Its possible some people have a very short surge. I hope you didn't miss it, just keep dtd like planned.
I'm still bleeding though its lighter I think. Hoping it will go away today. Got yet another positive opk this afternoon so that makes for the last 4 days: +, -, almost + and +. I'm very eager to see what my hormones are doing, find out the day after tomorrow. I took clomid days 2-6 when I first got my period so technically I would be ovulating right around today/tomorrow so maybe cause of the clomid I'll just ovulate on my period/tail end of it, it happens in regular cycles to people. I'm going to buckle down and suck it up and dht tonight hope hubby doesn't mind. But hopefully they bleeding will have eased off some by tonight. Also paying attention to ovulation cramps as when on clomid I normally feel it.