CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

Well i am using the monitor, haven't rec'd a peak yet. But i also haven't rec'd ppaf yet... hmmmm
Yeah for your peak baylea!! Sounds like with all that BDing you've got a good chance of catching the egg! :)

Hi Mspotter :) like baylea said, more the merrier!

As for me... I'm on 8 dpo today and started light brown spotting. Had some mild cramping this morning too but apart from that don't have any other "symptoms". I think this means I'm out as I usually spot for a few days before AF :( I'm finding this so hard, another month and another disappointment. Oh well maybe next month will be our month.......
Great news Baylea!!!!! So glad you've got your peak. Bd'ing lots sounds like a dream to partners in the beginning right?!?!? But once it gets to that last bit of trying in the cycle it doesn't sound so dreamy :) Keep the faith and keep going I say!!!

Well I haven't got a peak on the monitor but I did get a smiley face on my opks!!!! So I'm feeling pretty good today. We have bd'ed every 2nd day from CD12 and then of coure yesterday when the smiley face appeared. DH knows we will be bd'ing again this evening..... he's trying to look excited about it. Bless him.

Welcome mspotter!!! Yeah, I think it's fine to use the cbfm like you are for this cycle. And yes I can confirm that using opks alongside the monitor is a good way to go. This is my 2nd cycle using the monitor and I haven't yet seen a peak :(

sm- I would feed it the old sticks too. Looks like you have ovulation covered so I'd say there's no need to buy a new pack. Sending you loads of babydust !!!!

much love and luck to all
My cbfm never picked up a peak this month. Started af this morning so on to next cycle for me. I don't want to get into temping if I can help it. I want it to be stress free but don't know long this will last. I think I covered every day that was vital last month. I a going to use conceive plus this month
Hi Girls :flower:

ws...Thanks :) It took a lot of effort last night, but we got there :happydance: I said to DH 'congratulations' immediately afterwards and this made us both laugh. Ahhh you've got to have a sense of humour don't you. Yeah they're so keen to start with aren't they...I suppose it's a lot of pressure, having to 'deliver the goods' so to speak. What time are you using the opk, afternoon? Wondering why cbfm isn't getting it. I guess it's good you know when you're high though. It'd be handy not to have to opk along-side. I know they say it can take a few cycles. Congrats on your peak tho hun, that's the main thing yaaaaay:happydance: x

sm...Thanks :) I'm shattered after all the BDing lol. Sorry to hear about the spotting hun. Do you usually get spotting this early after ov? How many days past ov does full af usually show up? x

HBeltcher33...Welcome to the cbfm posts x

Gem1210390...Welcome to the thread. Was this your first month using cbfm? I use conceive plus as well and really like it. I've had a BFP using it before so it definately doesn't hinder anything. The applicators are nice and small too, not like the preseed ones. x

ma...Hi huni...hope you're well hun. Thinking about you x

afm...well as you know got my peak yesterday, so I stopped testing. I only got a slight temp rise and was hoping to see a more clear one this morning, but I'm such a clutz! Picked up the thermometer and then hit my hand on the side of my pillow and knocked it out of my hand. It fell on to my wooden floor and wouldn't switch on. I fiddled with the battery and it flashed on and off, and made a weird noise. I then got it on and took my temp....still boarder-line. Hmmm not sure if I got a correct reading or not, but maybe it's just a slow rise this month anyway. I have slightly achey boobs so I think I have ovd, fingers crossed! We can't DB tonight as I think DH's **** might fall off if we did, and he definately needs time to rally the troops, so will BD again tomorrow evening. Just another day in the life of baylea's ttc saga lol.

Sending all you ladies lots of Luck and BFP vibes x
hi ladies i have just typed out responses to each of you a mega long post was nearing the end and my laptop ate it its too late to do again so am just wishing you luck whereva you are in your cycle and welcome to the new ladies ,hopefully i can get back on 2moro night to post again ,but afm am cd 15 or 16 probably when you read this , but cd15 and got peak today and high from cd 12 so difrent this cycle from past 3 am just off to bed having bd cd 11,13 ,14 and think mite be on the cards in 10 mins when i go to bed lol but have relaxed a bit this cycle and not bd too much on the run up before the first high as usually do and burn out before ov so fxd for me , but fxd for all of you and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: hope to get on 2moro and reply to you all and give some input to the thread gl and fxd x
and before i forget have had lots of ov pain from mid afternoon today until late evening so if can get oh to bd am going to encourage him lol x
Hi Girls :flower:

