Celebrities and IVF and a RANT


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2008
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Rant alert!

Ok if i were a celebrity or part of a celebrity couple, once i had successful fertility treatment, i would make sure that people new i had help. At the end of the day i would know that there are so many people out there going through the same problems that i did, i would know that it would help, encourage, and inspire others reading my story of success and that infertility is common and can happen to anyone! So why do celebrities hide it? I mean i understand why they keep it secret during treatments incase of failure etc, thats fair enough, but after success, not sure i understand! Its such a shame they dont share their stories with us meer mortals! Some even deny it when it is pretty obvious which makes people like us feel we should be ashamed some how!

Rant over!
What celebrities have done IVF, just curious...
**Gabby logan who is open to discussing it :) https://www.babyworld.co.uk/celebrity/interviews/logans.asp

**Claire Nasir GMTV weather girl just admitted it :) https://www.mamafeelsgood.com/blog/...v-weathergirl-clare-nasir-pregnant/200907625/

**David and Courtney Cox-Arquette
** Nicole kidman
** Trinny Woodhall
** Sharon Stone
**Brad and Angelina admit it although was apprently not for infertility reasons but wanted a quick family!
Mariah carey https://geniusbeauty.com/celebrity-gossip/mariah-carey-is-willing-go-ivf/
**Many more here https://www.nobabyonboard.com/moviestv.html

**AND for the naughty ones like j lo who deny it god forbid she isnt seen as perfect:

Google IVF and celebrities and you will find more :) Yet it seems hardly anyone knows as they keep it quiet. I even read an article about any celebrity having a child over 40 is extremeley likely to have had help of some sort and if in late forties has more than likely used donor eggs!!! https://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,24359180-5005941,00.html
I guess people don't like bring labelled failures, the media are only nice if you are their darling! Claire nazir from gmtv had fertility treatment and obviously jamie and jools over. But then she also wrote a book about her fertility struggles! Rumours have it that marcia cross from desperate housewives and jennifer lopez both had fertility treatment, but angelina denied the twins were the result of IVF saying if that had been the case she'd have shared her story!

I guess you just have to look in this forum to see that 50% of people having treatment haven't told their families and probably won't. I guess sometimes things are just too private to share :hugs:
I guess people don't like bring labelled failures, the media are only nice if you are their darling! Claire nazir from gmtv had fertility treatment and obviously jamie and jools over. But then she also wrote a book about her fertility struggles! Rumours have it that marcia cross from desperate housewives and jennifer lopez both had fertility treatment, but angelina denied the twins were the result of IVF saying if that had been the case she'd have shared her story!

I guess you just have to look in this forum to see that 50% of people having treatment haven't told their families and probably won't. I guess sometimes things are just too private to share :hugs:

Wow didnt know jamie and jools had haha, find out summing knew every day :)
I understand people wanting to keep quiet until they have their baby - i am, none of our family know at all as we dont want the questions and pressure! BUT keeping it secret after success i dont get, i wont hesitate to tell people how hard we worked for our baby, once i am successful - see that for PMA :) I dont see it as being a failure since 1 in 5 couples have problems, besides having a success IVF is not a failure, i would be proud. Gabby logan is and I admire her for telling her tale :)

Totally, I have mentioned to people we are having ivf and the number of people who have had it that I didn't know about is amazing! I'd tell people when we've had success, it gives people hope when they feel the odds are stacked against them! Jools Oliver has pcos and they had treatment for no.1 but the others were natural!
At the end of the day they are people like everyone else and some people simply do not want to share their fertility issues with people who they do not know. Lets face it, celebrities do not know the people who tune in to watch them on TV, they don't know the people who buy their records. We're not 'close friends' so why should they shout it from the rooftops for the sole reason that they are famous? It's none of our business after all. It shouldn't be their responsibility to 'inspire' us simply because they are in the public eye. It's nice that they do but it shouldn't be expected and I do believe it puts unnecessary and unfair pressure on them. What about celebrities who have been raped? Should they come out and inspire rape victims, too, because they are famous? Or, those who were abused as children like Teri Hatcher? A few have. They should be commended for doing so. But, should we look down on those that chose not to?

I have known people who have been through fertility treatment and have not told a soul other than their close friends. The way they saw it, it was none of anybody else's beeswax. It was very personal to them. One person on a forum I used to visit could not get pregnant because her boyfriend was impotent. He could not 'get it up and keep it up'. It's hardly something she'd want the whole world and their mother to know!!!

