charley horses


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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does anyone else get them (huge tight pains in your legs) i get them pretty much every single night its such a pain it wakes me up and hurts so bad, and most nights i get them in BOTH my legs at the same time :( its horrible, normally i get up and heat my heat bag to put on my legs, but the next day sometimes they STILL hurt...

does anyone else get them and know some tricks to either stop them or help them not hurt? they are driving me insane :shock: ](*,)
i get them but dunno how to cure it!!!!
lmao damn hmm i will check out on google and see if i can't find any cures lol if i do i will post them here and hopefully they help you too :lol:
apparently you are supposed to "straighten your leg—heel first—and wiggle your toes. when you get them.....

to prevent them you are supposed to excersice (sp) regularily, drink lots of water and avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time (not sure how to avoid that while i'm sleeping buuut). also having a warm bath before bed can help??

to "cure" them massage your legs and apply heat....

why the hell does none of this work then?!?!?! :shock:
My mate had them, she used to hate it when it happened when we were out shopping.

Apparantly its when the baby's on a nerve which causes the sensation, so what you've said might help, but i think its bubs who's making it hard for you! :(

lexis_mommy said:
apparently you are supposed to "straighten your leg—heel first—and wiggle your toes. when you get them.....

to prevent them you are supposed to excersice (sp) regularily, drink lots of water and avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time (not sure how to avoid that while i'm sleeping buuut). also having a warm bath before bed can help??

to "cure" them massage your legs and apply heat....

why the hell does none of this work then?!?!?! :shock:

hahaha u obv need to walk around during your sleep to prevent them!!!!!

thanks for the advice though!
lol friggin baby :S:S doesn't help that it makes me wake up to pee and eat in the night it has to wake me up in pain as well :? lol

and yep...i'm thinking i might get hypnotised to start sleepwalking...anything that will help...this is insane i get them every other night, and they hurt all through till the next day :cry: hope it helps you out a bit terrie lol didn't help me much :D:D

hayley, did your friends go away after she wasn't pregnant? i had them once in my life before i got preg for alexis, got them all the time with her, and am getting them with this mom gets them too tho and she hasn't been pregnant in 13 years :shock:
Awww man, that would suck!
She hasn't had them since... maybe she's just one of the lucky ones

I hope it goes away for you too!! :hugs:
thanks i hope so too its a pain in the ...ahem... leg :D lol

good for your friend tho they went away...i wouldn't wish them on anyone :twisted: well....maybe my OH when he complains cuz i get up and try and stretch around lol

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