Chart help!?!

Yeah, the next week and a half will be key! Hopefully once you get past the mc day and get your scan you can start to enjoy pregnancy a bit, at that point you'll only have a month left in the first tri!

That's kinda lame your brother kinda came in with this news, altering when you want to tell everyone. Not that he knew what was going on, just kinda bad timing :/ there's so many babies that are gonna be popping up in my OHs family in the next 6 months it doesn't really matter when we say anything lol. I don't talk to my mom, after divorcing my dad about 6 years ago she fell off the deep end :/ my dad lives in Alaska, which is far from me, same with my brother who is my only sibling- so I'll end up probably just sending them a pic of an ultrasound to tell them. I work with a group of guys that I'm close to, they are all kinda like my dads and brothers lol. So that's basically all I have to worry about.
My bro still doesn't know. I prob won't tell him until after he announces and until I'm certain this little one is sticking around. Just going to have to take it a day at a time through this next week and a half.

Sorry you don't have a good relationship with your mum and that your dad and bro are so far away but those that you are close to will be so overjoyed for you. They will give you the excitement that you need.

Here's hoping to a good week for both of us. Will keep you in my thoughts. X
Hey there. I hope all is well and that the spotting has subsided.

I am 5+5 today, mc day last time but seem to be doing just fine. Boobs are super sore and still getting cramps here and there but not as bad as before. My back pain has gone as well. As time goes on all I can see is all these girls having all these scans done, I feel like I'm the only one who won't see their baby till close to 11 weeks :/ over a month. Sounds bad, but if I am going to lose it, I'd rather have the chance to see it- so I can experience actually seeing SOMETHING. I'm feeling pretty confident it's a sticky, but just getting frustrated and impatient. And not doing bloodwork till the 29th means I won't even know if it's doubling yet...ahhhh
By the time you read this you'll be 5+6, glad you've got past your mc date. It's a tough time getting past it, I know.
I'm 7+3 today! Yesterday was the first day that I'd very little spotting, almost back to normal. Hoping it stays that way. Was in bed by 9.30 last night, couldn't keep my eyes open. Have been having "weird" feelings in my lower abdomen (not pain) but it could just be not being able to go to the toilet :-(
I totally know what you mean about the toilet issue. I am either having diarrhea or I'm constipated. Haven't had a normal poo in almost a month! These dang prenatals mess me up in that way :/ last night I couldn't sleep, I woke up at almost 3am to pee and just laid there for hours thinking about everything! Only symptoms are still sore boobs and cramping.

I can't believe you're at 7+3 already, that's crazy! Its funny, feels like you were just talking about your BFP! Sooner than we think we will have little babies in our hands!

I'm not sure how things work there, but here in the US, insurance is a pain in the butt and costly unless you have an employer who cares enough to give you a good insurance plan or if you are totally jobless and not contributing to society. Looking into it, I have found I will have to pay $3,500 out of pocket before my insurance helps me at all, because my employer is cheap. Pretty stressful and a lot to take on!
Thankfully I have only not been able to go. My symptoms vary greatly and I've nothing consistent. Even my boobs aren't sore all the time. A symptom of mine seems to be acne. Keep having breakouts and I don't usually have this. Maybe once in a while but ATM I constantly have spots popping up. Having twinges and that the past couple days so I think there must be more movement going on in my body.nothing painful!
My new worry is that I go next Thursday for my scan and they say it's a mmc. Think everyone has that fear though. My friend who never even told her mum til she was 14 weeks didn't because until she had a scan she didn't know if things were ok.
My mum is going with me next Thursday as DH can't get off work so close to Christmas.
Here, we pay tax when we work, it comes out of our wages before we get our money. Some of this helps to pay for NHS (national health system) which means we support ourselves and those that don't work so NHS is free and the government support it too. So we won't have any charge unless we choose to do things privately. I can't see this being the case unless we opt to pay for a 3D scan.
Yeah my symptoms come and go too. My worry has also been a mmc, it's funny you say that. It's something I have been researching the last 3 days and it seems really rare, even though a lot of women on these boards talk about having them. It says 20-25% for mc and only 1% for a mmc on the sites I've looked at, so that makes me feel better. Sometimes I have to remind myself that a lot of women join these pregnancy boards because they have issues with past pregnancies, and it is not the norm to have all these issues, the norm is to have normal We are all just hypersensitive because of mc happening in the past. Odds are, if we do mc we will most likely know :/

