CD 6 with long cycles, anyone want to join me on operation bfp!?


Mum to 3 and TTC #4
Aug 3, 2010
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So like the title says I'm CD6 today, I have longish cycles at 35 days plus. Last cycle was 37 days :dohh: it gets super frustrating! I'm throwing everything at this cycle in the hopes for an earlier ovulation and fx'd a bfp.

Here's what I'm doing;

I suffer recurrent mc's so I have a protocol I have to take for that so suppliments I am taking are;

Omega 3 1000mg (rmc protocol)
Co enzyme Q10 (extra for egg quality)
Pregnacare conception (rmc protocol)
Low dose Aspirin (rmc protocol)
3000mg Evening primrose oil (extra for quality cm)
High dose Vit D (rmc protocol)
Soy Isoflavones CD 3 - 7 150,150,150,200,200 In the hopes I ovulate earlier this cycle. I tried less last cycle and still didnt end up oving until cd21.

Also I'm drinking a litre of water a day (i'm terrible with water consumption and can drink my weight in tea on a daily basis) and a glass of grapefriut juice (For quality cm)

After ovulation I will be adding steriods to my list too (rmc protocol)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee so who wants to jump on for the ride? :)
Hi i will join lol my cycles are fairly short 29 to 32 days last month i tried checking cp but im not doing that anymore when af came my cp was high and soft im charting using opk temping checking cm and using preseed. I'm cd 9 so i will start using my opk tomorrow officially lol i used one cd7 it was positive some hormone fluke i believe lol hope we can get that bfp! :dust:
I'm not overly great at checking my cp, it always feels the same to me :haha: CM is also no indication for me as I have none around O EVER might be a bit watery but thats it.

Welcome hun and good luck :dust:
Thanks i'm also drinking lots of water no caffeine at all and grapefruit juice i tried oj last month it didn't help with my cm i don't get the stretchy cm either so your not alone on that one.that's why im using preseed tried once last month but it was after ovulation just wanted to see how it felt before officially using it to df said it felt sticky lol also i'm a mom to 2 ds
I need to add raspberry leaf tea to that big ole list too :haha:

Cool, well hopefully he'll put up with the stickyness :) How old are your sons?
My sons are 9 and 4 yes he's starting to enjoy the preseed now we used it tuesday and since he llikes going more than 1 round it's helps keep me moist :)
Hi everyone, :)
may I join you? I'm totally new to the board (and still figuring out the lingo as english isn't even my first language) but we've been been ttc for a couple of months now. This is our 5th cylce. We did however muss ovulation on the first try, so I don't really count that one. ;)

I used to have 30 days cylces but recently they've been getting longer more often. I've been at 36/37 days these past months and it's so annoying!

My doctor had my bloodwork done and monitored my last cylcle with ultrasound. Everything looked perfectly fine. She gave me 25mg Clomid to help with a better and earlier ovulation this cycle. I just finished taking it and hated it. Got all moody tearful and depressed not to mention my bad skin. :wacko:

Today is cycle da 9 for me and I think I'm feeling my ovaries working so i'm hoping for an earlier ovulation this month.
Oh I forgot:

I'm also taking thyroid pills (100mg) for my underfunction, citamin D, drinking grapefruit juice and raspberry leaf tea, drinking lots of liquids in general and will be trying Mucinex for better cm.
Hi Ladies :wave:

I'll join you....I am currently on CD41 and have yet to O :wacko: I have really long cycles so this is not unusual for me. My last cycle ended at CD91 I believe. Anyway, Dh and I are trying for our "maybe baby". We will try till late June and then we will be calling it quits and just being happy with what we currently have :)

Good luck to us all :)
Hey, Ladies! :hi:

I have been taking a ttc break (well, ntnp) for about 7 months, and I finally feel like I am ready to jump back in full force.

I am currently on cd8 of a (on average) 28 day cycle. Last month I had a random 24 day cycle, which kind of freaks me out...but such is life, I suppose.

I am 31 and my DH of almost 12 years is 33. We have been ttc (off and on with ntnp) for a little over 7 years. We have been through several rounds of clomid in the past, to no avail. But we have conceived once on our own, which unfortunately ended in a MC at 11wks in 2012, coincidentally almost 2 years ago exactly.