I guess celebrities are the same as us. They are only human beings. Why should they share something that is personal to them JUST because they are famous? It's nothing to be ashamed of but it's a personal choice. I guess we should respect the fact that some will be upfront about it, others will not which is exactly the same as us mere mortals!
Totally, I have mentioned to people we are having ivf and the number of people who have had it that I didn't know about is amazing! I'd tell people when we've had success, it gives people hope when they feel the odds are stacked against them! Jools Oliver has pcos and they had treatment for no.1 but the others were natural!

Hehe yeah first thing i did was look up jamie and jools :)

I would tell people too simply because if someone else i know perhaps is going through prblems or is worried and then they may need someone to talk to and i would like to be able to share my experience to maybe help them along the way :) Infertility is more common than we think really simply because people feel embarrased to talk about it. I am not embarrased at all the only reason i dont want to tell people yet is simply because especially if we told MIL then it would be questions every 5 mins, and if they didnt openly question every time i saw them they would be wondering and examining behavoiur etc. Although i have told my hubby that if this FET does not work i think i want to tell both our parents after that as it is getting harder and harder to hide that something must be wrong since we have hinted before that we want a family and were perhaps going to start (before we knew of probs) and that was 2 years ago and now at 33 they must be wondering!!! :)
At the end of the day they are people like everyone else and some people simply do not want to share their fertility issues with people who they do not know. Lets face it, celebrities do not know the people who tune in to watch them on TV, they don't know the people who buy their records. We're not 'close friends' so why should they shout it from the rooftops for the sole reason that they are famous? It's none of our business after all. It shouldn't be their responsibility to 'inspire' us simply because they are in the public eye. It's nice that they do but it shouldn't be expected and I do believe it puts unnecessary and unfair pressure on them. What about celebrities who have been raped? Should they come out and inspire rape victims, too, because they are famous? Or, those who were abused as children like Teri Hatcher? A few have. They should be commended for doing so. But, should we look down on those that chose not to?

I have known people who have been through fertility treatment and have not told a soul other than their close friends. The way they saw it, it was none of anybody else's beeswax. It was very personal to them. One person on a forum I used to visit could not get pregnant because her boyfriend was impotent. He could not 'get it up and keep it up'. It's hardly something she'd want the whole world and their mother to know!!!

I guess celebrities are the same as us. They are only human beings. Why should they share something that is personal to them JUST because they are famous? It's nothing to be ashamed of but it's a personal choice. I guess we should respect the fact that some will be upfront about it, others will not which is exactly the same as us mere mortals!

Hmmmmmmmmmm i am not sure rape victims are really along the same lines of this thread, perhaps thats going a bit too far! ;) I would never say that they should share a story if htey dont want to - totally differnt ball game really!

Perhaps considering celebrities CHOOSE to be in the public eye and make money out of all of us means that they really give up a lot of their right to privacy dont you think??? Many celebs think its our business when they want to sell their rights to their wedding for 1 million pounds to hello magazine, should they really not think that they owe a little bit back? They make a living from being in the papers, from being recognised, from being FAMOUS, from sharing their lives with us, good and bad.

Like I said I wouldn't expect celebrities to share their story during treatment, BUT if they had a success why hide in shame? It succeeds in keeping the IVF shame going after all and not making people realsie how common infertility is, perpetuating the myth that people can have children easily at the drop of a hat and that if you have problems your a failiure!!

I am not saying shout it from the roof tops, I mean yes some things may be totally personal like you say if a man is impotent for example, but they dont have to give full reasons, they should not deny it if they have had it though, surprisingly many do as they dont want to be seen as IMPERFECT in any way!

I just think celebrities have a social responsability, when they become a celebrity they become a role model to many, perhaps they should think about using that STATUS in a positive way!
Yey another celeb sharing her story, good on Nancy i always liked her :)


I know some people are private people. However, i was put through this journey for a reason and I truly believe it was to motivate and inspire those in similar shoes behind me.

I don't wear a sign around my neck thats says "i'm pregnant with IVF babies!" but I am open to talking about it if people ask. These are my miracles babies and I'm willing to admit that it was a pure miracle that I have them!!
I know some people are private people. However, i was put through this journey for a reason and I truly believe it was to motivate and inspire those in similar shoes behind me.

I don't wear a sign around my neck thats says "i'm pregnant with IVF babies!" but I am open to talking about it if people ask. These are my miracles babies and I'm willing to admit that it was a pure miracle that I have them!!

