CD 5, 1st round clomid on days 3-7

i had a bunch of blood work done last month, before taking the clomid but not the progesterone one yet. i had TSH, fSH, prolactian, and testosterone. all of which came back in normal ranges. hopefully the progesterone one comes out good as well and proves i did ovulate. my temps went up for the last two mornings as well from in the 96s to 97.70. so i think that is a good sign as well. i know youre supposed to temp at around the same time each day tho and the past two days it was a few hours later, but still before getting outta bed. so i hope that wouldnt have messed with my results. so far seems everything is going well. my only complaint now is clomid has struck again and i seem to be a bit constipated since i ovulated. hopefully that goes away very soon! i know it will be too early , but i think i may test as early as sat.. only becuase its my Birthday and i think that itd make a wonderful birthday present LOL :cake:
Well I finally those 5 little pills are gone! LOL so today is CD9 for me Since about 3am this morning I have had some major cramping, I feel like something if rearranging itself in there right now. So I am crossing my fingers and stating my 2WW in the next couple of days. Doctor says to be sure to DTD atleast every 2 days from CD10 to CD20.... * fingers crossed this works for us*

Good luck momma nat!!:dust: to you!! Keep us posted on how you're doing.
i had a bunch of blood work done last month, before taking the clomid but not the progesterone one yet. i had TSH, fSH, prolactian, and testosterone. all of which came back in normal ranges. hopefully the progesterone one comes out good as well and proves i did ovulate. my temps went up for the last two mornings as well from in the 96s to 97.70. so i think that is a good sign as well. i know youre supposed to temp at around the same time each day tho and the past two days it was a few hours later, but still before getting outta bed. so i hope that wouldnt have messed with my results. so far seems everything is going well. my only complaint now is clomid has struck again and i seem to be a bit constipated since i ovulated. hopefully that goes away very soon! i know it will be too early , but i think i may test as early as sat.. only becuase its my Birthday and i think that itd make a wonderful birthday present LOL :cake:

That's all the stuff I had done last month too! Sounds promising that you did O, so good luck! I don't think a couple hours would make that much difference. I think they said it usually only adds about 0.1 to your temp, but I'll double check to make sure. Good luck with your birthday testing!! I talked to the nurse who works for my doc today because I couldn't remember if they said for me to start the progesterone on the 6th or 7th day after my peak, and she said that I should've started it the day after I O'd (which is what I've normally been doing, but I thought maybe they changed it this month for some reason.) See, she's been out because of surgery and it was another ladt that told me to do this, and she told me wrong. The nurse said for me to start it today though. So I started it tonight. I'm working the next 3 nights, and then off for 7 (unless I pik up some extra shifts.) The nurse told me not to test until 16 DPO...ummm...yeah right. I'll try but I don't think I'll make it. She doesn't want me to stop the progesterone until I've had a - on day 16 though. So if it is -, I'll hve a really long LP. But oh well. Hopefully I'll get a BFP and won't have to worry about it!!
That's all the stuff I had done last month too! Sounds promising that you did O, so good luck! I don't think a couple hours would make that much difference. I think they said it usually only adds about 0.1 to your temp, but I'll double check to make sure. Good luck with your birthday testing!! I talked to the nurse who works for my doc today because I couldn't remember if they said for me to start the progesterone on the 6th or 7th day after my peak, and she said that I should've started it the day after I O'd (which is what I've normally been doing, but I thought maybe they changed it this month for some reason.) See, she's been out because of surgery and it was another ladt that told me to do this, and she told me wrong. The nurse said for me to start it today though. So I started it tonight. I'm working the next 3 nights, and then off for 7 (unless I pik up some extra shifts.) The nurse told me not to test until 16 DPO...ummm...yeah right. I'll try but I don't think I'll make it. She doesn't want me to stop the progesterone until I've had a - on day 16 though. So if it is -, I'll hve a really long LP. But oh well. Hopefully I'll get a BFP and won't have to worry about it!!