Things I am doing differently this month is that I am adding Mucinex (from cd7 through O) to my daily routine of vitamin B-3 and prenatals. Excited to see if it makes a difference or not, we shall see!

Also, I am setting up an appointment to see my fertility specialist to get that ball rolling in that arena, but in the mean time we are going to do everything in our power to help the process naturally.

Since we are not getting any younger, we have decided that we neeed to commit to this process 100% this time...we are in it for the long haul, and ready to do whatever it takes!

Looking forward to sharing our journeys!
My sons are 9 and 4 yes he's starting to enjoy the preseed now we used it tuesday and since he llikes going more than 1 round it's helps keep me moist :)

Awww I have two girls and a rainbow boy, my girls are 14 and 12 and my lb is 7 months <3

Haha thats good then!

Hi everyone, :)
may I join you? I'm totally new to the board (and still figuring out the lingo as english isn't even my first language) but we've been been ttc for a couple of months now. This is our 5th cylce. We did however muss ovulation on the first try, so I don't really count that one. ;)

I used to have 30 days cylces but recently they've been getting longer more often. I've been at 36/37 days these past months and it's so annoying!

My doctor had my bloodwork done and monitored my last cylcle with ultrasound. Everything looked perfectly fine. She gave me 25mg Clomid to help with a better and earlier ovulation this cycle. I just finished taking it and hated it. Got all moody tearful and depressed not to mention my bad skin. :wacko:

Today is cycle da 9 for me and I think I'm feeling my ovaries working so i'm hoping for an earlier ovulation this month.

Oh I forgot:

I'm also taking thyroid pills (100mg) for my underfunction, citamin D, drinking grapefruit juice and raspberry leaf tea, drinking lots of liquids in general and will be trying Mucinex for better cm.

Wow you have an understanding Dr, there isn't any way my Dr or my rmc Dr would give me clomid which is why i have to suppliment with Soy.

Welcome to the thread hun and good luck :dust:

Hi Ladies :wave:

I'll join you....I am currently on CD41 and have yet to O :wacko: I have really long cycles so this is not unusual for me. My last cycle ended at CD91 I believe. Anyway, Dh and I are trying for our "maybe baby". We will try till late June and then we will be calling it quits and just being happy with what we currently have :)

Good luck to us all :)

Wowzers! now they are really long, are you having any help to get them a little shorter or are you just going with the flow?

Good luck hunni :dust:

Hey, Ladies! :hi:

I have been taking a ttc break (well, ntnp) for about 7 months, and I finally feel like I am ready to jump back in full force.

I am currently on cd8 of a (on average) 28 day cycle. Last month I had a random 24 day cycle, which kind of freaks me out...but such is life, I suppose.

I am 31 and my DH of almost 12 years is 33. We have been ttc (off and on with ntnp) for a little over 7 years. We have been through several rounds of clomid in the past, to no avail. But we have conceived once on our own, which unfortunately ended in a MC at 11wks in 2012, coincidentally almost 2 years ago exactly.

Things I am doing differently this month is that I am adding Mucinex (from cd7 through O) to my daily routine of vitamin B-3 and prenatals. Excited to see if it makes a difference or not, we shall see!

Also, I am setting up an appointment to see my fertility specialist to get that ball rolling in that arena, but in the mean time we are going to do everything in our power to help the process naturally.

Since we are not getting any younger, we have decided that we neeed to commit to this process 100% this time...we are in it for the long haul, and ready to do whatever it takes!

Looking forward to sharing our journeys!

Welcome hun and good luck, that's a long time to be ttc everything crossed for you :dust:

Good morning ladies, sorry its been a few days! I hope you're all doing well and are that one step closer to Ov!

AFM I'm CD 8 today and for the past few days have been feeling my ovaries pinching so instead of taking 200mg of soy for the last two nights I stuck with 150mg so that was 150mg all the way through 3-7.