We pay tax here as well, about 1/3 of my check goes to taxes, but none of it goes to is separate here and you have to buy it. Coverage depends on the insurance plan you have. Our current president is a complete failure and has messed up healthcare so bad it's only affordable to the really poor or the people out of work. Unless you have an employer who offers good insurance, which I do not. So costly! My OH was going to put me on his but we aren't married so he couldn't.

You are 7+5 today right? Closing in on that 8 week mark!! So exciting and a week away from scan, you are in a good spot! Everything is gonna go great. I wonder what they will see at 8 weeks on a scan, they may see a heartbeat right?
Yea I suppose you are right about these boards. Here's hoping we don't have to experience that again. Very slim chance then that a mmc can happen.

That's really crap about the insurance. I can see how it could soon mount up. It's amazing that you have to pay for healthcare. I suppose we take it for granted that we get it for free.

No, I'm 7+4 today. Still closing in on the mark. Having twinges today so hopefully it's just movements going on within my body. When I had the scan last week I saw the heartbeat. The baby was measuring 4 days ahead so hopefully next Thursday will show that it is still ahead. I can't wait to see it next week. In jan I had a scan at 7+5 so it'll be good to see what it's like at 8+5. That's what I'll be if I get to next week.

Really like this wee thread.
Yeah, I think I could find a way to deal with a MC, but if I had a MMC and found out at my scan, I'd literally be crushed, my OH would have to carry me to the car!

Yeah, healthcare is a joke here. I've tried budgeting some money towards it, but it's so stressful.

That's amazing they already saw the heartbeat, you have such a small risk of miscarriage after they see a heartbeat! Don't even worry! Can't wait to hear about your scan next week, you should post some pictures so I can live vicariously through you until my scan! Lol :D

Tonight we are going to the hospital to visit OH's brothers GF in the hospital, they started inducing her last night, her water broke this morning but still no baby yet. Can't wait to see their little guy.
Try not to stress about it. The money will soon gather up.

On the Monday when I went to the doc, he was useless and said 50/50. Then when I had the scan on the Wednesday it went up to 75/25 because there was a heartbeat. He said if next Thursday shows everything to be on track it'll be 90% chance things will be ok. He did say, until you get to the 13 weeks there is no guarantee.

I didn't get a pic the last time or I would've posted it. It'll be interesting to see what they do this time as DH can't go. Maybe I'll get a pic to show him. If I do, I'll post it on. I'm waiting til that scan before booking my booking in app. I booked it so early last time and didn't get to use it so be cautious this time.

Oh, hopefully she has her baby soon. A little boy? She must be so excited. Have you any preference of what you would like?
She ended up having the baby last night. They had to do an emergency C section because the baby was in a bad spot and they found the cord was wrapped around his neck! :( but everything went well and mama and baby are just fine. He came out 9 lb 6 oz, 21 in. Such a big boy! He's a little chubbster :))

My OHs other brother (not actual brother but we're raised together) has one on the way on feb 1st. His wife was there all excited to have theirs. Everyone kept asking when we're gonna have we can't tell anyone with all this going on. So frustrating that when it comes to my pregnancy it's "if we get there, if if if" it's like we can't even be excited like everyone else!
I know what you mean, when I denied it today I felt like I was going to jinx myself! I know it won't but after a loss there does come a lot of ifs... It's not fair.

My bro gf posted a pic online and I'm nearly certain it's a cocktail. I'll be so mad if it is. I know it could be a mocktail but I don't think it was. Makes me so mad!

Wow, what a big boy. Has he got a name yet?
Yeah, I hate questioning it instead of just being happy and confident. As time goes on it's really having an effect on me.

She better not be drinking while pregnant! I can't believe women even do that. I've read about women having a couple glasses of wine here and there....I don't understand, you can't drink enough to get a buzz and all the guilt and risk that comes with is it worth it?! Makes me so mad.

