CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Ah andi I'm so pleased for u i can almost hear ur excitement bursting oit lol. The second one is def darker.

Pri ihave heard of sperm lasting a while if they found their way but I think it happens only when things are perfect so I won't hold out hope.

Melody hold on in there, u will get ur referral and everything will fall into place.

I got pos opk today so didn't o yesterday, maybe today or tomorrow, oh is too exhausted to bd today so maybe tomorrow but i don't have a good feelikg about this cycle. Maybe Il pounce on him in the afternoon lol.
Itsnowmyturn- im very excited today. Yesterday I was really calm. I dont think it sunk in yet till today when my line was darker. Im kinda mad at DH though because he told his brother and his mom when I said I wanted to wait till I at least have it confirmed by the doctor that things are progessing well. And Im pissed cause now I dont get to see there reactions. He doesnt understand why I want to wait but I just dont want to jinx anything. I would like to wait till my first scan but I dont think he will be able to wait that long without telling everyone so we will probably tell our family and friends Easter weekend. But i want to keep it off Facebook and not tell everyone I work with just yet.
Itsnowmyturn- yay for pos opk.BD as much possible!

I really hope it happens for all you ladies soon! If u guys dont mind ill stick around this thread to see your updates.
Andi - OMG congratulations!!:happydance: I'm so happy for you!! Please do stick around keep us up to date and keep rooting for us :winkwink: Sorry DH already spilled the beans to mil and bil but they'll still be excited for you and I can't wait to hear how the rest of the announcements go over Easter!

Itsnowmyturn - Hooray for a positive opk! Fingers crossed and get some bd in :)

Pri - Still keeping my fingers crossed for you, I hope that Monday will hold better news for you.

Melody - I know it's tough:hugs: Especially dealing with doctors, but you'll get there! You're going to get your bfp and I pray that it happens so soon that all this stress will be behind you.

AFM: 4dpo and super sore breasts with lots of creamy cm, but that's normal for me so I'm not reading into it. And I'm trying my hardest not to symptom spot this time around! But we all know how that goes:haha: I have an ear infection so that's the pits... I'm taking antibiotics and after this evenings dose I swear my throat feels tight, which sent my anxiety into overdrive. DH assured me if I was going to have a serious reaction it would happened already, especially this morning when I took it. Either way, I'm calling my doc tomorrow to ask for something else. My doctor said no more xanax for anxiety while in the tww and once pregnant so having my anxiety jump up like this sucks.
Andi - Of course you should stick around. I'm just so happy for you especially because I know how long you have been trying and how wanted this baby is. Awww poor oh, he must have been too excited to contain himself. I know what you mean though, of course you want to be cautious.

Stick little bean! :happydance:

Pria - Sorry you got a BFP hun :( But nothing is for certain. Please let us know what the doctors say <3

itsnowmyturn - Thank's hun :hugs: I'm glad you didnt miss your surge! I hope you get some bd'ing done in time. Aww i hope oh isnt too tired tomorrow. You should definitely jump him :haha:

Dragonfly - It's so hard :( I never thought it would be. Lol how naive I was. Thanks so much though :hugs: You and the other ladies definitely keep me going. Good luck during the tww! Lol we all say we wont symptom spot but we always do haha.

Aww hun I hope your ear infection clears up soon :( I agree with your oh though, a reaction to the drugs would have happened almost instantly. That being said, it must not take a lot to make you anxious now that you're not taking xanex. Its good practice though. I managed to wean myself of anti depressants last september. I'm very proud of myself but id be lying if i said it's still a struggle. But we're doing it for our future lo's. <3 <3 <3
Oh my Goodness, you ladies were on fire yesterday LOL!
Had to read about 10 posts today to catch up!!! Loved it :happydance:

Andi, you BETTER stick around!! we want pics for the ultrasounds, updates on pregnancy, gender, name, delivery hahahaha

So last weekend, before I got the bfn, huuby and I were talking how we wanted to spread the word, after we get pregnant. We are alone here in the US, our families dont live here.
I told him, that I would tell my mom and dad on the same moment, plus my bff and then stay completely quite for the 3months for then tell friends, work, facebook. He almost killed me LOL He told me he wanted us to do a shutterfly album and send one to my family, another to his family, pretty much with our love story, dating, wedding, anniversaries, and then end the album with a ultrasound pic!!!
I found it was the cutest idea ever, but my problem was to actually wait to to the album, have it ready, shipped, etc. So I decided to start doing the album ASAP regardless of getting pregnant or not, so the album is ready, just waiting for the fbp :yipee::brat: I wont be able to stay quite LOL!!!

