CD2, anyone with me?

You know the comment about your coworkers saying that reminded me of something similar that happened to me last month - While I was not on any vacation, folks at my work told me that I had such good skin. That was a bit bizarre becoz first, nobody ever told me that before and second, I have acne on my forehead which I generally dont do anything about ( I am more of a keep it natural girl with no make-up or coverups ;) lol ). So, I was pretty surprised when my co-workers complimented me but of course at that time, it didnt even occur to me that I could be pregnant, I just thought people are being too nice ! So, who knows, may be you are pregnant. I do hope that you are :dust: FX'd for you too, hopefully this is your month!

I do hope to ovulate soon but at the same time I am mentally prepared for a crazy cycle since after the miscarriage, I read it can be unpredictable, so lets see. So far, I have been getting negative OPKs but dark enough to make me feel that ovulation is around the corner. Not sure though, lets wait and watch.

I live in Washington state, close to Seattle. It is pretty rainy here but the leaves have just started to turn color. Its beautiful...!
Thanks! I'm not getting any hopes up though. Everything else with my cycle seems to be progressing as normal. The only thing that I found odd about this cycle was that on CD 19 I had this weird pain on my left side right by where my ovary would be. It hurt so much that I had to stop what I was doing, but it only lasted a few seconds. I thought to myself, could that be implantation pain? :shrug: Who knows!

I think I've mentioned it before, but I read on the Baby Med website that you are more fertile after a miscarriage for the next few months and that most women (85%) fall pregnant again soon after. Hopefully this is true for you!

The wait to O is the worst part of ttc for me. Even worst that the tww. At least in the tww I can get my hopes up symptom spotting and all!

I hear Washington State is beautiful! DH has been there for work. I would love to visit one day!

The leaves here are almost gone because it's been raining like crazy for the past few days. :( I can't complain though. We've had a really warm October for the most part.
Thanks Maddy! I am with you on not getting hopes up too much during the tww, that was the reason why last month I pretty much had an explanation to every symptom and looking back, that was because my symptoms were so borderline and I suspect that may be the miscarriage started off earlier than my HPT and thats why my symptoms were barely there!

Ya, I have read too that after a miscarriage, the likelihood of conception and sustenance of pregnancy is about 85% but then I also read that it can be unpredictable. Though I secretly wish for it, my brain tells me to stay on the ground and not keep banking too much on this. Still waiting for ovulation though, once that happens, I will be happy to know that my cycle has returned to normal and I dont have to go to the doc for inducing AF.

Yes, it is beautiful out here if the rain doesn't bother you much though lol. I know for some people that come here, the rain starts annoying them. We have 9 months of grey skies with constant rain, hehe, so that's understandable I guess. I love it here and have been living here for the past 15 years, so far so good :)
Arg, it's so hard not to symptom spot though!

So right now I think I'm 12or 13 dpo. I'm not sure though, because I didn't do any opks or charting this month. I know I got ewcm on CD 11, 12 and 13, so I am just guessing that I O'd sometime between these days.

Before last month I had regular 28 day, no more than 29 day cycles. My usual pre-AF symptoms are spotting 3-4 days prior, zits, and sore bbs. Except last month I had a 31 day cycle and NO symptoms!

I don't know what to expect this month. But cd 30 will land on Oct. 30th and I am trying to hold out to test until AF is late (of course I always say this and never do!)

I think if I don't get my BFP this month I will go back to charting though.

How are you doing? Any sign of O?
Whelp, it's back to charting. . . started spotting over the weekend. AF should be here any day. :( On to the next cycle.
Maddy, sorry to hear that AF got you :hugs: Do you always spot before AF though? Or is it a different kind of spotting?

I have finally ovulated and I think I am about 3-5 dpo though FF says I am 5dpo. I feel I may have ovulated on CD19 and not CD17, either way it doesnt matter for me as long as I am sure that I did ovulate :thumbup: So, now, the dreaded TWW begins....
Thanks. I was pretty sure I was out this month anyway, but I still had some hope. Once I started to get some usual pre-AF symptoms though, I was prepared. Usually I spot 3-4 days before AF and it came right on time. I went back to my normal 28 day cycle though and I got ewcm. This month I am going to temp and do OPKs just to make sure that I am ovulating when I think I am. Today is CD 2 for me though and I keep forgetting to take my temp when I get up! I set an alarm and everything! Oh well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow!

