CD1 August 11th - wanna keep one another sane?

Hey girls, glad to see you all are about to catch those eggs. Littlestar I can't imagine how you've coped this long, good for you. I'm with you all on the crying, cry when its negative and I'll probably cry tons with my next bfp cause the stress has been so overwhelming at times and I'll feel a ton of relief, but then its the wait till i see the bean on ultrasound since I have history of MC's :(

I do admit I am a patient person in General.
I am thrilled I'm getting somewhere though :happydance:
I'm hoping now I've successfully ovulated that my cycle shoud begin to sort themselves out or I get my :bfp:

It's Scan day for my Bil's GF on wednesday, it will determine whether she's got one or two in there as midwife suspected twins. I've gotten used to the idea i'm gonna be an Auntie before i'm a mum.
Good for them but I know its probably hard for ya somewhat also. I've been on the flip side, my bro and his wife tried for many years and went through many failed invetros all the while I had 2 kids and several pregnancies that didn't make it, i know it was HARD HARD HARD on my sil! Thanksfully due to some more 'experimental' things they now have a beautiful baby boy :)
Thanksfully due to some more 'experimental' things they now have a beautiful baby boy :)

Im so entrigued as to what that was LOL

Lilstar theres patient and then super patient which i believe you are!

I was an auntie at the age of 7?? My brother got his g/f pregnant when they were 17 (my neice is now 19 and due in 2 weeks with her first lol) my brother came home and asked my mum that when she had finnished with my younger brothers cot could he have it... mum said " what for??" (prob expecting him to say to build a go kart LOL ) he said g/f is pregnant! I remember the night she was born and shes my fave neice :) cant wait to be a great auntie!! kinda off the toppic there lol

MY FIL is coming over for dinner tonight so ive hid my OPKs in the bathroom cabinet LOL normally they sit on the back of the loo LOL where do you keep yours?? im feeling good to day :)
mine are in the en-suite bathroom but my pee-cup is in the main bathroom as i tend to test in there but no-one else goes in our en-suite.

Bil & his gf wasn't trying for a baby, and they may end up with two! it isn't good timing for them either in terms of jobs etc but that's what life has given them.

Thanks CSmummu, I am Patiently waiting till i can test now, and i'm trying hard not to get too wrapped up or convinced i'm PG, if anything i'm glad i'm now officially 'working' in that department. i'm also sure this is the first time i have "o'd" since coming off the pill, though the level of cramping i've had over the last few months my body has certainly tried.
csmummu- " released an egg"
thats funny....cause it reminds me of what my hens look/ sound like when they lay a egg...
thank god we don't have to go throught that every day!!!!!!!! hahahaha
and thank goodness our OH are not as rough as the roosters when they "mount" the hen...haha
anyway .way off topic...but that made me laugh
csmummu- " released an egg"
thats funny....cause it reminds me of what my hens look/ sound like when they lay a egg...
thank god we don't have to go throught that every day!!!!!!!! hahahaha
and thank goodness our OH are not as rough as the roosters when they "mount" the hen...haha
anyway .way off topic...but that made me laugh

Chilly - you scare me.

can you imagine laying an egg for your hubby to erm ... lol (i know thats not how it works for hens lol)

Lilstar i hope your SIL only gets one if thats what they want right now. good luck to them and may i take a moment to welcome you "officially" to the department :) bless ya xx

kittie hows it going ?

I got my line - woohoo!
i'm totally over the moon - Fertility friend now agrees with my opks!!!!!!

Thanks CSMummu, i now feel like a normal person - when i told docs about cramps when we first started she assumed i was o properly but now it seems my body has been trying and having several attempts my chsrt has so many ups downs and fertile patches it's crazy. Lets just hope if i'm not pg this time that my cycles start to regulate.

JJF she was the only one who knew we were trying for a while and she felt bad for us - i try and ignore the bump but at 14weeks its really very noticable, for their sake i do hope it's one but two would be exciting but very tough on them - i hope to be pregnant before they arrive.
Woohoo...another one from this thread announced a :bfp:

Congrats Halle :happydance:
YAY for hallie !! Next??

DH said to me - "with all the extra effort we put in this month we should be" (pregnant)

little star - its amazing how much a line can mean!

You know when you get that pain in your hip/ tummy... well mine has moved down lol how odd! im excited about the fact i can "feel" my eggy moving LOL
oh and my OPK today only has 1 line not even a shade of pink in the second! i have well and truly O'D
YAY for hallie !! Next??

Me me me me! :rofl:

I wish!

Bah....I'm never first with anything. I even stuffed the egg and spoon race at school and came last cos I dropped my egg....Gawd, lets hope i don't do that while TTC! :juggle:
LOL what a strange analagy :) I hope you finish this race in 1st place :)

come here eggy :wohoo: ive decided im going to be niceier to my eggy im gonna give it something nice every day :flower:

I told hubby if this month isnt to be we shall be investing in beer and :sex: under the pier!! LAMO
I've tried a different tactic tonight....i told hubby if this isn't our month we're booking a snowboarding holiday! Considering snowboarding is the one thing I won't do when pregnant (I fall over - lots!) its probably a sure fire way for a BFP....and if not....I get a fab holiday! :D
Thats a great idea, I know Miel was going to get a new hairdo after her bfn to brighten up her outlook :)

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