Dragonfly, may your ear infection goes away soon, and yes, try not to go crazy over the symptoms, I must admit I did go crazy this month, so in a way, I'm glad I cut it short, even with a bfn!!!

I hope you jumped into him and you guys bd. FX for you!!!!!!
PriandRafa-Thats a really cute idea! Love it!

Dragonfly- hope your ear gets better soon.

As for me- I was a little surprised today because I had some spotting. But it was brown and seems to have stopped. I almost wonder if it was from implantation and is just coming out now. My line was a bit darker today so thats a good sign. Here is a pic of it from today.


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Melody - I think most of us walk into ttc thinking we'll get pregnant asap like all those high school stories:hugs: Well when I called the doctors office and told them I had anxiety but also felt like using my asthma inhaler they said that was warning enough to swap me to something else to be safe:shrug: Situational things like surrounded by too many people makes me anxious, but I'm proud to say I'm doing a lot better than I used to!

Pri - Haha, I swear I always have sooo much to catch up on this thread! Can't miss a single moment :) Your DH's idea is so sweet! I can only imagine how family would react looking through the book and getting to the pregnant section. Good idea on starting it now so at least it's ready to just add the pregnancy announcement and order:winkwink:

Andi - Your lines are beautiful!! Brown spotting is totally normal from what I've read through BnB ladies:thumbup:

AFM: Having some serious pains again down in my lower pelvic area, mainly on my left side. Maybe gas? Either way I hope it calms down, I was hoping to get a jog in today. Today's temp was down a little bit, but since it was taken 3 hours earlier than my normal I'm okay with that. 5dpo and it's crawling!
Dragonfly your chart looks really good! And like u said the drop could be from waking up 3 hours early...even so its still high. I hope this is your month but if not you get to try Femara next cycle. It only took me 2 cycles to get pregnant on it, so it does work! As for the anxiety i get it too. I hate crowded rooms and places. I always get really anxious when i go to a store and its busy.
Feelig pretty shitty at the minute, I od on Friday, the last time we bd was sunday so I'm out. this ttc is just too hard I have to go to ntnp for a few cycles, i just cant do it when we can't bd at the right time. Oh is too tired, I do shift work so we can only bd a few times each cycle before o.

It's mothers day today and its felt like a huge kick in the ovaries, oh made me breakfast as a happy soon to be mothers day which was lovely but I just feel like that bfp is sooo far away. For now Il focus on saving money, doiny my garden, growing my veg and looking forward to holiday. I will temp until ff tives me crosshairs then thermometer will go away, all signs of TTC will be hidden away until July/august cycle.

I apologise in advanced but I dont think il be on so much for a while, I feel like i need TTC/ntnp to be an after thought rather than being the main thing I think about.

Andi please stick around on this thread, I feel like we've all helped each other over the last 5 months (yes its been that long, i joined this thread in ky first cycle!!)

I have all my fingers and toes crossed for all u guys. I can't say I'm very happy when I see other bfp announcements but u guys truly deserve it, u have all been thru so many struggles, just promise u won't all leave me behind xx
Itsnowmyturn, I'm so sorry you felt horrible yesterday....
And I did not know Mother's day was different in England!!
I know how hard it is..
at my church last year on Mother's Day, they were giving a red rose to every mom. and then they gave me one, I started to cry LOL

You need to do what you think is best for you. We will miss you here, but please come back!!!! and you never know, maybe these months you will be ntnp, it will happen. They say when we least expect right?

Mrs Dragonfly and Melody, how are you feeling today?

Andi, when are you going back to the doc for ultrasound? Are all your numbers ok?? You must be in :cloud9: :) :) :)

AFM: I went to the doctor for blood work, but they have not called me back yet, but I honestly dont believe I can be pregg. and AF is already giving her signs, should be here tomorrow. But now... I dont know what to do.. well, I know, just didnt want to do it LOL
I went to my dentist for cleaning, and they told me I will have to remove a crown and put a new one. It is a very old one that is giving me problems. But, if I will do a treatment on my mouth with anesthesia I will not be able to take clomid / ovidrel this cycle... So I think I will have to skip April, and be back on May, whenever my AF will come again, since without clomid I am super irregular :(
So let's see.... I will keep you all posted....
Andi - I love your bfp! Gives me hope for starting Femara next cycle, if I must.

Itsnowmyturn - :hugs:I'm sorry you're feeling so awful. Do what's best for you, gardening sounds lovely and taking a break to ntnp is a good idea. We'll all be here for you and keeping you in our thoughts/prayers.

