Cerazette Casualties

Hi Girls,

Hey Im_mi,

I'm so sorry hunni. This is the first time I've been on the board for a while. Hope you are okay :hugs: xx

Hi to all the new girls on the thread. Every cerazette casualty is welcome here!!

I'm sorry I've been a bit quiet on the BnB front. Just had to get away from the baby stuff for a while and get my head together.

So the latest is this. TMI warning! Bled for 3 whole weeks after my miscarriage. OH is away back to the boat for 2 weeks and I'm on me ownsome till the 17th. We are going to wait until after my next af and then start trying again. New Year, new times and an all new PMA me!

M xx
Well how is everyone doing?

The thread is very quiet these days????!!!!!

M xx
hi michelle! hehe yeah it has been quiet in here recently, i keep meaning to come in here to post but always forget!!

How are things with you now, 'chelle? did the break do you some good? and thank you for your condolences hun it means a lot :hugs:

Well, this is the first cycle since coming off of the Demon Pill that i have had no spotting at all... so far. could this be a sign that my body is finally back to normal?? the last 2 cycles i have spotted heavily at ovulation and on and off during my luteal phase. This month - nada. :happydance:
Hi Michelle Im_mi and all,

Glad to hear Michelle and Im_mi you're doing well, fingers crossed!

I'm now on my 3rd week since stopping the pill still no sign of :witch: but I hope I'm ovulating and in with a chance of getting pregnant, but until I have my first AF i'm not planning on buying any OPKs.

Boobs have been a bit tender the last couple of days, so either my AF is on it's way or...... but I know the chances are very low. Testing weekly at the moment just in case....

:dust: to you all!

Loopylou, i had a lot of funny symptoms when first coming off of cerazette, after a bit of reading i discovered that a lot of women report pregnancy/af symptoms shortly after coming off of it. Im not trying to be a big wet blanket heh, its just that i really got my hopes up after coming off of C after getting loads of symptoms but it amounted to nothing. If it makes you feel any better, i am on cycle 3 now and i think that things are pretty much back to normal for me now (no spotting etc) and a lot of women say it takes months to get back to normal after C. So its different for everyone :hugs:
Hello ladies

I've been off here for a couple of weeks - didn't seem much point as I was having the world's longest (OK mine anyway) AF - 15 days!!! Still it was the first one I've had in 2 years so maybe I was just making up for it :)

Am hoping this means I can start TTC again, have bought lots of OPKs and BBT thermometer in the hope that things are beginning to get back to normal after Cerazette and I might ov sometime soon.

Here's hoping for a BFP in the New Year...
Hey Girls,

Well things are back to normal for me now too. I had another 7 days of bleeding after a weeks break from the mc bleeding so now I think everything has sorted itself out.

I'm happy to say that we are now back to TTC which is good but we are going to take things a lot easier than the last time. Just gonna try and chill out about it.

So I think I am probably in the 2WW just now but can't say for certain as I don't know if I've even ov'd!! I heard that you become very fertile after a miscarriage but I don't know if thats just an old wives tale.

I'm refusing point blank to do OPK's or BBT as I feel as if it just adds to the pressure. Maybe after a couple of months of trying I'll change my mind!

In the meantime I'll be popping in here and seeing how you are all going on.

M xx
That's great news Kaz and Mikie!

I'm still waiting on my first AF since the pill. Been over 4 weeks now. My boobs are still very sore and also I have developed what I just found out is enlarged Montgomery's tubercles (lumps on my areolas) I've never had that before. Can be a sign of pregnancy but as Im_mi says is probably just another fake pregnancy symptom after coming off Cerazette. Would be interested to know if any of you have experienced this?

Hello again Loopyloo23

No I didn't have those nipple thingys - even when I was preggers with #1.

But you are right you could be... fingers crossed for u that you will get your BFP soon.

I did have a few days of morning sickness around 4 weeks after my last pill - felt just like I was pregnant again (but obviously not). I also had sore boobs too. Only lasted about a week and am fine now.

Good luck to everyone :)
Hi girls, thought you might be interested to see this thread I found: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-first-trimester/230377-you-pregnant-after-cerazette.html
There's quite a few positive stories on there.

I'm feeling very much like I've got impending AF today. Cramps and constipation. Hurry up!! Just bought a basal thermometer and ovulation tests from ebay to use post AF, figure it's best to order them before xmas.

:dust: to you all!
Hi all..

Michelle, its lovely to see you back on & TTC - you go girl :thumbup:

sending lots of :dust: to all you lovely ladies

luv Lisa :hugs: xx
good news girls!!!! i think my cycle is finally back to normal!! :happydance: 12dpo and no AF yet, which means this is the longest LP i have had since coming off of cerazette. and i havent had ANY abnormal midcycle bleeding this cycle either! I am 99.9% sure i am NOT pregnant this cycle which suits me fine as i am looking forward to drinking too much over xmas and new year, lol. i am just soooo happy that things are getting back to normal yaaaay! :Happydance:

