Thanks so much for the support!!!
Pretty much all along, I felt like I probably was, because I had nearly every single symptom I had before my BFP last time:
*Very easily tired
*Waking up sweating during the night, and getting very hot doing just simple things like working in the kitchen
*Sore and tingly nipples, and more recently, sore boobs/underarms
*Bloating and terrible gas (sorry for TMI, lol)
*Increasingly large appetite; recently, I'd finish my plate of dinner, and feel like I hadn't had a bite
*Some pulling/pinching/twingy feelings in the lower abdomen
*A huge pimple about a week after I ovulated (I rarely get pimples, but when I do, it's either at O time or during my period, not in between)
And, unlike last time, I also had a teeny bit of spotting about a week after I ovulated, and the next day I had some random pains in the uterus area. I am hoping that these were signs of a stronger, more secure implantation than last time!
I was starting to feel pretty doubtful last night, though, because my cramps were getting more AF-like, but that made the BFP even more joyous, since it felt like more a surprise!