So happy to hear that you did ovulate!! I'll be checking in to see if you get any symptoms!!
Thanks Maddy! Ya, temping and OPKs are really helpful I guess, though sometimes it can make things more stressful. I hope you get your BFP soon enough, I will keep my fingers crossed for you for next month as well :) :dust:

I am about 6-8 dpo now. AF is due around Nov 7th - 9th, unsure because of the ovulation date confusion. One more week of waiting..
On CD8 here and we're testing SMEP this cycle, too late to join? :)
Welcome Destinyk! Not too late at all. I'm on CD4. I've hear about SMEP, but I don't know too much about it. FX it works for you this cycle!
Maddy thanks! In short SMEP (sperm meets egg plan) is starting CD8 you BD every other day until you get a positive OPK, then you BD for three days straight skip a day and BD one more time. I hope it works I mean youd think that's enough BDing to cover your bases :haha:
Hi Destiny, welcome to the thread :flower: I have heard about SMEP before but decided to stay away from it for now. Fx'd it works for you :dust:

How are things with you Maddy? Is AF all done and out now?

According to FF, I am 11dpo today but I think I may be 9-11dpo, not sure because I am a bit confused about my ovulation day. Nevertheless, I feel that this cycle is bizarre. I have been having yellow cm just like I did last cycle when I had a chemical and this time, it is a lot more, so much so that (TMI warning!), it is leaking onto my undies! I dont know what to think, I am too scared or worried to hope for something good. At this point, that is pretty much the only symptom I have got which is very different from my usual cycles. Right now, I feel that my cycle has changed after the chemical and may be this is what I should expect every cycle from now on, yellow cm every time I wipe. Other than that, everything seems normal. AF due sometime this weekend. Feels like this is not the month for me!
Shudknow thank you :) and yes at first I figured we'd BD as we like and then just step it up around Oday but I had so many + OPK last cycle it made me insane and we really didnt BD enough around actual Oday. I figured if all this BD doesn't pull through idk what will lol. Hoping the :witch: stays far away from you!
Hi ladies, how are you all doing?

Update from me - I have had quite a bit of cramping yesterday with some backache as well similar to cramps on first day of AF but not that severe. So, I was expecting to see AF this morning, but temp stayed up which made me test. And it was :bfn: After all the posts that I read online of people conceiving in the cycle right after chemical/miscarriage really kept my hopes up. I feel like I shouldn't have read so much :( I feel disappointed but trying to look forward to next cycle.
Shudknow, how are you doing today? Did AF come?

DestinyK, where are you in your cycle?

Sorry I've been quiet, I am in the middle of covering a colleague leave at work, so I've been a little busy.

I got a pos OPK today and EWCM - more than I've ever had since ttc! Just waiting until I can get home to BD with hubby!

We dtd on Saturday and hopefully will tonight and the next couple of days just to cover our basis! FX we can catch the egg!
Maddy I'm on CD18, when I plug in dummy temps for tomorrow and the next day I get CH for yesterday. I'm a little bummed we didn't BD the day before O but we did every other day so hopefully I'm covered! Hope your hubby is ready and you catch that eggy! I got a super positive OPK this morning, so maybe it was the tail end of my surge? Here's a pic, the test line was darker than the control from the very beginning of the test and stayed that way.

Wondering how shudknow made out!


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Maddy and Destiny, great to hear from you girls! Looks like both of you have either ovulated or close to ovulation which is great. Maddy, it is awesome that you are having more and more EWCM with every cycle. I remember you mentioning it in the last cycle too. Hope you catch that egg this time!

Destiny, whoa, I never saw a test like that. I thought "darker than control line" doesnt happen in reality but that's way too dark to miss which is amazing! I think BD'ing every other day is enough too according to what my doc says, so you should be covered. With such a strong opk, I hope this is your month!

As for me, I am on CD3. AF was bang on time for me though I thought that FF may have been incorrect about my ovulation dates. Seems like I should trust FF blindly. Anyway, now, the painful wait begins for ovulation. I started to feel that waiting for ovulation is more annoying than the tww. No idea how long/short this cycle is going to be, let's see how it turns out. Looking back, my last cycle was definitely different than all my cycles in my life. It resembled my chemical cycle so close that I almost thought I will get a BFP again. I started losing that feeling however as I got closer to AF due date. Anyway, trying to move on now. It has been 3 months of TTC so far and my doc told me to come visit him when we have tried for 6 months with no success. Kinda worried that I am 50% there on that timeline! :(
Shudknow ugh that dang witch, doesn't she know she isn't welcome around here?! You have a good amount of time before you have to worry, three months in TTC time is like three years am I right? :haha: I can totally second that EWCM thing I haven't had any since before BC :( I've been considering preseed if we are unsuccessful this cycle. Really hoping this is my month too, wish I would've pushed to BD that day though ugh! What can I do? Oh that's right nothing lol.
Haha Destiny...I agree with you! Three months feels really really long...I wonder how some women out here are LTTC, I really feel for them. Well, my doc said 6 months because I have PCOS and that kinda worries me but anyway, trying to stay positive. FX'd!

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