michelle i'm really happy you are TTC again! May the new year bring :bfp: 's for both of us :hugs:
I got my AF today after 2 years on Cerazette and coming off it about 4 weeks ago so there is definately hope. Dead pleased as was worrying about it. BD beckons soon!! Can anyone tell me how I should track my ovulation cycle now. Am clueless about it. Should I make a note of when my AF started and stopped and how many days after do you normally ovulate? I really dont have any clue about these things.
well you generally ovulate about 14 days before your period is due. seeing as you have been on cerazette though, things might be a bit funny for a while. if i were you i would keep an eye on the physical signs of ovulation (fertile cervical fluid etc) to pinpoint when it might happen. :hugs:
Hi everyone. We're TTC but it's complicated. I'm not having a very easy time at the moment. I had an implant for two years (taken out in July) then went on Cerazette from July 9th till early/mid september. While I had the implant I had light almost constant bleeding (went to FP clinic about it and Dr said it was nothing to worry about but if it bothered me and affected my life then I could have the implant taken out whenever I wanted - so i had it out). Didn't want to try for a baby straight away but knew it was on the horizon so didn't want to go on anything too long term, like injection etc, wanted the option to stop and be able to start TTC soon, told the FP Dr this at the time and she recommended Cerazette as you can stop at any point in the cycle unlike Mycrogynon (combi pill) where you have to get to the end of your 3 weeks of tablets. Also have a history of high blood pressure so am not allowed combined pill anymore. So took Cerazette from July until September, when I started getting bad at remembering to take it, so stopped taking it and we went onto using condoms for a bit. Got married in October and while on honeymoon had chance to talk about lots of stuff and started thinking about babies. Decided when we got back that we'd start trying, because there's never going to be a PERFECT time, but now is a pretty good time for both of us, we're in jobs, a nice house etc. So stopped using condoms. After going on Cerazette I got no bleeding at all. and when coming off I had spotting at the end of november for one day. Had no AF at all. Been having pregnancy symptoms like others have mentioned but have had several BFN results. In my teens I had a very irregular cycle anyway (could go 5 months without any sign of AF) and had terrible cramps when I did get AF so went to the GP who recommended Mycrogynon as it would regulate my cycle and take away the cramps, which it did, was on that for about 6 months before my blood pressure went up and they took me off it recommending the implant instead. I had started AF at 12 and went on contraception at 18, with 6 years of very irregular cycle and agonising cramps. Now I'm 22 and I'm worried that I've screwed up my hormones by using too much different contraceptives. But I think 6 years was enough of trying to wait to establish a regular cycle and I'm sure others start contraception a lot earlier than 18. I have spent so long trying not to get pregnant and trying to do what was best for my body, I'll be devastated if it's ruined it now.

I was only on Cerazette for 3 months but I've been waiting that long with no sign of AF.

I'm glad that others are getting into their cycles again, how long has it taken you all?

Hi Girls,

Yeah I'm glad to be back on the TTC bandwagon and looking forward to the future now instead of looking back.


How are things going for you hunni?


Defo you and me, preggers before long. I can feel it in my bones!!

Hi to the new girls!


Everyone is so different. I have taken so many different brands of pills over the years but I have a 12 year old daughter now. My history in brief is that I was on the pill more or less constantly from the age of 17. First Celeste, then Microgynon. Had my bambino and found I could no longer take the combined pill. Got put on a variety of pills over the years. Then went onto Depo Provera for too many years to count. Came off that and went onto Loestrin 20 and then got put onto Cerazette for the final (approx) 2 years. I'm now 34.

I fell pregnant in November but had a miscarriage when I was about 5 weeks.

The thing is that I know that I have had so many different methods of contraception over the years but the fact that I've been pregnant recently means that it can still happen for me. I know it ended in an mc but at least I know that I can still fall pregnant.

The best thing you can do is to remain positive and remember that it may or may not happen straight away. But the fact remains that patience is your best friend right now and you need to make sure that you aren't getting stressed out about TTC.

I hope this helps!

Michelle xx
Thank you Mikie that makes me feel better. I'm sorry to hear about your MC but fingers crossed you'll get BFP again soon!!! xx
Hey girls. I got my period too! It's so nice to be back on track. It took about 5 weeks i think.

Jenniferlizzy thanks for writing your full story, i'm sure you are not to blame for having irregular cycles. I do think a visit to the docs would put your mind at rest though but i undertand you wouldn't want to do that before xmas. Have a great xmas break and try not to think about it. It's hard though i know. We're all here for you!

Sunshine i recommend fertility friend website. Sign up and they send you loads of free lessons to teach you all about tracking your cycle. My fishy ticker below came from there. I'm going to start measuring my temp once my af is over. Good luck let us know how you get on!
Thanks Loopyloo, Ive just signed up to FF after reading your post. Says it predicts Im due to ovulate on Hogmanay so might try some of my OV tests just to check. My OH will have a good Hogmanay and New Years day I reckon!! Hope you get your AF soon Jenniferlizzy. xx
Finally got your AF - that's great news. I've just signed up to FF too and bought a massive bag of OPKs so I can use them everyday. And a BBT. I'm trying to keep it a secret from OH as I don't want him to think I'm being too clinical about it. But he likes the idea of bd every other day :happydance: after 2 years on Cerazette with no libido we've got lots to make up for :haha:

Fingers crossed we will both ov soon and get BFPs in New Year :)

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