ws...Thanks :) It took a lot of effort last night, but we got there :happydance: I said to DH 'congratulations' immediately afterwards and this made us both laugh. Ahhh you've got to have a sense of humour don't you. Yeah they're so keen to start with aren't they...I suppose it's a lot of pressure, having to 'deliver the goods' so to speak. What time are you using the opk, afternoon? Wondering why cbfm isn't getting it. I guess it's good you know when you're high though. It'd be handy not to have to opk along-side. I know they say it can take a few cycles. Congrats on your peak tho hun, that's the main thing yaaaaay:happydance: x

sm...Thanks :) I'm shattered after all the BDing lol. Sorry to hear about the spotting hun. Do you usually get spotting this early after ov? How many days past ov does full af usually show up? x

HBeltcher33...Welcome to the cbfm posts x

Gem1210390...Welcome to the thread. Was this your first month using cbfm? I use conceive plus as well and really like it. I've had a BFP using it before so it definately doesn't hinder anything. The applicators are nice and small too, not like the preseed ones. x

ma...Hi huni...hope you're well hun. Thinking about you x

afm...well as you know got my peak yesterday, so I stopped testing. I only got a slight temp rise and was hoping to see a more clear one this morning, but I'm such a clutz! Picked up the thermometer and then hit my hand on the side of my pillow and knocked it out of my hand. It fell on to my wooden floor and wouldn't switch on. I fiddled with the battery and it flashed on and off, and made a weird noise. I then got it on and took my temp....still boarder-line. Hmmm not sure if I got a correct reading or not, but maybe it's just a slow rise this month anyway. I have slightly achey boobs so I think I have ovd, fingers crossed! We can't DB tonight as I think DH's **** might fall off if we did, and he definately needs time to rally the troops, so will BD again tomorrow evening. Just another day in the life of baylea's ttc saga lol.

Sending all you ladies lots of Luck and BFP vibes x


No I used it last year but stopped for year because we booked a holiday and went away for 3 weeks just started again. My cycles are about the same as last year. It might be because I work nights and although I held my pee for a good 4 hours before I finished work it must have been diluted because I obviously drink overnight. Just frustrating feel like giving up with it all. I have not been trying for long this time I couldn't of got the timing any better this month because I did take opk which were pos. it's just so annoying
Hi :wave:
Can I join! I'm starting my CB ov tests today.... Counting down the hours till I can pee at 2pm :rofl:
Hi ma...did you manage to get DH to BD? Your ov symptoms sound great :thumbup: x

Gem...I hear you, ttc can be soo frustrating. Hope we all get to move on to the pregnancy part soon. x

Hi mummyclo...course you can :flower: How did the testing go? x

afm..well I'm fairly sure I've ovd, full and tender boobs (usual sign for me), but blooming temps are still hovering around cover-line. Hope it doesn't mean my progesterone is too low this month.
Visited a friend with her very new baby this week. It was lovely getting a cuddle, but the visit itself was awful. She was really supportive after our first loss, but was saying all sorts that made me feel worse this time. I didn't intend to tell her about our recent one, as I felt it was bad timing/wanted to enjoy her happiness/didn't want to off-load during a special time. But she wouldn't let my ttc drop, and eventually I had to tell her cause didn't want to out-right lie. Came home in tears as she picked me apart about the experience and then told me I need to get psychological help...eeeeh what? Think it's ok to be sad and anxious 22months on from starting ttc, and after 2 losses (especially as one was only 3weeks ago). I think by the time I am able to visit a friend with a new born and be happy for them, surely I'm doing ok? Sorry just made me freak out that a friend thinks I need to 'get help'. Soooo many people have no idea how incredibly hard this ttc business is, and how much of a toll it can take on us. Now just have to get through next week, with visits from 2 newborns, and a christening. lol

Sending all you Lovely Ladies lots of BFP thoughts xxx
Hi ma...did you manage to get DH to BD? Your ov symptoms sound great :thumbup: x

Gem...I hear you, ttc can be soo frustrating. Hope we all get to move on to the pregnancy part soon. x

