CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Hey ladies sorry ive been MIA just been busy and not much to report. Im still waiting to O. My last cycle I O'd CD 19, which will be this Sunday so I told DH we have to BD as much as possible this weekend. My DH says im for sure getting pregnant this time because he had a dream the other night that we had a baby and then apparently a guy he works with told him he had a dream that we had a baby hope all these dreams everyone is having is true.

Melody- sorry to see you think its another anovulatory your temps i think your correct in saying u havent O'd yet. I really think you should request more tests to be done, like and ultrasound or HSG. One thing I've learnt is you have to push to get answers when it comes to seeing doctors about infertility. Im in Canada though so it may be different where you are.

Itsnowmyturn- sorry to hear you think it might of been a chem last cycle...i agree with you though about its better not knowing for sure. I wish I never got those BFPs when I had my chemical. It was so heartbreaking getting those positives and then suddently getting BFNs and then waiting days until i could get in to see the doctor to find out if I was still pregnant or not. Even with your Endo and long cycles the doctors won't do anything to help you get pregnant? Hopefully you wont have to wait the next 6 months because you will get your BFP before then.

Dragonfly-its still possible to have a LO end of December 2014 if you got pregnant around now or the baby came a bit early. Lol you never know!
Andi - I hope you O this weekend! Lots of bd'ing :winkwink: Love that not only your DH had a baby dream but a co-worker too, that's crazy! Fingers are tightly crossed for you.

If we get pregnant this cycle we'll have a December baby, and I'm still hoping we'll conceive naturally but we'll see how it goes.
Iv always quite liked the idea of a December baby and that is actually what I had hoped for when we started trying but I really wanted it to happen earlier. If I fell this cycle based on lmp baby wud be due the week before Xmas.

I havent been to the doctors to ask anything yet, I'm hoping that as i have endo and long cycles that they will just ignore the 12 month rule and do bloods to at least start with. No oh hasn't had an sa, I wud rather go thru all tests myself first I can't imagine how embarrassing it must be for a bloke to do it into a cup and have ppl inspecting it. I'm used to gynae n drs looking at my bits, iv had 3 surgeries where they've had to and numerous drs inspecting before and after lol iv lost count now, so I def think its less hassle and embarrassing for me than him. If bloods come back fine and Dr requests a sample I will bring it up with him n see how he feels but il cross that bridge when we get there.

I really cant be bothered with the whole checking cm and position this cycle, it doesn't make much difference tbh, I'm not even sure im going to bother with opks, I will see, if i do opks I will do them properly, do 3 a day and keep going unil they are completely blank so I don't miss surge but as oh won't get home till late and will prob be tired I don't no if we can bd right time anyway.

Let's see what this cycle brings, cd10 I'm probably just under a third of the way thru, hoping again for a shorter cycle, a nice 30 day one wud be good
It's kind of funny, I used to be against a December baby and joked with DH we would have to stop trying in March but now I don't care what month baby is born! Fingers crossed you'll be having a Christmas LO :)

Hmm, I think you're right, they may forget the 12 month "rule" and go for tests. Worst case, you just advocate like crazy to get tests.

I hope you get a shorter cycle this time around, and leading up to good news. All DH and I do is night time bd'ing because he works all day :(
Hey ladies :wave:

I've not been on for a few days. I was feeling rather down about it all. I stopped my opks and was about to stop temping when this morning I got my crosshairs! :happydance: It's a dotted line but beggers cant be choosers lol. Looks like I o'd on the second day I inseminated and I'm now 10dpo so fx!

Dragonfly - My drs app is on Friday, so that will 100% confirm things... i hope :wacko: I'm really interested to see if I have low progesterone levels. I'm really going to push for answers.

Andi - Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely ask about a hsg. I've had an ultrasound, that's when they found the cysts. Actually it was one of those internal exams with a long dildo shaped thing haha.

I've got everything crossed for you this cycle. So spooky about the dreams. It's a very good sign. :dust:

itsnowmyturn - You're so right. It really isnt fair of them to continue to let people try when there's obviously a problem. But hopefully I o'd this month. Good luck with this cycle hun. A December baby would be so precious! If you do end up going to the doctors I hope they take you seriously and don't fob you off. I really really hope you get your BFP this cycle :hugs:

How exciting Melody!! :happydance: Happy to hear that you finally got your crosshairs, my fingers are tightly crossed and it sounds like you inseminated with perfect timing. Best of luck at your appointment this Friday, that is good timing with your ovulation too. Keep us updated how it goes :)

AFM: My temps are all over the place. I swear the other two cycles I temped they were fine and at a regular pace but this cycle they don't seem to want to make up their mind.
Hi Ladies,
may I join your conversation?
I am on cycle # 2 with clomid, ovidrel and progesterone suppositories.
anyone doing this treatment?
today is my 1dpo, i think :) going back to my re only on March 31 for blood test
Im a December baby....never really wanted a baby in December either because I didnt want my baby to have to share it with Christmas but like you Dragonfly after trying for so long I just want a baby I dont care when anymore lol!

