Sorry about the negative, Khigg, but hopefully you'll get a BFP soon! I had some BFNs with internet cheapies before getting the BFP with the ClearBlue Digital, despite their supposed better sensitivity. Fx that the witch will continue to stay away!!!
Have a great time in the Hamptons, jj!
I hope you will have a fun and relaxing time with your hubby.
Still no ovulation for me... I was very surprised to see a big temp dip this morning, not only because I thought/hoped I might have O'ed yesterday, but also because it is *so hot* in my house! Our A/C continues to only work sporadically, and yesterday it didn't seem to work at all, and it was a whopping 87 degrees in the house when we went to bed around midnight. Being so hot, I couldn't believe how low my temperature was this morning.
Strangely enough, I thought perhaps I didn't have the thermometer in my mouth all the way or something, so I took it again right after, and it was 0.2 less than before! Weird... Well, I guess I just need to work on being more patient. It's difficult to tell myself every day, "Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings, then," but I guess there's no other alternative!
Today is Canada Day, so we are having some friends over for a barbecue and then are going to go to an awesome little ice cream store out in the county later tonight. Should be fun! It's good to have happy distractions from ttc.
I hope everyone has a great day!