CD1!! anyone want to buddy up :)

One thing about fertility issues is you dont symptom spot except when you're expecting the witch. Makes things less stressful but all the waiting with ivf and FET is hard. I'm 2dpo today and it seems my spotting and tinged cm are gone. Celebrate!!!
Sorry ladies ive been away from here (not holidaying), been made redundant from my job so have been busy job hunting in between housework. Ive not really thinking about TTC for a while, I usually ovulate around day 20 of a 28 cycle but my body in just re-adusting after our loss. Its day 15 and I felt some ovulation pain so I decided to pos and got a smilie face! Very fortunate timing hope I can tempt the DH in to dtd after his late shift tonight and for the rest of the week! Fingers crossed ladies, baby dust to all x
Yay for smiley newegg. My body I think is finally getting back to normal after 8 weeks. I don't want to jinx it though, can't say it's proper till I have a normal lp and then another cycle. We'll see.
Well ladies i think im out :nope: had some funny niggling pains low down when i was training yesterday and have had some pinky tinged cm yesterday and today so i dont think ill be getting my March bfp , you know when you just have a feeling. Am a bit mad didnt carry on the opks, my plan for sex all week didnt work either as ive ended up working loads and my mums been at ours!!
Newegg, sorry about your job, i hope you get some good baby news soon :)
Could be Ovulation spotting or IB since you don't know when you ovulated. Let us know if it turns into the witch.

I've been sent home from work cause I'm sick. I feel miserable. Good thing my son is in day care all day so I can rest. Just trying to kill an hour so i can do an errand before heading home.

No signs of spotting for me hoping that continues so I don't have a super short lp. Its been 3 days since my bleeding stopped and I'm really hoping to make it to at least 7 days of no bleeding or march 12. Then she can show any time so I can call the clinic. 3dpo today. This tww is going so slow.
Aw no hope you feel better soon. I feel like hardly seen my lad all week, thats the only problem working evenings i guess, though its better in the school hols. Grrrrr ive no idea, dont normally get it, but then maybe things arnt back to normal yet? i think might try smep next cycle.
Kat it's very possibly IB. You're not out till AF shows! In fact, I think it sounds quite positive. Hang in there. I am NOT symptom spotting but.... I do have strange tingle in BBs! But then again, I've had every symptom in the book before and BFN!
I have some brown creamy cm :( I am hoping it's just Ovulation spotting, can you get that 3 days after the fact? But I've never had it before even when on the clomid so I'm thinking the witch will be showing super early again. I'm just praying she's not here till monday or that the tinged cm goes away and is from ovulation as odd as that would be for me.

Good for getting some earlier!
Today is my CD 1 and I would love to buddy up! Have a few posts but not many followers.
Welcome Jessica. We're all in different stages I think with a few of us in the tww.

Kat anymore spotting? I'm still getting brown tinged cm but no bleeding yet. I hope it holds off but the spotting has picked up a little from last night. When I checked my cervix it was open so I'm not getting my hopes up that I wont start bleeding again in the next day or so.
Hi Jessica, welcome to the party :)

Oh boo, stupid cervix :( you never know though coz brown blood is old??
I just dont know its like just pinky tinged cm but not constant, i dont think its ib Mannymoo, its a nice thought though but think af will turn up soon, i have no syptoms at all, of either really!! Before i got pregnant my boobs would hurt right after ov so i kinda knew i was last time cause they didnt, on my first cycle after mc i had nothing so dont even know what to look for now anyway :growlmad:
Today is my CD 1 and I would love to buddy up! Have a few posts but not many followers.

Hi Jessica and other ladies!

Another sad day today, hoping for a BFP this cycle and AF wasn't due until weds but showed up early.
I had 2 MMC last year, first one was in April, second one in August... I have been hoping for my 3rd BFP since then!

I am now convincing myself I have pcos as I have most the symptoms so going to the docs next week to get checked out! We got pregnant quite quickly after the first MMC and now it just seems like I'm never gonna get a BFP again!

Sorry for moaning.. I'm on cd1 so here's to trying this month!

Moan away, everyone knows I do enough of it.

Kat I don't know what to think, I had spotting before last time to but it didn't drag out long and quickly turned to pink then full flow. With my cervix being open I know I'll bleed again soon, I'll be happy if it doesn't start till wednesday cause then my lp will have been almost normal but I don't think I'll make it that long, I don't think I'll make it past tomorrow without bleeding but it would be nice.
Hi JerseyBean :) feel free to moan away!! I think get it checked out if your worried about it, wont to any harm! Maybe your body is taking its time so you will have a healthy pregnancy next time :) thats how i think anyway xxxx

Kelly, im giving up worrying about it, if af turns up im going to try temping next time, do you start temping from cd1? How are things looking for the fet? Do you have to wait for your cycle to get back to normal?
Yes you would start with CD1. I can help you with any questions you have, I've been temping for 2 years now.

I need this cycle to be a normal length to do FET which is why I need to not bleeding till at least monday and ideally thursday. So far no more spotting. I'm going to check my cervix again shortly to see if it's still open. I keep running to the bathroom to check every time i feel wetness, it's getting annoying. I took my panty liner off since I've been spot free for a day now so hopefully it doesn't come back.
Aw thanks hun! hope it stays away for you then, i think it will :) I dont know much about the process really :wacko: do you think the clomid could have worked even with the bleed?
I know the clomid made me ovulate but I'm getting my blood taken Monday to find out forsure. Checked my cervix I had a bunch of tacky cm that was tan colored or light brownish but no more spottig which is fantastic. I should be good till tomorrow. Couldn't tell if the os was still open though and position is low which it should be after ovulation.
Hi all, am finally back in Uk..
Kat - does sound a bit like implantation spots to me..!! fingers crossed. i know what you mean about shift work/evenings/weekends etc, its really hard to do BD when your supposed to sometimes!
Kelly, i think you can pretty much get anything anytime really!!! so hope its ovulation spotting!
I think the hold for me has messed everything up, I have NO symptoms at all, am day 14 and normally would have CM, cramps and pos OPK by now...but nothing!! I dunno if flights and stuff can mess up your cycle??? Am hoping its all just a bit late, but if anything my cheaper OPKs with the line are getting fainter, and the clear blue digital ones are just always negative..I thought maybe I had missed it as i wasn't doing temps and opks everyday on hol, but my temp is still down...will BD tonight anyway and keep hoping!! XX

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