CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Hey can I join in? Dragonfly I believe I was on another thread with you months ago.

I have had long cycles since my chemical pregnancy in May. Found out after a 110 day cycle that I had PCOS. Right now my cycles are down to about 40 days I'm on CD17 and I'm pretty sure I haven't OV yet. Haven't really been temping the start of this cycle. With Christmas I decided to not bother temping since I was waking up at different times everyday.

Anyway Ive had no luck so far with doctors....process is just taking to long so my new year resolution is to get pregnant in 2014 and do what I can to get things going on my own like eating healthier and cleaner in hopes it gets my cycles back to normal. There is also a recipe for this fertility smoothly I came across...curious to see if I drink it everyday if it helps. Also want to try acupuncture. Anyone have any luck with any if this?

Good luck to everyone here!
Hey Andi, welcome! :)

I came across this thread when I felt my cycles were long (40 days). Nothing compared to being in the 100s but still.. I couldn't be sure I ovulated each month, but when i did, it was usually around cd27. I had also suffered with heavy periods and anemia most of my life. After an exam at the docs, they discovered i had cysts on my ovaries which most likely meant PCOS. So I know a bit how you're feeling.

I've had acupuncture before, which I would highly recommend. Although, I've never had it for fertility reasons. I have recently started taking a herbal supplement called Vitex. Since I started it my cycles have reduced from 40 days and heavy, to 28 days and much lighter. If you are frustrated by your doctors, you may want to look in alternative medicines like that.

Yeah i used them last one and got one pos but i had serious cramps 2 days before so if i get it again this cycle I think il just rely on cramps to let me no its on its way I'm using about 8 to 10 opks a cycle so if it goes on for ages il spend a fortune x

That's a way to do it, your body's cues I think are more accurate than sticks we pee on:haha: And they really jump up the bill because the 7 packs really aren't enough. I usually go through about 10 as well.

Hey can I join in? Dragonfly I believe I was on another thread with you months ago.

I have had long cycles since my chemical pregnancy in May. Found out after a 110 day cycle that I had PCOS. Right now my cycles are down to about 40 days I'm on CD17 and I'm pretty sure I haven't OV yet. Haven't really been temping the start of this cycle. With Christmas I decided to not bother temping since I was waking up at different times everyday.

Anyway Ive had no luck so far with doctors....process is just taking to long so my new year resolution is to get pregnant in 2014 and do what I can to get things going on my own like eating healthier and cleaner in hopes it gets my cycles back to normal. There is also a recipe for this fertility smoothly I came across...curious to see if I drink it everyday if it helps. Also want to try acupuncture. Anyone have any luck with any if this?

Good luck to everyone here!

Hi Andi! Yes, I do remember you :) I'm sorry about your chemical:hugs: Glad to hear your cycles have gone down to 40 days, it's still long but it's better than the longer previous ones - right? :)

I've done actupuncture for stress/pain and it really helped me relax and was nice, I'd say it's worth a try! What is in the fertility smoothie? I would be interested in trying these too.

Thats the link for the fertility smoothie...going to a health food store tomorrow to see if I can find some of the ingredients. I may have to order some online tho cause I live in a small town so it may be hard to find.
Wow, that smoothie sounds good and pretty easy to whip together! Although the bee pollen and royal jelly is curious. I've started taking Flax Oil since it's packed with omega's and good fats :)
Hey ladies, how has everyone been?

AF is due to tomorrow :af::nope: Lol. Does anyone else get really quiet and nervous right before it's due? I've just been sitting at my mum's in silence lol. I chose not to test this month. Thought id just let nature take its course.

I'll let you know :wacko:
Well I think I'm late ovulating. I'm cd 19 and last month it was 17/18 my opks never got pos but I only test once a day, they now have no colour in them at all but my temps are still low. Didn't both testing today because i only have 1 opk left. Was hoping for a shorter cycle this month amd that would be a sign that my cycle is getting back to normal but doesnt look like it is. Was feeling positive about this cycle to start with but now feel bad about it
Melody - Not testing sounds excellent, but hard. Will you be waiting until you're late? I get super nervous before af, and a bit emotional. Fingers crossed for you!

Itsnowmyturn - Sorry you're cycles are still being long, I hope that you O soon. Maybe wait until your temps do a change before using the last opk? Although, I'm not very good at temping advice as this is my first cycle attempting it! Fingers crossed fro you as well :)

AFM - Starting opk's last night, temps dropped and bounced back up and are staying in relatively the same range so hopefully I'm just O'ing earlier! That would be nice. Although DH and I haven't bd as much as we should be so I'm hoping tonight we'll get some time in just in case I'm going to O soon.
Iv be temping from the start but I do them at different times when I'm at work from when im not as I don't want to set an alarm for 630 just to temp, i just do it the first time I wake up, sometimes that's 7 others its 10, but I can usually tell even then if my temp spike has happened. I felt quite posiive about cycles getting back to normal as they went from 42 to 31 so thought even if they are 31 again its regular, but secretly hoped it would go down a bit more and go more to 28. Looks like this may be at least a 35 day cycle if I don't o this weekend.