Hi PtiandRafa. Im not on the same as you but I am on my second cycle of Femara.Good luck to you!

Melody-glad to hear your crosshairs showed up! And that your tww wont be as long since your already 10dpo.Fx for you.

Itsnowmyturn-I hope you have a shorter cycle...30 days would be wonderful. Good luck!
So im pretty sure I O'd yesterday cause my nipples were super tender and sore. My temps are slowly going up unlike last month when the just shot up all of a sudden so no clue what that means. Anyway we have been BDing a bunch so hopefully we caught it. Now just waiting to see if those crosshairs show up. Oh and remember I said my DH and his coworker had a dream we had a baby? Well Sunday night I had a very vivid dream I had a baby girl and it was kind of funny because my husband and I were bickering at each other in my dream about the baby swing and how it worked lol
I no what u mean about the dreams, every night before af shows I get a dream that I'm pregnant, one time it was that I found out I was 17 weeks, one time it was that I found out at 20 odd weeks and it was a boy and another I found out with only a few weeks to get things sorted lol. It makes me feel pretty shitty when af shows because even though ur asleep u still feel those feelings of happiness u do in ur dream and its such a thud back down to earth when af shows
Ff reckons I'm 5dpo already!! Only on cd14 so wud mean i od on cd9!! I think ff is talking rubbish!! If it is right it means iv completely missed it tho because we didn't bd till cd10 for the first time in a few weeks. I can't see it being right though, who goes from a long cycle down to a 23 day cycle?? Plus my temps are what i consider to be my pre o temps based on past cycles so I'm not too worried, started opls today n they have some colour but not pos, I hope to see a pos on Saturday which will mean a 29 day cycle and perfect bd timing as we have more time over the weekend.

How things going girls?
Itsnowmyturn that would be odd if you O'd that early. However if you BD on CD10 then you still have a chance that you caught it. You have a higher chance if you BD before O, but if you BD 12-24 hours after you release your egg you can still catch it. That or FF could be off by a bit. Hopefully though you just havent O'd yet so you'll get more chances to catch it.

Afm FF says I O'd CD 20. My breasts have been sore since around then so I figure thats pretty accurate. My temps are rising kind of slow though so I dont know what that means. We BD CD's 16,18,19,21 & 22 so I think we covered our bases pretty well this time.
Hey girls,

I'm quite distressed today lol.

My doctor said my progesterone levels were low so I didn't o:cry:. We discussed the pcos thing again and she said that sometimes you can have it even without the blood tests confirming things. After running through a few checks it looks like I'm borderline pcos if there's even such a thing. I know I'm not oing, she knows I'm not oing but I still have to wait till around the year mark before anyone takes me seriously :(

I forgot to ask for my actual progesterone levels though so I will probably call them later lol. She's scheduled me for 3 more day 21 tests and want me to go back to see her in a few months...

As if that wasn't aggravating enough ff has moved my o date! :wacko:So it still thinks I o'd but apparently it happened on cd31. 6 days after I inseminated!! I literally have no idea what is going on with my body!!! If ff is right af should show in 4 days :(

Sorry for the rant lol.

Anyway Welcome PriandRafa :hugs: good luck for this cycle!

itsnowmyturn - I hope you didnt o that early. I'm beginning to think ff cant be trusted lol. Fx that you bd'd at the right time.

Andi - Lots of baby dust for this cycle. It sounds like you did a lot of bd'ing so you're definitely covered!

Melody - I'm sorry you didn't O:hugs:. Maybe you could call around to different doctors and tell them that you can confirm that you're not O'ing and are borderline pcos and see if anyone says they would be willing to take action now rather than waiting a few more months.

Andi - Looks like you bd on the right days with O!:thumbup: Lots of luck and dust coming your way and my fingers are tightly crossed!

Itsnowmyturn - CD9 sounds strangely early for O, bd'ing on CD10 could still catch it though if you have O'd. Fingers are crossed for you. It's possible to jump to a short cycle, I had that happen a few cycles ago.

Welcome PriandRafa!!

AFM: CD18; Cramping, left side aches and cm started up heavy today so I took a dollar store opk that I found out of curiosity. It might be close, it might not be :shrug: It's kind of hard to tell for me, I swear opks don't work. Picked up my Femara for next cycle! I'll be buying digital opks next cycle, but I still think they're a bunch of bs lol
Hi Ladies!!!!
Wishing everybody luck and lets all get pregnant already!!!