Wow thats too bad you got the wrong info, hopefullly that dont effect things. and 16 days! no way id make it that long to test, heck im still tinking of testing already on sat... knowing darn well its too early and i shouldnt do that to myself lol. im not even sure what day i should expect aunt flow to show up. my last 4-5 cycles have only been 21 days each with no ovulation. so without the clomid i would be expecting it today. im guesssing another week or so. i go tomorrow for the progesterone test. hopefullly that turns out good. What day do you plan to test on.. since we all know you wont make it till 16 lol

Ive seen quite the streak going on with :bfp: so hopefully we will keep that going! :happydance:
Originally Posted by momma_nat
Well I finally those 5 little pills are gone! LOL so today is CD9 for me Since about 3am this morning I have had some major cramping, I feel like something if rearranging itself in there right now. So I am crossing my fingers and stating my 2WW in the next couple of days. Doctor says to be sure to DTD atleast every 2 days from CD10 to CD20.... * fingers crossed this works for us*

hows it going momma nat, any news?
Well today is CD 12 for me.... The past 3ish days Im have some really bad cramps but today was a bit better, the most thing lately is my migraines are back ( been migraine sufferer for about 15 years) they have been very under control lately but the clomid seemed to bring them on again... I just found out another friend of mine is pregnant, as much as I am happy for her I am sad too, seems like everyone except me.... So I really hope this works for me... I have been trying to stay very relaxed and stress free but unfortunately my work life just got flipped upside down I am being moved to a new department tomorrow and leaving the department that I have built over the pst 2 years so I am happy and sad about that also have a management interview for my company on Monday so that is stressful, these things just couldn't have waited another week or so? Oh well when life gives you lemons you squeeze im just trying to make the best of everything! Hopefully I will have some good news soon!!!! Thank You everyone for checking up on me, Its nice to have a place to go!!!!! <3

Lots of Love,
Nat xo

:dust::dust::dust: for everyone!
Greenie, I am probably going to test on CD 10, even though I know it's early and I never tested + until 12 DPO with my other pregnancies. But there's no way I'll make it to day 16!!! I know this may sound weird, but I'm worried that working nights around the time implantation should occur may mess me up! I know that's silly, but I can't help but worry. Plus, my job tends to be stressful anyway. I'm trying to sleep more than I normally would though.

Momma nat, I know how you feel about the working part. I work 12 hour nights in the NICU and I've been picking up extra shifts lately because we are SO BUSY. So it's been stressful here and I worry what kind of effect it will have on my body/implantation.

I've been a little dizzy tonight (of course, it could be because I didn't get to eat until 2 am, but I'm trying to be hopeful) and my boobs are sore this morning. But I'm also on progesterone which always makes me have sore boobs. Besides that, no symptoms so far. :dust:

Greenie - let me know how the progesterone test turns out! Good luck!!
i know EXACTLY how you feel mama nat! All my friends and siblings have kids already except one! and she got married in july.... and is due with her first baby in August already!! so that leaves me here the only one left. I want to be so excited for her but im so jelous at the same time.. or envious maybe. i just threw her her baby shower last month and was soo hard for me. i did good until i touched the bump and then i had to hold back tears. Im supposed to be flyng out to see her the week shes due with the baby but i really dont think ill be able to do it if im not preggo by then. As much as i am happy for her.. it makes it even harder on me when im already hurting enough. And of course its hard for anyone else to understand exactly how we're feeling. I guess we just try to stay positive and and know that our time is coming... SOON! :dust:

Nursebecky.. is sat your 10dpo? if so well be testing first time together too lol not only would be the best birthday present ever for me but fathers day on sunday! im not sure exactly how to read the BBT charts yet, but my temp was high untill the last two days and it dipped a bit but then went back up this AM so im hoping that is a good thing. Im looking forward to what it does tomorrow. My only symptoms would maybe be abdomal cramping but honestly ive had that since ovulation day. and the last two days ive noticed my nipples showing thru my shirt, which isnt good when i work in a pretty much all male job LOL and I hear ya on the worrying bout your job effecting the process. my job is VERY HOT in the summer but luckily this past week hasnt been bad. Oh and i will for sure let you know how my test turns out. I go in about two hrs but not sure how long before hearing back.
FXed for all three of us! :dust:
Hi there, this is my 1st cycle on Clomid too!
Today is my 1st day of Clomid so I'm pretty much in the same boat as you!
Will be going for the internal scan next week to check the number of follicles... would anyone know whether I need to take along with me the HCG shot, just in case?
Sorry Chuichi I am not sure... SO the first day of new job went really well I was too stressed, Im stressing more about my old job and the lack of people to take care of the stuff right now versus what I have to do now, it was very relax and stress free. Work at my own pace and everyone was very helpful to me!

