Cerazette Casualties

Been on Cerazette since I had my little one.
Got pregnant, had a miscarraige...= THE DEVIL PILL!!!
yeah id read that alot of ladies had this problem! so sorry for your loss :hugs: I really feel blessed to have been so lucky. Hang in there and let us know how you doing xx
Thanks Looploo23 and gef!

Cerazette has made me snappy, weepy and cross with everyone and everything - a bit like having PMT all the time... It's like I had no edit facitility on what I was saying and all of the horrible things in my head came out of my mouth without me being able to stop them. It put a massive strain on my relationship (thankfully A is very supportive, but sensed his patience wearing very thin at times). I went to the doc 2 months in, and she persuaded me to stay on it to give it time to 'settle down'. It did a bit I suppose, but I really think it messed with my hormones and head.

This is exactly how i've been feeling! :( thought i was going crazy!! I only stopped taking cerazette this weekend. I have been on it for 6 months and its been the worst 6 months ever. I had a miscarrige november so doc put me on this. When i went back complaining of feeling weepy, depressed, angry etc. she put me on prozac then citalopram when that made no difference. I have had days where i've been really nasty to my boyfriend and not really realised how horrible i'd been until he told me. I felt soo bad about it but never realised it was this pill until i read it up on the net. It has also given me pregnancy symptoms but done a test and was negative.

Has anyone fallen pregnant quickly after coming off??

Most of you wont know me in here but i was around when this thread first started! Its so quiet in here now!

Ive been away for 7 months & thought i'd pop in now i'm back to see how everyone is doing.

Just wondered how im-mi mickeyc 2016 & inic1970 are & whats the latest?

Hello to everyone i don't know too, i'm back on track ttc again so i'm starting from scratch all over again!

Be good to here from anyone in this group & maybe get it started up again

Lolly x
Hi Lolly :wave: so nice of you to remember me! :hugs:

Glad you are back in the TTC game. Have you been on BCP so have to get it out your system again?

My story - after my first ectopic in September 2009, then major low progesterone issues, then a SECOND ectopic in March just gone (thanks Cerazette!) I was told it was almost impossible I would fall pregnant naturally and would need IVF. The very next month after the last ectopic, while waiting for my tests to be done to put me on the IVF waiting list I get another bfp AND IT'S IN THE RIGHT PLACE!
The doctors were amazed and so was I. Had an early scan at 5+5 to confirm all was hunky dory and now have my first proper scan this Thursday. :cloud9:

It feels weird to see inic1970 almost due when we started TTC at the same time - but everyone will get there in their own time. I know im-mi is preggo too (but I can't quite remember how far along).

Anyway, all the best and no doubt there will be other Cerazette ladies needing friends through the hormonal maze! :flower:

Sorry to hear you have a hard time, but all seems great now!

God, i cant believe everyone is pregnant, thats great! :happydance:

Im such an IDIOT lol i went back on cerazette!!!!!!!! So i just stopped taking it on Monday :nope: back to square 1 for me, but ive got a holiday to Egypt in october so Not really wanting anything to happen before that!

Wow its so quiet in here now! Glad to hear im-mi is pregnant, i wonder how mickeyc is?

So how are you feeling, you seemed to have been through alot since i've been away?

Lolly :flower:
Am getting quite worried about coming off cerazette now and TTC !!

Where is everybody! Does no one use this thread anymore:nope:

Im lonely & dunno where to go :haha:

5 days off cerazette, i have a very long road ahead of me :wacko:

Lolly x
Hi everyone, I took Cerazette for about a year but was on Microgynon for about 6 years before that. Had no AF's at all while on Cerazette which I found a bit weird but also nice! Stopped taking it in May as I wanted to wait for first proper AF until TTC but it didn't arrive until 9 weeks later!! I did go to the docs in this time as was worried it would never return but he said it was totally normal for it to take a while for it to come back. I was taking Seven Seas Hormonal Balance tablets the week AF arrived so not sure if that helped or was pure coincidence!!! So basically don't worry about coming off it - it just takes a little while for your hormones to re-ajust! Good luck to everyone on their TTC journey! I'm new to all this but enjoying it!:)
Hi Girls..

I was on Cerazette for 3 years, Came off 3 months ago as TTC =)

Had period 1 week later... Then another 2 weeks after that one had the mother of all heavy periods! Then didnt have one for 6 weeks and thought i was preg only to get BFN! :( dam hormones

Just had another one from 26th July which was normal (woo) and lasted 5 days.. now going to start using OPK to try and see if im getting back to normal down there!

*** Baby dust to all ***

Nadine x
Hi everyone - I am new on this site and just thought I'd come on to share my experience with cerazette.... I already have DS1 who is 4 and have been on cerazette since having him..... (prior to getting pg I was on microgynon for years with no probs and got preggers within 6 weeks of coming off this pill - sadly miscarried early on but again got pregnant within the next 6 weeks and he was absolutely perfect when he arrived)

with Cerazette I have had no periods (aside from when I was first on this pill - I got a period that lasted for about 4 weeks!).. I took it religiously for the 4 years I was on it at the same time each day - And I came off this pill 5 weeks ago as we are now TTC no2.

