CD1 August 11th - wanna keep one another sane?

Good Morning Ladies!
Another Congrats to Halle on her :bfp:

Lyns - Comparing the Egg and :spermy: to and egg and spoon race :headspin:

Today i'm 4DPO and my temp has gone up more!(36.83) i guess this is supposed to be a good thing. I do have a wicked sore throat/ small cough but i'm not feverish at all?!?!

Hubby has all of a sudden started to worry how we're going to afford a baby - before TTC we worked all this out but since then the utilities have increased somewhat and a few other minor things have been added to our outgoing ie gym membership. I hope he gets over it because it might be too late to change his mind!
Littlestar....I know how you feel. We were only saying last night that 'times is tough' at the moment and even having one child right now we are having to tighten our belts, but 2 would put more financial pressure on.

But, in all honesty I'd eat bread and water for a lifetime to have another baby, and there's very little thats needed that HAS to be expensive. Our income went down by 2/3's when I left work to look after our daughter (I had no choice - she had cancer and I couldn't get her into daycare) and yet we managed. You would....we all would, because love, the main thing they need don't cost nothing!!

Breastfeeding will save you a fortune as will reusable nappies. As and when you get your BFP (hopefully soon), I'll certainly be happy to help with any questions you have on breastfeeding as I'm a trained (voluntary) breastfeeding supporter and counsellor, and I can give you my experiences of re-usable nappies. Some are great and some not!
Hey littlestar we are cycle buddies again Im also 4dpo (arrarently i still think i might be 1dpo?)
Your temps doing some nice hiking!
Hey girls, glad to see yall are still keeping our little group (of 4, ha) alive. Like lyns said, its hard for most everyone to go to a one person income/have another child, but also like Lyns said, I don't like to base my decision on money only because in 6 months someone could get a raise, more money, new job, etc and of course the opposite could happen but I feel like why base a lifetime of happiness of another child on the next 1-2yrs of financial projection. Thats just me :)

Also if you decide to stay home, its 6 years of stress financially but when your little ones are in school all day you can go back to work and get your debt paid off, you know.
And believe won't need a gym membership once you have a buggy to push! lol! x
Glad everyone seems to be in a positive mood today \\:D/

I am 2 dpo and loving it!!! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone has gotten along today :hi:........ how u doing littlestar?

Have you tested today Chilli? :wohoo:

Don't know why but I am strongly craving a McDonalds bigmac burger???? :dohh: lol
wow a lot has happened in a day!

Hi all,

Lilstar - we are sooooo screwed this month money wise. were looking at paying off all of our credit early which would be a GOD send it would be nice to not have that looming over us. Ive also applied for a job :) my first since june? i got made redundant and if i do get a job it will be AMAZING money wise even if its just for 7 months but hey every little helps.

We are sooooooooooooooo cheap right now tesco's own bread.. to be honest i prefer it to ANY other!! xmas is great this year Pound shops are coming in VEEERY handy! :)

Im 4DOP and not really much to report caitlin is ill steve is better but has a soar throat as do i... *rolls eyes*

Kittie hopefully craving mac'ds is a good thing may i suggest bk though its gonna be better for you :p it could be that your body is needing iron right now. i was annemic with my first and craved burgers so who knows.

Good luck for tomorrow chilly xxxx
Big Macs's always sound better then they actually are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to test tommorrow..( needed a day inbetween to hopefully double some hormone numbers........ I actually looked at a 10 hour old test from monday before bed that night..and thought I saw a tiny blue I hope testing wednesday will give me a thicker line!
no AF cramps or spotting yet!!!! thats always a good sign....

Lyns........Bf is totally the way to go as well as reusable did you wash yours??? I have a washer but its for small loads and also on well water so not much pressure to fill....i do laundry in summer every 3rd day. Just wanted to use cloth instead of plastic ( As I recycle everything and cannot see myself fillign our garbage dumps full of plastic diapers)...but wasn't sure I could prewash and take to local laundry matt..not sure peple there would appreciate poopy diapers in wash!!!! haha
oooh Tammy, sweetie, that sounds promising! I'll be logging on very eagerly tomorrow to check your results!

Nappy washing - I had a very big nappy bucket (2 in fact) and soaked them lots before washing. It meant they didn't need as much washing, and could gop thrugh at lower temps still!

Sadly when Morgandie went onto chemo, we HAD to use disposables, and use latex gloves to change her - that was the worst. It has doubled my resolve to stick with reusables next time. So much more personal!
Lyns......thanks for the bigger cities whencloth first came out. There ws a service that woudl pick up dirty diapers and drop off clean.....great ide...BUT I love in country and no way can do that. Will just have to buy a new washer set and insulate that room!!!!!
I don't even know how much a pack of diapers cost...I DO KNOW how gross they look all over my neighours front yard!!!! they leave garbage out for their dogs and bears to go through.........gross.....
I DO KNOW how gross they look all over my neighours front yard!!!! they leave garbage out for their dogs and bears to go through.........gross.....