Mee too vineyard, whether i am successful or not i think after i have finished treatments i will share my story with anyone who i could help. After all i think we have all become experts (haha) in our own areas and i rememebr when i first started this journay i felt in the dark and would have given anything to be able to have someone i knew to ask directly what was happening.

Hope your pregnancy is going well chic, bet you cant wait for your baby - how exciting XX
Hope your pregnancy is going well chic, bet you cant wait for your baby - how exciting XX

Opps i even mean BABIES!! :) xx

It is going well. The journey here was painful but now that I'm here it makes that entire journey worth it. You will have your baby someday! You have to keep hope in that.

Hope your pregnancy is going well chic, bet you cant wait for your baby - how exciting XX

Opps i even mean BABIES!! :) xx

It is going well. The journey here was painful but now that I'm here it makes that entire journey worth it. You will have your baby someday! You have to keep hope in that.


Thanks Vineyard, i hope your right - trying to stay positive and have good thoughts, positive people experience positive things eh :) Take care x
At the end of the day they are people like everyone else and some people simply do not want to share their fertility issues with people who they do not know. Lets face it, celebrities do not know the people who tune in to watch them on TV, they don't know the people who buy their records. We're not 'close friends' so why should they shout it from the rooftops for the sole reason that they are famous? It's none of our business after all. It shouldn't be their responsibility to 'inspire' us simply because they are in the public eye. It's nice that they do but it shouldn't be expected and I do believe it puts unnecessary and unfair pressure on them. What about celebrities who have been raped? Should they come out and inspire rape victims, too, because they are famous? Or, those who were abused as children like Teri Hatcher? A few have. They should be commended for doing so. But, should we look down on those that chose not to?

I have known people who have been through fertility treatment and have not told a soul other than their close friends. The way they saw it, it was none of anybody else's beeswax. It was very personal to them. One person on a forum I used to visit could not get pregnant because her boyfriend was impotent. He could not 'get it up and keep it up'. It's hardly something she'd want the whole world and their mother to know!!!

I guess celebrities are the same as us. They are only human beings. Why should they share something that is personal to them JUST because they are famous? It's nothing to be ashamed of but it's a personal choice. I guess we should respect the fact that some will be upfront about it, others will not which is exactly the same as us mere mortals!

Hmmmmmmmmmm i am not sure rape victims are really along the same lines of this thread, perhaps thats going a bit too far! ;) I would never say that they should share a story if htey dont want to - totally differnt ball game really!

Perhaps considering celebrities CHOOSE to be in the public eye and make money out of all of us means that they really give up a lot of their right to privacy dont you think??? Many celebs think its our business when they want to sell their rights to their wedding for 1 million pounds to hello magazine, should they really not think that they owe a little bit back? They make a living from being in the papers, from being recognised, from being FAMOUS, from sharing their lives with us, good and bad.

Like I said I wouldn't expect celebrities to share their story during treatment, BUT if they had a success why hide in shame? It succeeds in keeping the IVF shame going after all and not making people realsie how common infertility is, perpetuating the myth that people can have children easily at the drop of a hat and that if you have problems your a failiure!!

I am not saying shout it from the roof tops, I mean yes some things may be totally personal like you say if a man is impotent for example, but they dont have to give full reasons, they should not deny it if they have had it though, surprisingly many do as they dont want to be seen as IMPERFECT in any way!

I just think celebrities have a social responsability, when they become a celebrity they become a role model to many, perhaps they should think about using that STATUS in a positive way!

It’s a personal thing. Some people find it traumatic. It’s not rape, no, but it’s something a person has gone through that is theirs and theirs alone if they choose for it to be. Sex is personal. Family is personal. We have no right to lay claim on the private experiences of any celeb.

Some of them will come out and say “Yes, I had fertility treatment” whereas others would rather keep their children, and how their children are conceived, out of the public light. It’s only fair that they are allowed to do that without being criticised for it. If they WERENT famous they’d be allowed to keep it private after all without being criticised.

It’s none of our business. Yes, they choose to be in the public eye but at the end of the day it’s just their job. Just because they are famous does not give us the right to decide what they should or should not do. Every person, famous or not, has the right to privacy. We may lay claim to their movies, their music, but we should allow them their freedom in their personal life.

Its not about hiding it in shame. For a lot, it’s about keeping their private lives private. They have every right to that. It might not be about being imperfect. It might just be that it truly is none of our business.

