CD5 1/12, looking for buddies!!


Mommy to Addison <3
Jan 10, 2012
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So today is CD5 for me so I'm looking for some buddies for this cycle! Still waiting for af to get lost so I can get to ovulating, this is our first offical month of ttc but we have been ntnp for almost 3 years, hoping this is our month to get a :bfp:...this is also my 1st month of BBT and OPK's so this should be quite an adventure, whose with me!?!? :hugs:
Hey There! :flower:

Today I am on CD 8, I am also waiting to O, That
doesn't normally happen until about CD 16/17. So it's
still too early! This month I am going to follow the
SMEP, I have read about it on here. We also use Pre-seed.
Anything to help boost our Chanes!!!

Good Luck!!!:thumbup:
hi Crystal & Jai! can l join you on cd8 today, so just 1 day ahead of u Crystal. been ntnp since march 2011, ttc for 6 months now. hoping the 7th month brings all the luck. will be using preseed & opk.might use the smep. have a 30 day cycle , so ov around 16/ Jai looks like we have similar cycles.
hope this is the month ! lots of baby dust.
I'm so happy you replied!! This is out first month offically ttc we were ntnp for prett much three years and just recently found out I have some issues you can read more on that on my journal that I just started have no idea when I will be ovulating this is my first cycle using metformin to try and regulate it, what is SMEP? My birthday is Jan 26th wouldnt finding out we're pregnant be the best gift :happydance: since we are just starting all of this I'm not getting my hopes up too high of concieving so soon but a girl can dream right? :winkwink: lots of baby dust to you both, maybe thismwill be the start ofmour lucky thread:thumbup:
hi Crystal. l actually got it wrong , today is cd8.and guess what my birthday is on the 25th of jan. SMEP , is when u BD every other day from cd8, Bd 3 days in a role from the first day you get a +opk, skip one day and BD the next day for good luck. google it up for more info.
will check out your journal.hope the metformin will help. GL !
Hello ladyf & CrystalMarie!:flower:

How are you ladies doing? Im doing good. Today is CD 10, I will probably start
POAS tomorrow maybe. Even though it probably wont be positive until CD 16/17. I will start easy just in case. SMEP, says to start POAS on CD10, but tomorrow will be fine. We BD, CD 8, so just got to make sure I do this every other this week. Shouldn't be a problem. I hope! LOL
Oh and Smep stands for Sperm Meets the Egg Plan.

Well just checking in on your two. Enjoy your Day :thumbup:

Im not too shabby, would be better if the packers wouldnt have just lost but theres always next year!!

I started POAS already and will continue to until Im sure I've ovulated and I think I might give that SMEP a try!! I really hope I ovulate on my own this month....if not I go back to my OB on the 31st and I will talk to her about starting clomid....

Thats so exciting that all 3 of our birthdays are so close together, I hope we can all get our BFP for our birthdays!!!!

Keep me updated on how you guys are doing!!
hey Jai & Crystal!
will start to POAS from cd 12 , l usually get a +ve opk around cd16/17 as well so am trying not to stress too much so am just going to relax :coffee: for now. l have just added grapefruit to my tools to improve my cm. the taste of grapefruit is just horrible ...but anything to get that BFP.will be using preseed from cd12 as well. started the Bding so hoping to keep it going according to plan, although DH wants some!it's cd9 love!l might be generous...will!
oh, yes a BFP for a birthday pressie will be just perfect.
l have bloods booked to check is l am ovulating around cd21.hope all is well.

what other things are you ladies using - mooncups? anyone charting?
all the best for this cycle ladies ....lots of baby dust
Hello & Good Morning Ladies, :flower:

Im in a rather good mood today. :happydance:Im glad I dont have to
take anymore of the Clomid this cycle. I finished it on
Saturday. I get bad headaches while I am on it,
and it's just so hard to focus at work when my head is
killing me. So Im glad to start this new week off feeling good.
Today is CD 11 for me, I am planning to start POAS tomorrow. (CD12)
We started BDing on CD 8, then on CD 10. I know he will want some tonight,
Im going to try to have a "headache" or something. LOL. So I can continue suit with every other day until the + OPK. We shall see how that works out.
I do not chart. I only use OKP's, Clomid, Pre-seed, and pre-natal vitamins.