Pri - Fingers crossed no af tomorrow and your blood draw leads to good results:hugs: Sorry about the crown problem, that sounds horrible.

AFM: My temp is still lower than it was, even though I'm back to waking up at the usual time. Still above the coverline so I'm praying it'll stay there and we can get our bfp this cycle. Boobs are a little sore, but not as bad as they usually are, I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried.
itsnowmyturn - I'm sorry to hear you're so down at the moment but I know exactly how you feel. I definitely know about the stresses of timing things and missing o. I've been really low this month too, and it hurts a bit every time you hear of someone easily becoming pregnant. But please try to think positive. It will happen for you. I know it! You'll be holding you're lo before you know it. The other's are right. Now that you're ntnp, the lack of stress could mean you'll see that BFP soon!

Wish you all the bedt hun and you'll still always be in our thoughts. Lots of babydust for the next few months. <3 :hugs: <3

Pria - Im ok hun. Still no af. I'm on cd50 :cry: but trying not to let it get me down. Aww I hope AF stays away for you because you're pregnant! Let us know what the Doctor says. I also hope you dont have to miss a cycle of trying. Sorry to hear about your tooth :hugs:

Dragonfly - Try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done, but try to relax as much as you can :) FX this is your month!

afm: Like i mentioned to Pria I'm on cd50. I tested twice and both were bfns, and ff took away my crosshairs so it's definitely another long anovulatory cycle :( I'm trying to keep busy and not get depressed about it. Hope AF shows soon! x
Melody - :hugs:That's difficult that FF took your crosshairs away, I hope you did O, just maybe it gave the wrong date/doesn't want to tell you.:hugs: Praying you get answers soon.
Priandrafa-I dont know when my first ultrasound is yet. I have another blood test tomorrow. Yesterday may beta hcg was at 272 which apparently is good for 3-4 weeks so thats a plus. Hope it keeps getting higher! My next apt isnt until we get back from Mexico. Then im sure Ill know more. Im just so scared Im going to miscarry. Everyone keeps telling me it will work out but I dunno its scary after you've had a loss before. Im nervous about being happy about this. Anyway on a good note we decided to tell family and close friends. When I called one of my best friends who I have been close friends with since grade 7 i told her and she says "guess what, me too!" and I was shocked. This will be her third and I thought they were done having kids. We are both due around the same time so we are so excited to be pregnant together. Everything happens for a reason. What about you? Did Af show today? Sorry to hear about your tooth that doesnt sound very fun.

Dragonfly your chart still looks great! My fx for you that this is your month! And don't worry about thr symptoms I have been feeling pretty good, barely any symptoms and it happened for me.
Melody- im so sorry your on cd still surprises me that even with long cycles like that they wont do anything for you. Everything will work out eventually for you, hopefully soon.
Itsnowmyturn- Sorry its been hard for you. We all understand as we have been there too. Maybe ntnp is all you need. Take all the time you need. Good luck to you!
Bit of news, sil messaged me she found out last week she was pregnant, unfortunately she thinks she is losing it as heavy bleeding, going for a scan tomorrow. Made my emotions all over the place, while i don't want her to go thru the horror of mc and pray the baby is ok I still feel jealous that she got pregnant so quickly again. It's so frustrating.

Anyway guys the link to my journal is in my signature, I will keep popping on to update journal and read everyones updates in threads but minimal posting anywhere other than journal.

All signs of ttc are gone, put away until July cycle.

Baby dust xx
Andi - Have a great time in Mexico :) That's so awesome that your friend is pregnant too so you can have a bump buddy! I'm praying this bean is going to be super sticky and you won't have to worry:hugs:

Itsnowmyturn - :hugs: I'm sorry about your sil, I wish her the best. And I understand how you're feeling conflicted with it, I would be feeling the same way.

AFM: 9dpo and I keep getting af like cramps. Couldn't finish my run this afternoon because I got the side stitch from hell that no stretch could calm so I did a cool off slow walk and hope to try the run again later this afternoon. Not really any creamy cm to notice like I've had other cycles, I hope that I did in fact O :(
Dragonfly by your chart I would say you did O. Maybe there is no creamy CM like other cycles because your pregnant!

Itsnowmyturn- sorry about your sil. A while back one of my friends was talking about having another kid and I was so jealous and hoped she wouldnt yet. Then she got pregnant and miscarried. I felt bad for thinking that way afterwards. Its hard dealing with mixed emotions like that.

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