Chart help!?!

Oh I bet you are. It'll be here before you know it.
I have to wait to Tuesday to book my midwife app!
Boo to waiting to book appointment, but yay for those tickers! 😆
I'm nervous about putting the tickers up but I think they are there to stay.

I'm lying watching pearl harbour and my dog is curled up beside me, using my leg as a pillow.


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Aweees so stinkin cute! I want a puppy so bad! I want a lab.
Hey there! Hope all is well and you are enjoying the holidays!

Aside from not pooping for a week at a time things are going pretty well for me, lol. I have my intake appointment on Monday, not much will happen but I'll at least get bloodwork done.
Happy 8 weeks!!
Glad things are going ok.
Things seem ok here too. No major symtoms but no less than I've been having either. I've my app on Wednesday for blood work. Not that it will tell me anything. Wish I was having another scan as it'll be nearly 2 weeks since I saw the little one. Wish there was a way of knowing that things were ok. I think when I start showing it will be reassuring.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas. X
Hi Tridda,
Hope you've had a lovely Christmas. Are you keeping well?

So far things are pretty much the same with me which I'm hoping is good. I've my midwife app on Wednesday but it's just for bloods etc, don't get to see baby :-(
Hoping that I'll get my date for my scan when I'm at the app.
Hey there! Yeah Christmas was good :) I have my first appt today but it's just for blood work and health history stuff :/ at least I've gotten this far tho. At least it's only 2 weeks till ultrasound. Do they always date your pregnancy by period date? Because I ovulated 2 days before the normal 14 days.

How is the ms? I feel like mine isn't strong, I get food adversions and nauseous sometimes, but no throwing up.

As for the scan, I'm sure they will see you around 12 weeks right?
Oh hope it goes well. I'll be sleeping when you're at it. I'll be checking for an update first thing.
With regards to due date, even with baby measuring 4 days ahead, they said they will still go by my LMP date. They said that if it had been a difference of 5 or more days they would've changed my date.
Your ms sounds like mine, I haven't thrown up, gone off some foods. Nausea comes and goes but I don't have it every day.
I'm hoping it'll be around 12 weeks. That would be about a week and a half from midwife app.
I took a couple of belly pics because my mum got me a book for Christmas called "baby bump to baby birthday" starting at 9 weeks there's a slot for belly pics. Not that I have much ATM. I do feel clothes tighter and jeans uncomfortable but other than that no major changes. Wish I'd taken a pic when I first found out.
Yeah, they put my due date to August 7 because of my period, which is dumb- I want credit for my 2 days lol. The appointment was fine, just what I'd thought it would be. Next door they had a lady hooked up to an ultrasound, so you could just hear her babies heartbeat for like half of the appointment- it was cute! They just asked me a ton of questions, ran my urine and blood- which they say I wont hear back from them unless it's something bad, so hopefully not. My OH went with me, which was nice. They gave me the number to the high risk docs I need to go see, which I'll call tomorrow. Looking forward to 2 week scan, not sure when the high risk docs will do one tho. The only thing good about being high risk will be the extra scans, lol.

I'd imagine they will do one around 12 weeks for you- then probably not till 18-20 for the big one huh?

Awww, I did want to start bump pix this week or next too but I am barely even bloated anymore, quite honestly I feel smaller! Weeks 4-6 were super bloat, but now it seems fine...kinda worried actually!

So how did telling the parents go? Xmas was the plan, right?
I think my app tomorrow will be pretty similar to yours. Just blood/urine and family history. Dh can't go as he's working but he'll hopefully get time off for the scan.
Glad all went well yesterday. 7th August is my dads birthday. You'd thought 5th right?
Sorry to hear you are high risk but you're right, more scans!!

As for my "bump", there's nothing there. Although wish I'd taken a pic at the start to compare it to. I'd taken one on Christmas Day and have actually managed to delete it!! I know how you feel some days I feel pregnant and some days I don't.

Regarding telling people... I told my mum the day I got my BFP! Then we decided to wait to tell my dad but with my bro announcing she told him about me too. They are both really excited. Waited until last scan, told DHs parents, my bro and one set of my grandparents. Also told them not to tell as I was worried due to last time. Will tell everyone else after my next scan providing all is well. I think it will be though. Maybe well have our scans on the same day. You'll be 10 weeks when you get a scan??

My bros gf had a miscarriage this week. Apparently been bleeding for a while but hers was health related this time. Still scares me though as there was no heartbeat at a scan. A mmc still freaks me out!
So just had a phonecall from midwife to rearrange my app as they will be short staffed tomorrow. So it's now on fri morning at 9.10am. Maybe a good way to start the year??
Ah! Yes, I keep telling myself next year is gonna be a good year!