His name is Alder :) he's a precious little thing! Just a perfect looking baby :)
You have a little sweet pea... How cute.
Try not to worry, you've got past the first hurdle. This is a rainbow baby for both of us!
If all is well next week I'll put up a ticker.

Makes me mad too. It's so selfish. The LO only asks for 9 months of you looking after yourself to provide the best life for it. It's not a big ask really. My DH sis smoked throughout her 3 pregnancies and her children all suffer during winter with bad chests/cough/infection.

Aw he sounds like such a cutie
Hi, hope all is well with you.

As for me, I had spotting this afternoon. A little on the liner and some when I wiped. It's more of a light town discharge. Freaking out again! Haven't had any since but it's still worrying. Really hope it settles, really couldn't deal with it progressing.
Hey there! I didn't see you responded on the last one for some reason! But yes the baby is adorable, spent a couple hours holding him last night... Soooo perfect.

I truly believe that smoking during pregnancy should be a crime. It's disgusting. I got involved with a debate on here and on a fb group I'm on about drinking... It's sad but there's alot of women who plan on drinking. When I ask for the reason, they of course don't have much to offer other than " red wine has health benefits, stress relief, it doesn't hurt the baby in small amounts" --makes me sooo mad!

Boo on the spotting, but you are coming up on your next scan here in a couple days right? I'm sure ifs just the light brown stuff you are fine! Any other symptoms?

Afm- I'm currently getting some bad cramps but no bleeding. My boobs are now painfully sore and sensitive most of the time and have gotten bigger. I cry at little things, and feel a little nauseous at times but no throwing up. With the baby being born, both my OH and I are having baby fever and just hoping and hoping we make it through. I just want to take it home, we have so much love waiting for him/her!
I agree about the smoking and drinking. It's just selfish. I don't see the point in having one drink, it's not going to give u a buzz but a little over a long period of time I'm sure has repercussions esp for the baby. It would come out wanting a cigarette and a glass of red wine. No milk for me mum, red is fine.

Spotting was only that one incident on Sunday. Hasn't been back since thankfully and I hope it stays away. Yesterday was my milestone so today I'm officially past it. Been having twinges and feelings yesterday, it didn't feel like cramps so I was trying not to worry, especially when I've toilet problems again.
My boobs are fuller (so my DH says), sore if prodded or when I lie on them at night. I've had nausea for about 2/3 hours the past two days but nothing unbearable. I'm hungry like An hour after i eat. Also getting a lot of spots on my chin and my chest, this feels like a symptom as I never really got spots before.

Completely understand what you mean about the baby fever. Now I've got past that part, I'm getting excited. My scan is on Thursday at 2pm. Just hope all is ok. If it is, I'll put up a ticker xx
Yay to both of us being past our MC days! I have been feeling pressure and pulling and some sharp pains. I feel like I can't push when I go to the bathroom because it's so sensitive...which Doesn't go well with the constipation :/

Last night I had a breakdown, just started crying. I feel so much stress but there's no way to relieve it. I can't even eat normally because I'm scared of raising my sugar levels, I had some pizza and breadsticks on Sunday and felt so terrible last night about I hurt my baby. My OH doesn't understand at all, he made this comment that he feels like "we're disconnected, can't communicate" ...he expects me to constantly think positive like nothing will go wrong....he doesn't know what the pressure is like!

Can't wait to hear about your scan.... Oh and you're probably having a girl with all those spots :)
Yea I've been feeling like that too. Must just be everything moving about.

Try not to worry about what you eat too much. One of the apps I have says that due to nausea and cravings it can be hard to eat healthily but once 1st tri passes, you can make up for it when you are feeling better. A pizza and breadsticks on Occassion are absolutely fine. I've gone off all meat except chicken and even that can be tricky sometimes if a certain sauce smells funny etc.

I don't think men will ever completely understand, especially after a mc. They don't know the fear that comes with that next positive test.

I've been having nausea the past few hours, it's actually been here on and off all day. Had to force down dinner tonight.

Also had the dentist today which I had been dreading as I keep gagging when I brush my teeth. Thankfully it was ok because she didn't use toothpaste. Seems to be toothpaste that gets me.

Hope you feel better xx

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