Its a personal thing. Some people find it traumatic. Its not rape, no, but its something a person has gone through that is theirs and theirs alone if they choose for it to be. Sex is personal. Family is personal. We have no right to lay claim on the private experiences of any celeb.
Some of them will come out and say Yes, I had fertility treatment whereas others would rather keep their children, and how their children are conceived, out of the public light. Its only fair that they are allowed to do that without being criticised for it. If they WERENT famous theyd be allowed to keep it private after all without being criticised.
Its none of our business. Yes, they choose to be in the public eye but at the end of the day its just their job. Just because they are famous does not give us the right to decide what they should or should not do. Every person, famous or not, has the right to privacy. We may lay claim to their movies, their music, but we should allow them their freedom in their personal life.
Its not about hiding it in shame. For a lot, its about keeping their private lives private. They have every right to that. It might not be about being imperfect. It might just be that it truly is none of our business.
As for a responsibility to be a positive role model or whatever, its a side-job, perhaps, but its not a requirement. Live and let live, I say. If they want to share it, so be it. If they dont? Entirely up to them
Yes celebrities are entilted to some private life, yes its traumatic, we all know that, your kinda missing the point though when you say if they WERENT famous, HUN they CHOOSE to be famous and for them they are lucky to have a dream job, earning LOTS of money (from us may i add!!!), should they not want to pay something back for that privallidge????!!! You seem to be thinking i am INSISTING they all share their stories?? I never said that! I just said i find it annoying that they dont, it's my opinion and its not something that i would do personally in their position. Their position is much more influential than OURS who are not in the public eye. Celebs have more influence, more power, and more social responsiability, they should take that position with pride and realise they can change things, and help others, although many are too selfish to think about doing so and thats how they got to the position in the first place!!!
It's another thing altogether to completely deny the use of IVF, like it's some failing on their part as women or man or couple to admit they needed help. That really upsets me as it perpetuates the belief that IVF is something to be hidden!!! Its nothing to be ashamed of, although celebs hiding it or denying it make us all think it is.......why do you think many of us are not willing to share our pain with family and friends..... well, thats because deep down WE are embarrased, we feel as though we have failed!!! Celebs can help us change that, so other people in the future DO NOT feel like that, because the IGNORANCE surrounding infertility will be LESSENED due to everyday people reading how common it is, in everyday media, instead of being slightly shocked at 1 celeb out of 50 admitting, YES, they needed help!!!
Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman both denied they used IVF to become pregnant. Why? Does that mean all us people having to use IVF / ICSI or treatments are shit, failures and a lesser mortal! NO!!! but they must think we are as they are ashamed to admit they needed help!
Like i say, they choose to be in the public eye and are all to happy to take money out of OUR pockets to pay for their luxery villas, and their 18 IVF treatments, when many of us struggle to pay for even ONE!! So have they a total right to privacy?? Debateable!! Besides i never said they should BE MADE to tell their story, i said it would be nice if they did and it annoys me somewhat they so many are ashamed / unwilling to do so for whatever reasons, yet they will be in the next issue of HELLO, promoting their new single and selling their baby photos and showing off their massive mansion, bought by the way, with the money WE pay to read the magazine in the first place!!!
I would like to think that I would be kind enough to think of others and share my story, particularly as it might give some people hope and make them feel less alone and particularly since many of those people had put me in a special position of power and influence giving me the ability to change public perception of infertility!!!