Well, I based my original edd by when I ovulated, not by LMP- which tends to be more accurate. I'll just go with whatever they tell me on my scan date, but I'm sure August 5th will end up being it.

I feel you on the somedays feeling pregnant and somedays not. I think that's how it's supposed to be though. I keep my sore boobs most of the time, so if I'm not feeling pregnant, I just poke at my boobs and I feel

We haven't told anyone yet, except my hairdresser! Lol it sounds funny, but there was no risk in telling her and it gave me someone to talk to about it! We plan on telling everyone on my OHs moms birthday which is on Jan 16th, my scan is on Jan 12th- so if all goes well there, that will be the plan.

That's sad to hear about her miscarriage :( although, considering the situation it sounds like it may be a blessing in disguise for them. Im sure you're sad but maybe a bit relieved (just because it takes the pressure off you a bit). I cant help but worry about a MMC either, I'm constantly thinking about it. It seems like it happens a lot to only happen in 1% of pregnancies...I've actually convinced myself if I had a normal miscarriage I'd be ok, but a mmc would be horrid. :/
It will def be interesting to see if baby arrives on the 5th. With baby measuring 4 days ahead in my last 2 scans I'm hoping 22st July rather than 25th.

I do the boobs thing too. Mine tend to be sore during the night, ok during the day and then begin to get achy from the evening.

It won't be too long before the 16th is here. We will tell everyone after our next scan. How far along will you be when you get the scan? I'd have loved one this week. It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow since my last scan. Would just love the reassurance that everything is ok. I'm hoping that because I've no pain/bleeding that baby is just fine. I think after a loss, it's hard to relax. Maybe when my belly is growing week by week I'll feel better. Early pregnancy is hard work not knowing what is going on.
Yeah, I mean... Due dates aren't accurate anyway, just an estimate. So the actual date isn't as important, just as long as it's narrowed to the right week so they don't induce earlier. I think I'll be early because the diabetes, but I hope I make it to the 40.

My boobs are sore all day in my bra, but when I get my bra off they are a lot less overnight they are just a little bit. When I get home From work I rip my bra off, lol.

Yeah, time is starting to go quicker because I'm not so concentrated on every single day. I will be 10+5 at my scan on the 12th. I have lost my excitement to tell everyone honestly... It's kinda a nice secret for me and my OH to share :D I think I won't tell work until I start to show, or a little before. Which is like 20 weeks or so on first baby, right?

Do you know your scan day yet?
Yea due dates are just a guide. I just don't want to go too far over. That would be my only concern as we are allowed to go 10 days past due date and if our lil pup stays measuring 4 days ahead then that would worry me.

My boobs seem to have eased. They did this before and then came back.

I'm completely the same since getting last 8+2 it has def gone quicker. I'm 10+5 today! I'd love to be telling people but want to wait on my scan. Well prob have the scans around the same time. I don't have a date yet, hoping to get it tomorrow at the app.

I was out for New Year's Eve dinner with my friend, she's into a single figure countdown now and I was trying to subtly ask qus. She said she didn't really start to show until 20 weeks. I was like "oh man" that's ages away.

On a really devastating note, one of my friends (who admittedly we've grown apart over the past two years) received the worst news possible. Her 5 year old son passed away. He's been fighting different things since he was born and it seems like his little heart gave up the fight. Totally heartbroken, and the funeral will be sometime in the next few days. It will be the saddest I've ever attended.

As a mum with a baby on the way I have a glimpse of what it's like to care for the baby, but to have in your arms and care and support for 5 years to then be taken away, life is just so cruel sometimes. I constantly worry about my baby being ok and hope that the next scan I'll see a healthy heart beating away. Although I worry, I have a feeling deep down that baby is ok.

I just can't imagine what' my poor friend is going through.
I was actually thinking that 20 weeks seems pretty close lol. You're at nearly 11 so it's really not far away! The stress has eased a bit so I don't count the days as closely anymore. Although this next 9 days will be so long till my scan! My OH and I are super excited about it.

Yeah, we have a girl that just gave birth 3 weeks ago and a girl that has 4 weeks left in our family, so my OH asks random questions so it doesn't look as obvious lol. The girl who's due in a month is skinny, you can see soooo much movement of her little baby girl like all the time! It looks like an alien lol.

That is so horrible about your friends child, I can't even imagine how anyone could handle such a loss. How devistating. How sad and hopeless she must feel :( breaks my heart just thinking about it. Life isn't fair. I'm not a religious person, but if I was, this is exactly the kind of situation that would make me question it.
You are so lucky you get a scan in 9 days. I had my app today and I'm not getting it til 19th, so that's 17 days away! I'll be 13+2 by that point. It is so exciting getting a scan. If just love mine to be sooner. I wanted to tell people next week but that's now on hold.

It's hard to imagine what my friend is going through. Life is just very cruel at times.

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