Ah! Yes, I keep telling myself next year is gonna be a good year!
Well, I based my original edd by when I ovulated, not by LMP- which tends to be more accurate. I'll just go with whatever they tell me on my scan date, but I'm sure August 5th will end up being it.
I feel you on the somedays feeling pregnant and somedays not. I think that's how it's supposed to be though. I keep my sore boobs most of the time, so if I'm not feeling pregnant, I just poke at my boobs and I feel better..lol
We haven't told anyone yet, except my hairdresser! Lol it sounds funny, but there was no risk in telling her and it gave me someone to talk to about it! We plan on telling everyone on my OHs moms birthday which is on Jan 16th, my scan is on Jan 12th- so if all goes well there, that will be the plan.
That's sad to hear about her miscarriage

although, considering the situation it sounds like it may be a blessing in disguise for them. Im sure you're sad but maybe a bit relieved (just because it takes the pressure off you a bit). I cant help but worry about a MMC either, I'm constantly thinking about it. It seems like it happens a lot to only happen in 1% of pregnancies...I've actually convinced myself if I had a normal miscarriage I'd be ok, but a mmc would be horrid. :/