CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Hey ladies,

I'm also in my 2ww. I'm DPO 9 but no symptoms at all and I'm pretty sure we didn't BD at the right time. But I do have some good news! So today I had a doctor's apt with my fertility specialist. He says the hubby's swimmers are swimming normal:spermy:. Also the doctor prescribed me Femara so I will be starting that my next cycle!:happydance: so excited to actually try something different.
Hey ladies,

I'm also in my 2ww. I'm DPO 9 but no symptoms at all and I'm pretty sure we didn't BD at the right time. But I do have some good news! So today I had a doctor's apt with my fertility specialist. He says the hubby's swimmers are swimming normal:spermy:. Also the doctor prescribed me Femara so I will be starting that my next cycle!:happydance: so excited to actually try something different.

Wow 9dpo already!! Excellent news on DH's swimmers :) I hope that you still hit some timing and wont have to use Femara next cycle, but ether way you're moving in the right direction of getting that bfp.:thumbup:
Ur not out until af shows, sperm can be hardy things and iv heard of someone only bd 10 days before o ajd still got pregnant, apparently the sperm just sometimes lay dormant and then wake up when o happens. No symptoms are just as good as having symptoms, both cud mean pregnant or not pregnant.

I'm planning on telling oh with our magnetic scrabble letters that live on our fridge and hold a see through bag with a digi test in with the words guess what daddy I'm.... Then obviously the digi says pregnant. I also want to do him a baby grow that iv seen online, it says come on dad u can do this with arrows pointing to the arms and legs and also says arm arm leg leg lol. Going to order the stuff to do it, theres no way I'm spending £7.50 on a baby grow!!
Heeey :)

Wow, nice to see so many of your on your tww. I hope it's going well and you're not driving yourself mad symptom spotting lol. Loving the cute ways you guys are going to tell your OHs your pregnant. So sweet. I was thinking of making a video for my friends/family and singing a baby related song, then holding up the pos. I'll probably burst into tears before I could finish lol.

Still no AF but BFNs for me :wacko: I'm pretty sure it was either an anovulatory cycle or I o'd late and missed it some how. Either way, looks like my cycles have lengthened again :cry: Not letting it get me down anymore, but I'm still seeing the doc on Friday.
Wow 25dpo, maybe u just haven't ovulated yet. Pain that ur cycle has lengthened tho.

Going to tell my parents with a poem, and others with a picture of some sort
Could be. I was so sure I o'd on cd14. I had the temp shift and some o pain, but there are so many things that could have happened. I'm sure I'll gert the answers i need form the docs :)

Aww a poem, that would be lovely.
Itsnowmyturn - Aw that sounds so sweet :) I can only imagine how happy he'll be with either of those ways!! Ooh I love the word daddy lol:cloud9: Since I know I wont be able to contain it with hubby I've been thinking how we'll tell our parents! MIL has a shelf unit in her kitchen that holds all of her favorite pictures, special trip photo's and such - mostly of SIL and her but we bought a frame that says "Grandkids, it's the little things in life we love the most" I teared up in the store when I found it. And we plan to slip a scan photo in and place it on her shelf and see how long it takes for her to notice:haha:

Melody - I'm sorry you're getting bfn's, maybe you O'd later than expected or haven't even O'd yet? Either way, I hope the doctor can provide you answers and figure out what's best to get that bfp sooner! Keeping you in my thoughts so you can join us in the tww!! I may be driving myself crazy symptom spotting, and I must be because DH called me crazy last night:haha:
Dragon I saw this awesome thing online with a picture frame and it had a poem but i wanted to make my own so made one but can't remember what it said, something about not beig here yet but soon a picture wud go in.

I think Il do both things with oh, send him into kitchen to get something out the fridge then have he baby grow laid out on his part of the sofa when he gets bk lol
Aw both would be so cute :)

That's awesome that you made your own frame. I wish I was more crafty, I have tons of ideas but I never get around to actually doing them lol
No I didnt make the frame god I wish i cud make things look good. I just did the poem lol, well took ideas off another poem and add and change bits.

9dpo, 4 days to go.....cud it drag anymore?!?@
As long as I can avoid testing with fmu then i won't test at all. It's hard thinking that ky body knows but j dont and there's nothing I can do to change whether I am or not, its just there or not
When i got my BFP last May my husband was at work. I went to the store and bought a pacifier. When he got home from work we were just talking and I said to my dog "hey lets show daddy what we bought today" me and the dog went to the other room. I gave the package to my dog and said "ok now bring it to daddy" she walked over to him with it in her mouth. He just stood there looking at it, he didnt even take it from her, he just looked at me so confused saying "what?" a few times then he asked "are you?" and I was like "yep im pretty sure" and then I showed him the test. My hands were just shaking. We were both so excited. Its just sad that it turned out to be a miscarriage a couple days later. I cant wait to tell my Hubby the next time. I think after the loss and struggles to get pregnant it will be even more exciting.
I still feel sick, 4 days now. Boobs feel heavier/look bigger but aren't sore, nipples are more sensitivethan usual. Bottom of abdo feels firmer.
I really don't want to get my hopes up but I somehow feel different, its hard to explain. Part of me thinks im making a big deal of nothing and its all in my head.

