Hi all, am finally back in Uk..
Kat - does sound a bit like implantation spots to me..!! fingers crossed. i know what you mean about shift work/evenings/weekends etc, its really hard to do BD when your supposed to sometimes!
Kelly, i think you can pretty much get anything anytime really!!! so hope its ovulation spotting!
I think the hold for me has messed everything up, I have NO symptoms at all, am day 14 and normally would have CM, cramps and pos OPK by now...but nothing!! I dunno if flights and stuff can mess up your cycle??? Am hoping its all just a bit late, but if anything my cheaper OPKs with the line are getting fainter, and the clear blue digital ones are just always negative..I thought maybe I had missed it as i wasn't doing temps and opks everyday on hol, but my temp is still down...will BD tonight anyway and keep hoping!! XX