Chart help!?!

Meant to ask... What's the connection between spots and having a girl?
Well, I have to worry about what I eat or it raises my blood sugar, so low carb low sugar. High blood sugar can cause birth defects and very high birth weight.

It's good that you're getting MS, means a sticky baby! I get flashes of it, but not for long.

Yeah, men don't realize the pressure and stress on us. They have no idea what it's like to go thru all these emotions, and feel like if you miscarry you are failing them too. Drives me nuts, he just doesn't understand and calls me negative!

I said the girl comment because a lot of women say, "girls take your beauty" .. So women with acne or oily hair often say they are having girls :)
Aw I get you now about the eating.

I'm hoping it's a sticky baby. Although hasn't been too bad with the nausea, it comes and goes. I can live with it if that's all I'm going to get.

I'd never heard that before about a girl, here's hoping you are right but I'll be happy whatever I get as long as they are happy and healthy.

I completely understand about how you feel about "failing" them. That's how I felt too, like I was completely useless and couldn't do the one thing my body was meant to do. I think this time though we are both going to be ok and well get to share pics of our rainbows in the summer time. How amazing will that be?!?
Yeah, I don't have much MS and the last couple days my boob soreness has decreased. I'm trying not to worry unless something obvious happens...but today I'm not feeling pregnant for some shall pass lol.

Me too! I just want a healthy baby. I do want a boy- I've said that since the beginning, but I think seeing my OH with a little girl would be so beyond precious!

It will be cool to start sharing bump pics soon. I was really bloated from weeks 4-6, but that seems to have gone away. I have actually lost a few pounds because I'm watching my diet and sometimes don't have an appetite. I was thinking I'd start taking pics around 10-12 weeks just to see the starting point and have progression pics.
Don't worry, I remember feeling like that too. You'll feel better tomorrow. I just said to DH "I haven't felt my sickness today", then sat down on the sofa and can feel my stomach churning now.

I would love a girl, I'm a real girly girl. I love pink. if not this time then maybe next. My bros gf feels like she's having a girl. I don't know why she thinks that. I've said from the start I'm having a boy because if I do then I'll not be shocked in the delivery room. Either way, I'll love the little cutie pie with all my heart.

Oh, bump pics will be cool too. I haven't really had a bump through bloat or that yet but the ability to suck in my tummy is proving difficult. I wore a fitted dress to our staff night last fri and thought I was going to burst out of it so I've def increased in some way. Feel my jeans quite tight when I've been wearing them all day.
Yeah, I've heard symptoms come and go. And overall I feel fine. I'm not going to worry too much.

Yeah, I would love a boy... I'm a tomboy I'm certain ways, but I am definitely girly about other things. I have always been into sports and so is my OH, I always picture a baby running around I'm little sports jerseys lol! But I'd be 100% happy with a girl too!

Yeah, I'm slightly chubby to begin with, so I'm ok with dropping a couple pounds in the first tri. I'm still considered "healthy weight" but I'm just at the high end. I probably will be down 10 lbs by my US appointment...which will be fine with me as long as I start gaining in 2nd tri.
Yea symtoms will come and go, then new ones will arrive.

Aw that would be so cute having them in wee sports outfits. I would love pink, DH isn't a fan of pink, so it would be my excuse to get lots of pink about the place. I'm only allowed to go so far with my pink regarding the dog. Haha

I'm normally a size 10 (don't know what that is equivalent to in America) definitely not a size zero. Can definitively feel that size getting tighter so I've ordered a few pieces a size bigger to help disguise things until we are openly telling people.

It's my scan tomorrow. Feeling a little nervous. Just hoping there's still a little heart beating away.
Hahah about the pink, that's funny. Just sneak pink stuff :D guys never notice stuff like that, lol :)

I'm a size 10 US. I am 5'10 though so I am naturally a bit bigger framed. My BMI is just under 25, so considered healthy but on the bigger side.

I can't wait to hear about your scan! Yay! I've gotta live vicariously through you, lol.
Yea I might try that! He'll wake up in a pink room!

I'll post as soon as I can. 2pm with me do about 9am???? With you? Really hope everything is ok
I think there's like a 9 hour difference, not sure. Can't wait to see!

Everything seems fine, just impatiently waiting for jan. 12th. Feels so far away :/
All went really well. Good strong heartbeat and it's measuring 9+2, exactly 2w1d since last scan. Still measuring 4 days ahead. It actually looks like a baby now and not a dinosaur.

Oh and I got a pic! I was so excited when he handed it to DH!


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Oh em gee. So cute! Measuring 9+2! That's amazing- yayyyy! So do you think you ovulated earlier than you thought?
How exciting- time for a ticker! :D
Not sure about the 4 days as I count from my LMP. I must've ovulated earlier than I though though. That cycle was just a weird cycle so who knows.
Yea I prob will get a ticker. Feel good about things now. Came home and slept. The excitement got the better of me.
Think we are telling DHs parents tonight. Tried after the app but his 2 sisters were there.
Yay! Everything seems to be going great for you! Congrats. I'm so happy for you! :) :)
Aw thanks, feels so real now. Plus chance of mc is much lower now. Think it's 95% chance I'll get this baby.
So now I need to book my booking in app.
Hope you're keeping well. It'll fly by til your scan, especially with the holidays.
You're totally getting this baby! What is a booking in appointment? The funny thing I do with percentages is I imagine a bunch of green pieces of paper, with the red ones mixed in for the bad percentage lol...and imagine drawing them out of a hat! Haha sooo weird and literal!

EVerything is the same with me as it was 3 weeks ago...:/ same thing different day.
I really hope I'm getting this baby. A booking in app is the first app with midwife here. They do all the tests and checks and then get the scan date booked. So that'll be exciting.
That is a very literal way to look at it. I'd be too scared to get all those pieces and put them in a hat though, just incase I got a red. Haha
At least your symptoms are consistent.
Lol it actually helps me, because there's 95 greens and 5 reds for you, so there's no way you're picking a red :D

Yeah, I get scared and paranoid sometimes, but I think I'll take this one home :) another month till scan though...ahhh
Ok I'm liking your odds! Great chance I'm getting this baby.

You do kinda get a feeling don't you. I didn't want to tell people last time but this time I'm finding it hard to keep quiet.

Month will fly by especially with the holidays and New year.
Hah, idk about the month flying by..but I'll get there. I'm more excited and distracted by my scan date than Xmas and New Years, haha. :)

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