Hi mummyclo...course you can :flower: How did the testing go? x

afm..well I'm fairly sure I've ovd, full and tender boobs (usual sign for me), but blooming temps are still hovering around cover-line. Hope it doesn't mean my progesterone is too low this month.
Visited a friend with her very new baby this week. It was lovely getting a cuddle, but the visit itself was awful. She was really supportive after our first loss, but was saying all sorts that made me feel worse this time. I didn't intend to tell her about our recent one, as I felt it was bad timing/wanted to enjoy her happiness/didn't want to off-load during a special time. But she wouldn't let my ttc drop, and eventually I had to tell her cause didn't want to out-right lie. Came home in tears as she picked me apart about the experience and then told me I need to get psychological help...eeeeh what? Think it's ok to be sad and anxious 22months on from starting ttc, and after 2 losses (especially as one was only 3weeks ago). I think by the time I am able to visit a friend with a new born and be happy for them, surely I'm doing ok? Sorry just made me freak out that a friend thinks I need to 'get help'. Soooo many people have no idea how incredibly hard this ttc business is, and how much of a toll it can take on us. Now just have to get through next week, with visits from 2 newborns, and a christening. lol

Sending all you Lovely Ladies lots of BFP thoughts xxx

Awwww bailea poor you that sounds like a nightmare!!!! Definately don't worry what you friend said... Ttc is such a personal thing for you and your OH, I think it's really harsh for someone to say you need help! I know I haven't been ttc as long as you but I completely understand how hard it is... I think you did really well going to see a new born :) I was out the other night and one of my friends announced she is 8 weeks pregnant with her boyfriend and they weren't really trying! Even though I thrilled for her I just got so sad again... It's so hard when you think how easy it is for some people and so hard for others!! Anyway sending you a :hugs:

Don't worry too much about your temps not going high after o... Mine do that some months and it takes a few days for them to start increasing which is think is okay. What I've been doing thing month is use a BBT converter so if I don't manage to take my temp at the exact same time each day I put the numbers in and it converts my temp to what it would have been if I had taken it at the right time. Maybe you could try that if you don't take it at the same time? It really helped to put my temps into a pattern

Afm... 12 dpo today, spotting stopped yesterday and nothing today. Took a test today and got a bfn :( my temps are still high. I had a bit of a "sod it" moment last night and had a few cheeky glassed of wine in front of strictly come dancing because I am so convinced it is not my month again. Just have to keep my fingers crossed... If AF doesn't show tomorrow I'll test again...
Thanks sm :hugs: It was so hard to listen to, as it made me feel like I'm maybe going crazy. I know I'm not though. I find my sanity on bnb lol...I reaffirms I'm normal. Just when it's so easy for others, think they can't grasp it. Sorry to hear about your friend's announcement being hard on you. It seems like everyone I know has tried, fallen pregnant, and given birth, in the time since we started. It's hard to watch isn't it.

My temp finally went clear of cover-line today :happydance: So I think your right, just slow rise this month. I usually take my temps at the same time...6am. I have a a calculation to correct it when I occasionally sleep over/under; temp x1.8 (+/- 0.1 for each 30mins under/over) divided by 1.8. Prob more complicated than using the converter, but I'm used to it now, so only takes few seconds on phone :)

Your spotting sounds promising!! :) I had a bit of spotting the first time. Let us know how the testing goes. Sending lots of Good BFP Luck your way :flower: x
:hi: ladies hope to reply properly today if my laptop don`t play up ,

Wabisabi, hope the every other day bd has worked this cycle ,hope you enjoyed the day with your australian friends ,i would love to go live there if i had the money to ,i think we often forget how much our oh`s want children but know mine does too he never says so hardly ever but he has initiated :sex: more this cycle around ov time ,hope you can hold the pma for your oh ,did you get a peak on the cbfm atall this cycle then, maybe it could be dilute wee or maybe use wee from a diffrent time of day i read a while ago of a lady who nenver got a peak with fmu so changed and used wee from afternoon and that worked for her , i must say i noticed i get better readings if i wake up early and wee an use that as fmu rather than waiting to wee when im busting and maybe a bit too dilute i also try not to drink past midnite usually wee around 2/3 am then use next wee around 8.30 if i wake up as fmu ,i wouldnt worry tho as your opk went positive and fxd you got it covered nicely with : sex: so good luck hun and :dust: x