As for a responsibility to be a positive role model or whatever, it’s a side-job, perhaps, but it’s not a requirement. Live and let live, I say. If they want to share it, so be it. If they don’t? Entirely up to them…
I didnt have IVF but i did have trouble conceiving and even though i got lucky in the end i find it very difficult to talk about this with people. My close friends know what we went through but when people ask me things like "were you trying for long" or whatever i find these questions very hard. I guess i just feel like the whole TTC thing was pretty traumatic in the end and affected my life and emotions in more ways than i ever thought were possible. For this reason i find it incredibly hard to discuss it with people. It's not that i am ashamed or anything like that, it just all still hurts quite a lot and i think it always will. I'll never forget what i went through to get where i am now and how it made me feel month in and month out.
My DH is the opposite by the way - when people ask he is very open about it all and talks to them about the troubles we had. He doesn't really understand why i don't like to talk about it. I guess he didnt feel the emotional baggage that comes with TTC as much as i did? I dunno... we're all different i guess.
It’s a personal thing. Some people find it traumatic. It’s not rape, no, but it’s something a person has gone through that is theirs and theirs alone if they choose for it to be. Sex is personal. Family is personal. We have no right to lay claim on the private experiences of any celeb.

Some of them will come out and say “Yes, I had fertility treatment” whereas others would rather keep their children, and how their children are conceived, out of the public light. It’s only fair that they are allowed to do that without being criticised for it. If they WERENT famous they’d be allowed to keep it private after all without being criticised.

It’s none of our business. Yes, they choose to be in the public eye but at the end of the day it’s just their job. Just because they are famous does not give us the right to decide what they should or should not do. Every person, famous or not, has the right to privacy. We may lay claim to their movies, their music, but we should allow them their freedom in their personal life.

Its not about hiding it in shame. For a lot, it’s about keeping their private lives private. They have every right to that. It might not be about being imperfect. It might just be that it truly is none of our business.

As for a responsibility to be a positive role model or whatever, it’s a side-job, perhaps, but it’s not a requirement. Live and let live, I say. If they want to share it, so be it. If they don’t? Entirely up to them…

Yes celebrities are entilted to some private life, yes its traumatic, we all know that, your kinda missing the point though when you say if they WERENT famous, HUN they CHOOSE to be famous and for them they are lucky to have a dream job, earning LOTS of money (from us may i add!!!), should they not want to pay something back for that privallidge????!!! You seem to be thinking i am INSISTING they all share their stories?? I never said that! I just said i find it annoying that they dont, it's my opinion and its not something that i would do personally in their position. Their position is much more influential than OURS who are not in the public eye. Celebs have more influence, more power, and more social responsiability, they should take that position with pride and realise they can change things, and help others, although many are too selfish to think about doing so and thats how they got to the position in the first place!!!

It's another thing altogether to completely deny the use of IVF, like it's some failing on their part as women or man or couple to admit they needed help. That really upsets me as it perpetuates the belief that IVF is something to be hidden!!! Its nothing to be ashamed of, although celebs hiding it or denying it make us all think it is.......why do you think many of us are not willing to share our pain with family and friends..... well, thats because deep down WE are embarrased, we feel as though we have failed!!! Celebs can help us change that, so other people in the future DO NOT feel like that, because the IGNORANCE surrounding infertility will be LESSENED due to everyday people reading how common it is, in everyday media, instead of being slightly shocked at 1 celeb out of 50 admitting, YES, they needed help!!!

Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman both denied they used IVF to become pregnant. Why? Does that mean all us people having to use IVF / ICSI or treatments are shit, failures and a lesser mortal! NO!!! but they must think we are as they are ashamed to admit they needed help!

Like i say, they choose to be in the public eye and are all to happy to take money out of OUR pockets to pay for their luxery villas, and their 18 IVF treatments, when many of us struggle to pay for even ONE!! So have they a total right to privacy?? Debateable!! Besides i never said they should BE MADE to tell their story, i said it would be nice if they did and it annoys me somewhat they so many are ashamed / unwilling to do so for whatever reasons, yet they will be in the next issue of HELLO, promoting their new single and selling their baby photos and showing off their massive mansion, bought by the way, with the money WE pay to read the magazine in the first place!!!

I would like to think that I would be kind enough to think of others and share my story, particularly as it might give some people hope and make them feel less alone and particularly since many of those people had put me in a special position of power and influence giving me the ability to change public perception of infertility!!!
It’s a personal thing. Some people find it traumatic. It’s not rape, no, but it’s something a person has gone through that is theirs and theirs alone if they choose for it to be. Sex is personal. Family is personal. We have no right to lay claim on the private experiences of any celeb.