We are all pretty much very close in our cycle and our Birthday's. How old are you and your DH? ME: 28 DH: 33
Well have a good day, TTYL
Hey everyone. We have been trying for over a year and half, this is my first cycle on medication and will be doing IUI this month too! Anyone else doing IUI this month?
Hello ChristineGG!
I've not done an IUI just yet. Im currently taking Clomid though.
Ive also been TTC for over a year.
When are you scheduled for your IUI? Good Luck! Keep us posted! :flower:
Hi Jai Me!
I'm currently doing follistim injections, tonight will be my 4th injection and I will inject until Thursday then off to the ER for the ultrasound and bloodwork Thursday am. Depending on the ultrasound and bloodwork they will decide when the IUI will be. I learn as each day comes, I wish I knew more :wacko:
How long have you been on the clomid?
Well Good Luck!:thumbup: The things us Women go through just to get pregnant! Sheesh!
Its exhausting!:wacko:
I started Clomid in November, this is my third cycle using it.
My cycle were all over the place after stopping BCP in August 2010.
Since I started the Clomid in November I have had consistent regular 30/31 day cycles. Im not sure how many more months I will be on this medicine, I think my OB said 3-6 months. So here I am on the third one, They say the third times the charm. Just hoping and praying!!!

Again Good Luck, and keep me posted. I have heard great sucess with IUI's.

Jaime I know, I always thought that I would decide to get pregnant and bam it would happen....not the case :pop: I'm glad your cycles are becoming regular :happydance:
Good luck and keep me posted!
Hey ladies!!

Welcome Christine and good luck with your IUI this month!

Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm for you Jai, if I'm not ovulating clomid will be my next step as well

Ladyf I hope you get good results on your blood test, hopefully you are ovulating and if not I'm sure they will be able to get it going for you!

Just thought I'd check in, today is CD9 patiently waiting for the days to pass by hopefully to ovulation but if not at least to af so I know for sure if I'm ovulating, I am charting this month, this is my first month charting and boy is it a pain in the ass lol...ever since I started taking my temps I havent been able to sleep, no idea why?! I just keep waking up over and over again, makes for a bad nights sleep :coffee: DH and I started :sex: last night and I hope we can do it at least every other day but if this exhaustion keeps up its going to be pretty difficult lol I thought about trying soft cups but I think BBT OPK metformin and prenatals are enough for our first month trying, maybe next month.

DH is 24 and I'm almost 23, we own our own home and have 2 crazy dogs and a cat we just got married this past June and both sets of my parents (my parents are divorced) are very pushy with wanting grandkids, my mother told my husband that she would pay for her part of the wedding but only on the condition that I would be pregnant within the year after our wedding lol he thought she was kidding, which she partially was its not like she would make us pay her back but man can she be a nag which can be frustrating because we are trying but we can only do it as fast as our bodies will let us and mine just is not cooperating, she knows about the issues and that we are trying to concieve but we havent told anyone else. I think DH's parents would rather not know anyway they are the exact opposite of my family, very conservative, and I think they would rather we waited until we were 30 but I'm sure they will be happy for us when the time comes...

Now that Ive finished my little rant baby dust to all of you, look forward to hearing from you!!! :happydance:
Thanks Crystal!
If you have an iPhone they have some app's that you can chart with. You guys are both young so you have time :winkwink:....I'm sure the extra pressure from your mom isn't too helpful :nope:
I have my fingers crossed for you :dust:
Hello Ladies!!:flower:

How is everyone doing? I am doing great, feeling good today. I am trying to plan a trip to go back home to visit my family in Maryland, so I'm super excited. I miss everyone sooo much! It sucks being so far away from your family. Sometimes it has it's benefits, but most of the time I wish I was closer to them. I feel like I am missing so much. :cry:

I totally understand how you feel about being pressured some Crystal Marie, My Grandparents on my moms side both have bugged me about it since we
got married 3 years ago! My Grandfather wants to see me have a child before he dies, that's what he tells me. WTH!? He will be 80 this March. Most my entire family knows how badly I want a child and that it hasn't happened as quickly as I would have liked. I am very close with my mom and I tell her everything. My sister in-law is like a sister I never have, so I also share alot with her, she is very supportive. Also my Aunt and I are very close and I couldn't leave her out. So it's not a secret in my family, at least with all the women in my fam.