Baylea i did hear some of the news about foreigners getting free nhs due to the flawed system ,i think the nhs is shocking on the whole it seems so wrong that ladies who so desperatly want children have to pay to get ivf treatment when nature intended for women to conceive and birth babies ,its just wrong ,yes the dog bite really frightened me had stitches and antibiotics and it scarred my arm on top and underneath where its jaw clamped around my arm my oh got the most fright tho as it was his neck and close to arteries but hasnt put me off dogs just the 1s in animal sanctuaries would rather have a 6 week pup and train it rather than taking on some1 elses troubles iygwim, is there only 1 gp in your local gp surgery ,i think there is about 4 diff docs in mine so could see 1 of the other 1s if i wasnt happy is that not an option for you ,its a shame your gp isnt supportive especially after mc ,the Kinesiologist havent heard of but def a good thing by the sounds of it and if it helps you knowing you are taking positive steps then go for it you will have to let us know how it goes , my cbfm asks for sticks from cd8 i got high on cd12 is usually cd10/11 and got peak on cd15 this time again unusual with 3 days high aswell but last cycle was cd19 peak close to your 20 must have been something in the interactive airways lol ,i also noticed the 2 lines on cd14 so knew ov was close, your " congratulations" remark to oh made me laugh but you must have been knackered after all the :sex: but fxd you covered it nicely,as for your frend thinking you need help, well i think you must be really strong emotionally to be holding a new born and sitting socialising around 1 takes real strength i say ignore her she doesnt know what shes talking about but good luck with the christening you can do it hun and fxd you are on your way to making that bfp this cycle after all your :sex: this cycle ,i feel the same as you think i must be going crazy sometimes with what our bodies chuck at us but then come on bnb n find im normal like every1 else it seems so much easier to accept normal when you hear or read of other ladies bodies doing weird things as opposed to the gp saying it especially when you think the gp is just fobbing you off coz they cant be bothered with you , as for the temp thing and charting it sounds complcated lol ,fxd hun and good luck this cycle where are you at now and :dust: x

Summer_millie i dont know about charting as i can never remember to temp but agree with ff that you ov cd 19 but agree with baylea that the cbfm could have missed a quick surge ,you could try using opks aswell i have in the past but did 3 a day and found the afternoon 1 for me was positive but have used them from my peak day this cycle and got my darkest positive using my fmu after only 4 hours sleep but at same time as using the cbfm stick both were positive ,hope the under the weather feeling is a good sign fxd but do keep the pma ive def read of women using cbfm with no peak getting bfp and sometimes on first cycle using them but the instructions do say they can take a couple of cycles getting to know you, anne summers wooo go you and why not if it gets oh going sounds fun and a bit of fun will do you wonders ,hope the spotting is implantation but if not think of the fun with your anne summers loot fxd tho it is hard this ttc lark :hugs: for the bfn but it cuold happen still fxd and :dust:

Mspotter :hi: and welcome to the thread :flower: i dunno too much about the cbfm but i think i read some where if you have really long cycles that you have to start them on a diff day anyway but not sure if that for cycles longer than yours there is a fone help line you could ask for advice tho , hope it works for you tho , when i used it my first month i wasnt having a proper cycle didnt know that but did when af turned up on cd21 so had to reset it seems to be doing what it should for me now fxd for you that you get bfp and :dust: x

Hbelcher 33 :hi: and welcome :flower: is this your first cycle using cbfm and when you say you havent rec`d first ppaf does that mean post partum af ,if so then the instructions say that you should have 2 consecutive cycles after birth before using cbfm its a nuscience especially as you just wanna know what your body is doing but its right hun after my loss i got my first af at 6 weeks then had 2 cycles of 21 days each not normal for me as they usually 28 days but after the first cycle i tried the cbfm thinking that first af of 21 days was just my body regulating itself so tried cbfm, well a second cycle of 21 days meant making the decision to reset the monitor and meant wasting that cycle of sticks and they aint cheap , sorry if i am way off wrong but maybe more info means we could be more help ,i think like wabisabi says maybe using some opk sticks will be cheaper for you and especially until you get first ppaf , hope you get number 6 i love big families its hard work but so rewarding hope your well and good luck and :dust: x

