faulty sperm' getting to the egg first, and causing the mcs. I guess that would be bad luck, and if it's just that then we will keep persisting until we get the right combination.
I hope your lunch goes ok tomorrow. I admire how open you are with your friends. It's does seem so hard for people who conceive easily to begin to comprehend our situation. I'm afraid I haven't been open with many people as I can't handle the reaction. Plus I don't want to be the talk of a small community. Hopefully next time you meet up with them it'll be a whole different, happy scenario. Let us know how it goes.
Yeah I think I will try and take a leaf out of your book too MA x

Hi SM if you're reading. x

Well I'm on CD 16...still low, but have had quite a bit of EWCM last night and today, so hopefully first high isn't too far off. It's frosty here so going to go for a walk in the forest with DH and pups.

Sending Good Baby Making Luck to us all! x
Just a quick check in ladies-

CD15 and some signs that I'm about to ovulate but still just a high reading on CBFM. Still no smiley face on ovulation tests.

Still DTD every other day.

Hmmmm....... hope ovulation happens this cycle.

Getting a bit anxious about it.

Thinking about you all and sending babydust.
Hi Ladies..

On CD19, still no highs or peak, but when I looked at the stick after taking it out of cbfm it had two pretty strong lines, like it gives you when you get peak, or just the day before. Also having lots of EWCM. I'm wondering if the longer lp (mc) has messed it's reading of me, so I'm thinking that I'm oving today or at least within next few days ....fingers crossed...pleeeeeeease. I will maybe pee on a cheap opk this afternoon to see what it says.

ma...hoping you're good hun, and that a high is round the corner for you.

ws...did you have EWCM when it started giving you high? I think maybe just later ov this cycle hun...fingers crossed not far away.

I started BDing every day, 4-5 days ago due to EW, and cause I was unsure about CBFM picking up...don't know how you're doing, but I'm knackered!:haha:

Sending you all lots of BFP vibes for this cycle girls x
Hi everyone,

Glad to hear your all doing ok, sorry I haven't been around for a while, been busy at work :(

I'm on cd 25 today, only had highs this cycle :( I got a peak on cd 20 last cycle but nothing this time! I don't know what is going on, I'm really confused because fertility friend says I ovulated on cd19 and that's when I had EWCM. We BDed a lot around then but got a bit worn out so haven't carried on as much. I've tried to copy my chart below, I hope it works... Please have a look and let me know what u think!!?

[url=https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3c51e7/]My Ovulation Chart[/URL]

Do u think its possible to ovulate and my cbfm just missed it? If I did ovulate on cd19 then I'm 6 dpo today.. Don't really have any symptoms. I've had a cold and feeling under the weather since 2 dpo, not sure if that's a good sign or not!! Help!!!!
Hi sm....yeah your chart looks good hun, you got a nice rise and I'd say you ov'd day 19 too. Sounds like you DBed at the right time. Happy 6DPO :happydance:

I think sometimes the cbfm misses it. They say that if you sometimes get a quick rise in lh the cbfm can miss it. I don't think it's a fool-proof way to catch your ov, but I like it all the same. It's great that you chart, cause it gets rid of the uncertainty.

I often feel run-down around ov time too. Maybe our bodies use loads of energy to ov and it leaves us a little vulnerable to bugs.

Sending you loads of BFP vibes sm x
Thanks baylea :hug: I'm just hoping I did ovulate and my monitor missed it! I googled it and read about lots of women who didn't get peaks but still got bFPs so am trying to keep positive!! X
I don't think not having cbfm pick up your peak will have any bearing on BFP. Think it just missed it.....
Here's a :hugs: back at you...
Let us know how it goes, good luck x
Hi everyone,

Glad to hear your all doing ok, sorry I haven't been around for a while, been busy at work :(

I'm on cd 25 today, only had highs this cycle :( I got a peak on cd 20 last cycle but nothing this time! I don't know what is going on, I'm really confused because fertility friend says I ovulated on cd19 and that's when I had EWCM. We BDed a lot around then but got a bit worn out so haven't carried on as much. I've tried to copy my chart below, I hope it works... Please have a look and let me know what u think!!?

[url=https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3c51e7/]My Ovulation Chart[/URL]

Do u think its possible to ovulate and my cbfm just missed it? If I did ovulate on cd19 then I'm 6 dpo today.. Don't really have any symptoms. I've had a cold and feeling under the weather since 2 dpo, not sure if that's a good sign or not!! Help!!!!

I don't know much about charting Summer, but this is my second cycle on the CBFM and I still haven't got a peak :wacko: I hear you that it's frustrating but like Baylea, I have heard of lots of women that don't ever get their peak but still go on to BFP. Plus it's sounds like you have done your very best around the time of ovulation to catch that egg!!!