Melody, I'm sorry about what the doc said, and I agree Mrs. Dragonfly, I should call other doctors.
When my gyn recommended me to go to a RE, the RE took all the tests, on my and DH, and then we started with treatment. I dont recall he telling me my progesterone was low, but for this 2 cycles, I am using progesterone suppositories starting the day after BD. One in the morning and one before I go to bed.
Then, after getting a bfn I stopped on the first cycle, and am back now for the second. If i get a bfp, then I should use them for the first trimester. Not sure if is precaution or what......
But good luck to you and don't lose hope and faith!! It will happen!!!!

Mrs Dragonfly, I am on CD22, also feeling some cramps and some discomfort on my right side, just dont remember if I was feeling this at this time last cycle....But funny that even with the clomid, my side effects were completely different in these 2 cycles.

I never got a pos opk, and the nurse told me it is "normal" that most of women never get one, and since they tell me not to poas after the trigger, I never know exactly.....

Andy, we are on the same CD!!!!! When are you testing it????

Good luck and baby dust to all of us!!!!!
Melody- sorry to hear they wont take you seriously. Can u get a second opinion from someone?

Dragonfly-hope you O soon. Glad to hear your starting Femara next cycle... hoping it will work for you and make your cycles shorter.

Priandrafa- I usually wait until Af is late to test but i have a apt on thursday (CD 10) with my fertility doctor so I may test that morning just incase I get a BFP then I can let him know right away.
Priandrafa - fingers are crossed! Opks seem to be more trouble then their worth lol. But at least you had the trigger and got bd in so lots of luck and dust!!

Andi - I would be happy with shorter cycles for sure. Fingers crossed for Thursday! I need to follow what you do and not test until I'm late, I always say I wont but always end up caving and poas eary.
I'm a lil bit emotionally drained by the whole thing so I dont think i'll fight for a second opinion. Anyway, two more months isn't that long. It's just two more tries and you never know.... I could get lucky :D

FF took my crosshairs away yesterday :cry: I missed a couple of days temping so that could have made a difference but who knows. I hate seeing those bare charts, so depressing. I thought the Soy would have definitely helped...

Dragonfly - Opks are ridiculous arn't they?!! I've tried every brand under the sun on always get conflicting results. Apparently we all have a bit of lh in our bodies most of the time so you are bound to always have a faint line on the cheapies. You have to scrutinize them until your eyes fall out to be 100% sure.

I used the clearblue duel hormone tests this month as well as the cheapies and got a positive digital but negative cheapie so who knows :wacko: Even though they drive us crazy, we still buy them lol.

Andi & Pria - FX for you both. Lots of baby dust coming your way. Gl for 10dpo Andi, hope all goes well with your consultant.

I concur that opks are rubbish!! After iv used these lot I dont intend on buying anymore. Although i probably will end up buying some but only to confirm when I think I o, i duno will see. Ff still claims cd9 is o date but I no its wrong, cervix is high now and when it says I od it was low. We will see, il opk tomorrow.

Melody u shudnt have to wait so long, are u counting 12 cycles or 12 months? With how long ur cycles are u shud only have 1 left if ur waiting a year surely. I hope u get sometbing sorted soon, how can they exprct u to get pregnant alone when u aren't oing, its beyond me.

Dragonfly, great that u got the femara and that ur insurance covered it, glad its given u more hope.

Andi Fx for u to have a quick tww xx
I wonder why ff is sure you o'd on cd9. It just sounds so early. I'm having the same kind of problem but ff is saying I o'd later than I think i did. I hope it's wrong, just because you mentioned that you didnt get to bd around that time. Hopefully you o'd later.

Bloody opks! They're terrible, but what else are we going to use? lol.

I dont actually think it will be 12 cycles or months. More like 7/8 months (My doctor thinks I started ttc earlier than i actually did :haha:) They're just reluctant to speed things up because I have o'd in the past and I'm only borderline pcos. Nothing is 100%. But thanks hun, I hope something gets sorted soon too!
Melody- sorry to hear they wont take you seriously. Can u get a second opinion from someone?

Dragonfly-hope you O soon. Glad to hear your starting Femara next cycle... hoping it will work for you and make your cycles shorter.

Priandrafa- I usually wait until Af is late to test but i have a apt on thursday (CD 10) with my fertility doctor so I may test that morning just incase I get a BFP then I can let him know right away.

Hi Andi,
good for you you can wait LOL
I'm already getting impatient.
I have my appt on next Monday, the 31 for blood work. If it is negative, then I stop with the progesterone and AF should come right after. But for a fact AF will not come until I stop progesterone. But I just think I will test before Monday morning, just so I can prepare myself for the doc call on Monday afternoon.
If I get a negative on the test, I will not be as disappointed as I would be if I just dont test at home and wait until Monday afternoon for the nurse to call me.

Yesterday I was very nauseous and today I have heartburn :wacko:
boobies are VERY sore (sorry for the tmi), and I just dont know if I should consider all this as progesterone side effect, or that is something else into it!!! This 2ww is killing me!!!

Girls, how is everybody doing today? Hope you all had a good weekend

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