Gem1210390 :hi: and welcome :flower: sorry af got you hope the cbfm works its magic for you this cycle and concieve plus never tried but have heard good things that and preseed also,it is annoying when you know you ovulate and you :sex: a the right time then af gets you ,frustrating but you will get there just gotta do it again next cycle and if at first you don`t succedd try ,try , and try again sorry for the humour but i find it helps me get through , fxd for you that you get bfp this cycle ,good luck and :dust: x

Mummyclo :hi: and welcome :flower: i see its near ov time hope you getting :sex: and lots of it the next few days hope the cb ov tests work for you good luck and :dust: that you get a bfp this cycle x

wow long post , Baylea no news on joshuas results they taking the p**s gonna ring this week and see what happening they have had long enough, well am on 3dpo today got a peak on cd15 this cycle unusual for me its normally c16/17 also only had 3 days of high from cd 12 that is unusual also is normaly cd 10/11 so was suprised at peak on cd15 coz normally get at least 5 days of high ,suppose its cbfm getting to know me bettter lol think i mite have covered ov this time with having :sex: on cd6, 9,11,13,14,15,16 and 17 twice, wasnt gonna obcess over :sex: this time but oh had diffrent ideas and has been highly charged for some reason not that im complaing as think the break between cd11 and 13 would have give some good :spermy: ready for the cd15 peak as they say 2 days b4 ov is a good time to have :spermy: ready waiting for egg fxd that it did lol think a break is probs in order tonight but will try n get oh to bd 2moro nite as i just read on a site that it was thought that :spermy: might actually help with implantation so no harm in trying lol, hope every1 is having a good sunday , good luck every1 would be good to see some bfps in here fxd and :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi ma...did you manage to get DH to BD? Your ov symptoms sound great :thumbup: x

Gem...I hear you, ttc can be soo frustrating. Hope we all get to move on to the pregnancy part soon. x

Hi mummyclo...course you can :flower: How did the testing go? x

afm..well I'm fairly sure I've ovd, full and tender boobs (usual sign for me), but blooming temps are still hovering around cover-line. Hope it doesn't mean my progesterone is too low this month.
Visited a friend with her very new baby this week. It was lovely getting a cuddle, but the visit itself was awful. She was really supportive after our first loss, but was saying all sorts that made me feel worse this time. I didn't intend to tell her about our recent one, as I felt it was bad timing/wanted to enjoy her happiness/didn't want to off-load during a special time. But she wouldn't let my ttc drop, and eventually I had to tell her cause didn't want to out-right lie. Came home in tears as she picked me apart about the experience and then told me I need to get psychological help...eeeeh what? Think it's ok to be sad and anxious 22months on from starting ttc, and after 2 losses (especially as one was only 3weeks ago). I think by the time I am able to visit a friend with a new born and be happy for them, surely I'm doing ok? Sorry just made me freak out that a friend thinks I need to 'get help'. Soooo many people have no idea how incredibly hard this ttc business is, and how much of a toll it can take on us. Now just have to get through next week, with visits from 2 newborns, and a christening. lol

Sending all you Lovely Ladies lots of BFP thoughts xxx

Firstly- Hello to all the new ladies :hugs: Great to see you and sending you lots of :dust:

Baylea- I am in the field of mental health and I can tell you that feeling sad and anxious about the experiences you've had- I would not call this pathalogical. I would call it completely understandable and real. Feeling sad and anxious is a part of life- what would be great in these times is support from those we love and the chance to have a space where we can feel these things without judgement. It sounds like you're friend is concerned about you but is just being tactless. Again, being sad does not indicate some sort of psychological weakness. In my mind, it indicates that someone is going through something that is emotionally challenging and they have the strength to show their feelings about it. I would be more concerned if you weren't showing your feelings. Of course I am not saying that there is anything wrong with getting professional help- just that seeking this sort of help would be your choice and not someone elses. Being sad is a normal emotion!!! It's not pleasant but this does not make it out of the normal human experience!!! Sending you :hugs:

4dpo for me today. Not feeling anything really. Although, I usually have really sore boobs during this time and atm they are fine. Of course in my mind I'm making up all sorts of reasons why :wacko: But I feel like I'm less anxious than I have been during other cycles, which is great.

Will come back to chat when I have a bit more time.