I got every pregnancy symptom going when I came off this pill (which was midway though a pack - I didnt see the point in wasting any time) - I had hot flushes, sore boobs, cramp, nausea and headaches - did test just to be sure but got a BFN - however got AF exactly 28 days after stopping cerazette (lasted 4 days) - which was great - I am now almost 2 weeks since first day of AF and have now started using OPKs which are showing positive so everything seems to be getting back to normal pretty quickly for me - which I am so relieved about as have heard some horror stories about coming off this pill - I will keep you posted as to how we get on with TTC I am on cycle day 11 today and going to BD every night between now and cycle day 16 to see what happens.. fingers crossed and GL to all of you TTC!![/B][/B][/B][/B]
Hi everyone - I am new on this site and just thought I'd come on to share my experience with cerazette.... I already have DS1 who is 4 and have been on cerazette since having him..... (prior to getting pg I was on microgynon for years with no probs and got preggers within 6 weeks of coming off this pill - sadly miscarried early on but again got pregnant within the next 6 weeks and he was absolutely perfect when he arrived)

with Cerazette I have had no periods (aside from when I was first on this pill - I got a period that lasted for about 4 weeks!).. I took it religiously for the 4 years I was on it at the same time each day - And I came off this pill 5 weeks ago as we are now TTC no2.

I got every pregnancy symptom going when I came off this pill (which was midway though a pack - I didnt see the point in wasting any time) - I had hot flushes, sore boobs, cramp, nausea and headaches - did test just to be sure but got a BFN - however got AF exactly 28 days after stopping cerazette (lasted 4 days) - which was great - I am now almost 2 weeks since first day of AF and have now started using OPKs which are showing positive so everything seems to be getting back to normal pretty quickly for me - which I am so relieved about as have heard some horror stories about coming off this pill - I will keep you posted as to how we get on with TTC I am on cycle day 11 today and going to BD every night between now and cycle day 16 to see what happens.. fingers crossed and GL to all of you TTC!![/B][/B][/B][/B]

... Can I also mention that when I was on cerazette for the 4 years - I completely lost my sex drive.. got awful headaches and just felt generally down a lot of the time - I can't believe how different I feel since coming off it (and all the time I put the symptoms down to just adjusting to motherhood!)
My long story of being a cerazette guinea pig!

When I went to my doctors 9 years ago she tried to put me on the normal pill but one massive migrane later she asked me if I wanted to try out a new POP they were trialling called Cerazette. I would have to come back every 3 months to be checked out and to report back my experiences. After plenty of reassurance I began my 8 long years on Cerazette. At the beginning everything was great. I had had horrible painful periods before so suddenly never having to have another one was fantasic! I did not have one for 8 entire years!

Over the years the 3 monthly check ups gradually dwindled down to nothing and I started ignoring the warning symptoms I was starting to show. I was at university so I used that to explain away my rapidly expanding waist line ( went from a size 10 - 18 while on the pill) I was stressed at university which explained away the constant depression I was experiencing, I was cursed with vaginismus which I used to explain away the complete stone death of my libido. As the years went on I just got used to feeling like this - I just accepted that it was me. I was in a near suicidal state after 6 years. I was nearly run over by a bus running a red light. It was one of those 'if I had been a second earlier' close call situations. A normal person would have a funk out - oh my god I was almost killed!!!! Me I just felt disappointment and just kept trudging across the road. I did go to the doctors after this when I was under a lighter depression and the doctors denied that the cerazette was doing this to me. I was told I was depressed because I was unhappy at work and to find a new job!!!

1 year ago my DH and myself got talking about having a baby so I stopped taking the pills. Within two weeks I felt centered, I felt calm, I felt completely balanced it was incredible! My walk home from work takes in the crest of a hill - the highest point in my neighbourhood. Normally this bugs me as I then have to walk down the hill and back up another to get home! This time I just stood on the top of the hill feeling the wind buffet me and the low autumn sun on my face. I felt so happy!! I stood there with my arms out like a plane, making my coat flap like a cape in the wind like a child does just feeling and breathing and grinning. (next to a main road!!) Alas it not to last and month after that the witch caught up with me for the first time in 8 years. I have never know pain like it! I was convinced I was having a baby! My mum was saying - you don't know what contractions are like until you have had a baby. I was able to describe them accurately to her! After two days of not being able to move due to the contractions I was so temped to start taking Cerazette again to just stop future periods! I however resisted and some how got though the week. My mum joked that I will be fine when I have a baby if I survived that! Next month was just as bad and this time I got frightened and started taking the Cerazette again. Within three days I was back in the grasp of the cerazette depression it was so weird it was almost comforting to be back in this state again - it felt normal! My husband however was not going to accept this and after two weeks he found me curled up in bed sobbing my heart out he demanded that I handed over all of my tablets. He told me how much he had loved having me back they way he remembered me when we first got together before Cerazette and that he was not going to let me live in a Cerazette depression any more now he knew what was causing it! With that he took my pills to the chemist to be destroyed. I hated him for that! I was terrified of facing more horrific periods when for the sake of being depressed I could avoid them completely!

As the days wore on the last effects of Cerazette left my system and I once again felt the glorious centering I had felt before. I have now been off the Cerazette for 10 months and thankfully my periods stopping being horrific and settled back to just being horrible like they used to be! I have had no depression in this time, I have started to lose weight and my libido is fully back to life and we are starting to TTC properly once the witch has been this month.

My doctor still maintains that there is no link between Cerazette and my experiences - I thank god that my husband did!!
hi im new to this but i need some advice.i was on the cerazette pill for one month only and came off it,since then i have not had a period (which was over 6 weeks ago).two pregnancy tests came bk negative.i have had a ectopic before (which ruptured) so im really worried this could happen again.my periods av always been regular,even after coming off other pills.has anyone else had anything like this?how long should it take to come bk on after the pill.considerin i didnt take it for long surely it shudnt effect me really.

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