Some of them will come out and say “Yes, I had fertility treatment” whereas others would rather keep their children, and how their children are conceived, out of the public light. It’s only fair that they are allowed to do that without being criticised for it. If they WERENT famous they’d be allowed to keep it private after all without being criticised.

It’s none of our business. Yes, they choose to be in the public eye but at the end of the day it’s just their job. Just because they are famous does not give us the right to decide what they should or should not do. Every person, famous or not, has the right to privacy. We may lay claim to their movies, their music, but we should allow them their freedom in their personal life.

Its not about hiding it in shame. For a lot, it’s about keeping their private lives private. They have every right to that. It might not be about being imperfect. It might just be that it truly is none of our business.

As for a responsibility to be a positive role model or whatever, it’s a side-job, perhaps, but it’s not a requirement. Live and let live, I say. If they want to share it, so be it. If they don’t? Entirely up to them…

Yes celebrities are entilted to some private life, yes its traumatic, we all know that, your kinda missing the point though when you say if they WERENT famous, HUN they CHOOSE to be famous and for them they are lucky to have a dream job, earning LOTS of money (from us may i add!!!), should they not want to pay something back for that privallidge????!!! You seem to be thinking i am INSISTING they all share their stories?? I never said that! I just said i find it annoying that they dont, it's my opinion and its not something that i would do personally in their position. Their position is much more influential than OURS who are not in the public eye. Celebs have more influence, more power, and more social responsiability, they should take that position with pride and realise they can change things, and help others, although many are too selfish to think about doing so and thats how they got to the position in the first place!!!

It's another thing altogether to completely deny the use of IVF, like it's some failing on their part as women or man or couple to admit they needed help. That really upsets me as it perpetuates the belief that IVF is something to be hidden!!! Its nothing to be ashamed of, although celebs hiding it or denying it make us all think it is.......why do you think many of us are not willing to share our pain with family and friends..... well, thats because deep down WE are embarrased, we feel as though we have failed!!! Celebs can help us change that, so other people in the future DO NOT feel like that, because the IGNORANCE surrounding infertility will be LESSENED due to everyday people reading how common it is, in everyday media, instead of being slightly shocked at 1 celeb out of 50 admitting, YES, they needed help!!!

Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman both denied they used IVF to become pregnant. Why? Does that mean all us people having to use IVF / ICSI or treatments are shit, failures and a lesser mortal! NO!!! but they must think we are as they are ashamed to admit they needed help!

Like i say, they choose to be in the public eye and are all to happy to take money out of OUR pockets to pay for their luxery villas, and their 18 IVF treatments, when many of us struggle to pay for even ONE!! So have they a total right to privacy?? Debateable!! Besides i never said they should BE MADE to tell their story, i said it would be nice if they did and it annoys me somewhat they so many are ashamed / unwilling to do so for whatever reasons, yet they will be in the next issue of HELLO, promoting their new single and selling their baby photos and showing off their massive mansion, bought by the way, with the money WE pay to read the magazine in the first place!!!

I would like to think that I would be kind enough to think of others and share my story, particularly as it might give some people hope and make them feel less alone and particularly since many of those people had put me in a special position of power and influence giving me the ability to change public perception of infertility!!!

Interesting thread.....

Celebrities are mere mortals just like you or I and although they may earn stupendous amounts of money through those who watch their films, buy their music, etc they are still just normal people. Where I agree that yes, perhaps they have the ability to change the public perception of infertility, they don't owe anyone anything. Their journey may have been just as hard or heartbreaking as anyone else's. There will always be some celebs who are happy to share and others that don't but I think that also applies to us "normal" people.

Could you say with 100% honesty that if you were famous that you would be completely comfortable sharing such intimate details with the entire world? especially when some people may think "oh look at that celeb, flaunting the fact that they can afford 10 rounds of IVF" or "oh look at the celeb, she decided to wait until she was 44 to have children and now she can afford to have IVF because she CHOSE to wait until she was older to have children"..

Its a toughie..

It’s a personal thing. Some people find it traumatic. It’s not rape, no, but it’s something a person has gone through that is theirs and theirs alone if they choose for it to be. Sex is personal. Family is personal. We have no right to lay claim on the private experiences of any celeb.

Some of them will come out and say “Yes, I had fertility treatment” whereas others would rather keep their children, and how their children are conceived, out of the public light. It’s only fair that they are allowed to do that without being criticised for it. If they WERENT famous they’d be allowed to keep it private after all without being criticised.