Love and light to all
Hi everyone,

Just want to say well said wasabi! I totally agree feelin sad is a normal emotion, ttc is such a huge emotional roller coaster! It's very hard to truly explain that and for others to understand when they aren't going through the same thing which is why I love coming on here and speaking to you guys! I don't know what I'd do without you all!! :hugs:

I'm 2 days late today, still no AF, light brown spotting keeps stopping and starting. Had horrible diarreha this morning and generally feeling under the weather but no other symptoms like cramping. I've got a phone appointment with the doctor this afternoon and going to buy another test tonight if AF still hasn't started by this evening. Oh I really hope this is it! Am trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard not to! :(
Hi everyone,

Just want to say well said wasabi! I totally agree feelin sad is a normal emotion, ttc is such a huge emotional roller coaster! It's very hard to truly explain that and for others to understand when they aren't going through the same thing which is why I love coming on here and speaking to you guys! I don't know what I'd do without you all!! :hugs:

I'm 2 days late today, still no AF, light brown spotting keeps stopping and starting. Had horrible diarreha this morning and generally feeling under the weather but no other symptoms like cramping. I've got a phone appointment with the doctor this afternoon and going to buy another test tonight if AF still hasn't started by this evening. Oh I really hope this is it! Am trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard not to! :(

I have absolutely everything crossed for you sm!!!!

Sending you hope, love, light and of course :dust:
Wabisabi fxd hun i am here with u on 4dpo today aswell its good your feeling less anxious just gotta try to keep your mind active on other things i like to read a book or watch a film or tidy up dont like to tidy lol but least it keeps me active rather than sitting wondering what if am keeping my fxd for you. I noticed when i was first pg with joshua that it wasnt so much sore boobs when i touched or prodded but more the accidental knocks that give me suprise soreness but fxd and good luck n :dust: x

Summer millie fxd crossed for you the spotting goes completely. When i suspected that i might be pg with joshua i did a test when af was late 1 day it was bfn so when af still didnt turn up 1week late i tested again n got bfp i am so hoping that something like this is happening for you fxd hun and good luck Nd :dust: x

Baylea gem mspotter mummyclo and hbelcher hope your all doing well today good luck every1 and :dust:
I haven't rec'd my ppaf yet but started using the monitor anyways since i thought i would O soon. I have caught O before my ppaf before. Anyhoo, i have had 11 highs! I hope for a peak soon! Also doing saliva microscope and temping/opking. I have hx of PCOS so i know the opks aren't as reliable. Though they do work for me when i do O. Gl everyone! I have used the cbefm before and it worked well!:thumbup:
:hi: Gem1210390 :hi: and welcome :flower: sorry af got you hope the cbfm works its magic for you this cycle and concieve plus never tried but have heard good things that and preseed also,it is annoying when you know you ovulate and you :sex: a the right time then af gets you ,frustrating but you will get there just gotta do it again next cycle and if at first you don`t succedd try ,try , and try again sorry for the humour but i find it helps me get through , fxd for you that you get bfp this cycle ,good luck and :dust: x

Hi thanks. Your post made me smile. You do just keep trying and trying. I am sure at some point I will get a pos soon you never know. Well hoping anyway. It is frustrations sometimes. I am trying not to be doing too much symptom watching and things this month. I am going to use my cbfm but nothing else I will get rely on that and bd every other day and around peaks every day(if I get one this month). I don't want to get stressed because that will make even harder to conceive.

I hope you are all ok
Hi Ladies,

How are we all doing now?

ma...wow what a post! That was epic how you remembered all the conversations on the previous walls too! Have you called them about joshua's results yet hun? That's just ridiculous!! Someone need to get their butts kicked for that! Your BDing sounds very promising this cycle..well done to your OH, especially twice in one day after several days having already BDd! lol Yes I've heard BD and or orgasim is a good thing for implantation. For the first 12months I avoided it, as I was worried it might dislodge/ send egg off course...maybe niave I know, but then I read a specialist saying it was beneficial as it increases blood flow to womb and so increases chances of implantation. Cycle 13 I ogd at 9dpo (on my own as DH was in middle of north sea again by then), and that was the first cycle we concieved in. I know that it prob wasn't the 'answer', but I think it helped, and contributed.

girls I've got to dash..I'll be back soon to finish x

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