Epo has never worked for me before but this time it seems to be, I have (tmi warning) and ubundance of watery cm today and had some yesterday too and usually I'm completely dry up until probably the day of ovulation. I've done it different this time though, this time I have broken the doses up throughout the day. I read somewhere about taking the Q10 throughout the day rather than all in one go to help with absorption so I decided to break everything up through the day and it seems to be paying off :thumbup:

Friday would be quite a cool day to ovulate wouldn't it!
Hi im cd11 now hoping to ovulate tuesday fx i'm using a cbfm this month to back up a cheapo I'm tired of guessing on lines lol been having some pain in my right side so hopefully i will o on time since df told me if we don'thit the mark this month he's sending me to the dr lol so fx that we can catch that egg and get that girl i want so badly! :)
Hey ladies, how are you all doing?

I got my positive opk and peak on cbfm this morning :wohoo: CD 15 6 days earlier than last month! thank you soy!
So, I'm on cd29 and I *think* I got my pos opk yesterday. I originally thought I was getting af and must have missed ov but had one day of brown spotting that's gone now. Not sure if I'm in the tww of a 42 day cycle or if I've even ov'd yet. All I know is that I'm definitely not pg! :( so just waiting this cycle out so I can start clomid in March again xxx
Oh just saw your post above mine looks like we are in the tww wait together maybe! Xx
Hey sweetie :hugs:

Oooo could that brown spotting be IB? or have you been testing?

Fx'd you're in the tww :hugs:
Hey! I'm only cd4 but my cycles are usually 34 ish days. I didn't realise there were things I could try to get my body to ovulate sooner? That would be amazing!

I've just had a mc so taking pregnacare conception but that's all.

Where do you get all the things you take like soy?

Thanks & good luck!!
Hey sweetie :hugs:

Oooo could that brown spotting be IB? or have you been testing?

Fx'd you're in the tww :hugs:

I got all excited that it could be and that id missed ov but hpts are all bfn:cry: opks were negative again by this afternoon, so I don't even know if I ov'ed. Usually they are a lot more blazing and last longer so idk. Fingers crossed I suppose! Spotting stopped but is back today only very very slightly. God knows what is going on in my funky uterus!!! Wishing you lots of luck for this cycle!! Glad the soy is working for u xx
Hi ladies no one has posted in a while in here i'm 5 dpo since it's after 12 bbs are hurting more than normal when we dtd today i told df not to touch them he said the only reason for sore breast is pregnancy i told him no honey it means i ovulated already lol i keep him in the dark with my opks and temping so it doesn't stress him and make him not preform :) :dust: for everyone.
Hey! I'm only cd4 but my cycles are usually 34 ish days. I didn't realise there were things I could try to get my body to ovulate sooner? That would be amazing!

I've just had a mc so taking pregnacare conception but that's all.

Where do you get all the things you take like soy?

Thanks & good luck!!

Its worth looking into soy, do your research and go from there. I personally think Soy is amazing stuff and can work for me, My DS is a soy baby. You can get it from supermarkets, online and places like Holland and Barrett. Unfortunately because you are already CD5/6? you've already missed the window ad you take it on the same days as Clomid. If you have any questions I'll be more than happy to help :)

Hey sweetie :hugs:

Oooo could that brown spotting be IB? or have you been testing?

Fx'd you're in the tww :hugs:

I got all excited that it could be and that id missed ov but hpts are all bfn:cry: opks were negative again by this afternoon, so I don't even know if I ov'ed. Usually they are a lot more blazing and last longer so idk. Fingers crossed I suppose! Spotting stopped but is back today only very very slightly. God knows what is going on in my funky uterus!!! Wishing you lots of luck for this cycle!! Glad the soy is working for u xx

Ugh honey that sucks!!! I wish we could all have normal cycles :hugs: keep me posted chick. Did you temp this cycle? xx

Hi ladies no one has posted in a while in here i'm 5 dpo since it's after 12 bbs are hurting more than normal when we dtd today i told df not to touch them he said the only reason for sore breast is pregnancy i told him no honey it means i ovulated already lol i keep him in the dark with my opks and temping so it doesn't stress him and make him not preform :) :dust: for everyone.

:haha: I have to do the same with my hubby, bless them. It must be a lot of performance pressure!

Good luck hun chucking loads of :dust: your way. Keep us posted :hugs:

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