Even though I'm a fan of the CBFM, like you, I still use other methods to detect ovulation. I like the CBFM cos it can tell me the lead up to ovulation and when to start :sex: From what I know, it is BD'ing around this lead up time, and at the time of ovulation that gives us our best chance of a lovely :bfp:

Here's hoping you get yours Summer!!! O:)

I'm now CD16 and still no sign of ovulation on CBFM or ovulation tests :nope: I'm starting to feel a bit crampy today and had lots of EWCM 2 days ago so maybe it's in the post...... or maybe it's already past. It's ok if it has I guess. We have been DTD every other day since CD12. Hopefully I'm covered or ovulation is on its way!!!

Hi Ladies..

On CD19, still no highs or peak, but when I looked at the stick after taking it out of cbfm it had two pretty strong lines, like it gives you when you get peak, or just the day before. Also having lots of EWCM. I'm wondering if the longer lp (mc) has messed it's reading of me, so I'm thinking that I'm oving today or at least within next few days ....fingers crossed...pleeeeeeease. I will maybe pee on a cheap opk this afternoon to see what it says.

ma...hoping you're good hun, and that a high is round the corner for you.

ws...did you have EWCM when it started giving you high? I think maybe just later ov this cycle hun...fingers crossed not far away.

I started BDing every day, 4-5 days ago due to EW, and cause I was unsure about CBFM picking up...don't know how you're doing, but I'm knackered!:haha:

Sending you all lots of BFP vibes for this cycle girls x

Good work on your Bd'ing efforts Baylea!!! Sounds like you just tried to read and trust in the signals your body was giving you. Sometimes this is all we can do huh?!?!? Really sounds like you've given yourself a jolly good chance.

Yes, I'm exhausted too :wacko: Wish there was a less energetic way of doing all this TTC stuff :haha:

What's the CBFM/OPK saying? If you got 2 strong lines I reckon you were right to go for it when you did..... even without the reading.

Good luck guys!! Sounds like we're all doing a lot of BDing at the moment! I ended up going to Ann summers to get some help with keeping things exciting in the bedroom and it worked a treat!!! My cbfm is still showing highs but there are two dark lines and its been like that pretty much since cd19 when I think I ovulated. I think I'm on 7 dpo today if fertility friend is right, only a few more days till I can start testing again! I really hope we get some good news this month!! Fingers crossed for our October BFPs!!! X
Sorry girls I forgot to ask... I'm on cd 26 today and still having highs, I've only got one stick left... Do u think I should buy a new pack and keep feeding the machine?! Or should I just put some old ones in and wait for m to start flashing and then reset it and try again next cycle?!
ws...how are you today lovely? Sorry you haven't seen a peak yet, sounds like either way though you'll be catching the egg :) I know, right? It's exhausting! x

sm...You've got ov confirmed with bbt, so no need to use new sticks. I'd definately feed it old ones. x

ma...sending you :hugs: to where you're reading this from. x

afm...I got a peak, out of the blue, yesterday (cd20), no high build up. Anyway we've been BDing for days. Got a temp rise today, but not enough to definatley confirm ov, so poor OH will have to DB again tonight. He was all bolshy yesterday...'can't wait until tonight' etc..., but you should have seen his face when I told him we'll be BDing again tonight...needless to say; not so bolshy hehe :haha:

Sending BFP vibes to all you Ladies x
Hi ladies :flower:
Im hoping this is the place to come for expert cbfm advice :)
Im cd12 on my 1st cycle using it (3rd cycle ttc) and im cheating a bit. I ordered the cbfm and it didnt arrive in time for the start of my cycle so i set it yesterday to the latest i could which is cd5 even tho I was really on cd11. I figured that whatever was in my pee would be read by the monitor regardless of what day it is and as long as i know what actual cd i am it should be ok!
I know i havent o'd yet as i have really long cycles (38-42 days) so im well in time for it to catch the surge.
I thought id do this this month then for next month i'l totally reset the monitor and start properly from cd1 as i should do. Unless i get my bfp that is :thumbup:

I'm going to go back and read all the posts now but in the meantime good luck and baby dust to all you lovely ladies and fx for all our bfps :hugs:
Hi mspotter...you're most welcome here. The more the merrier :)

As you have a longer cycle I think it won't matter that the CD isn't correct, and it'll hopefully still catch your surge. Quite a few women don't get a 'peak' the first time they use it, as it tries to 'figure you out' and learn your cycle, so I'd be tempted to use opks along-side it to begin with, like wabisabi's doing, if you want to be sure not to miss it.

I think it's a good idea to completely reset it next month too (if you need to, fingers crossed you won't), as it 'learns' from your readings and it might throw the machine off if it's expecting an earlier ov than you would actually have. I didn't reset it this cycle following a mc, and it definately had a bearing. I had loads of EWCM, so I definately had plenty of eostrogen in my system, but it didn't pick up on it and didn't give me any 'highs' before my 'peak'. I think it thought it maybe gave me them too early last cycle, as the mc made it look like I had a 18day LP, which almost nobody would have.

Good Luck hun...Sending BFP wishes your way x

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