Because I am so new to this I am not really sure how things work really, I dont chart and take temps and so on. My doctor gave me my prescription and wrote out what she called her Baby Receipe so I've been follwing that, Clomid on CD3-7, DTD CD 10-20, Blood work CD19-21, but never really told me when to test for pregnancy or anything, I did an ovulation calender and says I will be ovulating on CD18 and the pharmacist and calender say CD23 would that be right??

Thanks for b eing there for me Greenie and Becky!!! <3 :dust: for everyone!

Greenie I hope you get your birthday wish for sure!!!!
Chiuchi, I am not sure because I didn't do an HCG trigger, and I didn't have a follicle scan this month either. I would call your doc and ask them to be sure. I don't think it would hurt to take it with you anyway - the worst that could happen is that you have to take it back home with you, right? Good luck though! Let us know how it goes!

Greenie, I hope you get your birthday wish, too!! I need to look at your chart, but it sounds like maybe you are having a triphasic pattern, which is a good sign for pregnancy! I will be 8 DPO on Saturday, so I won't be testing until Monday at the earliest (unless I'm feeling froggy.) I got a bunch of the Wondfo tests this month and I am not sure how sensitive they are, so I don't wanna try too early. But I sure am itching to test!! Any results back from your progeterone test?

Momma Nat, you're welcome!! Thanks for being there for me, too. And I'm glad you had a good day at your new job. I don't know how exactly they plan on pinpointing what day you ovulated without you charting, unless they are planning on doing scans to see. I think what is says is that you should plan to O 5-10 days after the LAST clomid pill is taken. I O'd 7 days after my last pill. I think Greenie was pretty close to that as well. I would think that you would O closer to CD 18 then CD 23, but everybody is different. Just be sure to watch your other fertility signs as well, like CM and cervix position. What CD are you on right now?
Alright, I am 7 DPO today and officially halfway through my 2ww! :happydance: Hopeflly I'll have some good news in another week!!
Chuichi, welcome! Sorry im not sure bout the HGC shot either as im not taking it or going in for scans. I agree with becky tho to eitehr call or just take it with just in case.

im starting to think im counting wrong cause i thought i was on bout the same day as you becky.. but im counting today as 9dpo? going by the extreme pain i had the night of cd 15 . too confusing for me lol. im waiting now for a call back from the doctors office to hear about my progesterone results. will for sure post soon as i hear. hopefully they call yet today.

mama nat... im still new at this but cd 23 seems really late. i took 50mg day 3-7 and got my positive opk on cd15. im surprised your doctor didnt suggest using opks to help pinpoint.

:dust: to us all!
Chuichi, welcome! Sorry im not sure bout the HGC shot either as im not taking it or going in for scans. I agree with becky tho to eitehr call or just take it with just in case.

im starting to think im counting wrong cause i thought i was on bout the same day as you becky.. but im counting today as 9dpo? going by the extreme pain i had the night of cd 15 . too confusing for me lol. im waiting now for a call back from the doctors office to hear about my progesterone results. will for sure post soon as i hear. hopefully they call yet today.

mama nat... im still new at this but cd 23 seems really late. i took 50mg day 3-7 and got my positive opk on cd15. im surprised your doctor didnt suggest using opks to help pinpoint.

:dust: to us all!

Greenie I was thinking we were on the same day as well! I got a + OPK on CD 12 and 13 and a peak on my OPK on CD 13, then O'd on CD 14....that was last Friday, the 10th. You can click on the egg thing that says how many DPO I am if you want and it will take you to my fertility friend chart. I don't temp because working nights makes my temp all over the place, but all my fertility signs and charting is there. I think it actually pulls up all my past charts too. But maybe we are a couple days apart! Can't wait to hear the results of your test!
i am having some major cramping tonight... like lying in bede crying pain,,, i hate this part :( I am not feeling very good tonight im about to ssay the words i shoyuldnt...... i just want to give up :(
Yea. Ur right. I got mixed up cause of the docs. They said come in 8 days after positive opk, and had me come yesterday so i was counting it as 8. Woops. Im on 7-8 also. I guess I was trying to rush the days. Maybe I better not test tomorrow. Way too early .lol Dr never got back to me today either. So I have to wait till Monday now for my progesterone results. Ty for keeping me on track!
Aww mama nat don't give up. I had the same thing the night I'm pretty sure I ovulated,so take it as a good sign even if it hurts and think of the reward at the end.besides, when ur baby gets to b bout ten and misbehaving u can say..hey do u know the pain I went thru to have u . Lol so try to bear with it and remember were in this together.

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