I would have got started sooner than later but I was waiting on the heads up from my DH. He thought that as soon as I stopped BCP, that I would get pregnant. Once he gave me the Ok, I have been a mess since then. I feel like I am so close, I can taste it at times. Other times I feel like it will never happen. So that's why I joined this forum, I needed to hear other's sucess stories and other ladies troubles.

My husband & I also own our own home, that we bought 3 years ago. We have two annoying cats that are lazy and overweight. I work as an Office Manager for a busy Family Doctor, and DH is an Estimator for a Collison Center. We have been together for over 9 years and married only 3 of those years. He is def my soul mate, and I thank god for him everyday!

Today is CD 12 for me. I am planning to start POAS today until I get the +. We BD Sunday, skipped last night and will DTD tonight. I am glad that I have been so busy these days, it makes my thinking time limited. LOL.

I know once the TWW starts I will turn into a crazy women, but I am going to try to "Relax" as best as I can. I try to remind myself that it doesn't do me any good worrying myself to death. It just sometimes it's hard to turn that switch on and off.

Good Luck to all 3 of you ladies! Baby Dust x 3 :baby:
Just sayin' Hey! How are you ladies doing????:flower:

Im doing good, just waiting to O here very soon. Today is CD 14 for me.
Im still following the SMEP, so tonight we will be gettin' busy! I started POAS yesterday because I totally forgot to the day before that.

Well hope you all are doing well!

Happy Baby Making!
Jai I'm glad to hear your doing well!

I am pretty good havent gotten a posotive OPK yet but today is my 2nd day of a temp spike and I thought maybe I was feeling some cramping yesterday but I am not sure if it was actual ovulation cramping or if it was just all in my head, I think we all know how that goes, our bodies are sooo good at playing tricks on us lol I havent had any ewcm but have had a constant( TMI) wet feeling that started on Tuesday since I havent had a regular cycle in so long this is more frustrating then not :wacko: Dh and I :sex: CD 8 10 11 and today is CD 12 I will continue with the OPK until I get a posiive or until my chart shows that I definately ovulated but either way DH and I will continue to BD every night until I'm sure I O'd :happydance: maybe once I get a handle on my cycles we will try thr SMEP or maybe this will be our lucky month and I wont have to worry about it anymore :thumbup: haha

Good luck ladies baby dust to you all!!
Hello Ladies!!:flower:

How is everyone doing? I am doing great, feeling good today. I am trying to plan a trip to go back home to visit my family in Maryland, so I'm super excited. I miss everyone sooo much! It sucks being so far away from your family. Sometimes it has it's benefits, but most of the time I wish I was closer to them. I feel like I am missing so much. :cry:

I totally understand how you feel about being pressured some Crystal Marie, My Grandparents on my moms side both have bugged me about it since we
got married 3 years ago! My Grandfather wants to see me have a child before he dies, that's what he tells me. WTH!? He will be 80 this March. Most my entire family knows how badly I want a child and that it hasn't happened as quickly as I would have liked. I am very close with my mom and I tell her everything. My sister in-law is like a sister I never have, so I also share alot with her, she is very supportive. Also my Aunt and I are very close and I couldn't leave her out. So it's not a secret in my family, at least with all the women in my fam.

I would have got started sooner than later but I was waiting on the heads up from my DH. He thought that as soon as I stopped BCP, that I would get pregnant. Once he gave me the Ok, I have been a mess since then. I feel like I am so close, I can taste it at times. Other times I feel like it will never happen. So that's why I joined this forum, I needed to hear other's sucess stories and other ladies troubles.

My husband & I also own our own home, that we bought 3 years ago. We have two annoying cats that are lazy and overweight. I work as an Office Manager for a busy Family Doctor, and DH is an Estimator for a Collison Center. We have been together for over 9 years and married only 3 of those years. He is def my soul mate, and I thank god for him everyday!

Today is CD 12 for me. I am planning to start POAS today until I get the +. We BD Sunday, skipped last night and will DTD tonight. I am glad that I have been so busy these days, it makes my thinking time limited. LOL.

I know once the TWW starts I will turn into a crazy women, but I am going to try to "Relax" as best as I can. I try to remind myself that it doesn't do me any good worrying myself to death. It just sometimes it's hard to turn that switch on and off.

Good Luck to all 3 of you ladies! Baby Dust x 3 :baby:
That's awesome that you are going home to see your family! I bet that's hard having them live far away :hugs:
What is the length of your normal cycle?

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