It’s none of our business. Yes, they choose to be in the public eye but at the end of the day it’s just their job. Just because they are famous does not give us the right to decide what they should or should not do. Every person, famous or not, has the right to privacy. We may lay claim to their movies, their music, but we should allow them their freedom in their personal life.

Its not about hiding it in shame. For a lot, it’s about keeping their private lives private. They have every right to that. It might not be about being imperfect. It might just be that it truly is none of our business.

As for a responsibility to be a positive role model or whatever, it’s a side-job, perhaps, but it’s not a requirement. Live and let live, I say. If they want to share it, so be it. If they don’t? Entirely up to them…

Yes celebrities are entilted to some private life, yes its traumatic, we all know that, your kinda missing the point though when you say if they WERENT famous, HUN they CHOOSE to be famous and for them they are lucky to have a dream job, earning LOTS of money (from us may i add!!!), should they not want to pay something back for that privallidge????!!! You seem to be thinking i am INSISTING they all share their stories?? I never said that! I just said i find it annoying that they dont, it's my opinion and its not something that i would do personally in their position. Their position is much more influential than OURS who are not in the public eye. Celebs have more influence, more power, and more social responsiability, they should take that position with pride and realise they can change things, and help others, although many are too selfish to think about doing so and thats how they got to the position in the first place!!!

It's another thing altogether to completely deny the use of IVF, like it's some failing on their part as women or man or couple to admit they needed help. That really upsets me as it perpetuates the belief that IVF is something to be hidden!!! Its nothing to be ashamed of, although celebs hiding it or denying it make us all think it is.......why do you think many of us are not willing to share our pain with family and friends..... well, thats because deep down WE are embarrased, we feel as though we have failed!!! Celebs can help us change that, so other people in the future DO NOT feel like that, because the IGNORANCE surrounding infertility will be LESSENED due to everyday people reading how common it is, in everyday media, instead of being slightly shocked at 1 celeb out of 50 admitting, YES, they needed help!!!

Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman both denied they used IVF to become pregnant. Why? Does that mean all us people having to use IVF / ICSI or treatments are shit, failures and a lesser mortal! NO!!! but they must think we are as they are ashamed to admit they needed help!

Like i say, they choose to be in the public eye and are all to happy to take money out of OUR pockets to pay for their luxery villas, and their 18 IVF treatments, when many of us struggle to pay for even ONE!! So have they a total right to privacy?? Debateable!! Besides i never said they should BE MADE to tell their story, i said it would be nice if they did and it annoys me somewhat they so many are ashamed / unwilling to do so for whatever reasons, yet they will be in the next issue of HELLO, promoting their new single and selling their baby photos and showing off their massive mansion, bought by the way, with the money WE pay to read the magazine in the first place!!!

I would like to think that I would be kind enough to think of others and share my story, particularly as it might give some people hope and make them feel less alone and particularly since many of those people had put me in a special position of power and influence giving me the ability to change public perception of infertility!!!

Interesting thread.....

Celebrities are mere mortals just like you or I and although they may earn stupendous amounts of money through those who watch their films, buy their music, etc they are still just normal people. Where I agree that yes, perhaps they have the ability to change the public perception of infertility, they don't owe anyone anything. Their journey may have been just as hard or heartbreaking as anyone else's. There will always be some celebs who are happy to share and others that don't but I think that also applies to us "normal" people.

Could you say with 100% honesty that if you were famous that you would be completely comfortable sharing such intimate details with the entire world? especially when some people may think "oh look at that celeb, flaunting the fact that they can afford 10 rounds of IVF" or "oh look at the celeb, she decided to wait until she was 44 to have children and now she can afford to have IVF because she CHOSE to wait until she was older to have children"..

Its a toughie..


I could absolutely, honestly, 100 % say i would never deny or lie about having IVF once i have a successful treatment to anyone, wether famous or not! I dont see the point, i never said they had to share ALL the details but would be nice if they shared some and actually did not deny having treatment. Perhaps i just feel people should be more honest and open, i wear my heart on my sleeve, i cant do it, the main reason i have not told family and most friends is simply to respect my hubbies privacy at the moment, BUT once we are through this treatment and once we are successful i will be PROUD to say we had a "special" baby, a baby we wanted SOOOOO much we went through pain and expence to get !!! I certainly would remember what it felt like to feel so alone and how it feels to read about others who have been through the same who are otherwise normal people, how it feels to think wow they did it, how it feels to be inspired by reading a success and how others cope and how they too felt the same and shared the same feelings and thoughts! But hey maybe i am just different to everyone else as it seems not many otehr people agree....

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monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2"