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you show them how its done propperly! Im so excited for you for tomorrow :happydance: i had a preggo dream last night :)

Lyns :hugs: :) im loving the fact you do BF work i know i found it hard when i first started out i felt like a total erm... word... im gonna go with willy. the midwife in the hospital didnt help much either.and i was 21 so i felt 100 times worse for being youngst on the ward.

You were so right about not needing GYM membership once you have a buggy to push i was really struggling today with caitlin shes SOOOO heavy! 2 and a half stone! (25lbs? ) im so ready to replace number 1 baby with a lighter model and put the heavy effort on a buggy board! (she only goes in the buggy in bad weather now so its not a lot shes in it)

we were in a store lift today with a baby in its buggy and Caitlin Was loving it! i cant wait til she has a little brother or sister to stare at :)

anyway i should get some sleep but im so in so much pain with my throat it kills i came out of the bedroom crying in pain :( taken some painkillers and its really helped! but its 2 am and the night is dwindling away *i wonder if chilly has tested yet LOL* come on chillys :bfp:
Lyns :hugs: :) im loving the fact you do BF work i know i found it hard when i first started out i felt like a total erm... word... im gonna go with willy. the midwife in the hospital didnt help much either.and i was 21 so i felt 100 times worse for being youngst on the ward.

Max, thats pretty much why I trained. When Morgandie was born I was desperate to BF and no one had time to help. The midwivess are meant to be pro-bf but they just dashed by my bed and said 'og, giver her a bottle, but don;t tell anyone i said so' as though it was Ok to do it if we kept it quiet? It took me 3 weeks and a lot of expressing to be able to fully breasstfeed her but ti was worth every second of the hard work, when you consider what she then went through and how i then pretty much became her immune system!

I'm a bit sad at the moment though, as, at 19 months old I think she's self-weaning. From about 3 month back I said i would give her the choice of when to feed and she's definitely feeding less!

But hopefully there'll be another LO along in the not too distant to take her place!
Aww i know how you feel lyns they grow up so quick. Caitlin self weaned her self off everything dummies (3 months) bottle around 15 months and now at age 3 and a bit shes weaned her self totally of naps! now i have a child not a baby....

... it also looks like i wont be having a baby this mont but a 21 day cycle I will be so up set if that is true. i wiped this morning to see some reddy brown blood i dont me a drop or two either. i couldnt believe it im in shock! i know when i was younger i had 21 days but as i got older it was 28 regular! now now im sad :(

COME ON CHILLY!!!!!! sending you all the baby vibes i have!!!
21 days! Are you sure it couldn't be IB?

3 years before Caitlin dropped naps.....OMG, Morgandie dropped them totally at 15 months. No wonder I'm worn out! Mind you she does sleep at night from 7.30pm until about 08.30am and usually doesn't wake, so I'm not really complaining!

yeah.....another testing day for Chilly today! Come on BFP! :dust:xx
My mum told me that when she had to clean really bad nappies she would hold them down the toilet and flush it before washing them - this gets rid of all the poo!!

Well I am totally confused today! I am on what I thought was 3 dpo but my temps went down (yesterday I was at 36.59 and today 36.41) this morning so FF isn't accepting my O day. I had loads of creamy CM and just now I have had some egg white as well. So really not sure whether I did O or whether it is a delayed O trying again.

Gonna try to get a BD session in tonight just in case. Has anyone ever had a fall back cycle??? Its something that keeps coming up on the web and not sure whether I may be having one of them.........
hey was another negative......I was surprised not even a faint smudge of colour.....I was nauseous last night for about an hour......So i will just wait it out to see if AF shows....
I had a 30 day cycle in july but they are usually 28 days or i will be officially late tommorrow.
time will tell..........
Well I am totally confused today! I am on what I thought was 3 dpo but my temps went down (yesterday I was at 36.59 and today 36.41) this morning so FF isn't accepting my O day. I had loads of creamy CM and just now I have had some egg white as well. So really not sure whether I did O or whether it is a delayed O trying again.

Gonna try to get a BD session in tonight just in case. Has anyone ever had a fall back cycle??? Its something that keeps coming up on the web and not sure whether I may be having one of them.........

My Cycle has had several attempts to ovulate, every time i got a high i thought great i'm ovulating then my temp went down up till right now (5dpo) i haven't managed to keep my temp up for more than two days.
I'm Back! (away for work last night)
Gosh! this thread got busy all of a sudden! it's great that we're still keeping it going.

I'm CD59 5DPO today and i have a stinking cold! my nose is driving me spare and i'm sneezing much more than what i consider normal for me (suffer with allergic rhinitus)
I can't take decongestants because of my asthma so out come the hot ribena and paracetamols. Temp was higher this morning, and today bil's gf had her first scan (midwife and dr suspected twins) thankfully for them she is having one healthy (surprise) baby.
im sorry chilly hopw she stays away and you get a late BFP :) xxx will post more later caitlin wants the laptop LAMO !

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