Im goinh to assume if I am that I implanted on 6dpo and will assume I had a non pregnant hcg of 1 so I wudnt show on my tests until 14dpo which is Tuesday so I will try to wait.....gimme some willpower girls. I no i wud be more crushed getying bfn than af showing.
Itsnowmyturn - Oh lol, either way that's still creative! We're 9dpo together so my fingers are super crossed! Do your boobs feel different? I guess firm would be the word I'd use - I think my boobs are more firm but DH says hes not sure and that they just feel great:dohh:

You can do it! You can hold out until Tuesday!! Or at least Monday :) The weekend is nearly here and testing day will be here before we know it.

Andi - That is an adorable way to tell your husband! I wish my dog was that trained:haha: I'm sorry for your loss, when you get your bfp this time I hope that it's stickier than super glue!

AFM: Now that I'm sick with the flu I don't feel as driven to test early, is that strange? My boobs definitely feel firmer. I also thought my lower abdomen felt tighter, but that might be from coughing so much... Feeling a bit bummed that I wont have a temp for my chart today, I'm so sick I didn't get a wink of sleep.
Dragon they felt firmer earlier but they don't now. I have gone off certain foods too, I used to love these mini cheesecakes and iv just thrown half in the bin and iv had a big bar of chocolate next to me for almost a week, that wud have usually lasted 2 days max!! I'm really tired too its not even half 9 and im in bed, but again tiredness is nothing new for me with chronic fatigue n sleeping disorders that stop me getting refreshing sleep.

This is the first cycle that iv actually thought I might be. To top it off my brother posted his gf scan picture on fb today n announced it to everyone else. I really hope they aren't having a girl, i will be so upset. I no it sounds weird but i want to have the next girl. They strted trying the same time as me and fell straight away so thy have beat me to that. weve had no girls since 2009 so I really want to have the next one but i can see it now, in 8 weeks they are going to say were having a girl, I will feel so resentful and that's not nice. I just hope I'm pregnant before then.

Melody any sign of af or bfp yet??
Dragon where in the world are u. i will do u a deal, if u hold out until Monday I will too and then we can decide whether or not to test monday or Tuesday. We can keep each other going over the weekend. Are u having any other symptoms?? X
I think this is your cycle too :) You did a lot to ensure it and it's going to work out. We're getting bfps!! When I see announcements about pregnancies I get pretty upset too and don't handle them very well. I hope that you'll get your little girl!

I've read that the men is what determine the gender and you can sometimes predict what you'll have by what gender comes from the mans family. I don't know if it's accurate or not, but if it is we'll probably get a boy first :)

We're trying over here in Washington state :) Seeing your location, we've got a bit of a time difference, but I will try my best to hold out until Monday with you! My only symptoms seem to be lots of creamy cm and firm boobs, odd sensations in my lower abdomen today but that might be because of how much coughing I did through the night. Any new symptoms for you?

Melody - How we doing?
I think the family determined gender is wrong, in my family we've always done alternate generation. my grandparents gen was mostly boys with 2 girls, the next was all girls, the next mostly boys with just me so we were expecting a gen of girls but weve currently got 1 girl and 3 boys. My oh only has a sister so one boy and one girl so I don't no how mine will go. Il take boy girl twins and be the first to have twins haha.

Bfp thoughts for all of us!! I think as it gets closer to Monday I'm finding it easier because im thinkig well I might as well wait now. I just have to stay strong over the weekend. I'm starting to feel like the symptoms were partly in my head and partly pmt so im expecting af to show
Well, it is just a theory :) Oh gosh, the thought of twins scares me lol, I there aren't any in either of our families so unless my ovaries decided to team up I'm hoping to be blessed one at a time haha.

This weekend will fly by for both of us! Lots of luck and dust to us all! Bring on new year pregnancies :)
AF just showed. It was earlier then i expected according to my chart I thought I was only on 12dpo Cd 37...unless I had a shorter luteal phase. Anyway now on to my first Fermara cycle!
:hugs: I'm sorry Andi. But now you're starting up Fermara, I hope it brings you your bfp!!

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