Frustrating!! I have 2brothers coming over at the end of Jan and I was hoping if af was late i cud test before they came so i cud avoid drinking if pos but I might not even be late by then at this rate. Really wanted this month to be my month
Well I think I'm late ovulating. I'm cd 19 and last month it was 17/18 my opks never got pos but I only test once a day, they now have no colour in them at all but my temps are still low. Didn't both testing today because i only have 1 opk left. Was hoping for a shorter cycle this month amd that would be a sign that my cycle is getting back to normal but doesnt look like it is. Was feeling positive about this cycle to start with but now feel bad about it

Have you noticed any rise in your temp at all? Even a bit? I o'd cd14 this month for the first time in my life. I confirmed it with opks and o pain but my temp only rose by 0.18 degrees. FF wouldnt recognise it. You could have o'd but perhaps missed it as you're only doing 1 opk a day. But if you didn't, please don't get too down about it. Our bodies can take a while to sort themselves out :hugs: FX for this month hun! x

Yes Dragonfly not testing is super hard. I'm purposely staying at my mum's this weekend to avoid it. I have loads of hpts at home lol . I'll officially be late tomorrow. If i can, im going to wait till Tuesday to test :wacko: I just dont want to get a bfn then have to sit here depressed until af shows lol.

Aww I hope you o early this time. It's good that you've started temping as well. x
Did another opk today n was plenty of colour in it but not pos yet, no rise in temp at all yet, my pos o temp are normally around 36.6 and pre o 36.3 n today it was 36.1 even the first month I noticed temp shift. I guess iv just gotta wait n see, hopefully will be tomorrow or Tuesday then would have a 35/6 day cycle which I guess isn't too bad for a 3rd cycle.

Just wanna be pregnant already lol
Itsnowmyturn - With temping at different times of the day does FF still give you a crosshair to let you know when you O? With your opks and the small shift in temps maybe O is coming up soon :) Totally hear you on wanting to be pregnant already, I've been shopping for a friends little one who is turning 2 this week. Really wish I was shopping for my own than other peoples.

Melody - Haha, staying at your mom's sounds like a good plan! Fingers crossed you can hold out and that it will be well worth it with a bfp:winkwink:

AFM: Temps have been staying the same the last 4 days. OPK yesterday was quite a bit darker than the previous so I'm hoping this means O is for sure coming up soon rather than just being playful. Got a bd in this morning and depending how tonights opk looks we'll either go again tomorrow or wait a day.


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Mrs dragonfly, yeah ff still gives crosshairs and o line even though i temp at various times. Luckily for me my temp at 9 isn't much different to temp at 630 so I don't notice too much of a variety. I think o might be either last night or today. i will check my thermometer when i get home to check for rise (i take temp in dark and don't look at it untik after work so I don't wake oh up)
Now body, etop playing silly beggers and be pregnant!!
Lol myturn I feel like that sometimes. It sounds promising though. I hope you have o'd by today.

Same for you Dragonfly. As your opks are getting darker, you should definitely o soon.

Still no AF for me. I'm a day late today. I did a test last night and one this morning. Got bfns both times :( I started thinking that maybe i didnt even o and my cycles are going back to 40+ days lol. I got a bit stressed so I've decided to not test again for a week (if i can hold out). I dont feel crampy at all, just incredibly sick and dizzy :/
I wud hold out for as long as u can and save urself the heartache. I got pos opk today so fx for tomorrow
Yeah you're right. I shall hold out until af shows or a week has passed. Whichever comes first.

Great news about the + opk FX for tomorrow. :happydance:

Good luck to us all ladies. I want to see some BFPs!
That's my plan melody, wait until im a week late, although i think as soon as I'm late i wud just test, once i get it into my head there's nothin i can do to stop it lol. I think if im not preg this month I moght stop charting etc, until af, that way i wont really be day counting
That's my plan melody, wait until im a week late, although i think as soon as I'm late i wud just test, once i get it into my head there's nothin i can do to stop it lol. I think if im not preg this month I moght stop charting etc, until af, that way i wont really be day counting

I'm the same haha. I know testing causes me pointless stress and upset but I cant help it. Got another bfn this morning :( but I did book the doctors for next week. Hopefully, i can refrain from testing and just wait and see. Still no AF :wacko:

Charting can be a Godsend for a lot of women, but it would be interesting to see if you're more relaxed without it. So is that you officially in your tww then? :D x
Itsnowmyturn - That's good your temps stay about the same, excellent that you got your positive opk! How's today looking so far? Fingers crossed

Melody - Sorry that you're still getting bfn's, although I say you're still in because of no af. Hopefully you're doctor will be able to tell you what's going on next week, and if your O'ing or not for sure. Lots of luck:hugs:

AFM: Still temping, wish it would tell me something already! I had a almost positive opk on CD15 so we bd that day and the following, taking today off and will pick back up tomorrow. I wont be taking my next opk until this evening, but I'm hoping it's good:thumbup:

I'm also getting really bad cramps this morning, they almost feel like af cramps and are in my lower area. The other day I had aching in my right side and pains in my low back, today my left side is super achy. Hoping for good things!


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Well my temp wasn't up in general this morning but it was compared to the 2 days before. I'm still pretty positive i od though, opk was neg today and cm dried up compared to what it was. Temp higher this evening and I no it can take a couple of days for ur temp to properly show higher. I am now going onto 2dpo in the morning, I have a really good feeling about this month and im going to be crushed if af shows up. My oh keeps pointing at my belly and going baby...yes I said oh not a child lol....he likes to act a little silly sometimes lol. I think he's looking forward to being a dad one day soon even though it took a lot of persuading to ttc lol x

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